Sony MDS-PC1 Operating Instructions

MD Editor
User’s Guide Mode d’emploi Manual de instrucciones
1998 by Sony Corporation
Program © 1998 Sony Corporation Documentation © 1998 Sony
• Microsoft, MS-DOS and Windows are the registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
• IBM and PC/AT are the registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
• Other companies and product names are the trademarks or the registered trademarks of each company.

Table of contents

Getting started ............................... 4
Overview .............................................. 4
About this manual ............................... 4
System requirements .................. 5
Preparation ..................................... 6
Checking the supplied items.............. 6
Connections .......................................... 7
Connecting a computer .............. 7
Connecting a CD player ............. 8
Installing the software ........................ 9
Starting the software ......................... 10
Operation ...................................... 11
Names and functions of screen........ 11
MD operation screen................. 12
CD operation screen.................. 14
Playing an MD ................................... 16
Playing an MD ........................... 16
Selecting a track for playback .. 16
Locating a specific track ........... 16
Locating a particular point in a
track .................................... 16
Pausing playback ...................... 17
Stopping playback..................... 17
Editing recorded MDs....................... 18
Assigning track names and
disc names
(NAME function) .............. 18
Moving recorded tracks
(MOVE function)............... 20
Dividing recorded tracks
(DIVIDE function)............. 21
Combining recorded tracks
(COMBINE function)........ 22
Erasing a part of a track (A-B
ERASE function) ............... 23
Erasing recordings (ERASE
function) ............................. 24
Printing MD labels............................. 25
Assigning names to CDs (NAME
function)...................................... 26
Recording from a CD to an MD....... 27
Programming the CD tracks ............ 28
Changing the disc icons .................... 30
Quitting ............................................... 30
Additional Information ................ 31
Troubleshooting................................. 31
Index .................................................... 32

Getting started


When connected to your computer, the MDS-PC1 can be operated using the computer’s display. Besides easy operation of MD playback and editing as on a regular MD deck using the computer’s mouse, other features also possible with this unit include:
• Keyboard generated character input.
• Operation of Sony CD players*.
• Easy “drag and drop” recording* from a Sony CD player to an MD deck.
* Only compatible with CD players that include a
CONTROL A1 jack (compatible models: CDP-CX220, CDP-CX260, CDP-CX57, CDP-CA80ES and CDP-CE525). The accessory (or sold separately) CONTROL A1 cable is also necessary for this function.

About this manual

This manual explains preparations and operation methods for operating the MDS-PC1 with a computer.
Before you get started
This section explains things that you should know before actually operating this unit.
This section explains connections, installation method, etc..
This section explains MD playback, editing, easy CD to MD recording methods, etc., using a computer.
Additional information
This section explains such things as how to deal with problems when they occur, etc.. Please refer to this section when necessary.
Viewing the latest information concerning this software
The latest information about this software can be found in the “Readme.txt” file installed on the hard
disk with the MD Editor software. Please be sure to read this file.
System requirements
The following hardware and software are necessary to connect the MDS-PC1 to your computer and operate it.
IBM PC/AT or compatibles
Memory: 16 MB or more (32 MB or more is
Video board and display driver:
VGA (640x480 pixels), 256 colors or more displayable.
Hard disk space:
5MB or more. CD-ROM drive Serial port:
1 or more OS: Microsoft Windows 95 (Microsoft Windows
3.1 and WindowsNT are invalid.)
Video monitor:
VGA (640x480 pixels), 256 colors or more
• When using the timer to carry out recording and
playback, please quit the MD Editor.
• When turning off the MD deck’s power, please quit
the MD Editor.


Checking the supplied items

Check to make sure that you have received the following supplied items with the MD Editor. If anything is missing, please contact the shop where you purchased this unit or your nearest Sony dealer.
• Connector (RS-232C˜monaural mini jack)
• CONTROL A1 connection cord (monaural mini plug cord)
• CD-ROM (1)
• Operating instructions (for the unit and software)


Connecting a computer
Connect this unit to your computer using the provided connection cord and connector.
To CONTROL A1 jack on front panel or rear panel
CONTROL A1 connection cord
To computer’s serial (RS-232C) port
Connect the computer’s serial (RS-232C) port to this unit’s CONTROL A1 jack.
When your computer and this unit are separated by distance
Please use a connection cord such as RK-G34 (optional).
• Please use the supplied connection cable. Using a different cable may result in damage.
• Please plug the cable in straight when connecting. Plugging the cable in at an angle may result in damage.
• Do not insert any metal objects into the connection jacks. Shorting may occur resulting in damage.
• Do not connect headphones to the CONTROL A1 jack. If connected, noise will be heard from the headphones and all CONTROL A1 functions will be inoperable.
Connecting a CD player
Use the CONTROL A1 cord supplied with a CD player or optional one to connect this unit to a Sony CD player (that includes a CONTROL A1 jack). When operating this unit using a computer, connect only 1 CD player and set the CD player’s command mode to
The CD player must also be connected to this unit with an audio connection cable (digital or analog*).
For details, please refer to the CD player’s manual (compatible models: CDP-CX220, CDP-CX260, CDP­CX57, CDP-CA80ES and CDP-CE525).
* When carrying out drag and drop recording from a CD
referring to the procedure on page 27, please make connection using an optical digital cable.
When this unit is connected to a CD player, as well as to a computer, be sure that the CD player’s play mode is set to CONTINUE.

