Velleman Rikomagic MK802IIIS User Manual

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1. Introduction To al l residents of the Europ ean Union
Important environmental information about this product
This symb o l o n the device o r the pa ckage indicat es t hat disposal of the device after its lifecycle could harm the environment. Do not dispose of the unit (or batteries) as unso rt e d muni cip al w a ste ; it s ho uld be t a ke n t o a
special ized company for rec ycling. This device sh ould be returned to your distributor or to a local recycling service. Respect the local environmental rules.
If in doubt, contact your local waste disposal authorities.
Thank you for choosing Velleman! Please read the manual thoroughly before bringing this device into service. If the device was damaged in transit, don't install or use it and contact your dealer.
2. General Guidelines
Refer to the Velleman® Service and Quality Warranty on the last pages of t hi s ma nua l .
Indoor use on l y. Keep this de vi ce aw ay from rain, moisture,
splashin g and dripping liquids.
Keep this device aw ay from dust a nd extrem e heat.
Protect this d evi ce fro m shocks a nd ab use. Avoi d brute force when
operating the device.
Familiarise yourself with the functions of the device before actually
using it.
All modifica tions of the dev ice are forbidden for safety reas ons.
Only use the device for its intended purpose. Using the device in
an unauthorised wa y wi ll void the w a rra nty.
Damage caused by disregard of certain guidelines in this manual
is not covered by the warranty and the dealer will not accept responsibility for any ensuing defects or problems.
Do not disconnect the device during formatting or upgrading.
Disconnecti ng the devi ce may cause system erro rs.
Clean the device with a dry, lint-free cloth. Do not use alcohol or
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3. Overview
Refer to the illustrations on page 2 of this m a nua l.
HDMI po rt
USB OTG port
reset button
micro USB power port
micro SD port
USB port
4. Connecting the device
The device has the following ports and buttons:
1 HDMI po rt Plug the HDMI port of the device directly to
the HDMI port of your TV, monitor or beamer, no cable needed.
Reset button
Press to reset the device.
Micro SD port
Expand t he memo ry of the device with a
mic ro SD ca rd (max. 32 GB )
4 USB port Use the USB OTG p ort to connect t he device
to your pc (for example for data transfer) or any USB d evi ce (mouse, keyboard…).
5 Micro USB
power po rt
Connect the devi c e wi th the incl uded to US B
power cable to your TV for charging.
USB port
Connect any USB device to this port
(mouse, keyboard…).
5. Start using t he devic e
To start using the devi ce:
1. Connect the devi ce on the HDMI port of your TV, monitor or
2. (For TV only): Use your TV remote control to select the mini
computer as the HDMI so ur ce (as yo u w o uld do wi t h a no ther HDMI so urce) . The start screen of the mini computer will appear.
6. Shutt ing down the device
To shut down the device:
1. In the toolbar at the bottom, click the but t on and pr es s OK.
2. Wai t unt il the de vice ha s s hut down to di sconne ct it.
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7. Mouse
To use the mini computer, you at least need a USB mouse (not included). Use the mouse controls as follows:
Left button
Press a nd hold t he l ef t mo us e butto n to drag an
icon or a file.
Right button
Back or Cancel
Scroll wheel
Use the scroll wheel to move left to right (on the des ktop) or up and d o w n (i n se t ti ngs, browser…).
Press and hold t he scro ll wheel to display file properties.
8. Keyboard
If you do not connect an external keyboard, the device will automatically show the software keyboard.
If you connect a n ext ernal keyboa rd, the sof tware keyboard wil l not b e sho w n.
9. The home screen
The device displays the f ollow i ng sc re en duri ng sta rtup.
When done , t he ho me scree n a pp e ar s. The ho me sc re en c o nt a i ns several pages on which you can add, move or remove icons, apps and widg ets. You ca n b ro w s e thr o ugh t he home p ages usi ng the scroll wheel.
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Click this icon in the upper left corner of the home screen t o st art sea rching t he inte rnet.
Click the apps i co n in the upper right corner of
the home screen to display all apps available on the device.
Move an icon o n t he deskt op
Click and hold the icon and drag it to the position you want. Yo u ca n a l s o mo ve a n i c o n to a no t he r pag e of the ho me scr ee n.
Delete an icon on the desktop
Click and hold the icon you want to delete and drag it to the x symbol in the upper middle of the hom e screen.
