Volkswagen Golf 4 1999, Golf 4 2002, Golf 4 2000, Golf 4 2001, Golf 4 2004 Service Manual

For Guided Fault Finding information, refer to VAS 5051 Diagnostic Tester
01 - On Board Diagnostic (OBD)
ABS ITT Mark 20 IE On Board Diagnostic (OBD)
Function Identifying characteristics Technical data Safety precautions On Board Diagnostic (OBD) with V.A.G 1551 Scan Tool or Tester VAS 5051 (flow chart)
Electrical/electronic components and locations
Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) displayed by warning lights
-K14-, -K47- and -K118-
ABS ITT Mk 20 IE On Board Diagnostic (OBD) program
V.A.G 1551 Scan Tool, connecting and selecting function Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC), memory Automatic test sequence Vehicle Diagnosis, Testing and Information System VAS 5051, connecting and se lecting ABS control module Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) table Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) memory, erasing and ending output ABS control module, coding Measured value block, reading Safety precautions Output Diagnostic Test Mode (DTM) Basic setting, initiating
ABS, ABS/EDL and ABS/EDL/ASR ITT Mark 20 IE, electrical check
-pin connector with contact assignment Test table Brake light switch, adjusting
ABS Mark 60 On Board Diagnostic (OBD), vehicles from my 10.00
Function Arrangement of ABS MARK 60 Technical data Safety precautions and fundamental points regarding troubleshooting Troubleshooting with V.A.G 1551 scan tool or tester VAS 5051 on ABS Mark 60 (flow chart)
Electrical/electronic components and installing locations Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) displayed by warning lights
-K47-, -K118- and -K155-
On Board Diagnostic (OBD), performing
Test prerequisites for OBD Safety precautions Scan tool, connecting V.A.G 1551 scan tool, connecting and selecting function List of selectable functions Automatic test sequence Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) memory, checking Output Diagnosic Test Mode (DTM) Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) table Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) memory, erasing and ending output ABS control module, coding Vehicle data label Measured value block, reading Output Diagnosic Test Mode (DTM) Basic setting, initiating Login procedure
Electrical check of Mark 60
-pin connector with contact assignments Test table (test steps 1
- 16)
Test table (test steps 17
- 23)
Volkswagen Golf 4 / Bora (1998-2005), GTI / Jetta (1998-2005), R32
ABS ITT Mark 20 IE On Board Diagnostic (OBD)
Since the control modules are interconnected
with CAN-bus, always begin OBD by checking the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) memories of all the control modules in the vehicle.
This occurs in the Automatic test sequence and
is activated with key function 00.
When doing this, check to see if there are
DTCs stored which may influence the ABS.
On Board Diagnostic (OBD) relates to the
electrical/electronic part of the ABS, i.e. only malfunctions via the electrical connection to the control module are recognized (e.g. speed sensor open circuit).
The 25-pin ABS Control Module (w/EDL) -J104-
forms with the hydraulic unit a compact unit. The unit is located on the left in the engine compartment. The control module is equipped with a DTC memory. The diagnostic connection is located in the center console below the heating/air conditioning controls.
The control module recognizes malfunctions
during vehicle operation and stores them in a permanent memory, the contents of which remain even during periods of no battery voltage.
Стр. 1 из 8ABS ITT Mark 20 IE On Board Diagnostic (OBD
Sporadic (isolated) malfunctions will also be
recognized and stored. But if these malfunctions do not occur again within the next 50 vehicle starts and driving off sequences then, with the exception of "control module inoperative", the DTC memory will be erased.
After switching on the ignition and/or starting the
engine the ABS warning light -K47- and the warning light for brake system -K118- light up for approx. 2 seconds.
During this period a test sequence (self-check) is
run in the control module for the following functions:
To check if the supply voltage is at least 10.0 Volt
To check control module including the valve windings
To check the coding of the control module
A static check of the speed sensor (no speed signal)
If after driving off and exceeding a speed of approx. 20 km/h (approx. 13 mph) the speed signal is not OK. The ABS warning light -K47­will light up again.
