At the end of the on time, Q1 is turned off and the RON
current into TON is again diverted to VCC. Thus the current through R
ON, which charges CT during the on time,
contributes to supplying control power during the off time.
The power switch off time is controlled by the di scharge
of C
T which, in turn, is programmed by the regulated out-
put voltage. The relationship between C
T discharge cur-
rent, I
DCHG, and output voltage is illustrated as follows:
1. When V
OUT = 0, the off time is infinite. This feature
provides inherent short circuit protection. However, to
ensure output voltage startup when the output is not a
short, a high value resistor, R
S, is placed in parallel
with C
T to establish a minimum switching frequency.
2. As V
OUT rises above approxi mately 0.7V to its regu-
lated value, I
DCHG is defined by ROFF, and therefore is
equal to:
IDCHG = (VOUT - 0.7V) / ROFF
As V
increases, IDCHG increases resulting in the
reduction of off time. The frequency of operation increases and V
OUT rises quickly to its regulated value.
3. In this region, a transconductance amplifier reduces
DCHG in order to maintain VOUT in regulation.
4. If V
OUT should rise above its regulation range, IDCHG
falls to zero and the circuit returns to the minimum frequency established by R
S and CT.
The range of switching frequencies is established by
ON, ROFF, RS, and CT as follows:
Frequency = 1/(T
ON = RON • CT • 4.6 V/(VIN - 4.5V)
OFF (max) = 1.4 • RS • CT
Regions 1 and 4
OFF = ROFF • CT • 3.7V /(VOUT - 0.7V)
Region 2, excluding the effects of R
which have a minimal impact on TOFF.
The above equations assume that V
CC equals 9V. The
voltage at T
ON increases from approximately 2.5V to
6.5V while C
T is chargin g. To take this into account, VIN
is adjusted by 4.5V in the calculation of TON. The voltage
at T
OFF is approximately 0.7V.
The UCC3889 regulates a 12 volt, 1 Watt nonisolated DC output from AC inputs between 80 and 265 volts. In this example, the IC i s pro grammed to deliver a maximum on time gate drive pulse width of 2.4 microseconds which occurs
at 80 VAC. The corresponding switching frequency is approximately 100kHz at low line, and overal l efficiency is approximately 50%. Additional design informat ion is ava ilable in Unitrode Application Note U-149.