User Manual
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1. Getting Started..............................................................
1.1. Selecting the Operator for First Use............................
1.2. Turning Off Your Phone, Activating Flight Mode,
Silent Mode and Vibrate Mode....................................
1.3. Activating Mobile Data...............................................
1.4. Activating Wi-Fi........................................................
2. Main Functions..............................................................
2.2. Sending Emails from Your Phone and Synchronizing
Your Contacts and Calendar.......................................
2.3. Browsing the Internet................................................
2.4. Activating Geolocation and GPS.................................
2.5. Multimedia Applications.............................................
2.6. Connecting to a Computer..........................................
3. Discovering the Interface of Your Phone........................
3.1. Navigation Buttons....................................................
3.2. Favorites Bar............................................................
3.3. Shortcuts.................................................................
3.4. Shortcut Icons...........................................................
3.5. Widgets....................................................................
3.6. Switching between Applications.................................
3.7. Using the Touch Screen.............................................
2.1. Downloading applications from 1MobileMarket ...........
3.8. Locking the Screen....................................................
3.9. Notifications.............................................................
4. .........................................Other Settings of Your Phone
4.1. Enabling the French Word Prediction for Keyboard.......
4.2. Changing the Phone Language...................................
4.3. Changing the Ringer Volume or Ringtone.....................
4.4. Setting the Brightness, Wallpaper, Screen Timeout
Period and Font Size..................................................
4.5. Data Usage and Enabling/Disabling Mobile Data..........
4.6. Activating Hotspot.....................................................
4.7. Dual SIM Management: Assigning a Telephone
Number to SIM Card...................................................
5. Troubleshooting Common Problems.............................
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Important Safety Information
General Guidelines Do not become distracted by the device while driving, and always be fully aware of all driving conditions.
Always operate the vehicle in a safe manner. Minimize the amount of time spent viewing the device's screen while driving and use voice prompts when possible. Do not send text messages, place or receive phone calls, input destinations, change settings, or access any functions requiring prolonged use of the device's controls while driving. Pull over in a safe and legal manner before attempting such operations. The mobile device must be switched off inside airplanes, hospit als, petrol sta tions, and near by hazardous industrial zones. Follow local regulations regarding the use of mobile phones. Switch off the device and remove the battery from time to time for optimum performance. Keep your device away from magnets or magnetic fields. The cable of the charger cannot be replaced. If this cable is destroyed, the adaptor should be destroyed. Do not expose the phone to rain or splashing. Do not place any objects filled with liquids, such as vases, on the device. Ex ces sive so und pre ss ure f rom ear ph one s and headphone can cause hearing loss. The mains plug of the device should be easily accessed during use.
Note: The use of frequency band between 2,454 and 2,483.5 MHz is restricted to indoor use in France.
Battery Warning
Do not expose the device to heat or leave it in a vehicle in the sun.
Use of the Supplied Li-Ion Battery
This product uses a Li-Ion battery. Caution: Risk of fire and burns if the battery pack is handled improperly. Warning: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. To reduce risk of fire or burns, do not attempt to open or service battery back. Do not disassemble, crush, puncture, short external contacts or circuits, dispose of in fire or water, or expose a battery pack to temperature higher than 60°C.
Use only recommended batteries. Please re cyc le and di spo se o f used ba tte ri es a cc o r d i ng to lo c a l r e g u la t i o n s o r t h e instructions supplied with the product.
Do not use a sharp object to remove the battery. Keep the battery away from children. Only use authorized charger and accessories. Only replace the battery with the correct replacement battery. Using other battery presents a risk of fire or explosion.
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Pacemakers and Other Medical Devices
Studies have shown that there may be a potential interaction between mobile phones and normal pacemaker operation. The pacemaker industry recommends that people with pacemakers follow these guidelines to min imize any ri sk of in terf ere nce wi th pac emak er operation:
Always maintain a distance of 15 cm (6 inches) between the pacemaker and any mobile phone that is turned on.
Store the phone on the opposite side of the pacemaker. Do not carry the phone in a breast pocket.
Use the ear furthest from the pacemaker in order to minimize any potential for interference.
If you think that interference may be occurring, turn off the phone immediately.
For other medical devices, consult with your physician or the manufacturer to determine if your mobile phone may interfere with the device, and to determine any precautions that you can take to avoid interference.
