IQ Master™
Version 3.2.4
IQ-2000 and IQ-5000
Positioning Drive
IQ-550 Position
Control Module,
and ULTRA Plus™
Positioning Drive
Programming Manual
Important User Information
Because of the variety of uses for the products described in this publication, those
responsible for the application and use of this control equipment must satisfy
themselves that all necessary steps have been taken to assure that each application
and use meets all performance and safety requirements, including any applicable
laws, regulations, codes and standards.
The illustrations, charts, sample programs and layout examples shown in this guide
are intended solely for purposes of example. Since there are many variables and
requirements associated with any particular installation, Allen-Bradley
assume responsibility or liability (to include in tellectual property liability) for
actual use based upon the examples shown in this publication.
Allen-Bradley publication SGI–1.1, Safety Guidelines for the Application,
Installation and Maintenance of Solid-State Control (available from your local
Allen-Bradley office), describes some important differences between solid-state
equipment and electromechanical devices that should be taken into consideration
when applying products such as those described in this publication.
does not
Reproduction of the contents of this copyrighted publication, in whole or part,
without written permission of Rockwell Automation
Throughout this manual we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations
Identifies information about practices or
circumstances that can lead to personal injury or
, is prohibited.
death, property damage or economic loss
Attention statements help you to:
• identify a hazard
• avoid a hazard
• recognize the consequences
Identifies information that is critical for
successful application and understanding of the
Allen-Bradley and IQ-Series are registered trademarks of Rockwell Automation.
IQ Master and ULTRA Plus are trademarks of Rockwell Automation.
Microsoft is a registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Deceleration Distance Resulting in an Axis Crash ........................................................... 347
Publication 1398-PM601A-EN-P — October 2000
Publication 1398-PM601A-EN-P — October 2000
Read this preface to familiarize yourself with this manual. This preface covers the following topics:
•Who Should Use this Manual
•Where to Find Help
•Contents of this Manual
•Related Documentation
•Conventions Used in this Manual
•Using Online Help
•Allen-Bradley Support
Who Should Use this Manual
Use this manual if you use IQ Master to configure and operate ULTRA Plus™ and IQ-Series® controllers, or
to design, test or run programs.
Where to Find Help
You can find help for IQ Master in both this manual, and Online Help.
1Publication 1398-PM601A-EN-P — October 2000
Contents of this Manual
This manual contains the following sections:
Preface An overview of this manual and sources of information.
Getting Started Introduces the ULTRA Plus and IQ-Series controllers, and
the IQ Master software package.
IQ Master Environment Examines the menus and menu items in IQ Master.
Software and Hardware Integration Commissioning the ULTRA Plus and IQ-Series controllers
with IQ Master.
Programming A tutorial on programming motion with IQ Master and the
ULTRA Plus and IQ-Series controllers.
Language Reference Describes in detail each function, system variable and flag.
IQ Host Command Language Describes the host mode communications capabilities for
computers or PLCs to control the operation of an ULTRA
Plus and IQ-Series controller.
Appendixes Provides supplementary information and programming
examples for:
• DDE Server
• System Programs
• Optional Operator Terminal Function Key Programs
• Optional Home Programs
• Application Examples
• What’s New in Each Version
• Error Messages
Publication 1398-PM601A-EN-P — October 2000
Related Documentation
The following documents contain additional information concerning related Rockwell Automation
products. To obtain a copy, contact your local Rockwell Automation office or distributor.
For information about:Read this document:Publication Number
Installing an ULTRA Plus
Installing an IQ-550 system. IQ-550 Positi on Cont rol Module Instal-
Installing an IQ-2000 and IQ5000 system.
Programming electronic cams
for an ULTRA Plus or
IQ system.
The ULTRA Plus Positioning
ULTRA Series SpecificationsULTRA Series Product Data 1398-2.0
Wire sizes and types for
grounding electrical equipment
ULTRA Plus Series Positioning Drive
Module Installat i on Ma nual
lation Manual
IQ-2000 and IQ-5000 Positioning
Drive Module Installation Manual
IQ-Series IQ-Cam Software Manual Part Number
ULTRA Plus brochure 1398-1.1
National Electrical Code Published by the
Part Number
Part Number
National Fire Protection Association of
Boston, MA.
Allen-Bradley documentation, including ordering
instructions and alternative
media and multi-language
Allen-Bradley Publi cation Index SD499
Conventions Used in this Manual
The following conventions are used throughout this manual:
•Bulleted lists provide information, not procedural steps.
