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Print No.: SPB7-230.812.05.03.02 Doc . Gen. Date:11.02
Replaces: SPB7-230.812.05.02.0266 47 114
0 - 2Revision
Document revision level
The document corresponds to the version/revision level effective at the time of system delivery. Revisions to hardcopy documentation are not automatically distribute d.
Please contact your local Siemens office to order current re vision levels.
The installation and service of equipment described herein is to be performed by qualified personnel
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Assemblers and other persons who are not employed by or otherwise directly affiliated with or authorized by Siemens or one of its affiliates are directed to contact one of the local offices of Siemens or
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No images are transferred to the Fuji CR Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 1
The AEC Calibration exposure menu does not appear in the exposure menu . . . . 13 - 1
14 ______Changes to previous version ____________________________________ 14 - 1
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0 - 6Contents
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These instructions describe how t o set u p a Fuji CR Console f or AEC Calibr ation and how
to perform the calibration.
1 - 1
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1 - 2General
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Safety information2
When carrying out the work steps and test, the product-specific safety information contained in this document, as well as the general safety information must be observed.
Important note2
The figures in this document are based on softwar e version A06 of the Fuji CR Console.
User interface of later software versions might look different.
Components included2
The AEC upgrade kit for Fuji CR (Siemens material No. 66 33 502) includes:
Three plates, 2 cm (material No. 65 61 232)
One plate 1 cm (material No. 65 61 224)
• Ionization chamber and electrometer calibrated at the mammography x-ray beam
energies thin enough to be placed in cassett e compartment (material No. 97 17 612 or
Time required2
Approximately 8 hours for one Customer Support Engineer.
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2 - 2Introduction
1.The installation of the Siemens MAMMOMAT must be completed.
2.For MAMMOMAT 3000 Nov a with serial No. low er than 6850, upgrade with
extended radiation field kit No. 64 83 551.
3.For MAMMOMAT 3000 Nova with serial No. lower than 7000, upgrade with AEC
kit No. 65 52 819. If the AEC kit is inst alled directly before the prom kit No.
66 24 410, use proms from the prom kit if those are of higher version than the AEC
Prerequisites (installat ion kit no. 65 52 819):
Depending on the serial number and/or version of t he software of your
MAMMOMAT, complementary measures may have to be taken. These measures
are described below.
- For MAMMOMAT 3000 with serial number lower than 2056:
If not done previously; cha nge the polarity of the stereo le ver switch.
- For MAMMOMAT 3000 with serial number lower than 3242:
Make sure that the art icle no. of the PC board D702 is 64 21 288.
- For MAMMOMAT 3000 software version lower than v1.5:
Replace HSE detectors. The part no. of the HSE detect ors must be 38 47 626.
- For MAMMOMAT 3000 software version lower than v2.2:
Calibrate the swivel-arm rotati on.
The tables for Fuji CR HR-BD imaging plate in IP CASS-BD M will
be installed on D and will overwrite existing tables.
Make sure that the correction tables for the film/screen combination are installed on H.
If more than one film/screen combination has been installed, one
of them has to be removed.
Fuji equipment2
Fuji FCR 5000 MA reader with Fuji CR Console with SW versio n A06 or higher.
The installation of the Fuji FCR 5000MA reader and the Fuji CR Console must be com-
It is recommended that a Fuji service engineer is present during the installation.
FCR= Fuji Computed Radiography
IVK= Installed Volume Component
IP= Imaging Plate
LAN= Local Area Network
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Unpacking and setup of the AEC kit for Fuji CR3
= Option
Unpack the accessories from the box.
• Disconnect the network cables from the Fuji equipment. The original network connection
shall be restored when the AEC calibratio n has been performed.
• Connect the MAMMOMAT, Fuji FCR 5000 MA reader, Fuji CR Console and service PC
to the switch with the enclosed network cabl es (Siemens material No. 99 00 440)
according to Fig. 1. Use the same network socket s on the Fuji equipment as before.
• Connect the switch to the incoming mains.