Emergency Calls Important: This device operates using radio signals,
w ir e l e ss n e tw o r k s, l and l i n e n e two r k s , a n d u s er­programmed functions. If your device supports voice calls over the Internet (Internet calls), activate both the Internet calls and the cellular phone. The device may attempt to make emergency calls over both the cellular networks and through your Internet call provider if both are activated. Connections in all conditions cannot be guaranteed.
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You should never rely solely on any wireless device for essential communications like medical emergencies
When making an emergency call, give all the necessary information as accurately as possible. Your wireless device may be the only means of communication at the scene of an accident. Do not end the call until given permission to do so.
Avoid Repetitive Motion
You may experience occasional discomfort in your hands, arms, shoulders, neck, or other parts of your body if you perform repetitive activities, such as typing or playing games, on the device.
Take frequent breaks. If you have discomfort while or after using the device, stop using and see a physician.
Advices on how to reduce radio waves exposure
Reduce the amount of exposure as a precautionary measure whenever possible.
In order to reduce the amount of exposure, always use your mobile device when reception signal is strong. 4 or 5 signal bars indicates a good level of reception. It is therefore not recommended to use your mobile device inside a train, or inside an underground car park. Always prefer to use a handsfree earset when talking. You are reminded that the use of your mobile device is forbidden when driving your car. Pregnant women are advised to place the mobile device away from the stomach.
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This mobile phone model meets the guidelines for exposure to radio waves.
Your mobile phone is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio waves recommended by international guidelines. These guidelines were developed by the independent scientific organization ICNIRP and include safety margins designed to assure the protection of all persons, regardless of age and health. The exposure guidelines for mobile devices employ a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate or SAR. The SAR limit stated in the ICNIRP guidelines is 2.0 watts/kilogram (W/kg) averaged over 10 grams of tissue.
Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions with the device transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands. The actual SAR level of an operating device can be below the maximum value because the device is designed to use only the power required to reach the network. That amount changes depending on a number of factors such as how close you are to a network base station.
The highest SAR value under the ICNIRP guidelines for use of this device at the ear is 0.932 W/kg.
SAR Certification Information
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Declaration of Conformity
Hereby, Admea declare that this GSM Phone is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
The declaration of conformity is available on web site:
The European directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) requires that old household electrical appliances must not be disposed in the no rmal unsorted mu nicipal wa ste st ream . Old appliances must be collected separately in order to optimize the recovery and recycling of the materials they contain and reduce the impact on human health and the environment.
The crossed out “wheeled bin” symbol on the product reminds you of your obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance it must be separately collected.
Contact your local authority or retailer for information concerning the correct disposal of old appliance.
When using the earphone, reduce the volume to protect your ears.
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Thank you for purchasing this Thomson mobile phone. Its main features are as follows:
Large 5.3-inch display with qHD 540x96 pixels and
16.7 million colors Quad band for use in all countries Operating System: Android 4.1 Ice Cream Sandwich Memory: 4GB ROM + 512MB RAM 8-megapixel rear camera and VGA front camera Dual SIM for both professional and personal use on a single phone Wi-Fi GPS Bluetooth
1 mobile phone 1 battery 1 hands-free headset 1 USB cable 1 mains charger
Package Contents
We advise you to read the following instructions to make the best use of your phone.
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1. Getting Started
1.1. Selecting the Operator for First Use
Before you use the phone for the first time, please charge the battery for eight hours in order to optimize its performance (see also the Quick Start Guide).
Press and hold the power button located at the top right of the phone to boot it. After a f e w m o m e n t s , a s c r e e n prompt s you to configur e your phone . If yo u hav e inserted two SIM cards, this screen allows you to specify which network operator to be used by default for calls, messaging and mobile data. By default, mobile data is disabled. To enable mobile data in order to surf the Internet and send emails via the data network of your s e r v i c e p r o v i d e r , t a p “Change.
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The below screen appears. You can now choose which operator to use (in case you insert two SIM cards) for Voice Calls and Messaging.
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Opt for one of the two SIMs or choose “Always ask”. If you choose the first option by setting the default SIM, when you dial a call, the name of the operator appears on the notifications bar at the upper left of the screen. Simply drag down the notification bar to select the other operator if necessary. Otherwise, if you choose the “Always ask” option, the phone will ask you to confirm which operator to use each time you make a call or send an SMS/MMS.
