157 x 52 x 37 mm (6.18 x 2.05 x 1.46")
Without Mount: 230 g ( 8.11 oz)
With TV Mount: 252g (8.89 oz)
Enclosure Material
Polycar bonate
Mount Material
Polycar bonate
Proce ssor
The Qualcomm® QCS605 SoC
Memory Infor mation
4GBL ow Power DDR4X
Manag ement Inter face
UniFi Protect
Networking Interface
10/100/1000 Mbps RJ45 Ethernet Por t
Max. Power Consumption
Power Method
802.3af PoE
Power Supply
802.3af PoE
ESD/EMP Pr otection
Air: ± 8kV, Contact: ± 4kV
Opera ting Tempera ture
0to 40° C (32 to 104° F)
Opera ting Humidity
20 to 80% Noncondensing
Factory R eset
Antenna G ain
2 dB
Specica tions are subject to change . Ubiquiti products are sold with a lim ited warra nty de scribed at: www.ui.com/support /warra nty
©2020 Ubiquiti Inc. All rights re served .Ubiquiti , the Ubiqui ti U logo, the Ubiquiti beam log o, UniFi, and UniFi Protect ar e trade mark s or registe red tra demark s of Ubiquit i Networks, Inc. in the United
Sta tes and in oth er countrie s. Apple a nd the Apple logo are tr adema rks of Apple Inc., regist ered in the U.S. and other countr ies. All other tra dema rks are th e propert y of their respe ctive owners.
UniFi Protect ViewPort PoE
Th e U niF i P ro te ct Vi ew P or t al low s y ou t o vi ew y o ur U n iFi P r ote ct c am er a f ee ds on a n H DMI
di sp la y. I t us es P o we r o ve r Et he r ne t an d co nn ec ts to t he l oca l n etw or k h os tin g y ou r c am er a s
a nd c on ne cts v ia HD MI to a d isp la y. T he U ni Fi P r ote ct V ie wP or t of fe r s 4K v id eo o utp ut a t 30
fr a me s pe r s ec on d. P r ot ec t s y ste ms c a n be v ie w ed i n cus to m hig h -de n sit y ca me r a ma tr ix
co nf ig ur a tio ns .