Installing the software

Use this procedure to install the software onto your computer’s hard disc. Set the computer to the operation mode before proceeding.
1 Insert the supplied CD-ROM into the computer. 2 Double-click on the CD-ROM’s icon.
The Setup icon appears.
3 Double-click on the Setup icon to start installation. 4 Carry out installation operation according to the
messages that appear. Eject the CD-ROM when installation is finished.
About the Database file
Installing the software creates a folder called the “Database” folder. Because this software uses this folder, please do not erase, move, or change the contents of this folder.
Uninstalling the software
1 Select “Start”, “Settings”, “Control Panel” menu to
open the control panel, and double click on the “Add/Remove Program”.
2 Select “Install/Uninstall” tag, select “MD Editor
Ver 1.1” and press “Add/Remove...” button. The dialog box appears.
3 Press “Yes” to uninstall the software.
Uninstaller starts and the software deletes automatically.

Starting the software

Use this procedure to start up this software. Double click on the “MD Editor” icon.
This software is activated. Registration of your name is only necessary the first
The following screen appears immediately after start up.
Setting up the serial port
Select “SerialSetup” from the option menu. Select COM1, COM2, COM3, or COM4.
• When this software is started up, playback or editing operations in progress on the main unit will be stopped. Also, after start up, operation will not be possible with the main unit’s controls or the remote’s controls (excluding the switch, REC MODE switch, INPUT switch and TIMER switch).
When using this unit or the remote for operation, please quit this software.
• When this software is started up, this unit’s PLAY MODE will be automatically set to CONTINUE, and the repeat mode will be canceled.
• When this software is started up, please do not turn this unit’s power off.


Names and functions of screen

Screen examples
MD operation screen
CD operation screen
Names and functions of screen (continued)
MD operation screen
4 5
1 MD icon:
Clicking on this icon selects all tracks on the disc. This function is convenient when you want to use the ERASE mode to erase all tracks (page 24).
2 MD operation panel
The input monitor mode and manual track marking mode can not be used.
: POWER switch : MD eject button : AMS *1 button : Fast forward/Reverse button : Play button : Pause button : Stop button : Record button
AMS = Automatic Music Sensor This function searches for the beginning of tracks.
: MOVE button : DIVIDE button : COMBINE button : A-B ERASE button : ERASE button
3 Disc Name display 4 Time display switching button
Used to switch between the Remain Time, Total Time, Track Elapsed and Track Remain displays.
5 Time display 6 Disc capacity display 7 Track number, Track name, Time display
Names and functions of screen (continued)
CD operation screen
4 5 6
1 CD icon:
Clicking on this icon selects all tracks. When recording onto an MD, dragging and
dropping this icon onto the MD operation screen selects all tracks for recording.
2 CD operation buttons
The input monitor mode and manual track marking mode cannot be used.
: DISC+/– buttons
(The number is the disc presently selected.)
: AMS *1 button : Fast forward/Reverse button : Play button : Pause button : Stop button
AMS = Automatic Music Sensor This function searches for the beginning of tracks.
3 Disc Name display 4 Artist Name display 5 Time display switching button
Used to switch between the Remain Time, Total Time, Track Elapsed and Track Remain displays.
6 Time display 7 Track number, Track name, Time display
When this unit is connected to a CD player as well as to a computer, be sure to set the CD player’s play mode to CONTINUE.

Playing an MD

Stating MD playback using the computer.
Playing an MD
1 Insert an MD into the MDS-PC1.
The disc’s content is displayed on the computer’s display.
2 Click on .
Playback starts.
Selecting a track for playback
Double-clicking on the track number or time display section.
The deck starts playing of that track.
Locating a specific track
Click on or during playback. Playback begins from the beginning of the next
track (or the present track).
To start playback of the beginning of a track further ahead, click on the number of tracks ahead you want to skip. Click twice to return to the beginning of the track before the current track.
Locating a particular point in a track
Click on or during playback. Clicking on will engage fast rewind only
while the mouse button is held down, and clicking and holding on while the mouse button is held down. Playback will resume from where the mouse button is released.
will engage fast forward only
Pausing playback
Click on during playback. Playback pauses.
To resume playback after pause
Click on or .
Stopping playback
Click on during playback. Playback stops.

