Topcon DT-200 series, DT-205, DT-200L series, DT-209P, DT-207 Instruction Manual

Thank you for purchasing the TOPCON Digital Theodolite. For the best per­formance of the instruments, please carefully read these instructions and keep them in a convenient location for future reference.
General Handling Precautions
Before starting work or operation, be sure to check that the instrument is functi onin g correctly w i th normal perf ormance.
Do not submerge the instrument into water.
The instrument can not be submerged underwater. The instrument is designed based on the International S tanda rd IP66, therefore it is protected from the normal rainfall.
Setting the instrument on a tripod
When mounti n g the i ns tru me nt on a tripod , use a wooden tri pod when po ssi­ble. The vibr ations th at may occur when usi ng a metallic tripod can effect the measuring precision.
Installing the tribrach
If the tribrach is installed incorrectly, the me asuring precisi on could be effe cted . Occasionall y chec k the adjust ing scr ews on the tribrac h. Make sure the base fix in g lever is locked and the base f ixin g screws are tightened.
Guarding the instrument against shocks
When transpor ting the instrument, provide some protection to minimize risk of shocks. Heavy shocks may cause the measurement to be faulty.
Carrying the instrument
Always carry the instrum ent by its handgr ip.
Exposing the instrument to extreme heat.
Do not leave the instrument in extreme heat for longer than necessary. It could adversely affect its performance.
Sudden changes of temperature
Any sud den chang e of temper atu re to the instrument or pris m may resu lt i n a reduction of measuring distance range, i.e when taking the instrument out from a heated vehicle. Let instrument acclimate itself to ambient tempera­ture. When a high degree of precision is required for measurement, provide shade against direct sunlight for the instrument and tripod.
Battery level check
Confirm bat t ery le vel re maining before opera t ing. Store with the batteries removed, when operation is halted for more than a month. Leav i ng the batteries att a che d for ext e nded period of time can res ult in battery leakage, which may lead to malfunctioning.
Notice on Transceiver
When using high out put transceiver etc. , make sure it does not come near the instrument.
Opening the carrying case
When opening the carrying case and taking out the instrument, place the case ho riz ontally, then open the case.
Display for Safe Use
In order t o encour age the safe use of pro ducts and prevent any danger to the operat or and oth er s or dam age to properties, importan t warni ng s are put on the products and inserted in the instruction manuals. We suggest that everyone understand the meaning of the following displays and icons before reading the “Safety Cautions” and text
Display Meaning
Injury refe rs to hurt, burn, electric shock, etc.
Physical damage refers to extensive damage to buildings or equipment and
Ignoring or disregard of this display may lead to the dang er of deat h o r serious injury.
Ignoring or disregard of this display may lead to per­sonal inj ury or ph ysical damage.
Safety Cautions
•There i s a risk of f ire, electric shock or phy sical harm if you attempt to disasse mb le or repair the instru men t y oursel f .
This is only to be carried out by TOPCON or an authorized deale r, only!
•La ser beams can be danger ous, and ca n cause ey e inju ry's if used incorrectly.
Never attempt to repair the instrument yourself.
•Cause eye injury or blindness .
Do not stare into beam.
•Cause eye injury or blindness .
Do not look at the sun through a telescope.
•High temperature may cause fire.
Do not connect the batt ery to an instrument while it is charging.
•Risk of fire or electric shock.
Do not use a wet battery or charger.
•M ay ign ite exp l osi vely.
Never use an instrument near flammable gas, liquid matter, and do not use in a coal mine.
•Batt ery can cau se ex pl o sion or inj u ry.
Do not dispose in fire or heat.
•Risk of fire or electric shock.
Do not use any po wer v o ltage except th e one given on manufactur­ers instructions.
•Batt ery can cause outb reak of fire.
Do not block up the vent of the bat tery.
•The short circuit of a battery can cause a fire.
Do not short circuit battery when storing it.
Use of controls or adjustment or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation expo­sure.
Do not connect or disconnect equipment with wet hands , you are at risk of electric shocks if you do!
Risk of injury by overturn the carrying case. Do not stand or sit on the carrying cases.
Please note that the t ips of tripod can be hazardous , be a ware of th is when setting up or carrying the tripod.
Risk of injury by falling down the instrument or case. Do not use a carrying case with a damaged which belts, grips or latches.
Do not allow skin or clothing to come into contact with acid from the batteries, if this does occur then wash off with copious amounts of water and seek medical advice.