•Numbered lists provide sequential steps.
Publication 1398-PM601A-EN-P — October 2000
Using Online Help
The following types of online help are available:
To use this:Do this:Description
Help MenuEither:
• Click on Help in the menu bar.
• Press ALT to activate the menu bar, then H to
pull down the Help menu.
• Press the F1 key.
Help ContentsEither:
• Click on the Contents selection.
• Press the underlined letter (C in Contents).
• Use the arrow keys to highlight your selection
and then press ENTER.
How to Use
• Click on the How to use Help selection.
• Press the underlined letter (H in How).
• Use the arrow keys to highlight your selection
and then press ENTER.
Displays the pull down
Help Menu.
Contains help on every
menu and menu item,
and the IQ Basic programming language.
Provides information
on how to use on-line
Sensitive Help
About IQ
• Press Shift+F1,
• Click (the context sensitive help toolbar
Then click anywhere in the IQ Master window,
such as a Toolbar button or menu item.
• Select About IQ Master from the Help menu.
• Click the toolbar button.
Provides he lp on a specific portion of IQ Master.
The mouse pointer will
change to an arrow and
question mark indicating Context Help mode.
The Help topic will be
shown for an item you
Access the About IQ
Master section that displays: the version of IQ
Master that you are
using, the version of
using, and the amount
of memory available.
that you are
Publication 1398-PM601A-EN-P — October 2000
Allen-Bradley Sup port
Allen-Bradley offers support services worldwide, with over 75 sales/support offices, 512 authorized
distributors and 260 authorized systems integrators located throughout the United States alone, plus
Allen-Bradley representatives in every major country in the world.
Local Product Support
Contact your local Allen-Bradley representative for:
•Sales and order support
•Product technical training
•W arranty support
•Support service agreements
Technical Product Assistance
If you need to contact Allen-Bradley for technical assistance, please review the information in this manual or in the Online Help file first. Then call your local Allen-Bradley representative. For the quickest
possible response, we recommend that you have the catalog numbers of your products available when
you call.
Publication 1398-PM601A-EN-P — October 2000
Publication 1398-PM601A-EN-P — October 2000
Getting Started
This part of the manual introduces the Allen-Bradley ULTRA Plus and IQ-Series controllers and IQ
Master software. The requirements for the Persona l Computer (PC) to run IQ Master and the installation of IQ Master on your PC are covered.
1Publication 1398-PM601A-EN-P — October 2000
Publication 1398-PM601A-EN-P — October 2000
Introduction to IQ Master
About the Allen-Bradley IQ Master Manual
This manual contains the procedures you will need to work with IQ Master software. Throughout this manual, the terms ULTRA Plus, IQ, IQ-Series controller, and controller are used to refer to either an ULTRA
Plus, IQ-2000 or IQ-5000 Positioning Drive Module, or an IQ-550 Position Control Module unless otherwise specified. The term PDM is used to refer to either an ULTRA Plus, an IQ-200 0 o r an IQ-5 00 0 Pos itioning Drive Module unless otherwise specified.
The manual is organized into six parts plus appendixes. If you are using ULTRA Plus or IQ-Series equipment for the first time, you should read Parts 1 through 4 completely. Starting in Part 2, it is helpful if you
have an operational ULTRA Plus or IQ-Series controller at tached to you r PC . As y ou begin to develop your
programs you will begin using Part 5 as your reference guide. You only need to refer to Part 6 if you are
using a computer, PLC or some other device as a host.
3Publication 1398-PM601A-EN-P — October 2000
4 Introduction to IQ Master • ULTRA Plus or IQ-Series System Overview
Part 1Getting Started
This part of the manual discusses the requirements for running IQ Master and covers the installation of IQ Master on your Personal Compu ter
Part 2IQ Master Environment
This part of the manual covers, in detail, each of the menu items in IQ
Part 3Software and Hardware Integration
The interaction of IQ Master and the ULTRA Plus or IQ-Series controller is discussed in this part of the manual. You will learn how to configure your ULTRA Plus or IQ-Series controller for your application using
IQ Master.
Part 4Programming
This part starts out with a tutorial on programming the ULTRA Plus or
IQ-Series which is designed to get you up and running quickly. From
there it moves into a detailed discussion of programming. The chapters
in this part are broken down into the major components of your program, for example: motion, math, etc.
Part 5Language Reference
The language reference part contains a detailed description of each
function, system variable and system flag, arranged in alphabetical
Part 6Host Language Commands
This part contains a detailed description of the host mode communication capability of the ULTRA Plus or IQ-Series controller. The host
mode is used if there is a host computer or PLC that will control operation of the ULTRA Plus or IQ-Series.