Editing recorded MDs

MD editing can easily be carried out using the computer.
For a detailed explanation of functions, please refer to the MD deck operating instructions.
Assigning track names and disc names (NAME function)
Track names and disc names can easily be input using the computer’s keyboard.
1 On the MD operation screen, move the cursor to 2 Input the desired track name.
Other operations
Input is also possible using functions such as copy and paste etc..
• You can only input the English alphabets, numbers and some symbols. If an MD encoded with the letters other than those above is played back, the correct letters will not be displayed.
• If the disc’s write protect tab is set to protect, character input, recording, editing etc., will not be possible. Slide the erase prevention tab so that recording is possible.
• Symbols that can be input are as follows. ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , – . / : ; < = > ? @ _ `
Symbols other than these will not be displayed.
When this software is not used, and editing is carried out using the MDS-PC1’s controls, be sure to select and engage “Reload” on the option menu once you have finished editing. If not engaged, the actual content of the MD may differ from its displayed content.
the track title display and click on it.
To input the other names continuously, press the Enter key on the computer’s keyboard after you once finish inputting the desired disc or track name.
Next title display changes edit mode automatically, and you can input the other names.
To use the text data input by other application (FLOW function)
Before you input disc or track names by using memorandum or other text editing softwares, you can assign all names with one copy and paste operation.
1 Input the disc or track names by using
memorandum or other text editing softwares. Divide each name by pressing Enter key on the
computer´s keyboard.
(ex.) disc name <enter> track 1 name <enter> track 2 name <enter> : track n name <enter>
2 Select all texts and copy it on the clipboard. 3 Click the disc name or 1st track name display to
enter edit mode.
4 Select “Paste” from the edit menu.
The text is assigned from the beginning display.
Editing Recorded MDs (continued)
Moving recorded tracks (MOVE function)
1 On the MD operation screen, click on the track
number of the track that you wish to move. The track name’s color you clicked changes. More
than one track cannot be moved.
2 Click on on the operation panel.
The MOVE dialog box appears.
3 Input the track number of the location you are
moving the track to.
4 Click “OK”.
The selected track is moved to the designated location.
To cancel the MOVE function
Click “Cancel”.
Moving a track during playback
During playback of the track you wish to move, click on on the operation panel. Once the MOVE dialog box appears, carry out the above steps 3 to 4. If there is 1 other track selected during playback, that track will be moved.
Tracks can also be moved by dragging
Tracks can be moved to the desired location by dragging and dropping the track number of the track you want to move.
Dividing recorded tracks (DIVIDE function)
1 During playback, click on on the
operation panel at the point that you wish to divide the track.
Rehearsal playback starts from the point clicked on and the DIVIDE dialog box appears.
2 Click on / and shift slowly*.
Rehearsal playback begins from the shift point.
can also be dragged left or right for
3 Click “OK” when the divide point plays back
correctly. The track is divided.
To cancel the DIVIDE function at any time
Click “Cancel”.
* Shifting is possible in 1 step (approx. 0.06 second units).
Editing Recorded MDs (continued)
Combining recorded tracks (COMBINE function)
1 On the MD operation screen, click on the track
number of the tracks that you wish to combine. When only one track is clicked on, that track and
the track immediately before it will be joined. However, the lead track cannot be selected. When tracks being joined are separated by distance, after clicking on the first track, click on the track to be joined while holding down the SHIFT key.
2 Click on on the operation panel.
The COMBINE dialog box appears, and rehearsal playback of the section where the tracks are joined begins.
Click on to reverse the order of the tracks played back.
3 If the displayed tracks are correct, click “OK”.
The selected tracks are joined.
To cancel the COMBINE function at any time
Click “Cancel”.
Combining the track playing back with the track immediately in front of it
During playback of the track you want to combine, click on COMBINE dialog box appears, carry out the above step 3. This operation is not possible when the lead track is being played back. If there are 1 or 2 other tracks selected during playback, those selected tracks will be combined.
on the operation panel. Once the
Erasing a part of a track (A-B ERASE function)
1 During playback, click on on the
operation panel at the start point you wish to erase (point A).
Rehearsal playback up to the selected point begins and the A-B ERASE dialog box appears.
2 Click on / of A and slowly shift the A point*.
can also be dragged left or right for
3 Click “OK” when the point A is playing back
4 Continue playback, or press the or
button to go to the erase point you want to stop (point B), and click “OK”.
The point B is temporarily set. Rehearsal playback of the section between the A and B points begins.
5 Click on / of B and slowly shift the B point*.
can also be dragged left or right for
6 Click “OK” when the point B is playing back
correctly. The A-B section is erased.
To cancel the A-B ERASE function at any time:
Click “Cancel”.
* Shifting is possible in 1 step (approx. 0.06 second units).
Editing Recorded MDs (continued)
Erasing recordings (ERASE function)
1 On the MD operation screen, click on the track
number of the track that you wish to erase. When selecting more than one track, click on the
numbers while holding down the SHIFT key.
When erasing all tracks do one of the following:
• Click on all tracks after pressing SHIFT.
• Select “Select all” on the editing menu.
• Click on the MD disc icon
2 Click on on the operation panel.
The ERASE dialog box appears.
3 Click “OK” if it is ok to erase the track(s).
The selected track(s) is erased.
To cancel the ERASE function
Click “Cancel”.
Erasing a track that is playing back:
During playback of the track you want to erase, click on on the operation panel. Once the ERASE dialog box appears, carry out the above step 3. If there are other tracks during playback, those selected tracks will be erased.
Dragging to will also erase tracks
Erasing tracks can also be done by selecting the track and dragging and dropping it in operation panel.
Erasing of one track at a time, more than one track, or all tracks is possible.
All tracks can be erased by selecting the MD disc icon
and then dragging and dropping.
on the
Erased tracks can not be recalled.

