Original Manual: Synkron
Revision and Quality Control: C. Bachmann, H. Bischoff, S. Pfeifer, C. Schomburg
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. The software described by this document is subject to a License Agreement and may not be
copied to other media except as specifically allowed in the License Agreement. No part
of this publication may be copied, reproduced or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for
any purpose, without prior written permission by Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.
All product and company names are ™ or ® trademarks of their respective owners.
Windows XP is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. The Mac logo is a trademark used
under license. Macintosh and Power Macintosh are registered trademarks.
481Options and settings
482The Beat Calculator
484Merge Tempo From Tapping
485 Export Audio
487Mixing down to an audio file
489File format specifics
497 Synchronization
500Window Overview
511Activating VST System Link
518Application examples
521 Video
529 ReWire
531Launching and quitting
532Activating ReWire channels
533Using the transport and
tempo controls
534How the ReWire channels
are handled in Cubase SE
535Routing MIDI via ReWire2
536Considerations and
537 File handling
538File Operations
555Options and Settings
557 Customizing
559Customizing the Transport
561Customizing the toolbars
563Applying track and event
566Where are the settings
6Table of Contents
569 Key commands
571Setting up Key Commands
579Setting up tool modifier keys
581 Index
Table of Contents7
8Table of Contents
About this manual
This is the Operation Manual for Steinberg’s Cubase SE 3. Here you
will find detailed information about virtually all features and functions
in the program.
How to use the manuals and the Help
When it comes to manuals, different users look for information in different ways, depending on their previous knowledge and personal preferences. You may be looking for a complete description of a procedure,
you may just be trying to find a certain function in the program, you may
have found a function in the program and want it explained – or you may
simply want to learn it all!
Therefore, there are several ways to enter the documentation and get
Use the Table of Contents to browse the manual or the Help and find
the section you need to know more about.
You can click directly on a chapter or section to go there.
Use the Index to look up specific features and functions.
Again, you can click directly on the page number for an index entry to go to there.
The help also allows you to perform a free search of any term.
In the program you will find Help buttons in most dialogs – click to get
information about that specific dialog.
Similarly, you can press [F1] to get information about the current window.
If you want information about a specific menu item, use the Menu
Reference section in the Help.
All main menu items in Cubase SE are listed and explained there.
Finally, you could read the manuals from start to end if you like.
See below for a description of all parts of the Cubase SE documentation package.
1 – 10About this manual
Other documents
Apart from the Operation Manual and the help, the following documents
are included with Cubase SE:
Getting Started
In this book (also available in Adobe Acrobat pdf format) you will find:
•Requirements, installation and setting up your system.
•Basic concepts and terminology.
•Basic methods – e.g. how to set values, use tools and menus.
•A list of all default key commands.
•A number of tutorials, helping you get started with working in Cubase SE.
Audio Effects and VST Instruments
In this pdf document you will find:
•Descriptions of the included VST audio effect plug-ins.
•Descriptions of the included VST Instruments.
These descriptions can also be found in the help.
MIDI Devices and Features
In this pdf document you will find:
•Information on how to set up and manage MIDI devices in Cubase SE.
•Descriptions of the included MIDI effect plug-ins.
•Information on how to edit MIDI System Exclusive messages.
•Information on how to use the Logical Presets, the Input Transformer and the
Transformer effect.
All pdf documents can be opened from the Help menu in the program,
from the folder /Contents/Documentation/ within the program folder or
the folder /Library/Documentation/Cubase SE 3 under Mac OS X.
About this manual1 – 11
1 – 12About this manual
VST Connections: Setting up
input and output busses
About this chapter
As described in the Getting Started book, Cubase SE uses a system
of input and output busses to transfer audio between the program and
the audio hardware.
•Input busses let you route audio from the inputs on your audio hardware into
the program. This means that when you record audio, you will always do this
through one or several input busses.
•Output busses let you route audio from the program to the outputs on your
audio hardware. When you play back audio, you will always do this through
one or several output busses.
As you can see, the input and output busses are vital when you work
with Cubase SE. That’s the reason why you find this chapter in the beginning of the Operation Manual – once you understand the bus system
and set up the busses properly, it will be easy to go on with recording,
playing back and mixing.
Setting up busses
You can create any number of busses in Cubase SE in mono or stereo.
•The bus configuration is saved with the projects – therefore it’s a good
idea to add and set up the busses you need and save these in a template
project (see page 541).
When you start working on new projects, you start from this template. That way you
get your standard bus configuration without having to make new bus settings for each
new project. If you need to work with different bus configurations in different projects,
you could either create several different templates or store your configurations as presets (see page 17). The templates can of course also contain other settings that you
regularly use – sample rate, record format, a basic track layout, etc.
