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Safety Data Sheet
Chemical Desiccant
Section 1 – Product and Company Information Date: March 14, 2014 Rev. D
Product Name: 10 BF / Gas Dry Max Chemical Desiccant
Chemical Family: Inorganic Alkaline Metal Chloride
Catalog Numbers: 33-0318, 33-0232, 33-0366, 33-0228, 33-0378, 33-0345, & 33-0393
Product Use: Industrial: Deliquescent desiccant to reduce moisture content
of Compressed Natural Gas, Compressed Air and other Compressed Gasses
Company Identification: Van Air Systems / Van Gas Technologies
2950 Mechanic Street, Lake City, PA USA
E-mail: info@vanairsystems.com
www.vanairsystems.com / www.vangastech.com
Emergency Telephone Number: 800-840-9906
Customer Service Telephone Number: 814-774-2631
Section 2 – Hazard Identification
Color: White to gray-white
Physical state: Solid Tablets
Odor: Odorless
of substance
or mixture GHS Classification [EC Regulation No 1272/2008 and US OSHA regulations]
Acute Toxicity, Category 4
Eye Irritant, Category 2
Skin Irritant, Category 2
EC Classification according to 67/548/EEC OR 1999/45/EC [DSD/DPD]
Xn, R22, Xi,R36, R38
Emergency Overview: Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid breathing dust. Avoid ingestion. Wash thoroughly
with cold water after handling.
Signal Word: Warning!
Hazard Pictogram:
Potential Health Effects: Harmful if swallowed
Will cause skin, serious eye and / or respiratory irritation.
Health Hazards (acute and chronic): None known.
Carcinogenicity: Not available
NTP: Not available
IARC Monographs: Not available
Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: Skin dryness due to desiccant action. Ingestion of large amounts may
cause vomiting, diarrhea and prostration.
Section 3 – Composition / Information on Ingredients
(Alkali chloride salt / Lithium Chloride / CAS 7447-41-8 / Lithium Chloride Anhydrous ≥ 98%)
REACH Reg No. Not available
EC Index No. Not available
10BF / Gas Dry Max does not contain hazardous ingredients.

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10BF / Gas Dry Max does not contain any substances found on the following EPA regulations:
a. “Extremely Hazardous Substances”
b. “CERCLA Hazardous Substances”
c. “Toxic Substances”
Section 4 - First Aid Measures
Eyes: Flush with water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists, consult a Physician.
Skin: Remove contaminated clothing / shoes. Wash with soap and water. Treat for dry skin.
Inhalation: Move person to fresh air. If irritation persists, consult a Physician.
Ingestion: Consult a Physician immediately. Do NOT induce vomiting unless directed to do so. If
victim is conscious and alert, give 1-2 glasses of water.
Note to Physician: This product has low oral, dermal, and inhalation toxicity and is a mild irritant. Treatment
is removal of exposure followed by symptomatic and supportive care.
Section 5 – Fire Fighting Measures
Flammable Properties: Non-flammable
Flash Point: Not applicable.
Method Used: Not applicable
Flammability Limits: Not applicable.
LEL: Not applicable.
UEL: Not applicable.
Fire Fighting Instructions: Non-combustible.
Extinguishing Media: Not applicable.
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: None known
Section 6 – Accidental Release Measures
Personal precautions: Before cleanup begins, review entire SDS with attention to section 2 and
section 8.
Small/Large Spills: Sweep, shovel or vacuum for disposal.
Waste Disposal Method: Treat tablets as ordinary non-combustible solid waste. Dispose of at a
qualified waste disposal facility according to local, Federal and all
applicable laws and regulations. Solution is non-toxic and will not support
plant or marine life. Do not wash into drains.
Section 7 – Handling and Storage
Handling: Tablets are non-toxic. Minimize dust generation and use with adequate
ventilation. NIOSH respiratory protection as needed for nuisance dust.
Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Do not ingest. Clean clothing before
Storage: Observe all applicable laws when storing this product. Store in cool dry
place. Keep away from strong acids. Keep containers tightly closed
since material is hygroscopic. Repair damaged containers. Wash
thoroughly after handling.
Section 8 – Exposure Controls and Personal Protection
Engineering controls: Provide good local ventilation. Facility should be equipped with quick
drench eye wash station and safety shower.
Exposure Limits: None listed
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Respirators: Use NIOSH, EN 149, MSHA approved or CEN Class P Type respirator if
engineering controls are not adequate to protect against dust.