ULTRA Plus or IQ-Series System Overview
An ULTRA Plus or IQ-Series motion control system consists of a number of components connected to
accomplish a specific function. This section provides a brief overview of the various components of the
ULTRA Plus or IQ- Ser ies m otion control system.
Publication 1398-PM601A-EN-P — October 2000
Introduction to IQ Master • ULTRA Plus or IQ-Series System Overview 5
ULTRA Plus/IQ-2000/IQ-5000 System Components
IQ-550 System Components
Publication 1398-PM601A-EN-P — October 2000
6 Introduction to IQ Master • ULTRA Plus or IQ-Series System Overview
IQ Master
IQ Master is a Windows based software package that provides the user interface to the ULTRA Plus or
IQ-Series controller. It is used to edit and compile application programs, configure, monitor, and troubleshoot the controller.
IQ-550 Position Control Module
The IQ-550 Position Control Module is a stand alone single axis programmable position controller. It
can interface to most motor controllers through an analog command signal and encoder feedback to
form a system with power ranges from small subfractional horsepower DC systems to several hundred
horsepower vector drive induction motor systems. Motion programs are stored in on-board nonvolatile
memory. Two RS-232/RS-422 ser ial por ts provide communications with the per so nal computer and the
optional operator terminal. Optically isolated digital I/O simplifies machine interfaci ng and contro l.
Positioning Drive Modules (PDM)
The ULTRA Plus or IQ-Series Positioning Drive Module (PDM) is a self-contained single axis programmable motion controller. The PDM provides control and power for the brushless servo motor.
Motion programs are stored in on-board nonvolatile memory. Two RS-232/R S- 422 serial ports provide
communications with the personal computer and the optional operator terminal. Optically isolated digital I/O allows simple machine interfacing and control.
PDMs are manufactured in different packages which cover a wide range of power capability. The
ULTRA Plus PDM-10, 20, 30 and 75 and the IQ-2000 PDMs incorporate an integral power supply in
each PDM, and supply continuous torque’s of 3 to 90 inch-pounds in combinatio n with standar d motors.
The ULTRA Plus PDM-25, 50, 100 and 150 and the IQ-5000 PDMs use a separate power supply module, which can be shared among multiple PDMs, and provide continuous torque’s of 20 to 750 inch
pounds with standard motors.
PDMs with Integral Power Supply Modules
The ULTRA Plus (1398-PDM-10, 1398-PDM-20 and 1398-PDM-30) and the IQ2000 (PDM-10,
PDM-20, and PDM-30) are rated for 10, 20 and 30 amp peak currents respectively. These modules are
packaged with an integral power supply to achieve a small size.
Input power to the PDM-10’s, -20’s, or -30’s is single phase AC. Input power may be optionally isolated
trough a transformer. These PDMs have a built-in solid-state “soft charge” of the internal DC bus capacitor. They also include a built-in dissipative shunt regulator that provides quick discharge of the DC bus
capacitor, and double as an emergency synchronous motor dynamic brake. The PDM-30 allows use of
an optional external shunt resistor for applications requiring higher shunt power capability than what is
provided by t he internal shunt resistor.
PDMs with Separate Power Supply Modules
The ULTRA Plus (1398-PDM-25, 1398-PDM-50, 1398-PDM-100, and 1398-PDM-150) and the
IQ5000 (PDM-25, PDM-50, PDM-100, and PDM-150/150X) are rated for 25, 50, 100, and 150 amp
peak currents respectively. These higher power PDM modules use a separate power supply module
(PSM-50 or PSM-125), which may be shared among multiple PDMs to achieve the most economical
system package. Other than the packaging and power ranges, the higher power PDMs are identical to
the stand-alone PDMs from a setup and programming perspective.
Power Supply Module (PSM)
The power supply module is only required for ULTRA Plus (1398-PDM-25, 1398-PDM-50, 1398PDM-100, and 1398-PDM-150) and IQ-5000 systems. The Power Supply Module (PSM) can supply
DC power to as many as six PDM modules. The only inputs to the PSM are non-isolated or isolated
three phase power. The output is a two wire DC bus. The PSM requires no adjustments, protects itself,
provides troubleshooting diagnostics, and has a built-in so lid-state “soft charge” of the DC bus capacitors. It also includes a built-in dissipative shunt regulator that provides quick discharge of the DC bus
capacitors and doubles as an emergency synchronous motor dynamic brake.