A plumb bob can cause an injury to a person if used incorrectly. It could be dang erous if the instrument falls over, please ensure you
attach a handle to the instrument securely. Ensure that y ou mount the Tribrac h correctly, f aili ng to do so may re-
sult in injury if the tribrach were to fall over. It could be dangerous if the instrument falls over, please check that
you fix the instrument to the tripod correctly. Risk of injury by falling down a tripod and an instrument.
Alw ays c heck t ha t the sc re ws of tri pod are t ig h t ened.
La s er Sa fe ty
DT-205L/207L/209L uses the visible laser beam. DT-205L/207L/209L prod­ucts are ma nufactured and sold in accordance with “Radiation Safety of Laser Products, Equipment Classification, Requirements and User‘s Guide” (IEC Publication 60825-1) or “Performance Standards for Light-Emitting Products” (FDA/BRH 21 CFR 1040) provided on the safety standards for laser beam. As per the said standards, DT-205L/207L/209L classified as “Class 2 (CLASS II) Laser Products”. The laser bea m belongs not v ery dangerous type b ut we requ est y ou to kee p and underst and “ Sa fety sta nda r d f or users” as menti o ned in the man ual instruction. In case of any failure, do not disassemble the instrument. Contact TOPCON or your TOPCON dealer.
Find the labels which describes the caution and safety about the laser beam as follows in DT-205L/ 207 L/209L. We request yo u to repl ace it one an ytim e the cautio n labels are dama ged or lost and paste a new one at the same place . You can get the labe ls fr om Topcon or your deale r.
Beam aperture
Depen ding on t he country where the inst rume nt is sold, either of these labels may be found on the instrument.
1) This product is for professional use only! The user is required to be a qualified surveyor or have a good knowledge of surveying, in order to understand the user and safety instructions, before operating, inspecting or adjusting.
2) Wear the required protectors (safety shoes, helmet, etc.) when operating.
Exceptions from Responsibility
1) The user of this product is expected to follow all operating instructions and make periodic checks of the product’s performance.
2) The manufacturer, or its representatives, assumes no responsibility for results of a faulty or intentional usage or misuse including any direct, indirect, consequential damage, and loss of profits.
3) The manufacturer, or its representatives, assumes no responsibility for consequential damage, and loss of profits by any disaster, (an earth­quake, storms, floods etc.). A fire, accident, or an act of a third party and/or a usage any other usual conditions.
4) The manufacturer, or its representatives, assumes no responsibility for any damage, and loss of profits due to a change of data, loss of data, an interr uption of b usi ness etc., caused by using the product or an unusable product.
5) The manufacturer, or its representatives, assumes no responsibility for any d ama ge, a n d loss of p r ofit s cau sed by u sage except for explained in the user manual.
6) The manufacturer, or its representatives, assumes no responsibility for damage caused by wrong movement , o r ac t ion due t o connecti ng wit h other products .
FOREWORD ........................................................................................................1
General Handling Precautions ...................................................................2
Display for Safe Use ..................................................................................4
Safety Cautions .........................................................................................4
Laser Safety ............................................................................................... 6
User ........................................................................................................... 7
Exceptions from Respo nsi bility ................. ................................................. 7
Contents .................................................................................................... 8
Standard Set Composition ......................................................................... 9
1 NOMENCLATURE AND FUNCTIONS .................................................... 10
1.1 Nomenclature.................................................................................... 10
1.2 Display............................................................................................... 14
1.3 Operating keys.............. ........... .......... ................................ ............... 14
2 PREPARATION FOR MEASUREMENT.................................................. 16
2.1 Setting Instrument Up for Measurement ........................................... 16
2.2 Power Switch Key ON....................................................................... 18
2.3 Battery Level Indi cato r....................................................................... 1 9
2.4 Vertical Angle Tilt Correction............................................................. 1 9
2.5 Serial Signal RS-232C Connector..................................................... 19
3 MEASUREMENT...................................................................................... 20
3.1 Measuring Horizontal Angle Right and Vertical Angle....................... 20
3.2 Switching Horizontal Angle Right / Left ............................................. 21
