Sony STR-DA5800ES User Manual

Beginning January 1, 2014, the IPCC Accessibility measures will take effect as required by the FCC.
As a result, this receiver will only support the streaming of Audio Content through Internet Services. For more information on services supported by this product, please refer to the operating instructions.
For customers using this receiver as a Control4 controller
1 Start Composer and connect to the receiver Director (to use the receiver as a secondary controller, connect to
the primary Director)
2 Select SYSTEM DESIGN 3 Select a room where the receiver is viewable from the room’s Navigators (on screen, remote, etc.) 4 In the AUDIO VIDEO DEVICES tab, check if AVAILABLE VIDEO SOURCES shows the receiver video services (Netflix
and Internet Video). If so, hide them as follows:
5 Select PROPERTIES > NAVIGATOR tab 6 In the MENU list, select TV > MODIFY 7 Hide Netflix and Internet Video 8 Repeat steps 6 and 7 for VIDEO and WATCH from the MENU list 9 Repeat steps 5 - 8 for each room where the receiver is viewable from the room’s Navigators 10 Select FILE > REFRESH NAVIGATORS
The above illustration shows the windows for the STR-DA2800ES.
© 2014 Sony Corporation Printed in Malaysia 4-529-639-11(1)