Стр. 2 из 8ABS ITT Mark 20 IE On Board Diagnostic (OBD
V.A.G 1551 Scan Tool or tester VAS 5051
The On Board Diagnostic (OBD) must be
initiated always at the commencement of troubleshooting. Electrical malfunctions which influence the braking characteristics will be stored. They can be checked with the V.A.G 1551 Scan Tool or with the tester VAS 5051.
The information displayed is used in
conjunction with a DTC table which has information on the possible DTC causes for repair measures.
Стр. 3 из 8ABS ITT Mark 20 IE On Board Diagnostic (OBD
Identifying characteristics
The brake booster boost is produced by
vacuum pressure.
Distinguishing features:
1 - 10" brake booster 2 - Hydraulic unit 3 - Control module, 25-pin (bolted to
hydraulic unit)
Distinguishing features of ABS, ABS/EDL and ABS/EDL/ASR ITT Mark 20 IE hydraulic unit
Dimension -A- 100 mm vehicles with ABS
Dimension -A- 130 mm vehicles with ABS/EDL
Dimension -A- 130 mm vehicles with ABS/EDL/ASR
Стр. 4 из 8ABS ITT Mark 20 IE On Board Diagnostic (OBD
Technical data
Control module identification
The control module version is displayed when
the V.A.G 1551 Scan Tool or the tester VAS 5051 is connected and the control module for
brake electronics is selected Page 01-23 . 1J0 907 379 D / G - ABS 1J0 907 379 E / H - ABS/EDL 1J0 907 379 R / J - ABS/EDL/ASR
Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) memory
A non-volatile memory ensures that the
contents of the DTC memory are retained even
without a voltage supply. Data outputis achieved in operating mode 1
(rapid data transfer).
Стр. 5 из 8ABS ITT Mark 20 IE On Board Diagnostic (OBD
Safety precautions
The ABS is a vehicle safety system; the appropriate knowledge is necessary to work on the system.
In order to check complaints and to be able to carry out pin-pointed troubleshooting, the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) memory must be checked before beginning work on the ABS system.
Only separate connectors when the ignition is switched off.
Observe the appropriate instructions regarding the handling of brake fluid.
Repair Manual, Brake System, Repair Group
ABS malfunctions are indicated by the ABS warning light illuminating. Certain malfunctions will only be recognized at speeds above 20 km/h (approx. 13 mph) (carry out road test).
If the ABS Warning Light -K47- and the warning light for brake system -K118- do not light up, but the brake system is not functioning correctly then the malfunction must be sought in the conventional braking system.
Repair Manual, Brake System; Repair Group
Стр. 6 из 8ABS ITT Mark 20 IE On Board Diagnostic (OBD
On Board Diagnostic (OBD) with V.A.G 1551 Scan Tool or Tester VAS 5051 (flow chart)
Connect V.A.G 1551 and select 1-rapid
Connect tester VAS 5051 and
select vehicle OBD
Compare control
module identification
Select address word 03-Brake
Check DTC memory
Repair DTCs using DTC table No DTCs
Read measured
value block 08
Perform output Diagnostic
Test Mode (DTM) 03
1. Perform test drive at more than 20 km/h
2. Check DTC memory 02 again
3. "No DTCs recognized" is displayed again
Стр. 7 из 8ABS ITT Mark 20 IE On Board Diagnostic (OBD
Perform directed
entry of electrical
parts of brake system (
Repair Manual)
1. Perform all test steps of electrical checks
Page 01-102
Identification not OK.
2. Service hydraulic/mechanical parts of brake system
( Workshop
Replace control module
- Connect V.A.G 1551 and check DTC memory again (02).
- Erase DTC memory (05)
- Perform test drive at more than 20 km/h (13 mph) and allow the ABS to regulate braking.
- Check DTC memory again after test drive. If "No DTC recognized" appears on display of V.A.G 1551 after repairing DTCs and performing test drive the On Board Diagnostic (OBD) is completed.
