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SUMMARY: As a result of additional product testing and evaluation, some specifications
published in S3C84I8X/F84I8X/C84I9X/F84I9X User's Manual, Revision 1.00,
have been changed. These changes for in S3C84I8X/F84I8X/C84I9X/F84I9X
microcontroller, which are described in detail in the
Revision Descriptions section below, are related to the followings:
— Chapter 4. Control Registers
DIRECTIONS: Please note the changes in your copy (copies) of the
S3C84I8X/F84I8X/C84I9X/F84I9X User’s Manual,
Revision 1.00. Or, simply attach the Revision Descriptions of the next page to
S3C84I8X/F84I8X/C84I9X/F84I9X User’s Manual, Revision 1.00.
Revision Description of Change Refer to
1.00 First edition. T.H. Kim Nov, 2006
2.00 Second edition Page 4-17 T.H. Kim June, 2007
1. Chapter 4. Control Registers
LPOT — LCD Port Control Register F7H Set 1, Bank1
Bit Identifier .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 .0
In the S3C84I9X/F84I9X microcontroller, page 0,1,2 are implemented.
In the S3C84I8X/F84I8X microcontroller, page 0,2 are implemented.
A hardware reset operation writes the 4-bit destination and source values shown
above to the register page pointer(00H). These values should be modified to
other pages
P0CON — Port 0 Control Register (High Byte) E6H Set 1, Bank0
.7–.6 P0.3/AD3/COM3 Configration Bits
.5–.4 P0.2/AD2/COM2 Configration Bits
.3–.2 P0.1/ AD1/COM1 Configration Bits
.1–.0 P0.0/ AD0/COM0 Configration Bits
0 0 Input mode
0 1 Input mode with pull-up
1 0 Push-pull output mode
1 1 Alternative function mode; AD3 input
0 0 Input mode
0 1 Input mode with pull-up
1 0 Push-pull output mode
1 1 Alternative function mode; AD2 input
0 0 Input mode
0 1 Input mode with pull-up
1 0 Push-pull output mode
1 1 Alternative function mode; AD1 input
0 0 Input mode
0 1 Input mode with pull-up
1 0 Push-pull output mode
1 1 Alternative function mode; AD0 input
NOTE: If you want to use P0 as a LCD port, you must set LPOT register appropriately.(Refer to Ex .2 below)
If you want to use P0 as a Normal I/O or Alternative function(ADC0~ADC3), you must set LPOT register
appropriately. (Refer to Ex. 1 below)
For example,
(1) LD LPOT,#00000000B ; P0.0~P0.3 is Normal I/O or Alternative function(ADC0~ADC3).
(2) LD LPOT,#01001111B ; P0.0~P0.3 is LCD port.
P2CONH — Port 2 Control Register (High Byte) ECH Set 1, Bank0
.7–.6 P2.7/SEG3/TxD Configration Bits
.5-.4 P2.6/SEG2/RxD Configration Bits
.3–.2 P2.5/ SEG1/SCK Configration Bits
.1–.0 P2.4/SEG0/SO Configration Bits
0 0 Input mode
0 1 Alternative function mode: Not used
1 0 Push-pull output mode
1 1 Alternative function mode: TxD output
0 0 Input mode ; RxD input
0 1 Alternative function mode: Not used
1 0 Push-pull output mode
1 1 Alternative function mode: RxD output
0 0 Input mode ; SCK input
0 1 Alternative function mode: Not used
1 0 Push-pull output mode
1 1 Alternative function mode: SCK output
0 0 Input mode
0 1 Alternative function mode: Not used
1 0 Push-pull output mode
1 1 Alternative function mode: SO output
NOTE: If you want to use a P2 as LCD port, you must set LPOT register appropriately. (Refer to Ex. 2 below)
If you want to use a P2 as Normal I/O or Alternative function(SO/SCK/RxD/TxD), you must set LPOT
register appropriately. (Refer to Ex. 1 below)
For example,
(1) LD LPOT,#00000000B ; P2.4~P2.7 is Normal I/O or Alternative function(SO/SCK/RxD/TxD).
(2) LD LPOT,#01001111B ; P2.4~P2.7 is LCD port.
NOTE: If you want to use P3 as a LCD port, you must set LPOT register appropriately. (Refer to Ex. 2 below)
If you want to use P3 as a Normal I/O, you must set LPOT register appropriately. (Refer to Ex. 1 below)
For example,
(1) LD LPOT,#00000000B ; P3.4~P3.7 is Normal I/O.
