© 2009 D 512 - 09/09 4 of 20
The two stage mode of operation is selected using the DIP switch located on the circuit
board inside the thermostat.
In cases where a one stage heating system can not provide sufficient heat under all
conditions, a second stage of heat can be added to supplement the first stage. A two stage
system therefore has one thermostat controlling two output relays.
Two Stage Logic
The temperature in a two stage zone is controlled by varying the on time of the Heat 1
and Heat 2 relays during a cycle. Under light loads, the Heat 1 relay is cycled on and
off. As the load increases, the Heat 1 relay on time is increased until it reaches the
maximum of the cycle length or, if a slab sensor is used, the slab temperature reaches
the slab maximum setting. The Heat 2 relay is then cycled and its on time is increased
as the load increases. When the heating load decreases, the on time of the Heat 2
relay is reduced until the Heat 2 relay is turned off completely. The thermostat then
reduces the on time of the Heat 1 relay
NOTE: When using a slab sensor, the Heat 2 relay may be on while the Heat 1 relay is
off if the slab temperature has reached the slab maximum setting.
Air Sensor(s) Only Operation
When operating with only an air sensor, the on times for the Heat 1 and Heat 2 relays
are calculated to satisfy the requirements of the air sensor.
Slab Sensor Only Operation
When operating with only a slab sensor, the on times for the Heat 1 and Heat 2 relays
are calculated to satisfy the requirements of the slab sensor. The thermostat operates to
maintain the slab at the minimum slab temperature setting
NOTE: Operating with only a slab sensor can lead to either overheating or underheating
of the space.
Air and Slab Sensor Operation
When operating with both air and slab sensors, the thermostat calculates an on time for
the Heat 1 relay to satisfy the slab sensor’s requirements and on times for the Heat 1
and Heat 2 relays to satisfy the air sensor’s requirements. The thermostat operates the
Heat 1 relay for the longer of these two on times.
While the minimum slab temperature is satisfied, the on times of the Heat 1 and Heat 2
relays are calculated to satisfy the air temperature requirements
During heavy loads, the maximum slab temperature setting limits the on time of the Heat
1 relay. In this situation, the Heat 2 relay may be on while the Heat 1 relay is off.
NOTE: During light heating loads, overheating can occur due to the minimum slab
temperature requirements
Heat In the heat mode, the Heat 1 and Heat 2 relays are operated to satisfy the
temperature requirement of the zone
Off In the Off mode, the Heat 1 and Heat 2 relays are not operated.
NOTE: If an air or slab sensor is active in the Off mode, a freeze protection is enabled
that allows the relays to be operated to keep the zone above 35°F (2°C).