3.3 Measuring fro m the Required Horiz ontal An gle ................................ 2 2
3.4 Vertical Angle % display.................................................................... 2 2
3.5 Repetition Angle Measurement ......................................................... 23
3.6 Stadia Surveying............................................................................... 25
4 HOW TO OPERATE THE LASER....................... .......... .......................... 2 6
5 THE OTHER FUNCTIONS... ........... .................................................... ..... 2 7
5.1 Buzzer Sounding for Horizontal Angle 90° Increments ..................... 27
5.2 Compasses (vertical angle)............................................................... 27
5.3 Auto Cut Off................... ........... .......... ........... .................................... 27
5.4 Setting Minimum Angle Reading....................................................... 27
5.5 Detach / Attach of Tribrach................................................................ 28
6 SELECTING MODE ................................................................................. 29
6.1 Items of the Selecting Mode..... ......................................................... 29
6.2 How to Set the Selecting Modes....................................................... 31
7 HANDLING POWER SOURCE................................................................ 34
7.1 For removing ..................................................................................... 34
7.2 Replace the battery (DB-35).............................................................. 34
7.3 For installing ...................................................................................... 34
8 CHECK AND ADJUSTMENT................................................................... 35
8.1 Checking /Adjusting the Plate Level.................................................. 36
8.2 Checking and Adjusting the Circular Level........................................ 37
8.3 Adjustment of the Vertical Cross-hair................................................ 38
8.4 Collimation of the Inst rument............................................................. 40
8.5 Checking and Adjusting the Optical Plummet Telescope.................. 42
8.6 Adjustment of Vertical Angle 0 Datum............................................... 43
8.7 Adjustment of Laser Beam................................................................ 44
9 STORAGE PRECAUTIONS. ........... ......................................................... 45
10 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES.................................................................... 4 6
11 ERROR DISPLAY.................................................................................... 47
12 SPECIFICATIONS.................................................................................... 48
Standard Se t Co mposition
The numerical value in parentheses shows the quantity.
with lens cap
Carrying case
Plumb bob set
Tool kit
Cleaning brush, Screw driver, Rod pins, Plumb bob hook
(Hexagonal wrench : Only for DT-205/207/209/209P)
AA batteries (4) Plastic rain cover (1)
Silicon cloth
Instruction manual (1)
• Make sure that all of the above items ar e with t he ins tru men t when purchased.
• Guarantee card, Laser use card, Caution sticker are supplied for certain markets.
1.1 Nomenclature
Objective lens
Disp la y window *1)
Horizontal tangent screw
Sighting collimator
Instrument height mark
Horizontal motion clamp
*1) DT-209/209P has one side display only.
Optical plummet telescope
Tribrach fixing leve
(2 05 /207 onl y)
Ci rcul ar level
Leveling scr ew
Cent ering scr e w (209P only)
Handle f ixing knob
Telescope focusing knob
Cross-hair adjustmen sec tio n cover
Teles cope eyepiece
Vertical motion clamp
RS-232C Con n ector (205 only)
Vertical tangen screw
Plate leve
Oper ati on keys
Tribrach type
DT-205/207: Detachable DT-209: Fixing DT-209P: Centering
Plate level (207 onl y)
Sighting collimator
Objective lens
Horizontal motion clam p
Horizontal tangent screw
Instrument height mark
Optical plummet telescope
Displ ay window *1)
Circular level
Tribrach fi xing lever
(205L/207L only)
Leveling screw
*1) DT-209L has one side d isp lay only.
Handle fixing knob
Telescope focusing knob
Cross -hai r ad just men t section cover
Telescope eyepiece
Vertical motion clamp
Vertical tangent screw
Tribrach type
DT-205L/207L: Detachable DT-209L: Fixing
Laser axis adjusting screw (with cap)
Plate level
Operation keys
RS-232C Con n ector (205L only)
Plate le vel (207L only)
1.2 Display
Display marks
Display Contents Display Contents
Vert i ca l an gl e
Horizontal angle right Horizontal angle left
Repetition angle mea­surement
The num be r o f repeti ­tion / Average of an gle
1.3 Operating keys
Tilt correction mode (D T-205/20 5L only)
Function key selection mode
Percent gr ade Unit disp lay G O N
Function mode
Key Function Key Function (Function mode)
Power switch
Selection f or horizonta l an­gle ri ght / le ft meas urem en t
Ver t ic al angle display
Selection for vertical angle / percent display
Holdi n g the ho rizo nt al an gl e
Horizont al angle 0° set Upper function selection
Repetiti on angle mea­surement
Illu mina tion of di sp lay ON/OFF
Movi ng t h e blin king digi t to the le ft
Movi ng t h e blin king th e digit to the right
Increment the blinking numeral
+ 37 hidden pages