Changing the desktop wallpaper
1. Press and hold t he cursor o n t he deskt o p p ap er.
2. Choo s e fro m w hi c h so ur ce you wa nt t o us e a wallpaper (Gallery,
Live Wallpaper or Wallpaper).
3. Click the wallpaper you want to set and click the Set wallpaper
button to confirm.
9.2 Toolbar
The d evice's toolbar is always visible. It contains the following icons:
Back Home
Disp l a y s t he apps tha t a r e c urr ent ly run ni ng
Decrease volume
Increase volume
Shut down t he d ev i ce
Hides the toolbar (or keyboard)
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9.3 Status bar
The status bar is located on the bottom right of the screen. Depending on your situation, it can display various items: USB connection, download status, time, signal strength….
Click t he st atus bar to enl arg e it. Cli ck an i con to access t he f uncti o n directly in the Settings.
9.4 Apps
Click the apps ico n in the upper right corner of the home screen to display all apps available on
the device.
If t he ap ps ar e lis t e d on multipl e p ages, yo u c a n b ro w s e through the pages using the scrol l wheel.
To start an ap p
Click the app you wa nt to use .
To add an app to the home scre en
Press a nd hold t he app ico n. The home screen wil l appear. Release the ico n where you want it to be.
9.5 Widgets
Cli c k t he apps icon in the upper right co rne r o f the ho me scr ee n. In the apps overview, open the Widgets tab.
To start a widget
Click the widget you want to use.
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To add a w i dget to the home scr een.
Press a nd hold t he w idget ic o n. The home screen wil l appear. Release the ico n where you want it to be.
10. Settings
To access set ti ngs, click the Settings icon (on the desktop or in the app list).
WIFI Setting
Settings > Ethernet
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Yo u ca n connect t he device to a wi red ne t w ork (Ethe rnet ) using a UBS LAN adapter. To enable ethernet:
Click Use Ethernet.
Data u sage
Settings > Data usage Shows the data usage of every app.
Po rt able hotspot
Settings > More > Portable hotspot If yo ur de vice i s co nne ct e d t o a n e t he rne t conne ct ion, you can use your devi ce a s a w i rel ess acce ss po i nt.
Click Set up Wi-Fi hotspot, enter the appropriate settings and click Save to confirm.
Settings > More > PPPoE If you need PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet), you can enter these setting s as follows:
Click P PPoE a ccount to ent er yo ur acco unt deta ils.
Settings > USB You can co nnect t he d e vice to your computer to copy files between both. Use the included micro USB to USB cable to connect the d evi ce to your computer. Make sure the d evi ce i s connect t o your HDM I display.
Click Connect to PC. You can now copy files from your computer to the device or vice­versa.
Sett i ngs > So und The available settings are: volum e, vibra t ion and so und d evi ces (if connected).
Settings > Display The Display option allows setting the font size.
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Settings > Screen The possib le options are:
Screen scale : s l ide the b ut to n t o i ncr ea s e or reduce the screen scale
Output i nterface (d efaul t is HDM I).
HDMI mode: allows setting resolution depending on the resolution
on your TV. The device detects the most appropriate resolution.
Settings > Storage Shows the d i sk si ze of vario us types of data and the amo unt of sp ace left. Yo u ca n a l s o unm o unts o r e ra se a n SD c a rd . The Android system partitions are not shown in this window.
Settings > Apps Allows managing the apps installed on the de vi c e and on t he SD card. The app s are grouped in several lists: Downloaded - On SD card - Running – All. Click a li s t na m e t o open it. Click the app to open its detail window. Depending on the type of app, the available functions are:
Force stop
Uninstall updates
Move to SD card
Clear data
Clear cache
Clear defau lts
The Settings icon in the upper right co r ner o pens more options:
Sort by size
Reset app pref erences
Settings > Security Contains settings for:
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Installing apps from unk no wn sour ces
Installing certificates.
Note: The Device Administrator option has no function on this device.
Language & input
Settings > Language & input Contains settings for:
user display language
spell checker (cli ck the b utto n for more options)
personal dictionary
keyboard input settings
Androi d keyboa rd settings (click the b utt o n for more
options). The se opt io ns a re r el a te to i nput language, aut o­correcti on, key sound and vib rat io n, et c.
mouse poi nter speed: slide the button to increase or reduce pointer speed
Backup & reset
Settings > Backup & Reset
Back up m y data: allo ws b acki ng up app li cat ion d at a and set tings to a Google account. You can also set options for Automatic restore.
Fact o ry data reset : Erase s al l dat a on yo ur device, including your account data. Data on the SD card can be erased as well.