2 – 14VST Connections: Setting up input and output busses
You can add the following busses:
Input busses
•Most likely you need at least one stereo input bus assigned to an analog input
pair. This would let you record stereo material. If you want to be able to record
in stereo from other analog input pairs as well, you could add stereo input
busses for these too.
•Although you can record mono tracks from one side of a stereo input, it may be
a good idea to add a dedicated mono input bus. This could be assigned to an
analog input to which you have connected a dedicated microphone pre-amp
for example. Again, you could have several different mono busses.
•You probably want a dedicated stereo input bus assigned to the digital stereo
input, for digital transfers.
Output busses
•You probably want one or several stereo output busses for monitoring and
listening to stereo mixes.
•For digital transfers, you need a stereo bus assigned to the digital stereo
output as well.
VST Connections: Setting up input and output busses2 – 15
The VST Connections window
You add and set up busses in the VST Connections window, opened
from the Devices menu.
There are two tabs in the window: the Input and Output tab for viewing
input busses or output busses, respectively.
For the time being we shall focus on how to set up input and output
Depending on which tab you have selected, Input or Output, the window lists the current input or output busses, with the following columns:
Bus NameLists the busses. You can select busses and rename them by clicking
on them in this column.
SpeakersIndicates the speaker configuration (mono, stereo) of each bus.
Audio DeviceThis shows the currently selected Master ASIO driver.
Device PortWhen you have “opened” a bus (by clicking its + button in the Bus
2 – 16VST Connections: Setting up input and output busses
Name column) this column shows which physical input/output on your
audio hardware is used by the bus.
Adding a bus
Click the Inputs or Outputs tab depending on which you want to add.
Click the Add Bus button.
A dialog appears.
Select the desired (channel) configuration.
The pop-up menu contains Mono and Stereo options.
Alternatively you can right-click (Win) or [Ctrl]-click (Mac) in the VST
Connections window and add a bus in the desired format directly
from the context menu that appears.
The new bus appears with the ports visible.
Click in the Device Port column to select an input/output port for a
channel in the bus.
The pop-up menu that appears lists the ports with the names you have given them in
the Device Setup dialog. Repeat this for all channels in the bus.
Other bus operations
To change the port assignment for a bus you proceed as when you
added it – make sure the channels are visible (by clicking the + button
next to the bus, or by clicking the “+ All” button at the top of the window) and click in the Device Port column to select ports.
To remove a bus you don’t need, select it in the list, right-click (Win)
or [Ctrl]-click (Mac) and select “Remove Bus” from the pop-up menu.
You can store and recall bus presets with the pop-up menu at the top
of the window.
To store the current configuration as a preset, click the store (+) button and enter a name
for the preset. You can then select the stored configuration directly from the Presets
pop-up menu at any time. To remove a stored preset, select it and click the (-) button.
VST Connections: Setting up input and output busses2 – 17
Using the busses
This section describes briefly how to use the input and output busses
you have created. This is described in more detail in the chapters “Re-
cording” and “The mixer”.
When you play back an audio track (or any other audio channel in the
mixer – VST Instrument channels, ReWire channels, etc.), you route it
to an output bus. In the same way, when you record on an audio track
you select from which input bus the audio should be sent.
You can select input and output busses in the Inspector, using the
“In” and “Out” pop-up menus.
For channel types other than audio tracks (VST Instrument channels,
FX channels, etc.), only the “Out” pop-up menu is available. To access
the “Out” pop-up menu for such a channel in the Inspector, select one
of its automation subtracks in the Track list.
When selecting an input bus for a track you can only select busses that
correspond to the track’s channel configuration. Here are the details:
•Mono tracks can be routed to mono busses or individual channels within a
stereo bus (input or output).
•Stereo tracks can be routed to stereo busses.
2 – 18VST Connections: Setting up input and output busses
Viewing the busses in the mixer
Only the output busses are visible in the mixer! You cannot make any
specific mixer settings for the input busses.
Output channels
The output channels are shown to the right in the mixer. Here you can
do the following:
•Adjust the total output level for the busses with the faders.
•Add effects or EQ.
These will affect the whole bus. Examples of effects you may want to add here include
compressors or limiters. See page 193.
VST Connections: Setting up input and output busses2 – 19
2 – 20VST Connections: Setting up input and output busses
Playback and the Transport
This chapter describes the various methods available for controlling
Playback and Transport functions in Cubase SE.
The Transport panel
Below you can find a brief description of each Transport panel item.
•You can customize the look of the Transport panel, hiding unneeded
controls and moving controls as desired – see page 559.
The pictures below show the Transport panel with all controls visible and in their default
position. The Transport panel is divided into sections, from left to right.