Стр. 8 из 8ABS ITT Mark 20 IE On Board Diagnostic (OBD
components an
Repair Manual, Brake
System, Repair Group 45
1 - ABS hydraulic unit
Located on left of engine compartm
The ABS hydrauli
pump -V64- and t
inlet/outlet valves
hydraulic unit are checked by On B
Diagnostic (OBD) The ABS Hydrauli
Pump -V64- and
block must not be separated from o
another Removing and
When changing th hydraulic unit, alw
seal the old part
the plugs from the repair set Part No. 698 311 A
Стр. 1 из 14Electrical/electronic components and locations
Volkswagen Technical Site:
огромный архив документации по автомобилям Volkswagen, Skoda, Seat, Audi
2 - ABS control
module (w/EDL) ­J104-
Location: on hydraulic unit on left of engine compartment
Checked by On Board Diagnostic (OBD)
Checking the multi-pin connector to control module
Page 01-106
Do not disconnect connector before successfully completing OBD. Switch ignition off before separating connection.
Стр. 2 из 14Electrical/electronic components and locations
Repair Manual,
Brake System, Repair Group 45
3 - ABS/EDL and
ABS/EDL/ASR hydraulic unit
Located on left of engine compartment.
The ABS hydraulic pump -V64­and the inlet/outlet valves in the hydraulic unit are checked by On Board Diagnostic (OBD)
The ABS hydraulic pump -V64­and valve block must not be separated from one another
Removing and installing
When changing the hydraulic unit, always seal the old part with the plugs from the repair set Part No. 1H0 698 311 A
Стр. 3 из 14Electrical/electronic components and locations
4 - ABS/EDL and
ABS/EDL/ASR Control Module -J104-
Location: on hydraulic unit on left of engine compartment
Checked by On Board Diagnostic (OBD)
Checking the multi-pin connector to control module
Page 01-106
Do not disconnect connector before successfully completing OBD. Switch ignition off before separating connection.
Стр. 4 из 14Electrical/electronic components and locations
5 - Brake light
switch -F-
The brake light switch is open in the rest position;
Page 01-131
Can be checked via read measured value block
Page 01
6 - Data Link
Connector (DLC)
Installation position: in center console below heating/air conditioning controls
7 - Longitudinal
acceleration sensor -G251-
All-wheel drive vehicles with Haldex coupling only
Стр. 5 из 14Electrical/electronic components and locations
8 - ABS warning
light -K47-
Location: instrument cluster
Page 01-17
9 - Warning light
for brake system -K118-
Location: instrument cluster
Page 01-17
10 - ESP control
lamp -K155-
Location: instrument cluster
Стр. 6 из 14Electrical/electronic components and locations
11 - Right/left
front ABS wheel speed sensor -G45-/­G47-
Checked by On Board Diagnostic (OBD)
Before inserting the sensor clean the inner surface of the sensor mounting and coat with lubricating paste G 000 650
When connecting the speed sensor wire ensure it is not twisted in the wheel housing
Bolt tightening torque - 10 Nm
12 - Wheel hub
with impulse rotor for right/left front speed sensors
Rotor and speed sensors for front left and right-hand sides are identical
Стр. 7 из 14Electrical/electronic components and locations
Repair Manual,
Suspension, Wheels, Steering, Repair Group 40
Removing and installing
Стр. 8 из 14Electrical/electronic components and locations
13 - Right/left rear
ABS wheel speed sensor
Checked by On Board Diagnostic (OBD)
Before inserting the sensor clean the inner surface of the sensor mounting and coat with lubricating paste G 000 650
When connecting the speed sensor wire ensure it is not twisted in the wheel housing
Bolt tightening torque - 10 Nm
14 - Wheel hub
with impulse rotor for right/left rear speed sensors
Rotor and speed sensors for left and right­hand sides are identical
Removing and installing
Стр. 9 из 14Electrical/electronic components and locations
Repair Manual,
Suspension, Wheels, Steering, Repair Group 42
Стр. 10 из 14Electrical/electronic components and locations
Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) displayed by warning lights -K14-, ­K47- and -K118-
Warning lights
For vehicles with ABS/EDL/ASR and/or a radio/navigation system, the warning light for brake system -K118- is at position -3-.
