Communication Module MSR240 1
Manual and Protocol Description
The MSR240 Communication Module serves as an interface between a MSR210 or
MSR211 Basic Module and a standard serial data communication line. The MSR240
transmits data relating to the operational status and fault conditions of, and the external
electrical circuits monitored by, the MSR200 System. The MSR240 is connected via a
10-core flat cable to an MSR210/211 Basic Module or MSR230 Extension Module. The
two processors in the Basic Module exchange data cyclically over a serial system bus
(SPI). Data is transferred to the MSR240 via the flat cable connection, through a driver
circuit stage. The MSR240 converts the data into RS232 and RS485 transmission levels
with appropriate serial data protocols, so that it can be transferred to an external device
(e.g. Display Module) or system (PC or PLC).
The MSR240 is available in three versions:
• 440R-H123181: with RS232 serial interface
• 440R-H123182: with RS485 serial interface
• 440R-H123183: with RS232 and RS485 serial interfaces
The MSR240 is housed in a 17.5mm wide DIN rail mounting enclosure.
The serial data communication connections are made through one or two 3-way plug-in
screw terminal blocks.
123 56
1: T erminal A (RS485)
2: Terminal Cable Shield (RS232)
3: Terminal B (RS485)
4: Terminal TxD (RS232)
5: Terminal GND (RS485)
6: Terminal GND (RS232)
7: Interface Connection to MSR210P or
MSR211P Basic module
8: Power “on” LED
9: RS232 / RS485 transmit annunciator LED
Communication Module MSR240 2
Signal Level
Signal Level
The following data relating to the MSR200 System is transmitted:
• Configuration and device status
• Connected input module types and their order of connection
• Fault diagnostic information
MSR200 System
Port Terminal
Communication Module MSR240 3
RS232 Interface Description
Data blocks are transmitted continuously through the RS232 interface, at intervals of
approximately 1 sec. The MSR240 is intended to transmit data to an MSR245 Display
Module, or to a PC. The Baud rate is fixed at 4800
The RS232 protocol uses a 16-byte data block, structured as follows:
1 Start byte: 02
2 Device status: Bit 0: = 1: Unit ready for start. / = 0: Not ready / busy
Bit 1: = 1: Stop signal. / = 0: Inputs OK
Bit 2: = 1: Cross-fault. / = 0: No cross-fault
Bit 3: = 1: Auto start. / = 0: Manual start
Bit 4: = 1: Relay energised. / = 0: Relay de-energised
Bit 5: = 1: Feedback loop dynamic. / = 0: Feedback loop
Bit 6: = 1: Feedback loop open if unit is "Ready"
Bit 7: = 1
3 Fault diagnostics: Bit 0: = 1: System bus (SPI) failure. / = 0: ….OK
Bit 1: = 1: Oscillator failure. / = 0: ….OK
Bit 2: = 1: Relay transistor failure. / = 0: ….OK
Bit 3: = 1: Relay contact failure. / = 0: ….OK
Bit 4: = 1: Feedback circuit fault. / = 0: ….OK
Bit 5: = 1: Y40 circuit failure. / = 0: ….OK
Bit 6: = 1: Bus termination plug missing. / = 0: ….OK
Bit 7: = 1
4 - 14 Input modules: activation and wiring:
Bit 0: = 1: Emergency stop (or failure): Input 1
Bit 1: = 1: Emergency stop (or failure): Input 2
Bit 2: = 1: MSR220 Module. / = 0: MSR221 Module
Bit 3: = 1 0 1
Bit 4: = 0 1 1
1- 2- 3-channel detection: Input 2
Bit 5: = 1 0 1
Bit 6: = 0 1 1
1- 2- 3-channel detection: Input 1
Bit 7: = 1
15 Control byte: XOR – conjunction of Bytes 2 through 14
16 End byte: 03