(2) LD LPOT,#01001111B ; P3.4~P3.7 is LCD port.
NOTE: If you want to use P3 as a LCD port, you must set LPOT register appropriately. (Refer to Ex. 2 below)
If you want to use P3 as a Normal I/O, you must set LPOT register appropriately. (Refer to Ex. 1 below)
For example,
(1) LD LPOT,#00000000B ; P3.0~P3.3 is Normal I/O.
(2) LD LPOT,#01001111B ; P3.0~P3.3 is LCD port.
NOTE: If you want to use P4 as a LCD port, you must set LPOT register appropriately. (Refer to Ex. 2 below)
If you want to use P4 as a Normal I/O, you must set LPOT register appropriately. (Refer to Ex. 1 below)
For example,
(1) LD LPOT,#00000000B ; P4.4~P4.7 is Normal I/O.
(2) LD LPOT,#01001111B ; P4.4~P4.7 is LCD port.
NOTE: If you want to use P4 as a LCD port, you must set LPOT register appropriately. (Refer to Ex. 2 below)
If you want to use P4 as a Normal I/O, you must set LPOT register appropriately. (Refer to Ex. 1 below)
For example,
(1) LD LPOT,#00000000B ; P4.0~P4.3 is Normal I/O.
(2) LD LPOT,#01001111B ; P4.0~P4.3 is LCD port.
1. In the S3C84I8X/F84I8X microcontroller, the internal register file is configured as two pages (Page 0, Page 2).
The page 0 is used for the general-purpose register file and data register.
2. In the S3C84I9X/F84I9X microcontroller, the internal register file is configured as three pages (Page 0-2)
The page 0 and page 1 are used for the general-purpose register file and data register .
3. The page 2 is used for the LCD display ram and it is a write-only memory.
Port 2 is an 8-bit I/O port with individually configurable pins. Port 2 pins are accessed directly by writing or reading
the port 2 data register, P2 at location E2H in set 1, bank 0. P2.0–P2.7 can serve as digital inputs, outputs (push
pull) or you can configure the following alternative functions:
— General-purpose digital I/O
— Alternative function: SEG0-SEG3, ADC4, ADC7, SI, T1CAP0, T1OUT0, T1CK0, TBPWM, PWM
Port 2 Control Register, High Byte (P2CONH)
ECH, Set1, Bank0, R/W, Reset value="00"
[.7-.6] P2.7/SEG3/TxD Configuration Bits
0 0 = Input mode
0 1 = Alternative function mode; Not used
1 0 = Push-pull output mode
1 1 = Alternative function mode; TxD output
[.5-.4] P2.6/SEG2/RxD Configuration Bits
0 0 = Input mode; RxD iput
0 1 = Alternative function mode; Not used
1 0 = Push-pull output mode
1 1 = Alternative function mode; RxD output
[.3-.2] P2.5/SEG1/SCK Configuration Bits
0 0 = Input mode; SCK input
0 1 = Alternative function mode; Not used
1 0 =
Push-pull output mode
1 1 = Alternative function mode; SCK output
[.1-.0] P2.4/SEG0/SO Configuration Bits
0 0 = Input mode
0 1 = Alternative function mode; Not used
1 0 = Push-pull output mode
1 1 = Alternative function mode; SO output
Figure 9-6. Port 2 High-Byte Control Register (P2CONH)
) PROGRAMMING TIP — To make P2 as Normal I/O or Alternative function
ORG 0100H ; Reset address
LD LPOT,# 00H ; P2 is normal I/O or alternative function
LD P2CONH,#00H ; P2 is input mode
LD P2CONH,#0AAH ; P2 is Push-pull output mode
• SB1
LD LPOT,# 04FH ; P2 is LCD port
LD P2CONH,#0AAH ; If you use P2 as LCD port,P2CONH register value doesn’t care
LD P2PUR,#00H ; P2PUR is disabled when P2 is used as a LCD port.