The function of the parking brake warning light -K14- is then taken on by the warning light for brake system ­K118-.
1 Warning light for brake system -
K118- 2 ABS warning light -K47- 3 Parking brake indicator light -K14-
Стр. 11 из 14Electrical/electronic components and locations
ABS warning light -K47-
Electrical Wiring Diagrams, Troubleshooting & Component Locations binder
If the ABS warning light -K47- (-2-) does not go out after switching ignition on and completion of test sequence then the malfunction may be:
-a- Voltage supply is below 10 Volts
-b- There is a malfunction in the ABS The anti-locking brake system remains
switched off with an ABS malfunction -b-, but the brake system remains fully operational.
-c- Since the last time the vehicle was started there was a temporary speed sensor malfunction.
In the case of a sensor malfunction -c-,
the ABS warning light -K47- will extinguish after restarting the engine and attaining a speed of above 20 km/h (approx. 13 mph).
-d- The connection from instrument cluster to ABS control module (w/EDL) -J104- is interrupted.
-e- Instrument cluster is faulty.
Стр. 12 из 14Electrical/electronic components and locations
ABS warning lights -K47- and -K118-
Electrical Wiring Diagrams, Troubleshooting & Component Locations binder
WARNING! After the ABS warning light -K47- and
warning light for brake system -K118­have illuminated it is possible that the rear wheels will lock-up earlier when braking.
If the ABS warning light -K47- (-2-) goes out but the warning light for brake system -K118- (-1-) remains on and three warning tones are audible then the malfunction may be:
-a- The brake fluid level is too low.
-b- There is a malfunction in the activation of the warning light for brake system ­K118-.
If the ABS warning light -K47- (-2-) and the brake system warning light -K118- (­1-) light up, the ABS system is faulty and the EBD (Electronic Brake pressure Distribution) is not functioning.
Стр. 13 из 14Electrical/electronic components and locations
Parking brake indicator light -K14-
Electrical Wiring Diagrams, Troubleshooting & Component Locations binder
Vehicles with ABS/EDL Malfunction: Vehicle has no EDL
For this complaint a possible cause may be the brake light switch -F- is incorrectly adjusted. Adjusting brake light switch
Page 01-131 .
Another possible cause may be the brake light switch -F- is not functioning. The function can be checked in Read measured value block Page 01
-61 , display group
number 003.
If the parking brake indicator light -K14-
-3- does not go out after switching the ignition on, the malfunction may be:
-a- The parking brake is applied.
-b- The parking brake warning light switch ­F9- for the parking brake indicator light ­K14- is faulty or incorrectly adjusted.
-c- There is a wire routing malfunction.
Стр. 14 из 14Electrical/electronic components and locations
ABS ITT Mk 20 IE On Board Diagnostic (OBD) program
All functions which could previously be
performed with V.A.G 1551 can also be performed with the new tester VAS 5051.
Special tools and equipment
V.A.G 1551 Scan Tool or V.A.G 1552 vehicle system tester.
V.A.G 1551/3 or 1551/3A Adapter cable
Стр. 1 из 81ABS ITT Mk 20 IE On Board Diagnostic (OBD) program
Test requirements
The tires installed to all wheels must be of the same (approved) size; tires inflated to prescribed pressure.
Mechanical/hydraulic parts of the brake system including brake light switch and brake lights OK.
Hydraulic lines and connections not leaking (visual check of hydraulic unit, brake calipers, wheel cylinders, tandem master brake cylinder).
Wheel bearings and wheel bearing play OK.
ABS control module (w/EDL) -J104- is correctly bolted to hydraulic unit -N55-.
Connector on ABS control module (w/EDL)
-J104- correctly plugged-in (retainer is engaged).
