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S2/Object table3-14/2ACassette inserted switch.
S1/D8013-6/1DReset switch for stand CPU.
S1/Object table3-14/2AGrid out switch located in the object table.
S1-S6/D8073-8/2AControl switches for lamp, lift- and rotation movement. Left and right side.
S1-S4/D8083-8/4BControl switches for lift- and rotation movement. Left and right side.
S8613-11/2GCompression limit switch, compression unit.
S8623-11/2GDecompression limit switch, compression unit.
S8803-4/2BEmergency stop, switches off 24VAC and 14VAC, machine blocked.
S8813-8/2GLift up limit switch, rotating unit.
S8823-4/2ALimit switch, distance tube head - floor <50 mm, switches off 24VAC,
machine blocked.
S8833-8/4BCollision protection switch, risk for collision when tubehead is less than
120 mm from the floor.
S8843-8/2GDown limit switch, rotating unit.
S8923-14/2CObject table locked in position.
S8973-13/2DDiaphragm switch.
T8013-3/2CMains transformer.
LAMP3-13/3GObject illumination.
R8013-13/5FLamp resistor.
R8073-8/2GLift motor varistor.
COMP. UNIT3-10/2CCompression unit.
CABLE DUCT3-2/3AGenerator to stand cable protection
GROUND RAIL3-2/1ESystem grounding terminal
K73-7/4EFan thermostat
K83-7/4ETube temperature above normal
K93-7/4ETube temperature too high
AEC_POSAEC-detector in position near breast. Not used in M300.
ARSignal given to generator as exposure request. If grid used, grid has started.
BR_OPENBridge open, strain gauge for compression force not working correctly.
BR_RETCompression force strain guage return line (appr. 0V)
CASS_LOADEDCassette inserted in object table.
COMP_DIRControls compression motor to compress (moving down)
COMP_FORCEAnalog signal indicating compression force.
COMPPower output via compression limit switch to compression motor.
COMP_OKCompression motor working correctly, no over current.
COMP_PROTCompression relay K1 is working correctly, checked 1s after pedal release.
COMP_SPEEDPulse Width Modulated signal to control speed of compression motor.
C_PWMPulse Width Modulated power output to compression motor.
COMPRESSOperator control signal to move compression plate down.
DECOMPPower output via decompression limit switch to compression motor.
DECOMPRESSOperator control signal to move compression plate up.
DIRSelecting direction of rotation or lift motor.
DRIVE_OKRotation and lift motor are working correctly, no over current.
DRIVE_PROTDMG relay K3 is working correctly, checked 3s after rot/lift botton is released.
GRID_MOTOR_NGrid motor return line.
GRID_OUTActive when the grid is not in stand by position.
GRID_SPEEDPulse Width Modulated signal control speed of grid motor.
I1_OUTOutput signal from compression force preamplifier.
KVASignal to terminate exposure.
LAMPOperator control signal to the field lamp.
LAMP_CTRLSignal to switch object illumination on.
LIFT_DOWNOperator control signal to move compre ssion plate down.
LIFT_UPOperator control signal to m ove compress ion plate up.
L_PWMPulse Width Modulated power output to rotation or lift motor.
MPSMulti processor serial communication for information exchange Master - Slaves.
OKT1_Signal from temperature switch K8 on the tube.
OKT2_Signal from the over pressure switch K9 on the tube.
POT_RETURNReturn line potentiometers connected to 0VA via a resistor.
PRES_FORCEAnalog signal as preset value for maximum compression force.
PRESET_ANGLEAnalog signal as preset value for requested rotation angle.
PUPull up signal for error comparators = +15V, +5V, +24V voltages OK.
RESETReset signal to the CPU.
RESET_HWReset signal from the CPU to the reset circuit, used for slave restart and CPU watchdog
RESET-SWSignal from the reset switch to the CPU via the reset circuit.
ROT_CWOperator control signal to rotate the x-ray system clockwise.
ROT_CCWOperator control signal to rotate the x-ray system counter clockwise.
ROT_POSLow level signal pulse indicating +10 or -10 degrees of rotation.
RXDInput for receiving data via MPS.
SEL_ROTLow level signal selects the rotation drive to be controlled.
SPEEDPulse Width Modulated signal to control speed of rotation or lift motor.
STEREO_COLLDiaphragm switch, diaphragm in place. For 18 x 24 or spot diaphragm.
TABLECONFIGInputs from object table, see configuration table.
THICKNESSAnalog signal indicating the compression thickness.
TUBE ANGLEAnalog signal indicating the rotation angle.
TXDOutput for sending data via MPS.
VHThe stand is informed that the generator has completed its preparation.
ZEROUsed for adjusting offset of the compression force amplifiers.
24VACFAC supply voltage for the fan
0VCircuit ground
+5VRegulated DC voltage, 4.75V < +5V < 5.25V
+5V_RRegulated DC voltage, 4.40V < +5V_R < 5.25V
+14VUnregulated DC voltage, 18V
+24VFUnregulated DC voltage, 32V
230VACStand mains voltage input, 195VAC < 230VAC < 253VAC
P.E.Protective earth terminal, incoming mains
NNeutral line terminal, incoming mains
L1Line 1 terminal, incoming mains vo ltage
L2Line 2 terminal, incoming mains vo ltage
L3Not used