Siemens Protection Devices Limited 6
64H Restricted Earth Fault
The measured earth fault input may be used in a 64H high
impedance restricted earth fault scheme to provide sensitive
high speed unit protection. A calculation is required to
determine the values of the external series stabilising
resistor and non-linear shunt resistor which can be ordered
67/67N Directional Control
Phase, earth and sensitive earth fault elements can be
directionalised. Each element can be user set to Forward,
Reverse, or Non-directional.
Directional Phase Fault elements are polarised from
quadrature voltage.
Derived earth fault elements can be user set to be polarised
from residual voltage or negative phase sequence voltage.
Measured earth fault elements are polarized from Vo.
74T/CCS Trip & Close Circuit Supervision
The trip or close circuit(s) can be monitored via binary
inputs. Trip circuit failure raises an HMI alarm and output(s).
81HBL2 Inrush Restraint
Where second harmonic current is detected (i.e. during
transformer energisation) user selectable elements can be
blocked and an alarm given.
51c Cold Load Pickup
If a circuit breaker is closed onto a ‘cold’ load, i.e. one that
has not been powered for a prolonged period, this can
impose a higher than normal load-current demand on the
system which could exceed normal settings. These
conditions can exist for an extended period and must not be
interpreted as a fault. To allow optimum setting levels to be
applied for normal operation, the cold load pickup feature
will apply alternative current settings for a limited period.
The feature resets when either the circuit breaker has been
closed for a settable period, or if the current has reduced
beneath a set level for a user set period.
Standard Version – Plus 79 Auto-Reclose
A high proportion of faults on an overhead line network are
transient and can be cleared quickly by high speed tripping
followed by an automated circuit breaker reclose sequence.
The function provides independent phase fault and earth
fault / sensitive earth fault sequences of up to 5 trip i.e. 4
reclose attempts before lockout. An auto-reclose sequence
can be user set to be initiated from internal protection
operation or via binary input from an external protection.
Programmable Logic
The user can map binary inputs, protection elements, LEDs
and binary outputs together in a logical scheme.
Up to 4 logic equations can be defined using standard logic
functions e.g. Timers, AND/OR gates, Inverters and Counters
to provide the user required functionality.
Each logic equation output can be used for alarm &
indication and/or tripping.
Virtual Inputs/Outputs
There are 8 virtual inputs/outputs to provide internal logical
states to assist in the application of the functions. Each
virtual I/O can be assigned in the same way as a physical I/O.
Circuit Breaker Maintenance
Two circuit breaker operations counters are provided to
assist with maintenance scheduling. The maintenance
counter records the overall number of operations and the
delta counter records the number of operations since the
last reset.
An I
t summation counter provides a measure of the contact
wear indicating the total energy interrupted by the circuit
breaker contacts.
Each counter has a user set target operations count which,
when reached, can be mapped to raise alarms/ binary
outputs. A CB Trip Time meter is also available, which
measures the time between the trip being issued and the
auxiliary contacts changing state.
Control Mode
The relay has a control menu with access to commonly used
command operations. Access to the control commands is
restricted by a 4 character control function password. Each
command requires a select then execute operation, if the
execute operation is not performed within a time window
the command is aborted. The following control functions
are available:
CB Operation
Auto Reclose In/Out
Auto Reclose Trip & Reclose
Auto Reclose Trip & Lockout
SEF In/Out
Inst Prot In/Out
Hot Line Working In/Out
Fig 7. Example of Control Function View