Check contacts of ABS components for damage and correct seating.
All fuses OK according to wiring diagram (remove fuse from fuse holder to check).
Supply voltage OK (at least 10.0 V).
Стр. 2 из 81ABS ITT Mk 20 IE On Board Diagnostic (OBD) program
V.A.G 1551 Scan Tool, connecting and selecting function
All functions which could previously be performed with V.A.G 1551 can also be performed with the new tester VAS 5051.
The ABS function is switched off in the control module during the On Board Diagnostic (OBD)
The Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) memory can be erased after successful checking and repair.
Connecting VAS 5051 Page 01-31 .
- Pull cover -1- off in direction of arrow.
- With ignition switched off connect V.A.G 1551 using cable V.A.G 1551/3(A) to Data Link Connector
.A.G - On Board Diagnostic HELP
1 - Rapid data transfer1
2 - Blink code output1
Indicated on display
Is displayed alternately
If there is no indication on display, check DLC, Electrical checks Page 01-102 , test steps 14 and 15.
Depending on the program, additional operatin
information can be printed out by pressing the HELP key of V.A.G 1551.
The key is used for moving forward within the program.
Стр. 3 из 81ABS ITT Mk 20 IE On Board Diagnostic (OBD) program
The PRINT key is used for switching on the printer (warning lamp in key comes on).
- Switch ignition on.
- Switch on printer with Print key (indicator lamp in key lights up).
- Press key -1- for "Rapid data transfer" operating mode.
Rapid data transfer HELP Enter address word XX
Indicated on display
- Press keys -0- and -3-; 03 inputs the address word of the vehicle system to be tested "Brake electronics".
Rapid data transfer Q 03 - Brake electronics
Indicated on display
- Confirm input with Q key.
1J0 907 379 D ABS 20 IE CAN 0001 Coding 03604 WSC XXXXX
Display shows e.g. Displayed is:
e.g. (1J0 907 379 D) Allocation of control module see Parts catalog
Electrical Wiring Diagrams, Troubleshooting &
Component Locations binder
The control module identification number.
System designation (ABS 20 IE) Data BUS present. (CAN)
Стр. 4 из 81ABS ITT Mk 20 IE On Board Diagnostic (OBD) program
Control module code (03604).
Coding control module Page 01-58
Workshop code
V.A.G 1551 Scan Tool operating
If the control module identification number
does not appear Summary of selectable functions Page 01
Press key.
Rapid data transfer HELP Select function XX
Indicated on display (select function, e.g. 02
- Check DTC memory).
Rapid data transfer HELP Control module does not answer!
Indicated on display By pressing the HELP key, a list of possible
fault causes is printed out.
If "Control module does not answer!" again appears:
- After eliminating possible causes of malfunctions, enter the address word 03 for "Brake electronics" again and confirm.
Rapid data transfer HELP Control module does not answer!
Indicated on display
- Perform test steps 1, 2 and 3 Page
01-102 , Electrical check.
Rapid data transfer No signal from control module!
malfunctions have occurred during checking of control module identification (possibly influenced from external sources?)
Стр. 5 из 81ABS ITT Mk 20 IE On Board Diagnostic (OBD) program
- Check DLC as well as voltage supply and Ground connection for ABS Control Module (w/EDL) -J104-, Electrical check, Page 01-
102 .
- After repairing possible causes of malfunction, again enter address word 03 for "Brake electronics" and confirm with Q key.
Стр. 6 из 81ABS ITT Mk 20 IE On Board Diagnostic (OBD) program
List of selectable functions
Page 00
Automatic test sequence Page
Check control module version
Connecting V.A.G 1551 Scan
Tool and selecting functions
Check DTC memory Page
Output Diagnostic Test Mode Page
Initiate basic setting Page
Erase DTC memory Page
End output Page
Code control module Page
Read measured value block Page
Стр. 7 из 81ABS ITT Mk 20 IE On Board Diagnostic (OBD) program
+ 309 hidden pages