TASCAM X-48 Quick Reference Guide
Front Panel
Track Meter 1-48 Displays the signal level from -60 dBFS to -1 dBFS and overload.
REC indicator 1-48 Displays the record-ready status for each track.
Track arming button 1-48 Puts that track into record ready.
STATUS indicators ERROR : Lights when a system error occurs.
BUSY : Lights when the system is busy processing.
MIDI : Lights when the X-48 is receiving MIDI data.
DISK : Lights when the X-48 is accessing the hard drive.
SAMPLE RATE indicators Reports the selected sample rate.
TIME CODE indicators Reports the selected frame rate.
SYSTEM indicators SAMPLE LOCK : Lights when a valid external source is present. Flashes when
the selected external source is invalid.
DEST REC : Lights when the current project is in destructive record mode.
VARISPEED : Lights when varispeed is enabled.
POWER button Turns the unit on and off.
Optical Drive The internal DVD+RW optical drive is used to backup, restore, import and export
projects and files.
Transport buttons Used to control the recorder.
LCD Displays information and settings.
LCD Control buttons ENTER/YES : Navigates one menu level down or confirms a menu selection.
EXIT/NO : Navigates one menu level up or cancels a menu selection.
CHNG : Changes a menu item's value.
CLEAR/HOME : Clears a setting or navigates to the top-level menu.
Up/Down : Scroll through menus and menu settings.
TC CHASE button Enables or disables time code chase.
ALL SAFE/REC button When SHIFT is off, toggles record-ready on all tracks.
When SHIFT is on, sets all tracks to record-ready.
AUTO/ALL INPUT button When SHIFT is off, turns auto input on and off.
When SHIFT is on, sets all tracks to input monitor.
SHIFT button While pressing SHIFT, press another button to activate that’s button shifted
function. Alternatively, you may press and release SHIFT and then press
another button to activate that button’s shifted function.
PROJ button Navigates to the Project menu where one may create, load, save and
delete projects.
DISK button Navigates to the Disk menu where one may view free drive space and format
external drives.
INP 1-24 button Navigates to the Input selection menu for tracks 1-24.
INP 25-48 button Navigates to the Input selection menu for tracks 25-48.
EXT MNT/UNMNT button Mounts or unmounts an external drive.
SYNC button Navigates to the Sync menu where one may control the clock source, the sample
rate, time code settings, etc...
PREF button Navigates to the Preference menu where one may change operational settings.
SYS button Navigates to the System menu where one may store/recall system setting, change
the MIDI device ID, view the network settings, etc...
TASCAM X-48 Quick Reference Guide
LCD Menu
PROJ menu
New Creates a new project.
Open Opens an existing project.
Save Saves the current project.
Save As… Saves the current project as an another name.
Delete Deletes an existing project.
Copy Copy an existing project.
DISK menu
Free Space See free drive space.
Quick Format Format external drive.
INP 1-24 menu
IO Card Select 1-8 Selects input source by 8 channels(input 1-8).
Input Routing 1-8 Set input routing for track 1-8.
IO Card Select 9-16 Selects input source by 8 channels(input 9-16).
Input Routing 9-16 Set input routing for track 9-16.
IO Card Select 17-24 Selects input source by 8 channels(input 17-24).
Input Routing 17-24 Set input routing for track 17-24.
INP 25-48 menu
IO Card Select 25-32 Selects input source by 8 channels(input 25-32).
Input Routing 25-32 Set input routing for track 25-32.
IO Card Select 33-40 Selects input source by 8 channels(input 33-40).
Input Routing 33-40 Set input routing for track 33-40.
IO Card Select 41-48 Selects input source by 8 channels(input 41-48).
Input Routing 41-48 Set input routing for track 41-48.
SYNC menu
Sample Rate Sets a sample rate.
Sample Clock Source Sets audio clock source.
BNC Clock In Sets a type of the WORD IN clock frequency.
BNC Clock Out Sets a type of the WORD OUT clock frequency.
Word Out Polarity Sets a polarity of the WORD OUT clock.
Frame Rate Sets a timecode frame type.
Control Mode Sets a timecode chase mode.
Output Muting Sets a type of timecode output muting.
Chase Freewheel Sets a freewheel length for timecode chase
Chase Relock Sets a relock condition for timecode chase
Chase Offset Sets timecode offset when chasing
Resolve to Video In Have frame edge of the timecode output resolve to the edge of VIDEO IN signal.
Chase Lock Deviation Displays difference of the internal timecode and the timecode input.
PREF menu
Auto Chase Enable/Disable Auto Chase.
One Button Record Choose record operation('REC' or 'REC+PLAY')
One Button Rehearse Choose rehearse operation('REC' or 'REC+PLAY')
Update Punch Points Enable/Disable updating Punch In/Out points by manual punch in/out operation.
Track Key Punch Enable/Disable punch in/out by track arming button 1-48.
Use Pre/Post-Roll Enable/Disable Pre/Post-roll.
Pre-Roll Sets a Pre-roll time.
Post-Roll Sets a Post-roll time.
TimeCode Display Changes the unit of time display.