Settings > Accounts Allows adding an account and managing existing accounts.
1. Click Add account, then select Google. o To add an existing account, click the button Existing and follow
the i nstruct i o ns o n t he sc re en.
o To create a new account, click the button New and follow the
instructio ns o n the scre e n.
10.2 Date & time
Settings > Date & time Contains settings for:
automatic date and time setting
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manual date and time setting
time zone
time and date format
10.3 Accessibility
Settings > Accessib i lit y Contains settings for:
Talkb ack ( t urn sp oke n f eedb ack o n or off)
Text-to-spe e ch o utp ut
Web accessi bilit y
10.4 Developer options
Settings > Developer options Contains useful options for developing. USB d ebugg i ng : Se l e ct this op ti on to se t d eb ug mode w he n excha ngi ng dat a b etw e en the de vice a nd y o ur co m pute r.
10.5 About device
Settings > Abou t dev ice Displays data relating to
system updat es
system st a t us (batt ery, netw o rk… )
model number, android version…
11. File management
The Explorer allows viewing and working with files on your device.
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To open the explorer:
1. Click the Explorer icon on the home screen.
The Explo rer opens.
2. Click a media source (Internal Flash, SD card…) to view its
In the Explorer, you can cop y, delete, move, paste, renam e a nd share files and folders.
To do s o, pre ss and hold t he item yo u w a nt unti l the m e nu p ops up a nd se l ec t t he a ct io n yo u w a nt.
For example, click Internal flash to view the device's internal disk.
The butt ons in the Explorer are:
returns to the upper level
goes up one level in the file structure
Multi Use this button to select multiple files or folders.
Click the Mu lti button. Click the files or folders you want. To deselect, click the Multi button again.
Editor The editor contains the same options as the pop-
up menu.
Returns to the previous location in the file
explorer history
Goes to the next location in the file explorer
Closes the file explorer
12. Installing an app
You can install an app:
From Google Play, using your Google account, or any ot her website supplying Android apps.
From a local disk (fo r e xampl e a memo ry sti ck on which yo u downloaded an app)
Google Play
1. Login to Google Play and download the app you wa nt .
2. After download, the device will ask if you want to install the app.
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Local installation
Connect the minicomputer to the external drive containing t he ap p. In the file explorer, browse to the app and click it to start installation.
Uninstall an app
To uni nst a l l an app :
1. Open the Set t i ngs a nd click Apps.
2. Click the app you want to uninstall.
3. Click the button Uninstall and click OK to confirm.
13. Airplay/DLNA
While the mini computer is connected to a wireless broadband module, you can also use it to
14. Remote control
Yo u ca n r emote co ntro l t he m i ni-c from your Android phone or tablet:
Download and install the MK802 remote control app from Google Play on your phone or tablet.
Yo u ca n no w us e y o ur phone a s a re mote f o r t he mini c o mput er.
The app uses your wireless network to control the mini computer.
15. System recovery/update
If som e cases, yo u m a y need to updat e the de vice to t he lat est firmware. For example:
The d evi ce runs very sl ow l y or crashes o f t en.
The device canno t f i nd or co nne ct t o t he wireless network.
After i nsta lli ng a n app, t he devi ce stop s a nd do es not re sta rt.
When starti ng, the device onl y show s t he st art screen.
The devi ce cannot read the SD card.
Before you start
Ma ke s ure yo u ha v e the f ol l ow i ng a t ha nd :
the included micro USB to USB cable
a tiny metal point (for exampl e a needle).
To download the latest firmware:
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1. On your computer, go to and download the
recovery / update soft wa re fo r your devi ce.
2. Make sure to download the correct versi o n fo r your d evi ce:
Riko m agic MK802 IIIS.
3. Decompress the downloaded file.
4. In the decomp ressed f older, de compress t he file Batch Tool
1.5. zip ( versi o n numb e r may va ry).
15.2 Loading the image file
1. Launc h the f i le RKBatchTool.exe.
2. Click the button .
3. Select the .img file and click Open.
The tool loads the firmware.
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15.3 Connecting the device
1. Connect the cable to a USB port of your computer.
2. Use the needle to gentl y press and hold the reset but ton on the
devi ce, a s shown.
3. While holding the needle, plug the micro USB cable to the USB
OTG port of the device.
4. Remove t he needl e after 3 to 5 seconds.
The next step s depend on the operating system you are using. The manual describes the steps for Windows XP (next sect i o n) and Windows 7 (page 19).