• Connect the service PC to the MAMMOMAT according to the MAMMOMAT’s Technical
3 - 1
MAMMOMAT 3000 Nova
Service PCSwitch
Incoming mains
Fig. 1 Configuration
Image reader
Fuji CR Console
Incoming mains
Remaining wor k st eps3
Remove and dispose of all packaging materials from the components.
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3 - 2Unpacking and setup of the AEC kit for Fuji CR
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Start-up of the Fuji FCR 5000MA4
Starting up the image reader4
1.Make sure that the power lamp on the operat ion panel lights green.
If it is not lit, the image re ader’s circuit breaker has been turned OFF. Turn the
circuit breaker back ON by turning it to the “I” side.
Power lamp
4 - 1
Circuit breaker
Fig. 1 Confirming that the power lamp has lit
2.Press the system power switch ON.
Fig. 2 System power switch ON
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4 - 2Start-up of the Fuji FCR 5000MA
Erasing the IP cassette(s)4
When conducting exposure with an IP that has been over exposed, the IP cassette must
be subjected to secondary- and primary erasure processing.
1.Touch the processing mode switchover key and the pr ocessing selection screen
will be displayed.
Fig. 3 Processing mode switchover key
2.Touch the secondary erasure key to select secondary erasure.
Fig. 4 Secondary erasure key
3.Secondary erasure processing has been sele cted for the cassette to be insert ed.
Insert the appropriate ca ssette in the cassette setting uni t. The IP inside the
cassette will be subjected to secondar y erasure processing.
4.Touch the primary erasure key to selec t primary erasure.
5.Primary erasure processing has been select ed for the cassette to be inserted.
Insert the appropriate ca ssette in the cassette setting uni t. The IP inside the
cassette will be subjected to pri mary erasure processing.
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Backup of Fuji CR Console5
Make a backup of the Fuji CR Console’s original settings. The backup will be used to
restore the Fuji CR Console’s settings when the AEC calibration has been performed.
The following floppy disks are needed:
Service Utility backup floppy disks Two backup floppy disks to store Service Utility
data from before the installation, marked with “Service Utility Backup 1(2)” and “Service Utility
Backup 2(2)”.
User Utility backup floppy disksTwo backup floppy disk to store User Utility from
before the installation, marked with “User Utility
Backup 1(2)” and “User Utili ty Backup 2(2) ”.
Starting the Service Ut il ity5
The procedure for starting the Service Utility varies depending on whether the Fuji CR
Console power is ON or OFF.
When the power is OFF
Turn ON the PC power. Windows 2000 starts up. After about one minute the Fuji CR
Application starts. When the initial windo w opens , sequen tially c lic k its upper l eft and right
corners within a period of five seconds . The Service Utility starts and the IP Service Utility
window opens.
5 - 1
When the power is ON
Hold down the Shift key and choose Shut down on the menu. Keep the Shift key
pressed until the desktop screen appears. Fr om the menu, sequentially choose
Programs > Fuji Film>FCR. The Fuji CR Applic ation star ts in about one minute.
When the initial window opens, sequentially click its upper left and right corners within a
period of five seconds. The Service Utility starts and the IIP Service Utility window opens .
Service Utility Backup5
1.Press the Configuration Restore / Backup button acc ording to Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 IIP Service Utility
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5 - 2Backup of Fuji CR Console
2.Press the button belonging to Configuration Bac kup according to Fig. 2.
Fig. 2 Configuration Restore / Backup
3.Insert the Service Utility Back up 1(2) floppy in drive A: Choose A: from Drive
combo box and press OK according to Fig . 3.
Fig. 3 Specified Directory
4.Press Backup button according to Fig. 4. Follow the instruct ion on the screen.
Even when the backup process ends, no message appears to indicate it. While
the process is being performed, th e mouse cursor is replaced by an hourglass
cursor. When the hourglass cursor chang es back to the mouse cursor, it means
that the process has ended.
Fig. 4 Configuration Restore / Backup
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Backup of Fuji CR Console5 - 3
5.Remove backup floppy.
6.When the process has ended, p ress Cancel button according to Fig . 4. Press Exit Service Utility button according to Fig. 1.