If the startup screen does not appear at first use or if you want to change the d e f a u l t o p e r a t o r f o r calls/messaging: from the
Home screen, tap and select “System settings”. T h e f o l l o w i n g s c r e e n a p p e a r s . C h o o s e “More...”.
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Then, select “Mobile networks”.
After that, select “Network operators”.
After a few minutes, you can choose one of the available operators.
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1.2. Turning Off Your Phone, Activating Flight Mode, Silent Mode and Vibrate Mode
When your phone is switched on, long press the button on the right side of the device. After one second, the following message appears on the screen.
You can choose to turn off , switch to silent mode, vibrate mode or activate flight mode in order to disconnect from the network. In flight mode, you cannot receive calls or connect to the Internet.
1.3. Activating Mobile Data
To activate mobile data in order to browse the Internet or send emails through your operator's network, tap “Data connection” and select the network operator of the corresponding SIM card.
If the above screen does not appear: from the Home screen, tap and select “System
se tti ng s the n s el e ct “ SI M management”.
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Note: Before activating mobile data, make sure that you have a data plan since data usage out of bundle data plan can incur important charges from your operator. When
traveling abroad, be sure to disable mobile data connection if you do not have international roaming data
plan. The applications that you have downloaded can in fact connect to the Internet automatically without you being aware of it.
Important Remark: If the “R” symbol is displayed at the top right corner of the screen, next to the signal s tre n g t h i n d i c a t or, th a t means you are roaming. By con s eq u e nt , s u b st a nti a l charges may apply for calls and mobile data.
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1.3.1. Important Information for Subscribers to Free, Bouygues Telecom and Virtual Mobile Phone
Service Providers Subscribers to Free and Virtual Mobile
Phone Service Providers
Virtual mobile phone service provider refers to service p r o v i d e r s w h o d o n o t h a v e a n y G S M n e t w o r k infrastructures of its own and must rely on the network infrastructure of an existing network operator (for France: Orange, SFR and Bouygues Telecom). If you subscribe to a virtual mobile phone service provider, the phone will connect to a network that does not belong to the SIM card operator. Your phone will then interpret that you are abroad and display a roaming alert message (see below)
before you dial a call, send a message, receive an MMS or connect to the Internet in order to warn you of the risk of being overcharged. By default, attempts to connect t o t h e I n t e r n e t wi l l b e refused.
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You may encounter this alert message if you subscribe to Free (as Free uses for the time being part of the Orange's network infrastructure) as well as any virtual mobile phone service provider (non-exhaustive list: Afone Mobile,
Budget Mobile, BuzzMobile, Bazile Telecom, Carrefour Mobile, Casino Mobile, La Poste Mobile, Lycamobile, M6 Mobile, NRJ Mobile, Symacom Mobile, Transatel mobile, U Mobile, Virgin Mobile).
You can choose to disable th e ro ami ng a le rt a nd activate mobile data (for I n t e r n e t a c c e s s ) b y performing the following steps. From the Home screen, tap , then
select “System settings” a n d c h o o s e “ S I M management”. After that, select “Roaming” in the below screen.
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If you do not want the phone to display the roaming alert
message in data mode (when you connect to the Internet,
for example), select the option “Data roaming” in the
below screen. Then tap OK to validate the warning
message and select your network operator.
After that, select the second option “Always”. By default,
you are always notified whenever additional cost is
generated during roaming. To stop displaying the alert
message, select “Never”.
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Important Note: You will not receive any roaming alert when you are abroad. You should be particularly vigilant and preferably restore the roaming alert to warn you of the risk of being overcharged by your operator. You can also disable mobile data completely (please refer to section
If you live in France in the border area (with Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Italy), it is strongly recommended that you do not to turn off the roaming alert because
there is a risk that the phone connects to a foreign network when your main network's signal is momentarily absent. For more information, please contact your service provider.
Important Remark: If the “R” symbol is displayed at the top right corner of the screen, next to the signal strength indicator, that means you are roaming. By consequent, substantial charges may apply for calls and mobile data. Bouygues Telecom Subscribers
Perform the following steps if you encou nte r any pr oblem connecting to the Internet or sending /receiving MMS. From the Home screen, tap and select “System settings”. The screen below will appear. Then choose “More…”.
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After that, select “Mobile networks”.
Then select “Access point names”.
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