15.4 Windows XP
On your computer, the following window will open:
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1. Select Install from a list or specific location and cli ck N ext.
2. Click the button Browse and select the fold er cont a i ning t he
driver. Click N ext. The driver starts installing.
3. When installation is finished, the following window appears.
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4. Click Finis h.
5. In the Ba t c h Too l, t he col our of the C o nnec t e d devi ce s changes.
6. Click the button Upgrade.
The upgrade take s a b o ut 3 m i nut e s. D o not di sconnect t he device during upgrade. When the installation is successful, the following window appears:
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7. Click Exit.
If necessary, safely remo ve the devi ce before unp lugging it (see section Safely remove the device from your computer below).
When running t he device for the first time aft er a firmware updat e, the device may run low or take more time to start.
15.5 Windows 7
1. On your computer, the following notification will appear:
2. Click this notification.
The followi ng messag e app ears.
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3. Click the link Skip obtaining driver software from Windows
4. Open My computer (key combination + e).
5. Right-click Computer a nd sel ect M anag e.
6. Open Device Ma nag er > Other device.
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7. Double-click Unknown device.
8. Click the button Update Driver.
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9. Click t he but ton Bro wse and sel ect the co rrect driver.
o If your computer is 32bit, select x86--win7 o If your computer it is WIN7 64bit, choose x64--win7
10. Click N ext.
11. Click N ext.
The driver starts installing.
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12. When installation is finished, the following window appears.
13. Click Close.
14. In the Ba t c h Too l, t he col our of the C o nnec t e d devi ce s changes.
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15. Click the button Upgrade.
The upgrade takes abo ut 3 minut e s. Do not di sc o nnec t t he device during upgrade. When the installation is successful, the following window appears:
16. Click Exit.
If necessary, safely remo ve the devi ce before unp lugging it (see section Safely remove the device from your computer below).
When running t he device for the first time aft er a firmware updat e, the device may run low or take more time to start.
15.6 Safely remove the device from your computer
To safely remo ve the devi ce:
1. Click the icon Safely Remove Hardware in the notification
area at the right of the taskbar and click the device that you want to remove.
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2. Windows will display a notification telling you it's safe to remove
the device.
3. Unplug the device from the USB port.
16. Technical Specifications
RK3066 dual co r e
quad co re 2D / 3D / Ope nG L ES2.0 (MAL I-400) /
Android 4.2
main frequency
Cortex-A9, up to 1.6 GHz
4 GB
microSD (max. 32 GB) web browser
video format
WM V / ASF / M P4 / 3G P / 3G 2M 4V / AVI / MJPEG
/ RV10 / Di vX / VC-1 / MP EG-2 / MPEG-4 / H.263 / H.264 / 1280 x720P H D 30 fps, 1080P /
720x4 80 D 1 3 0 fps
audio format
MP3 / WMA / APE / FLAC / AAC / OGG / AC3 /
picture format
max. 8000 x 8000 J P EG BM P GIF P N G
Wi-Fi 802. 11 b /g /n
supports Flash 11.1
ports HDMI (male), microSD slot, USB host x 2, USB
power po rt; LED (blue)
HDMI male/female 12 cm extension cable, USB
power cable, manual, microUSB to USB female OTG adapter
power adapter compatible with any USB power 5V 1A to 5V 2A
dimensions 90 x 40 x 13 mm
Use this device with original accessories only. Velleman nv cannot b e held resp onsible in the event of damage or injury resulting from (incorrect) use of this device. For more info concerning this product and the late st ve rsion of th is manua l,
V. 02 – 12/09/2013 26 ©Velleman nv
please v isit our web site The informa tion in this ma nual is subject to change without prior notice.
Android is a trad e mar k of G oogl e Inc.
© COPYRIGHT NOTICE The copyright to this manual is owned by Velleman nv. All worldwide rights reserved. No part of this manual may be copied,
reproduced, translat ed o r reduced t o any electronic med ium or otherwise without the prior writte n co ns ent o f t he cop yr ight holder.
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1. Inleiding
Aan alle ingezetenen van de Europese Unie Bela ngrij k e milieu-informatie be tr effe nde dit product
Dit symboo l op het toestel of de verpakki ng geef t aan dat, als het na zijn levenscyclus w o rd t w egg ewo rp en, d it toe st el schade kan toebrengen aan het milieu. Gooi dit toestel ( en eventuele b atte rij en) niet bij het gewone huishoud el ij ke
afval; het mo et bij een gespecialiseerd bedrijf terechtkomen voo r recyclage. U moet dit toestel naar uw verd el er of naar een lokaal recyclagepunt brengen. Re sp ecteer d e plaat selijke milieuwetgeving.
