Silvercrest SNHT 1.5 A1 User Manual [ro]

ID-Nr.: SNHT 1.5 A1-02/11-V1
IAN: 63709
Nose/Ear Trimmer SNHT 1.5 A1
Nose/Ear Trimmer
Operating instructions
Aparat de tuns pentru nas/urechi
Instrucţiuni de utilizare
Κοπτική μηχανή
περιποίησης για μύτη/-αυτιά
Οδηүίες χρήσης
Upute za upotrebu
Тример за нос и уши
Ръководство за експлоатация
SNHT 1.5 A1
Intended use 2 Technical data 2 Safety Instructions 2 Items supplied 4 Appliance description 4 Inserting the battery 4 Attaching and removing the blade attachment 5 Removing nasal and ear hairs 5 Cleaning and care 5 Disposal 7 Warranty & Service 8 Importer 9
Read these operating instructions carefully before using the appliance for the first time and preserve this manual for later reference. Pass this manual on to whoever might acquire the appliance at a future date.
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Intended use
With this Multitrimmer you can gently remove hair from your nose and ears. The appliance in intended exclusively for domestic use. It is not intended for commercial applications.
Technical data
Power supply: 1 x 1,5 V DC (Type AA/Mignon/LR06) Protection class: IPX 4
Safety Instructions
Risk of personal injuries
• Insert the appliance into the nostril or ear only as far as the narrow tip will reach.
• Do not use the appliance if the blades are deformed or damaged in any way.
• Protect the blades from knocks and do not use excessive force. This will prevent the blades from becoming damaged.
• Do not open the housing: there are no user-serviceable elements inside.
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• This appliance is not intended for use by individuals (including children) with restricted physical, physiological or intellectual abilities or deficiences in experience and/or knowledge unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or receive from this person instruction in how the appliance is to be used.
• Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
Information regarding the handling of batteries
When handling batteries, please pay heed to the following:
• Do not throw batteries into a fire. Do not recharge the batteries. There is a risk of explosions and injuries!
• Never open batteries, never solder or weld batteries. There is a risk of ex­plosions and injuries!
• Regularly check the condition of the batteries. Leaking batteries can cause damage to the appliance.
• If you do not intend to use the appliance for an extended period, remove the batteries.
• Wear protective gloves in the event of having to remove a leaking battery. Then clean the battery compartment and the battery contacts with a dry cloth.
• Keep batteries away from children. Children can put batteries into their mouths and swallow them. Should a battery be swallowed, seek medical assistance IMMEDIATELY.
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Items supplied
Nose/Ear Trimmer Battery (Type AA/Mignon/LR06) Operating instructions
Appliance description
1 Protective cover 2 Blade attachment for nose/ear hair 3 Hand appliance with On / Off switch 4 Battery compartment 5 Battery compartment cover
Inserting the battery
To open the battery compartment 4, turn the battery compartment cover
5 so far in the opposite direction of the arrow on the hand appliance 3
that the point on the battery compartment cover 5 lies against the arrow on the hand appliance 3 . You can now lift the battery com­partment cover 5 off.
Insert a battery of the type AA/Mignon/LR06. Observe the correct polari-
ty (this is indicated in the battery compartment 4)!
Close the battery compartment 4. To do this, place the battery compart-
ment cover 5 at a slant on the battery compartment 4, so that the mark on the battery compartment cover 5 is placed against the arrow on the hand appliance 3 . Then turn the battery compartment cover 5 until the mark is placed against the lock symbol .
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Attaching and removing the blade attachment
Place the blade attachment 2 on the hand appliance 3 slanted by approx.
45° to the right so that it grasps the guides on the hand appliance 3.
Turn the blade attachment 2 clockwise to secure it. Turn the blade attachment 2 anticlockwise to release and remove it.
Removing nasal and ear hairs
Assemble the blade attachment for nose/ear hairs 2 as described in the
chapter "Attaching and removing the blade attachment".
Double-check to ensure that the blade attachment 2 is firmly and securely
attached before taking the appliance into use.
First then switch the hand unit 3 on with the On/Off switch (slide the
switch upwards, number 1 visible).
Carefully insert the tip of the blade attachment 2 into the nostril / ear. The
rotating blades remove the hairs painlessly.
After use, switch the appliance off (slide the switch downwards, number 0
Cleaning and care
Remove the assembled blade attachment 2 from the hand unit 3 and
rinse it under running water.
The hand unit 3 is only splashproof. NEVER submerse it in water. This could irreparably damage the appliance.
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Afterwards, dry the blade attachment 2 completely. Should any hairs remain on the blade of the attachment, remove them
with, for example, a soft brush.
At regular intervals apply a few drops of oil suitable for electric razors to
the blade attachment 2. At the latest, however, when the blades no lon­ger run smoothly.
Do not use cleaning agents or solvents. They can damage the plastic surfaces.
Keep the appliance in a cool dry place.Remove the battery if you are not intending to use the appliance for a long
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Do not dispose of the appliance in your normal domestic wa­ste. This product is subject to the European guideline 2002/96/EC.
Dispose of the appliance through an approved dis-posal centre or at your community waste facility. Observe the currently applicable regulations. In case of doubt, please contact your waste disposal centre.
Battery disposal!
Batteries may not be disposed of with normal domestic waste. All consumers are statutorily obliged to dispose of batteries at the collection point in their community/district or with the original supplier. The purpose of this obligation is to ensure that batteries can be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Only dispose of batteries when they are fully discharged.
Dispose of all packaging materials in an environmentally friendly manner.
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Warranty & Service
The warranty for this appliance is for 3 years from the date of purchase. The appliance has been manufactured with care and meticulously examined be­fore delivery. Please retain your receipt as proof of purchase. In the event of a warranty claim, please make contact by telephone with our Service Depart­ment. Only in this way can a post-free despatch for your goods be assured.