7.From the menu, sequentially choose Programs > Fuji Film> FCR to start
the Fuji CR Application.
User Utility Backup5
1.Enter the User Utility Main Menu b y choosing User Utility on the menu
according to Fig. 5.
Fig. 5 Enter User Utility
2.Press the OK button in the Enter Pass word – User Utility windo w , without
entering any pass word, according to Fig. 6.
Fig. 6 Enter Password – User Utility
3.Press Backup button according to Fig. 7.
Fig. 7 Main Menu - User Utility
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5 - 4Backup of Fuji CR Console
4.Insert the User Utility Back up 1(2) floppy in drive A: Mark all fo ur check boxes and
press Start button according to Fig. 8. Follow the instructi ons on the screen.
Fig. 8 Backup – User Utility
5.When the backup process is finished, pr ess the Terminate button according to
Fig. 8 and Terminate button according to Fig. 7.
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Setup of service PC6
Verify Fuji CR Console’s IP configuration6
1.Verify the Fuji CR Console IP address: From t he Fuji CR Console’s menu,
choose Run…. Type cmd and press OK according to Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 Run
2.In the DOS prompt, type ipconfig and press Enter. The CR Console’s IP address,
subnet mask and default gateway will show accordi ng to Fig. 2 Note the
information in the table belo w.
6 - 1
Fig. 2 IP Configuration
IP address
Subnet mask
Default gateway
3.Close Command window.
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6 - 2Setup of service PC
V erify Fuji FCR 5000MA IP configuration6
1.Verify the Fuji FCR 5000MA IP address: Start t he Service Utility according to
"Starting the Service Utili ty" on Page 5 - 1. Press the Setup Configurati on Item
button according to Fig. 1, Page 5 - 1. Ma rk CONFIG > NETWORK CONFIG > ALL OTHER NODES > FCR 5000 to view the Fuji reader IP address, according to
Fig. 3. Close the Service Utility by pr essing Config(F) > Close(C). Note the IP
address in the table below.
Fig. 3 Reader IP configuration
IP address
Setup of service PC IP address6
1.From the service PC’s menu, choose Settings > Control Panel >
Network and Dial-up connections > Local Area Connection. Press Properties
button according to Fig. 4.
Fig. 4 Local Area Connection Status
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Setup of service PC6 - 3
2.Mark TCP/IP and press the Properties button according to Fig. 5.
Fig. 5 Local Area Connection Properties
3.Change the service PC’s IP address in such a way t hat the three first groups are
identical to the CR Consoles (see step 2., Page 6 - 1) and the FCR 5000MA (see
step 1., Page 6 - 2), and the fourth gr oup is unique in the LAN. Change the service
PC’s Subnet Mask and Default Gateway to be ide ntical to the Fuji CR Console’s
and press OK button according to Fig. 6. Press OK but ton according to Fig. 5.
Press Close button according to Fig. 4.
Fig. 6 Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties
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6 - 4Setup of service PC
Editing hosts file6
1.The IP address of the Fuji CR Console needs to be adde d to the service PC’s
Windows file hosts. This file can be found in the direc tory
C:\WinNT\system32\drivers\etc. Open the file with e.g. Notepad and add a line
with the Fuji Consoles IP address (s ee step 2., Page 6 - 1), and a name to identify
it, according to Fig. 7. Save the fi le and exit Notepad.
Fig. 7 Edit the Windows file hosts
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Setup of service PC6 - 5
AECImageExtract installation6
1.Start service PC.
2.Log in (make sure you have administrator ri ghts).
3.Open Windows Explorer.
4.Insert the AECImageExtract floppy i n drive A:.
5.Run the self-extracting file, AECImageExtract.exe.
6.Unzip to folder C:\, press Unzip button and press Close button according to Fig. 8.
Fig. 8 UnZip Self-Extractor
7.Remove AECImageExtract floppy.
Adding environmental variables6
1.From the menu, choose Settings > Control Panel > System >
Advanced. Press Environmental Variables button according to Fig. 9.
Fig. 9 System Properties
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