TC Electronic
Authentic Recreation of the Juno-60
Synthesizer Chorus with 2-Button Interface
and BBD Circuitry
Quick Start Guide
Controls and Connectors
Input/Output jacks – Connec t a ¼" TS cable f rom your
guitar to t he INPUT jack.
Mono setup: Set slider to MONO an d connect a ¼"
TS cable f rom the OUTPUT jack to yo ur amplier.
Stereo se tup: Set slider to STER EO and connect a
¼" TRS split cab le from the OUTPUT ja ck to a pair
of ampliers.
Note: Inpu t impedance has two o ptions designe d to optimize
perfo rmance for guita r or keyboard. Access t he internal INPUT
LEVEL slid e switch (SW6) to choose t he optimal option f or
your setup
9 V DC – Connec t a standard 9 V power s upply
(not included).
Footswitch – Turns the eec t on and o. The LED will
light when t he pedal is engaged . The pedal operate s in
true bypass when disengaged.
Mode – Pres s button I or II to sele ct between 2 c horus
preset s ettings. Pres s buttons I and II sim ultaneously to
activ ate a 3rd chorus pres et setting.
Note: Pre set I and II LFO speeds c an be changed inde pendently
via the inte rnal LFO SPEED DIP switc h (SW5).
SLOW = Origina l JUNO settings (re commended for keyb oards)
FAST = O riginal JUNE 60 se ttings (recommen ded for guitar)
Internal Option Switches
INPUT LEVEL – Selec t between inp ut impedance for
LFO SPEED – Selec t FAST or SLOW for preset I a nd/or II.
Battery Replacement
V 1.0
Settings I II III (I+II)
Mono/Stereo s witch – Selec t between MONO and
STEREO mod e.
0.5 Hz 0.83 Hz
1.3 H z 2.2 Hz
10 Hz

Input (mono) ¼" TS, unbalanced
Impedance 500 kΩ (guitar) /
12 kΩ (keyboard)
Output (mono/stereo) ¼" TS or TRS, unbalanced
Impedance 100 Ω
Power input Standard 9 V DC,
center nega tive, >100
(not included)
Battery option Internal 9 V battery
Dimensions (H x W x D) 56 x 86 x 137 mm
(2.2 x 3.4 x 5.4")
Weigh t 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs)
TC Electronic
Responsible Party Name: Music Tribe C ommercial NV In c.
Address: 901 Grier D rive
Las Vegas, N V 89118
Phone Number: +1 747 237 5033
This equi pment has been test ed and found to compl y with the limits fo r a Class B digital
device, pur suant to part 15 of the FCC Ru les. These limit s are designed to pro vide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment
generate s, uses and can radi ate radio frequen cy energy and, if n ot installed and us ed in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equ ipment does caus e harmful inter ference to radio or te levision recepti on, which can
be determ ined by turning the e quipment o and on, th e user is encourage d to try to correc t the
interf erence by one or more of t he following measu res:
• • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• • Connec t the equipment in to an outlet on a circu it dierent fro m that to which the rec eiver is
Consult the d ealer or an experi enced radio/T V technician for he lp.
This devic e complies with Par t 15 of the FCC rules. Oper ation is subject t o the following tw o
(1) this device may not c ause harmful inte rference, and
(2) this device mu st accept any inter ference received , including inter ference that may cau se
undesired operation.
Important information:
Changes or m odications to t he equipment not ex pressly approve d by Music Tribe can void th e user’s
authority to use the equipment.
Music Tribe accepts no liability for any loss which may be suered by any person who relies either wholly or in part upon any description, photograph, or statement contained herein. Technical specications,
appearances and other information are subject to change without notice. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Midas, Klark Teknik, Lab Gruppen, Lake, Tannoy, Turbosound, TC Electronic,
TC Helicon, Behringer, Bugera, Oberheim, Auratone and Coolaudio are trademarks or registered trademarks of Music Tribe Global Brands Ltd. © Music Tribe Global Brands Ltd. 2021 All rights reserved.
For the applicable warranty terms and conditions and additional information regarding Music Tribe’s Limited Warranty, please see complete details online at musictribe.com/warranty.