) PROGRAMMING TIP — To make P3 as Normal I/O or Alternative function
ORG 0100H ; Reset address
LD LPOT,# 00H ; P3 is normal I/O or alternative function
LD P3CONH,#00H ; P3 is input mode
LD P3CONL,#00H ; P3 is input mode
LD P3CONH,#55H ; P3 is input mode with pull-up
LD P3CONL,#55H ; P3 is input mode with pull-up
LD P3CONH,#0AAH ; P3 is Push-pull output mode
LD P3CONL,#0AAH ; P3 is Push-pull output mode
LD P3CONH,#0FFH ; P3 is N-channel open-drain output
LD P3CONL,#0FFH ; P3 is N-channel open-drain output
• SB1
LD LPOT,# 04FH ; P3 is LCD port
LD P3CONH,#0AAH ; If you use P3 as LCD port,P3CONH register value doesn’t care
LD P3CONL,#0AAH ; If you use P3 as LCD port,P3CONL register value doesn’t care
) PROGRAMMING TIP — To make P4 as Normal I/O or Alternative function
ORG 0100H ; Reset address
LD LPOT,#00H ; P4 is normal I/O or alternative function
LD P4CONH,#00H ; P4 is input mode
LD P4CONL,#00H ; P4 is input mode
LD P4CONH,#55H ; P4 is input mode with pull-up
LD P4CONL,#55H ; P4 is input mode with pull-up
LD P4CONH,#0AAH ; P4 is Push-pull output mode
LD P4CONL,#0AAH ; P4 is Push-pull output mode
LD P4CONH,#0FFH ; P4 is N-channel open-drain output
LD P4CONL,#0FFH ; P4 is N-channel open-drain output
• SB1
LD LPOT,# 4FH ; P4 is LCD port
LD P4CONH,#0AAH ; If you use P4 as LCD port,P3CONH register value doesn’t care
LD P4CONL,#0AAH ; If you use P4 as LCD port,P3CONL register value doesn’t care
In capture mode, a signal edge that is detected at the TACAP pin opens a gate and loads the current counter
value into the Timer A data register. You can select rising or falling edges to trigger this operation.
Timer A also gives you capture-input source: the signal edge at the TACAP pin. You select the capture input by
setting the value of the Timer A capture input selection bit in the port 1 control register, P1CONL, (set 1, bank 0,
E9H). When P1CONL.5-.4 is ‘00’ or ‘01’, the TACAP input or normal input is selected. When P1CONL.5-.4 is set
to 1X, normal push-pull output is selected.
Both kinds of timer A interrupts can be used in capture mode: the timer A overflow interrupt is generated
whenever a counter overflow occurs; the timer A match/capture interrupt is generated whenever the counter
value is loaded into the Timer A data register.
RAM addresses of page 2 are used as LCD data memory. It is Write-only memory.
When the bit value of a display segment is "1", the LCD display is turned on; when the bit value is "0", the display
is turned off.
Display RAM data are sent out through segment pins SEG0–SEG19 using a direct memory access (DMA)
method that is synchronized with the f
28. TOOL PROGRAM MODE (PAGE 20-1, 20-2)
Table 20-1. Descriptions of Pins Used to Read/Write the Flash ROM
Main Chip During Programming
Pin Name Pin Name Pin No. I/O Function
P1.2 SDAT 3 (44-pin)
9 (42-pin)
P1.3 SCLK 4 (44-pin)
10 (42-pin)
TEST VPP 9 (44-pin)
15 (42-pin)
nRESET nRESET 12 (44-pin)
18 (42-pin)
5/6 (44-pin)
11/12 (42-pin)
I/O Serial data pin (output when reading, Input
when writing) Input and push-pull output port
can be assigned
I Serial clock pin (input only pin)
I Power supply pin for flash ROM cell writing
(indicates that MTP enters into the writing
mode). When 12.5 V (S3F84I8) /
Vdd(S3F84I9) is applied, MTP is in writing
I Logic power supply pin.
Table 21-2. Comparison of S3F84I8X/F84I9X and S3C84I8X/C84I9X Features
Characteristic S3F84I8X/84I9X S3C84I8X/84I9X
Program Memory 8 Kbyte Flash ROM for S3F84I8X
32 Kbyte Flash ROM for S3F84I9X
Operating Voltage (VDD)
2.5 V to 5.5 V (LVR off)
LVR to 5.5 V (LVR on)
= 5 V, VPP = 12.5 V (S3F84I8X)
MTP Programming Mode
8 Kbyte Mask ROM for S3C84I8X
32 Kbyte Mask ROM for S3C84I9X
2.5 V to 5.5 V (LVR off)
LVR to 5.5 V (LVR on)
5V (S3F84I9X)
Pin Configuration 44QFP / 42SDIP
EPROM Programmability User Program multi time Programmed at the factory
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