Hebt u vragen, contacteer dan de plaatselijke autoriteiten betreffende de verwijdering.
Dank u voor uw aankoop! Lees deze handleiding grondig voor u het toestel in gebruik neemt. Werd het toestel beschadigd tijdens het transport, i nstal leer het dan niet en raadp le eg uw dealer.
2. Algemene richt lijnen
Raadpleeg de Velleman® service- en kwaliteitsgarantie achteraan deze handl eiding.
Gebr uik het toestel enkel binnenshuis. Bescherm het to estel
tegen regen, vochti gheid en opspattend e vloeistoffen.
Bescherm d it toest el tegen stof en extreme tempera turen.
Bescherm tegen schokken. Vermijd b rute kracht tijd ens d e
Leer eerst de functies van het toest el kennen vo o r u het ga a t
Om v ei lighei dsredenen mag u g ee n w i j zigingen aanbre ngen.
Gebruik het toest el enkel waa rvoo r het gemaa kt is. De garanti e
vervalt automatisch bij ongeoorloofd gebruik.
De garantie geldt niet voor schade do o r het negeren van bepaalde
richt l ijnen i n d ez e ha ndl eid i ng e n uw deal er za l d e verantwoordelijkheid afwijzen voor defecten of problemen die hier rechtstreeks verb and m ee houden.
Koppel het toest el niet los tijdens het form atteren of bi j werken
van de sof t wa re. Dit ka n syste emfouten veroorzaken.
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Maak het to estel geregeld schoon m et een droge, niet pluizend e
doek. Gebruik geen alcohol of oplosmiddelen.
3. Omschrijving
Raadpleeg de afbeeldingen op pagina 2 van deze handleiding.
USB OTG-poort
micro USB-voedingspoort
micro SD-poort
4. He t toestel aan s lui ten
Het toestel heeft d e volgend e poo rten en knoppen
Verbind de HDMI-poort van het toestel
rechtstreeks met de HDMI-poort van uw televisietoestel, monitor of beamer (een kabel is niet noodzakelijk).
2 Resetknop Gebruik deze knop om het toestel te
3 micro SD-
U kunt het g e heugen v an he t toe st e l uitbreid en met een micro SD-kaart (max.
32 GB).
Gebruik de USB OTG-poort om het toestel
te verbinden met uw pc (bijvoorbeeld om gegevens te kopi ëren) of met een and er USB-toestel (muis, toetsenbord...).
Micro USB-
U kunt het toestel met de meeg eleverd e
USB-voedingskabel verbinden met uw televisiet o estel om het op te laden
6 USB-poort Op deze poort kunt u eender wel k USB-
toestel aansluiten (muis, toetsenbord...).
5. Aan de slag
Om het toestel in gebruik t e nemen:
1. Verbind het toest el met de HDMI-poort van uw televisietoestel,
monitor of beamer.
2. (Alleen voor TV): Gebruik de afstandsbediening van uw
televisietoestel om de minicomputer als HDMI-bron in te stellen
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(zoals u met ee n a ndere HDMI bron zo u doe n) . Het op start scherm va n d e m ini comp ut er verschijnt.
6. He t toestel af slui t en
Om het toestel af te sluiten:
1. In de toolbar onderaan, klik op de knop en klik op druk OK.
2. Koppel het toestel pas los als het volledig afgesloten is.
7. Muis
Om de minicomp uter te geb ruiken, heb t u een USB-muis nodig (niet meegeleverd). Geb ruik d e muiskno ppen als volg t:
Houd d e li nke rmuis kno p i ngedr ukt om een
icoon of een bestand te slepen.
Ter ug of annul e ren
Gebrui k he t muiswi e l om van li nk s na a r rechts te bladeren ( op het bureaub lad) of van b o v en na a r beneden ( i n d e ins t e ll i ngen, browser...).
Houd het muiswiel ingedrukt om de kenmerken van een b est and weer t e geven.
8. Toetsenbord
Als u geen extern toet senbord a ansluit, t oont het toest el automatisch het softwaretoetsenbord.
Als u een toetsenbord aansluit, wordt het softwaretoetsenbord niet getoond.
9. Het startscherm
Bij het opstarten geef t het toeste l het volg ende scherm weer.
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