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Print No.: SPB7- Doc. Gen. Date:10.99
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MAMMOMAT 1000/3000Register 6Drucknr_kurz_VPage 2 of 4Siemens-Elema AB
Manual_VRev . _V10.99SPS-UDSolna, Sweden
S1/D 8013-6/1DReset switch fo r st a n d C P U .
S1/Object table3-16/2AGrid out switch located in the object tabl e.
S1-1-4/D8023-9/3DCurrent li m it switches: 1=+3%, 2=+6 %, 3=+12% , 4=+24%.
S1-5/D8023-9/3DTacho On/Off switch for rotation motor drive.
S1-S6/D807*3-10/2AControl switches for lamp, lift- and r otation movement. Left and right side.
S1-S6/D811****Control swithces and transmitter fo r la mp , lift- and rotation move ment.
Left and right side. 2 provided.
S1-S4/D8083-10/4BControl switches for lift- and rotat ion movement. Left and right side.
S2/Object table3-16/2ACassette inserted switch.
S860*3-16/3CStereo lever switch
S8613-12/2GCompression limit switch, compression unit.
S8623-12/2GDecompression limit switch, compression unit.
S865**3-15/2E18 x 24 Collimator optoswitch
S866**3-15/3E24 x 30 Collimator optoswitch**.
S867**3-15/4EFilter position, optoswitch**.
S868**3-15/5EFocus position optoswitch**.
S8693-8/3GTacho opt oswitch
S8803-4/2BEmergency stop, switches off 24VAC and 14VAC, machine blocked.
S8813-9/2GLift up limit switch, rotating unit.
S8823-4/2ALimit switch, dista nce tube head - floor <50 mm, switch es off 24VAC,
machine blocked.
S8833-8/4BCollision protection switch, risk of collision when tubehead is less than
120 mm from the floor.
S8843-9/2GLift down limit switch, rotating unit.
S890*3-16/3CAEC in position switch (Wing 1)
S891*3-16/3CObject table locked in position (Wing1)*.
S8923-16/2CObject table locked in posi tion (Wing 2)***.
S894*3-16/3CSelect wing 1 switch*, ***.
S895*3-16/3CSelect wing 2 switch*, ***.
S896*3-13/5BTilt opto-switch. 0° or ±10
S8973-15/2GDiaphr agm swit ch.
S33-12/5FDecompression button (only with separate control console)
used with stereo option*.
* Not fitted in M1000
**Not fitted in M1000 with one filter
*** Not fitted in M3000 one wing
****M1000 option, remote control
M3-16/2AGrid motor, pl aced in object table with gri d.
M13-9/2GLift motor.
M23-12/2GCompression motor.
M33-9/ 3GRo tation motor.
M4*3-15/3DCollimator stepping motor
M5*3-15/4DFilter st epping motor
M63-7/4EFan, tube cooling.
M7*3-14/4GMirror magnet
M8*3-15/5DFocus stepping motor
M93-9/ 5GRo tat ion brake.
M103-9/5GRotation brake.
* Not fitted in M1000 with one fil ter
Miscellaneo us0
Misc.Page Description
COMP. UNIT3-11, 3-12Compression unit.
CABLE DUCT3-2/3AGenerator to stand cable protecti on.
GROUND RAIL3-2/1ESystem grounding terminal.
K73-7/4EFan thermost at.
K83-7/4ETube overtemperature t herm ostat.
K93-7/4ETube housing overpressure switch.
L804 - L8093-9/SG
LAMP3-14/5GF iel d light lamp.
R8053-9/5GBrake resistor, 6.2Ω.
R8063-9/5GBrake varistor
R8073-9/2GLift motor varistor.
R8603-11/2AStrain gauge (R=300-400 Ω)
T8013-3/2CMains transformer.
T8023-3/3CInsolation transformer
Z8013-3/4CStereo mains filter, stand
C801 - C8033-12/5GEMC capacitors
ACT_SPEEDTest point for frequency to volt age converted tacho signal .
AEC_POSAEC-detector in position near breast.
ANGLE_MEMOperator control signal for preset stop angle.
ARSignal given to generator as exposure request. If grid used, grid has started.
BR_OPENBridge open, compression force stra in gauge not working correctly .
BR_RETCompression force strain guage retur n li ne (appr . 0V)
*BRAKEControl signal to brake reversing relay.
*BRAKE_RETOutput to the brakes for max or min braking when active.
BRAKE RELAYOutput to brake reversing relay, max brake if *BRAKE_RET active.
C_LAOutput li ne A. Col li m ator stepping motor M4
C_LBOutput li ne B. Col li m ator stepping motor M4
C_LIMRotation and fast-acting current limit
C_PA1Output Phase A1. Collimator stepping motor M4
C_PA2Output Phase A2. Collimator stepping motor M4
C_PB1Output Phase B1. Collimator stepping motor M4
C_PB2Output Phase B2. Collimator stepping motor M4
C_PWMPulse Width Modulated power output to compression motor.
CASS_LOADEDCassette inserte d in obj ect table.
COLL_DIRDirecti on Control signal . For the fi lter stepping motor.
COLL_STEPStep control signal for the collimator ste pp in g m o to r.
COLL_POS_18X24 Signal from the 18 x 24 colli m ator optoswitch
COLL_POS_24X30 Signal from the 24 x 30 colli m ator optoswitch
COMPPower output via compression limit switch to compression motor.