Left locator: record start point, punch
Record mode pop-upCycle Record
mode pop-up
in point and beginning of Cycle
Preroll setting and
on/off switch
Postroll setting and
on/off switch
CPU load and Disk
Cache meters
Primary Time Display and format pop-up
Nudge position
Position slider
Go to previous
marker or project
3 – 22Playback and the Transport panel
Activates Auto
Fast forward
Go to next marker or project end
Right locator:
punch out point and end of Cycle
Exchange time formats
Cycle on/off
Secondary Time Display
and format pop-up
Metronome click on/off
Tempo track on/off
Synchronization on/offThe tempo and time signature display
MIDI In (left meter)/
MIDI Out activity
Precount on/off
Level Control (Output bus 1
Audio activity (Output bus 1)Audio input activity (Input bus 1)
Show Markers
(opens Marker window)
Jump to Marker
•The main Transport functions (Cycle/Stop/Play/Record) can also be
shown on the toolbar.
In addition, various play options are available on the Transport menu.
Hiding and showing
The Transport panel is shown by default when you launch a new
project. To hide or show it, select the “Transport Panel” item from the
Transport menu (or use a key command – by default [F2]).
About Preroll and Postroll
These items are described in the chapter “Recording” – see page 62.
Playback and the Transport panel3 – 23
Customizing the Transport panel
You can customize the appearance of the Transport panel by rightclicking (Win) or [Ctrl]-clicking (Mac) anywhere on the panel and
making selections on the pop-up menu that appears.
•On the upper half of the pop-up menu you can hide or show elements on the
panel by activating or deactivating the corresponding menu items.
•Selecting the Show All item displays all sections of the Transport panel.
•Selecting Default shows all sections in their default positions on the panel.
•The items in the lower half of the pop-up menu are preset configurations for
the Transport panel. You will find all your own stored presets here, for quick
•Selecting Setup brings up a dialog where you can set show/hide status for
the separate sections, configure where the sections should be placed on the
panel and store different Transport panel layouts as presets for instant recall.
For more about customizing the Transport panel, see page 559.
3 – 24Playback and the Transport panel
The numeric keypad
In the default Key Command settings, the numeric keypad on the
computer keyboard is assigned various Transport panel operations:
Numeric KeyFunction
[+]Fast Forward
[÷] (Win) or [/] (Mac)Cycle On/Off
[,]Return to Zero
[1]Go to Left Locator
[2]Go to Right Locator
[3 - 9]Go to marker 3 to 9
Playback and the Transport panel3 – 25
Setting the project cursor position
There are several ways to move the project cursor position:
•By using Fast Forward and Rewind.
•By dragging the project cursor in the lower part of the ruler.
•By clicking in the ruler.
Double clicking in the ruler moves the cursor and starts/stops playback.
•If the option “Locate when Clicked in Empty Space” is activated in the Preferences dialog (Transport page) you can click anywhere in an empty section of
the Project window to move the cursor position.
•By changing the value in any of the position displays.
•By using the position slider above the transport buttons.
The range of the slider relates to the Length setting in the Project Setup dialog. Hence,
moving the slider all the way to the right will take you to the end of the project.
•By using markers (see page 128).
•By using playback options (see page 30).
•By using functions on the Transport menu.
The following functions are available:
Locate Selection /
Locate Selection End
Locate Next/Previous
Locate Next/Previous
Moves the project cursor to the beginning or end of the current selection. For this to be available, you must have selected
one or more events or parts, or made a selection range.
This moves the project cursor to the closest marker to the
right or left (see page 128).
This moves the project cursor forwards or backwards respectively, to the closest beginning or end of any event on the selected track(s).
•If Snap is activated when dragging the project cursor, the Snap value is
taken into account. This is helpful for finding exact positions quickly.
3 – 26Playback and the Transport panel
•There are also numerous key commands available for moving the project
cursor (in the Transport category in the Key Commands dialog).
For example, you can assign key commands to the “Step Bar” and “Step Back Bar”
functions, allowing you to move the project cursor in steps of one bar, backwards and
About the Transport panel display formats
Primary time display (left) and secondary time display (right).
The time unit shown in the ruler can be independent from the time unit
shown in the main time display on the Transport panel. This means that
you can display timecode in the transport position display and bars and
beats in the ruler, for example. In addition, there is a secondary time display to the right of the primary time display which is also independent,
giving you three different time units shown at the same time.
The following rules apply:
•If you change the time format from the primary time display on the
Transport panel, this will apply to the ruler as well.
This is the same as changing the display format in the Project Setup. Therefore, to have
different display formats in the ruler and the main time display you should change the format in the ruler.