The warranty covers only claims for material and maufacturing defects, but not for transport damage, for wearing parts or for damage to fragile compo­nents, e.g. buttons or batteries. This product is for private use only and is not intended for commercial use. The warranty is void in the case of abusive and improper handling, use of force and internal tampering not carried out by our authorized service branch. Your statutory rights are not restricted in any way by this warranty. The warranty period will not be extended by repairs made unter warranty. This applies also to replaced and repaired parts. Any damage and defects extant on purchase must be reported immediately after unpacking the appli­ance, at the latest, two days after the purchase date. Repairs made after the expiration of the warranty period are subject to payment.
Service Great Britain
Tel.: 0871 5000 700 E-Mail:
Service Ireland
Tel.: 1850 930 412 (0,082 EUR/Min.)
Standard call rates apply. Mobile operators may vary.
(£ 0.10 / minute)
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Service Cyprus
Tel.: 8009 4409 E-Mail:
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Upotrebna namjena 12 Tehnièki podaci 12 Sigurnosne upute 12 Obim isporuke 14 Opis ureðaja 14 Umetanje baterije 14 Postavljanje i skidanje nastavka sa oštricom 15 Uklanjanje dlaka u nosu i ušima 15 Èišæenje i èuvanje 15 Zbrinjavanje 17 Jamstvo & servis 18 Uvoznik 19
Ove upute za uporabu prije prvog korištenja pažljivo proèitajte, te ih saèuvajte za kasniju uporabu ureðaja. Prilikom predavanja ureðaja treæim osobama obavezno priložite i ove upute.
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Trimer za uklanjanje dlaèica iz nosa/ušiju
Upotrebna namjena
Pomoæu ovog multitrimmera možete na nježan naèin odstraniti dlake iz nosa i ušiju. Ureðaj je namijenjen iskljuèivo za privatnu uporabu. Nije predviðena njegova uporaba u gospodarskim podruèjima.
Tehnički podaci
Pogonsko napajanje: 1 x 1,5 V DC (tip AA/Mignon/LR06) Vrsta zaštite: IPX 4
Izjava o sukladnosti za ovaj proizvod dostupna je na internet stranici
Sigurnosne upute
Opasnost od ozljeðivanja!
• Ureðaj samo toliko duboko umetnite u nosnicu ili uho, koliko doseže
njegov uski vrh.
• Ne koristite ureðaj, ako su oštrice deformirane ili ošteæene.
• Oštrice zaštitite od udaraca i ne vršite prevelik pritisak prilikom uporabe.
U protivnom može doæi do ošteæenja oštrica.
• Ne otvarajte kuæište – unutri se ne nalaze nikakvi komandni elementi za
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• Ovaj ureðaj nije namijenjen da bude korišten od strane osoba (ukljuèujuæi
djecu) sa ogranièenim fizièkim, senzoriènim i mentalnim osobinama i ne­dostatkom iskustva ili znanja, osim ako ove osobe stoje pod nadzorom druge osobe zadužene za njihovu sigurnost, ili ako su od nje primili upute za ispravno korištenje ureðaja.
• Djeca bi trebala biti pod nadzorom, èime treba biti osigurano da se ne
mogu igrati ovim ureðajem.
Napomene u vezi rukovanja sa baterijama.
Prilikom ophoðenja sa baterijama molimo obratite paÏnju na slijedeçe:
• Ne bacajte baterije u vatru. Ne vršite ponovno punjenje baterija. Postoji
opasnost od eksplozije i od ozljeðivanja!
• Nikada ne otvarajte baterije, ne vršite lemljenje ili zavarivanje baterija.
Postoji opasnost od eksplozije i od ozljeðivanja!
• U redovnim vremenskim razmacima kontrolirajte baterije. Baterije, koje
cure, mogu uzrokovati ošteæenje ureðaja.
• Ako ureðaj duže vrijeme ne koristite, izvadite baterije.
• Kod iscurjelih baterija koristite zaštitne rukavice. Pretinac za baterije i ba-
terijske kontakte oèistite pomoæu suhe krpe.
• Baterije ne smiju dospjeti u djeèje ruke. Djeca bi baterije mogla staviti u
usta i progutati. Ukoliko doðe do gutanja baterije, neizostavno mora biti zatražena lijeènièka pomoæ.
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Obim isporuke
Više namjenski trimer Baterije (tip AA/Mignon/LR06) Upute za rukovanje
Opis uređaja
1 Zaštitna kapa 2 Nastavak sa oštricama za dlake u nosu i ušima 3 Ruèni ureðaj sa prekidaèem za ukljuèivanje i iskljuèivanje 4 Pretinac za baterije 5 Poklopac pretinca za baterije
Umetanje baterije
U svrhu otvaranja pretinca za baterije 4 okrenite poklopac pretinca 5
toliko daleko u smjeru protivnom smjeru strelice oslikane na ruènom ureðaju 3, da toèka na poklopcu pretinca za baterije 5 bude naspram strelice ruènog ureðaja 3 . Nakon toga poklopac pretinca za baterije 5 možete podiæi.
Umetnite bateriju tipa AA/Mignon/LR06. Pritom obratite pažnju na ispra-
van polaritet (oznaka na pretincu za baterije 4)!
Zatvorite pretinac za baterije 4. U tu svrhu poklopac pretinca za baterije
5 postavite koso na pretinac za baterije 4, tako da toèka na poklopcu
pretinca za baterije 5 naliježe na strelici na ruènom dijelu ureðaja 3
. Okrenite poklopac pretinca za baterije 5 toliko, da toèka leži
na simbolu brave .
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