Publication 1398-PM601A-EN-P — October 2000
Introduction to IQ Master • ULTRA Plus or IQ-Series System Overview 7
A wide range of Allen-Bradley F-Series, H-Series, N-Series and W-Series permanent magnet synchronous motors are available for use with the PDM modules plus the I-6600 induction motor. Each motor
includes an integrally mounted encoder. Most motors are available with options including spring set
brake and/or shaft oil seal. The synchronous motors have a rear shaft available for mounting optional
feedback devices. MS style wiring connectors are standard for all S-Series and F-Series motors.
Operator Terminal
The optional Operator Terminal is a rugged man/machine interface device. It allows the machine operator convenient access to status information, program variables, and control functions, plus message display capabilities. The operator terminal has a bright 4 line by 20 character vacuum fluorescent display
and a sealed membrane keyboard with tactile feedback.
The operator terminal displays multiple status screens for monitoring and diagnostics. Four soft function keys are available to perform up to twenty-four (24) predefined functions, which include selecting
and running a program, jogging the system, stopping a program, and more. The user program may display messages and prompts on the screen, and receive input from the operator terminal keypad to enter
program variables such as distances, speeds, batch counts, and others. Four additional user programmable keys provide extra flexibility within a user program.
Personality Module (PM)
The Personality Module is a nonvolatile memory device which stores the information necessary to customize an ULTRA Plus or IQ-Series controller for a specific application. The PM holds parameters to
match the motor and the controller, as well as user programs and parameters. A Personality Module may
be physically removed and transferred to another ULTRA Plus or IQ-Series controller if the replacement of a controller is necessary to simplify servicing the machine. The Personality Module data can
also be saved in a computer file and loaded into the ULTRA Plus or IQ using the File, Transfer, dialog
The manuals areconveniently broken into two volumes. The appropriate ULTRA Plus or IQ-Series
Installation Manual (1398-5.1, Part Number 0013-1027-004 or Part Number 0013-1022-004) contains
all the information required for mounting and wiring the system. This manual contains all the information that a user and programmer require to quickly set up, and develop programs for the controller.
Option Cards
Each ULTRA Plus or IQ-Series controller can have an option card (not pictured) mounted on its main
circuit board, inside the cover. The controller has a connector which connects the option card to the
power supplies and microprocessor through a ribbo n cable. Th e option cards curren tly availab le include
a Memory and I/O Expansion Card and an I/O Expansion Card.
Publication 1398-PM601A-EN-P — October 2000
8 Introduction to IQ Master • Symbols and Conventions
Memory and I/O Expansion Card
Additional memory and I/O may be added with a Memory and I/O Expansion Car d. This board adds the
following memory, input and output capabilities to the ULTRA Plus or IQ-Series controller.
•32 Kbytes of additional nonvolatile memory for the storage of up to 32 additional programs.
•32 TTL Inputs.
•16 TTL Outputs.
•4 twelve bit A nalog Input s.
I/O Expansion Card
Additional I/O may be added with an I/O Expansion Card. This board adds the follow ing input and output capabilities.
•32 TTL Inputs.
•16 TTL Outputs.
Personal Computer (PC)
A user supplied Personal Computer is required to run I Q Master software, and its requirements are sp ecified in “Minimum Personal Computer Requirements” on page 9.
Symbols and Conventions
This manual uses the following typographic conventions:
DIF dist,condition,JUMP
Gn, Vn, Fn, BnUser variables. The capital letters (G, V, F, B) can be typed as
MOVD = value [,V = value]Square brackets indicate an optional item. If the optional
IQ Basic instructions are shown in all capital letters.
Capital letters indicate IQ Basic keywords, which are required
parts of IQ Basic statements. Keywords include language commands (e.g. DIF), local parameters (e.g. KP), dedicated flags
(e.g. ATHOME) and variables (e.g. G1). In this manual keywords are shown in all capital letters. However, IQ Basic is a
case insensitive language and can be typed in lower, upper, or
mixed case. A keyword must be followed by a s pace bef ore any
other part of the instruction.
Small italic letters indicate user supplied values. You must substitute a value according to rules explained in the text. This can
be a variable or a constant.
either lower case or upper case. The small italic letter in each
name represents the number of any register. For example G13
might be a substitute for Gn.
parameters are not included, then the current setting for that
parameter is used.
ACCEL = value
G1 = VEL
Publication 1398-PM601A-EN-P — October 2000
Set a system variable.
Read a system variable.
Read a flag variable.
Set a flag variable.
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