•The primary time display format is set on the pop-up menu to the right
in the main position display.
•The setting here also determines the time format displayed for the left
and right locators.
•The secondary time display is completely independent, and the display
format is set on the pop-up menu to the right.
•You can swap time formats between the primary and secondary time
displays by clicking the double arrow symbol between them.
Playback and the Transport panel3 – 27
The left and right locators
The left and right locators are a pair of position markers used for
specifying punch-in and punch-out positions during recording, and as
boundaries for cycle playback and recording.
•When cycle mode is activated on the Transport panel, the area between
the left and right locator will be repeated (cycled) on playback.
However, if the right locator is positioned before the left, this will work as a “jump” or
“skip mode” – when the project cursor reaches the right locator it will immediately
jump to the left locator position and continue playback from there.
There are several ways to set locator positions:
•To set the left locator, press [Ctrl]/[Command] and click at the desired
position in the ruler.
Similarly, pressing [Alt]/[Option] and clicking in the ruler sets the right locator. You can
also drag the locator “handles” directly in the ruler.
The locators are indicated by the “flags” in the ruler. The area between the locators
is highlighted in the ruler and in the Project window (see page 563). Note that if the
right locator is before the left locator the area will be red in the ruler to indicate this.
•Click and drag in the upper half of the ruler to “draw” a locator range.
If you click on an existing locator range, you can drag to move it.
•Pressing [Ctrl]/[Command] and pressing [1] or [2] on the numeric
keypad sets the left or right locator to the project cursor position.
Similarly, you can press [1] or [2] on the numeric keypad (without [Ctrl]/[Command]) to
set the project cursor position to the left or right locator position. Note that these are
default key commands – you can change these if you like.
•By creating cycle markers you can store any number of left and right
locator positions, which can be recalled by simply double clicking on
the corresponding marker (see page 132).
•The “Locators to Selection” item on the Transport menu (default key
command [P]) sets the locators to encompass the current selection.
This is available if you have selected one or several events or made a selection range.
3 – 28Playback and the Transport panel
•You can also adjust the locators numerically in the Transport panel.
Clicking the L/R buttons in the locator section on the Transport panel will move the
project cursor to the respective locator. If you press [Alt]/[Option] and click the L or R
button, the corresponding locator will be set to the current project cursor position.
Options and Settings
The “Return to Start Position on Stop” preference
This setting is found on the Transport page in the Preferences dialog
(found on the File menu under Windows, on the Cubase SE menu under Mac OS X).
•If “Return to Start Position on Stop” is activated when you stop playback, the project cursor will automatically return to the position where
recording or playback last started.
•If “Return to Start Position on Stop” is deactivated, the project cursor
will remain at the position where you stop playback.
Pressing Stop again will return the project cursor to the position where recording or
playback last started.
About track disable/enable
For audio tracks, the track context menu contains an item named “Disable Track”. This shuts down all disk activity for the track, as opposed to
using Mute, which merely turns down the output volume for a track. For
example, if you often record “alternative takes” you can easily build up a
large number of takes on different tracks. Even though these tracks are
muted, they are actually still “playing back” from the hard disk during
playback. This puts an unnecessary load on your disk system, so using
“Disable Track” is recommended for such situations.
•Select “Disable Track” for tracks that you want to keep in the project
for later use (but don’t want to play back now).
Select “Enable Track” from the track context menu to re-enable disabled tracks.
Playback and the Transport panel3 – 29
Playback functions
Apart from the standard transport controls on the Transport panel, you
can also find a number of functions that can be used to control playback on the Transport menu. The items have the following functionality:
Play from Selection
Play until Selection
Start/ End
Play until Next Marker This activates playback from the project cursor and stops at the
Play Selection Range This activates playback from the start of the current selection
Loop SelectionThis activates playback from the start of the current selection
Activates playback from the beginning or end of the current selection.
Activates playback two seconds before the start or end of the
current selection and stops at the selection start or end, respectively.
next marker.
and stops at the selection end.
and keeps starting over again when reaching the selection end.
The functions listed above (except “Play until Next Marker”) are only available if you have selected one or more events or made a selection range.
About Chase
Chase is basically a function that makes sure your MIDI instruments
sound as they should when you locate to a new position and start
playback. This is accomplished by having the program transmitting a
number of MIDI messages to your instruments each time you move to
a new position in the project, making sure all MIDI devices are set up
correctly with regard to program change, controller messages (such
as MIDI Volume) etc.
For example, let’s say you have a MIDI track with a program change
event inserted at the beginning. This event makes a synth switch to a
piano sound.
In the beginning of the first chorus you have another program change
event which makes the same synth switch to a string sound.
3 – 30Playback and the Transport panel
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