COMP_DIRControls compression motor to compress (mo ving down)
COMP_FORCEAnalog signal indicating compression force.
COMP_OKCompression motor working correctly, no over current.
COMP_PROTCompression relay K4 is working correctly, checked 1s after pedal release.
COMP_SPEEDPulse Width Modulated signal to control speed of compression motor (20kHz) .
COMPRESSOperator control signal to move compression plate down.
D_PWMPulse Width Modulated power output to r otation or lift motor.
DECOMPPower output via decompression limit switch to compression motor.
DECOMPRESSOperator control signal to move compression plate up.
DIRSelecting direct ion of rotation or lift motor.
DRIVE_OKRotation and lift motor are working corr ectly, no over current, approx. 1.5 s delay.
DRIVE_PROTDMG relay K6 is working correctl y, checked 3s after rot/l if t button is released.
FI_LAOutput line A. Filter stepping motor M5
FI_LBOutput line B. Filter stepping motor M5
FI_P A1Output phase A1. Filter steppi ng mo tor M5
FILTER_DIRControl signal . For the filter stepping motor.
FILTER_POSSignal from the filter pos collimator optoswitch
FILTER_STEPStep control. For the filter stepping motor.
FO_LAOutput line A. Focus ste pping motor M8
FO_LBOutput line B. Focus ste pping motor M8
FO_PA1Output Phase A1. Focus stepping motor M8
FO_PA2Output Phase A2. Focus stepping motor M8
FO_PB1Output Phase B1. Focus stepping motor M8
FO_PB2Output Phase B2. Focus stepping motor M8
FOCUS_DIRControl sign al f or the focus stepping motor.
FOCUS_POSSignal from the focus pos collimator optoswitc h.
FOCUS_STEPStep contr ol si gnal for the focus step ping motor .
GRID_MOTOR_NGrid motor return line.
GRID_OUTActive when the grid is not in end position.
GRID_SPEEDPulse Width Modulated si gnal control speed of grid motor.
I1_OUTOutput signal from compress ion force preamplifier.
KVASignal to terminate exposure. WIRED-OR line, see generator.
LAMPOperator control signal for the field light lamp.
LAMP_CTRLSignal to switch on the field light lamp.
LAMP_VOutput to the field light lamp.
LEDOutput to the LED in the tacho opto switch in the rotation motor.
LED_1Output to the LED in the 18 x 24 collimator opto switch.
LED_2Output to the LED in the 24 x 30 collimator opto switch.
LED_3Output to the LED in the filter collimator opto swi tch.
LED_4Output to the LED in the focus collimator opto switch.
LIFT_DOWNOperator control signal to move compression plate down.
LIFT_UPOperator control signal to move compression plate up.
MIRROR_MAGNET Output to mirror magnet. Enabled via *LAMP_CTRL.
MPSMulti processor ser ial communication for information exchange Master - Slaves.
OKT1_Signal from temperat ure switch K8 on the tube.
OKT2_Signal from the over pr essure switch K9 on the tube.
PGM_SPEEDT est point for duty cycle to vol tage converted programmed speed signal.
POT_RETURNReturn line for potentiometers connected to 0VA via a 20Ω resistor.
PRES_FORCEAnalog signal as preset value for maximum compression force.
PRESET_ANGLEAnalog signal as preset value for requested rotation angle.
PUPull up signal for er ror comparators = +15V, +5V, +24V voltages OK.
RELEASEControl signal to release the brakes from min or max to permanent magnet braking.
RESETReset signal to the CPU.
RESET_HWReset signal from the CPU to the reset cicuit, caused by slave restart and CPU watchdog
RESET_SWSignal from the reset switch to the CPU via the reset circuit.
ROT_CWOperator control signal to rot ate the x-ray system clockwise.
ROT_CCWOperator control signal to rotate t he x-ray system cou nter clockwise.
ROT_POSLow level signal pulse indicating +10 or -10 degrees of rotati on.
RXDInput for receiving data via MPS.
SEL_ROTLow level signal selects the rotation drive to be controlled.
SELECT_WING1Signal from select wing 1 switch. Wing 1 selected.
SELECT_WING2Signal from select wing 2 switch. Wing 2 selected.
SPEEDPulse Width Modulated signal to control speed of rotation or l ift motor (20 kHz).
STEP_ENABLEControl signal to ena ble all stepping motors.
STEREO_COLLExternal diaphragm switch, diaphragm in place. For stereo or spot diaphragm, 18 x 24
collimator in M1000 with one filter.
STEREO_LEVERSignal from stereo lever switch, indicating lever not in stereo position.
TABL E_CO NFIG4 inputs from object table, see table configuration .
TACHOSignal from rotation motor tachometer.
THICKNESSAnalog signal indicating the compression thickness.
THICKNESS_BBuffer ed output to the thicknes s adapter board D809 (Stereo opt ion)
THICKNESS_STE-REOIsolated anal og signal indicating compression thickness for stereo evaluation unit.
TILTIndicates that the stereo angl e is 0° or ±10°. Visible through vent opening behind tube.
TUBE ANGLEAnalog signal indicating the rot ation angle.
TXDOutput for sending data via MPS.
VHThe stand is informed that the generator has completed its preparation.
ZEROUsed for adjusting offset of the compression force amplifiers.