Printing MD labels

The disc and track name lists on the MD operation screen can be printed out as MD labels.
The track list for a disc with 10 tracks or less will be printed out as one column, and the list for a disc with 11 to 20 tracks will be printed out as 2 columns.
For printing, a printer must be connected to your computer.
Label for cartridge
Label for disc’s side
6. Make It Happen
9. Emotions
11. Make
12. Lonely engineer
13. Good
Label for disc
1 Load paper for label printing in the printer. 2 Select “Label Print” on the file menu.
The printing dialog box appears.
3 Follow the procedure for printing.
Please use the procedure for regular printing.
Printing is not possible on labels included with discs.

Assigning names to CDs (NAME function)

Disc names and track names can be assigned to CDs. CD text data can also be displayed. Track and disc names are input using the computer’s keyboard. Assigned names are stored temporarily in the “Database” folder on the computer’s hard disk until you select “Reload” from the option menu. Names are not input directly onto the CD itself.
1 On the CD operation screen, move the cursor to
the disc name or track name display column and click on it.
2 Input the desired name.
To display the CD-TEXT information in the CD including CD-TEXT
Select “Reload” from the option menu.
If the CD is replaced, please be sure to engage “Reload” on the option menu after replacement.

Recording from a CD to an MD

Recording from a Sony CD player (connected with the CONTROL A1 connection cord (optional)) to an MD is easy on this unit. To record, simply drag the track from the CD operation screen and drop it onto the MD operation screen.
When using this recording method, please connect this unit to the CD player using an optical connection cable.
1 Select “Open CD window” on the file menu to
display the track that you wish to record.
When a CD changer is connected:
• Click on and select the desired CD.
• Up to 5 CD operation screens can be opened.
Drag the track number of the track that you wish to record, and drop it onto the MD operation screen.
The selected track becomes the designated track for recording, and the recording pause mode is engaged.
Drag and drop the track number
Dragging the CD disc icon and dropping it onto the MD operation screen will set all tracks on that CD as designated recording tracks.
3 When there are more tracks that you wish to
record, repeat step 2. A warning appears if the tracks don’t fit onto 1
4 Click on or .
appears, “Now Rec” flashes, and
recording begins.
Recording from a CD to an MD (continued)
Removing tracks from the designated track list:
During recording pause, click on the track that you want to remove from the designated track list, and then click track is removed from the list.
Many tracks can be canceled at one time. When selecting more than one track, click on the tracks while holding down the SHIFT key.
Tracks already recorded onto the MD cannot be erased at this time.
on the MD operation screen. The
To stop recording:
Click on .

Programming the CD tracks

Tracks on a CD can be programmed to playback in the order that you like. This is done by simply dragging the track number from the CD operation menu and dropping it onto the PLAY LIST screen.
1 Select “Program window” from the CD operation
screen’s file menu. The PLAY LIST screen appears.
2 Drag the track numbers from the CD operation
screen and drop them onto the PLAY LIST screen in the order that you want to hear them.
The tracks are added to the program in the position that they are dropped.
Drag and drop the track number
The track order can also be changed by dragging and dropping within the PLAY LIST screen.
Dragging and dropping the CD disc icon the PLAY LIST screen will program all tracks on the CD.
3 Click on .
Playback starts.
To stop program playback:
Click on .
Removing selected tracks from the program
In the stop mode, click on the track that you want to remove, and then click on panel. The selected track is removed from the program.
Removing many tracks at one time is also possible. When selecting more than one track, click on the tracks while holding down the SHIFT key.
Viewing details of the programmed tracks
Click on on the bottom left side of the PLAY LIST screen.
To return to the original screen, click again.
During program playback, operation of MD operation and CD operation screens is not possible.
on the operation
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