User Manual
PLC-5 Programmable Controller
Flash Tool
(Catalog Number 1785-L11B, -L20B, -L20C, -L20C15,
-L20E, -L26B, -L30B, -L40B, -L40C, -L40C15, -L40E, -L40L,
-L46B, -L46C15, -L60B, -L60C, -L60C15, -L60L, -L80B,
-L80C, -L80C15, -L80E, -L86B)
Use This Manual If... Use this manual if you are responsible for performing a flash
firmware upgrade to a flash-based PLC-5
This Manual Describes... This manual describes how to use the PLC-5 programmable
controller flash tool to upgrade these products:
• series E and later Enhanced PLC-5 processors
• series E and later Ethernet
• series C and later ControlNet
PLC-5 processors
™ PLC-5 processors
This manual also describes what to do if the flash upgrade does not
complete successfully.
The following publications contain additional information about
Allen-Bradley PLC-5 processor products. To obtain copies, contact
your local Allen-Bradley office or distributor.
For more information about: Read this publication: Publication number:
Enhanced PLC-5 processors Enhanced and Ethernet PLC-5 Programmable
Ethernet PLC-5 processors
ControlNet 1.0 or 1.25 PLC-5 processors ControlNet PLC-5 Programmable Controllers
ControlNet 1.5 PLC-5 processors ControlNet PLC-5 Programmable Controllers
Controllers User Manual
User Manual
Phase 1.5 User Manual
For A-B Internal Use Only
Publication 1785-6.2 March 1998

Before You Begin... Gathering What You Need
Gather the following items before you begin using the flash upgrade .
(Items marked with an aster isk (*) are inc luded in the flash tool
package you ordered.)
• flash firmware upgrade tool disk*
• PLC-5 processor whose firmware you want to update
(with chassis and power supply)
• personal computer with PLC-5 programming software installed
• shielded serial cable (1784-CP10 or 1784-CP11)
• this manual*
• firmware revision label*
• plug PROM(s) (if you require a plug PROM firmware update)*
Running the Software
ATTENTION: You must install and run the PLC-5
flash tool on a computer boo ted up in DOS 6.22 or later.
Do not use a DOS window running und er W indows
95 or Windows NT.
You will copy the flash files to your hard drive.
Using the Flash Tool To successfully use the flash tool, you need to complete seven steps:
ATTENTION: Pay strict attention to the flash tool
procedure. Failure to f ollow this procedure exactly may
1. Prepare the PLC-5 processor.
2. Install the flash tool.
3. Perform the firmware upgrade.
4. Apply the firmware revision label.
5. Update the communication plug firmware, if necessary.
6. Reconnect the PLC-5 processor.
7. Uninstall the flash tool.
result in an inoperable processor.
Publication 1785-6.2 March 1998 For A-B Internal Use Only

Step 1 - Preparing the PLC-5 Processor
ATTENTION: You must save the processor memory
to your hard disk or to an EEPROM. If you do not, the
PLC-5 user memory will be lost because the flash
procedure erases processor memory.
1. Save processor memory to your hard disk or to an EEPROM using your
PLC-5 programming software.
2. Remove the processor battery cover and disconnect the battery. This resets
the serial port to its default configuration so that the PLC-5 processor and the
flash tool can communicate.
3. Turn of f processor power.
4. Disconnect all cables (serial, DH+, ControlNet, Ethernet, etc.) from
the processor.
5. Disconnect the coprocessor or PLC-5 Ethernet Interface module, if one
is connected.
6. Turn the processor keyswitch to Program mode.
7. Turn on processor power.
8. Attach the shielded serial cable (1784-CP10 or 1784-CP11) between
channel 0 on the PLC-5 processor and the serial port on the computer.
For A-B Internal Use Only Publication 1785-6.2 March 1998