NOTE: Some units may contain a European font display, in which case the “°” symbol will
be replaced by the “ß” symbol. Example: 72°F will be 72 ß F.
The VEC 12.6 Controller uses a 4-button programming system:
Programming Buttons: # 1 – Escape/Exit
# 2 – Decrease/Scroll Down
# 3 – Increase/Scroll Up
# 4 – Enter and/or Save
To access Mode functions, open the door. Locate the Mode Button on the Main Control Board
and press until Diagnostics appears. Use selection button 2 or 3 to navigate through the modes.
The Modes are as follows:
Coin Payout
Tube Fill
Recycler Payout*
Recycler Fill*
Test Mode
Cash Data
Sales Data
Set Price
Correct Change Only
Set Depth
Space to Sales
Door Closed Password
Set Language
Set Clock **
Lighting **
Refrigeration ***
Sales Block 1 **
Sales Block 2 **
Discount **
Override ***
* These modes will only appear if a recycler is being used in MDB level 4 mode.
** These modes will only appear when the “Timing Feature” in Configuration is turned On.
*** Limited options appear in this mode depending on whether the Timing Feature in
Configuration is On/Off.
12.4 Programming Coke Chameleon | P2-2
V21 Parts & Service Manual
All V21 Identified Equipment
REV A – 10/2013
P/N: 1230263
Please note: All modes except Diagnostics, Coin Payout, Tube Fill, Recycler Payout, Recycler
Fill, Test Mode are password protected.
Diagnostics Mode displays the error in the vendor to help diagnose the problem.
See inner door of vendor or Troubleshooting section for errors.
To view the detailed error
1. Press Button 4 to enter into “Diagnostics” Mode
2. If there are no errors the display will read “ Error None” otherwise the display will show the
top level error
3. Press Button 4 to view the detailed error
4. Press Button 2 or 3 to scroll to check for more errors
Refer to troubleshooting section for diagnosing the errors
5. Press Button 1 to exit
To Clear the error
1. Scroll to view the detailed error
2. Press and hold Button 4 for 2 seconds – the error will clear.
3. Press Button 1 to exit mode.
Coin Payout:
Coin Payout Mode allows the operator to ‘test’ for proper operation of the changer tubes.
1. Press Button 4 to enter into “Coin Payout” mode
2. Press Button 2 or 3 to scroll to desired denomination
3. Press Button 4 to dispense displayed denomination
4. Press Button 1 to exit mode
Tube Fill:
Allows you to fill the coin tubes via the external coin insert. This is the recommended way to fill
the coin tubes because the control board is able to keep an accurate count of the coins.
1. Press Button 4 to enter into “Tube Fill” mode.
2. Insert coins into coin insert slot and the controller will “count” the number of coins going
into the coin mechanism.
The Recycler Payout and the Recycler Fill Modes are displayed only if the vendor is connected
with a recycler unit compatible in a MDB 4.0. Please note the Recycler Mode is to check the bill
accepted and dispensed by the Bill Recycler and not the bills accepted by the Bill Validator.
Bill Validator can accept equal or more bill types than the recycler but cannot dispense any bills.
Recycler Payout:
Recycler Payout Mode allows the operator to test the dispense operation of the bill recycler unit.
This mode will only be displayed if the vendor is connected with a recycler unit in a MDB 4.0.
12.4 Programming Coke Chameleon | P2-3
V21 Parts & Service Manual
All V21 Identified Equipment
REV A – 10/2013
P/N: 1230263
1. Press Button 4 to enter into “Recycler Payout” mode. The display will show the bill
denomination and the count of bill that the recycler can dispense.
2. Press Button 4 to dispense displayed denomination bill.
3. Press Button 1 to exit mode.
Recycler Fill:
Recycler Fill Mode allows the operator to test the bill acceptance of the bill recycler unit.
This mode will only be displayed if the vendor is connected with a recycler unit in a MDB 4.0.
1. Press Button 4 to enter into “Recycler Fill” Mode – the display will read “Enable Test”
2. Press Button 4 to enter the mode. The display will show the bill denomination and the count
of bill that the recycler can accept.
3. Insert the bill in the recycler – the recycler will only accept the bill it is programmed for.
Please note: The bill denomination displayed in this mode is the type of bill the bill recycler
is programmed to accept/dispense. To change the bill denomination on the recycler, please
refer to the recycler manual.
Test Mode:
Allows you to test vend a column, jog a column, test selection switches, display, refrigeration
system, lights, and heater.
Vending a Column:
1. At “Test Mode”, press Button 4. Display will read –“Test Mode – Vending”
2. Press Button 4 to enter – the display will read “Column 1”.
3. Press Button 2 or Button 3 to scroll to the desired column.
4. Press Button 4 to vend.
a. If motor vends OK, DISPLAY will read “Test Mode - Vending Motor OK”
b. If motor does not test OK on one of the following messages will appear:
2. Press Button 2 or 3 to scroll to “Test Mode - Jog.”
3. Press Button 4 and display will read “Column 1.”
4. Press Button 2 or 3 to scroll to desired column.
5. Press Button 4 to enter into column and display will read “Column X Forward” with X
being the desired column.
6. Press Button 2 or 3 to scroll between “Forward” or “Reverse.”
7. Press Button 4 to move/jog the motor in the desired position.
8. Press Button 1 to exit this mode.
12.4 Programming Coke Chameleon | P2-4
V21 Parts & Service Manual
All V21 Identified Equipment
REV A – 10/2013
P/N: 1230263
Test Mode Display:
Allows you to verify that all of the characters on the display illuminate.
1. At “Test Mode” press Button 4.
2. Press Button 2 or 3 to scroll until display reads “Test Mode - Display.”
3. Press Button 4.
4. All of the characters on the display should illuminate.
5. Press Button 4 to exit.
Selection Switch Testing:
Allows you to test the selection switches.
1. At “Test Mode” press Button 4.
2. Press Button 2 or 3 to scroll to “Test Mode Switches”.
3. Press Button 4
4. Press desired selection switch to be tested.
5. To exit press Button 1 and hold for 3 seconds.
Test Mode Relays:
Allows you to test the compressor, evaporator fan, light and heater in the vendor.
1. When “Test Mode” is displayed press Button 4.
2. Press Button 2 or 3 to scroll until display reads “Test Mode - Relays” and press Button 4.
3. Press Button 2 or 3 to advance through sub-modes.
4. Press Button 4 at “Compressor” prompt to test compressor.
5. Press Button 4 at “Light” prompt to test lighting system.
6. Press Button 4 at “Fan” prompt to test evaporator fan.
7. Press Button 4 at “Heater” prompt to test optional heater.
8. Press Button 1 to exit sub-modes.
Please note: The Fan test and Heater test requires additional hardware – Please call customer
service for this feature.
Allows you to enter the password protected area.
All modes except Diagnostics, Coin Payout, Tube Fill, Recycler Payout, Recycler Fill, Test
Mode are password protected.
Default password is “4 2 3 1”
1. When “Password” is displayed press Button 4, the display will read “Please Enter The
2. Press Button 4, 2, 3, 1 in consecutive sequence.
3. The display should read “Cash Data” to indicate that it is in password protected menu.
In case the password entered is invalid or if the user fails to enter the password within 10
seconds of entering password mode – then the display will switch back to “Password” mode
to enable the user to re-enter.
12.4 Programming Coke Chameleon | P2-5
V21 Parts & Service Manual
All V21 Identified Equipment
REV A – 10/2013
P/N: 1230263
Cash Data:
This Mode allows you to retrieve historical information regarding the money accepted by the
vendor. To clear the individual selection cash data, you must have the MIS Auto Reset in the
“Configuration” mode turned to ON.
1. When “Cash Data” is displayed press Button 4. The non-resettable historical data is
2. Press Button 2 or 3 to display resettable individual selections.
3. To reset historical data, make sure the MIS Auto Reset is turned ON in the configuration
4. Press Button 1 to exit mode.
Sales Data:
This Mode allows you to retrieve historical information regarding the number of units sold by
vendor. To clear the individual selection sales data, you must have the “MIS Auto Reset” in the
“Configuration” mode turned ON.
1. When “Sales Data” is displayed, press Button 4. The non re-settable historical data is
2. Press Button 2 or 3 to display resettable individual selections.
3. Press Button 1 to exit.
Discount Counter:
This mode allows you to view historical sales and cash data in the vendor that have been vended
at a discounted price. This mode is populated only if there have been a discounted sales.
1. When “Discount Counter” is displayed, press Button 4 to view total discount vend sales.
2. Press Button 2 or 3 to display discount counter for individual selections.
3. Press Button 1 to exit mode.
Free Counter:
This mode allows you to view historical sales in the vendor at a free vend mode. This mode is
visible only if there has been a sales on a free vend mode.
1. When “Free Counter” is displayed, press Button 4 to view total free vend sales.
2. Press Button 2 or 3 to display free counter for individual selections.
3. Press Button 1 to exit mode.
12.4 Programming Coke Chameleon | P2-6
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