Philips FC 8810-01 Operating Instructions

FC8820, FC8810

Philips FC 8810-01 Operating Instructions










Wheels stuck

Top cover or dust container not placed properly

Bumper stuck

Robot lifted up from floor

Colour of floor too dark

Battery not inserted properly / Charging error (switch is o )



























































English 6 Čeština 31 Lietuviškai 57 Magyar 83 Polski 109 Română 137 Slovenščina 163

6 English


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General description

1Handle of dust container lid

2Dust container lid


4Dust container

5Top cover

6Error codes table



9Docking station sensor

10Power switch (to switch the robot on or off)

11Front wheel

12Side brush shafts

13Drop-off sensors


15Battery cavity

16Suction opening

17Side brushes

18Rechargeable battery

19Battery cavity cover

20Fixation blocks for dry wipes

21Dry wipe holder

22Dry wipes

23Battery holder

24Remote control

25Charging cord


27Virtual wall unit (FC8820)

28Docking station


30Small plug

Display and remote control

Remote control (FC8820)

1 Navigation buttons and start/stop 2 Cleaning time buttons

1 3 Cleaning mode buttons

4 Fan speed buttons

5 Docking button

2 3 5 4


English 7

Remote control (FC8810)




Navigation buttons and start/stop




Cleaning time buttons




Cleaning mode buttons




Fan off button




Fan on button




Docking button









Control panel of docking station




Display with time, day and programming indications



Adjusting and setting buttons




















Pointer (FC8820)




Pointer button




On/off button




Cleaning mode buttons






Cleaning time buttons






Docking button





How your robot works

What your robot cleans

This robot is equipped with features that make it a suitable cleaner to help you clean the floors in your home.

The robot is especially suitable for cleaning hard floors, such as wooden, tiled or linoleum floors. It may experience problems cleaning soft floors, such as carpet or rugs. If you use the robot on a carpet or rug, please stay close by the first time to see if the robot can deal with this type of floor. The robot also needs supervision when you use it on very dark or shiny hard floors.

8 English

How your robot cleans

Cleaning system

The robot has a 3-stage cleaning system to clean your floors efficiently.

-The two side brushes help the robot clean in corners and along walls. They also help to remove dirt from the floor and move it towards the suction opening.

-The suction power of the robot picks up loose dirt and transports it

through the suction opening into the dust container.

- The robot comes with a dry wipe holder that allows you to clean your hard floor even more thoroughly with dry wipes.

Cleaning patterns

In its auto cleaning mode, the robot uses an automatic sequence of cleaning patterns to clean each area of the room optimally. The cleaning patterns it uses are:

1 Z-pattern or zigzag pattern

2 Random pattern

3 Wall-following pattern

English 9

4 Spiral pattern

In its auto cleaning mode, the robot uses these patterns in a fixed sequence:z-pattern, random pattern, wall-following pattern, and spiral pattern.

When the robot has completed this sequence of patterns, it starts moving in Z-pattern again. The robot continues to use this sequence of patterns to clean the room until the rechargeable battery runs low, or until it is switched off manually.

If the robot detects a particularly dirty area during its cleaning run, it switches to spiral mode and switches to turbo fan speed (FC8820 only) to ensure thorough dirt removal.

Note: You can also select each mode individually by pressing the appropriate button on the remote control or the pointer (FC8820 only). The manually selected modes are only active for a couple of minutes. After that, the robot switches back to auto-cleaning mode.

For more details, see chapter 'Using your robot', section 'Cleaning modes'.

How your robot avoids height differences

The robot has three drop-off sensors in its bottom. It uses these drop-off sensors to detect and avoid height differences such as staircases.

Note: It is normal for the robot to move slightly over the edge of a height difference, as its front drop-off sensor is located behind the bumper.

Caution: In some cases, the drop-off sensors may not detect a staircase or other height difference in time. Therefore monitor the robot carefully the first few times you use it, and when you operate it near a staircase or another height difference. It is important that you clean the drop-off sensors regularly to ensure the robot continues to detect height differences properly (see chapter ' Cleaning and maintenance' for instructions).

Before first use

Mounting the side brushes

1Unpack the side brushes and place the robot upside down on a table or on the floor.

2Push the side brushes onto the shafts on the bottom of the robot.

Note: Make sure you attach the side brushes properly. Press them onto the shaft until you hear them lock into position with a click.

10 English

Inserting the rechargeable battery

You have to insert te rechargeable battery before use.

Note: Please handle the rechargeable battery with care. Avoid dropping the battery. This will ensure maximum lifetime for your battery.









1 Press the ribbed sections on the battery cavity cover to unlock it.

2Slide te battery cavity cover off the robot.

3Remove the plastic from the rechargeable battery.

4Insert the rechargeable battery into the battery cavity.

Note: Make sure that the print on the battery points upwards and that the connectors point in the right direction.

5Slide the battery cavity cover back onto the robot.

Removing the tag from the remote control

The remote control works on a CR2025 coin-shaped battery. This battery is protected with a protection tag that has to be removed before use.

1 Pull the battery protection tag out of the battery compartment of the remote control. Now the remote control is ready for use.

English 11

Preparing for use

Installing the docking station



Insert the small plug of the adapter into the socket on the docking station



(1) and insert the adapter into the wall socket (2).



- The display of the docking station comes on.



Place the docking station on a horizontal, level floor against the wall.















Note: Make sure that there are no obstacles or height differences 80 cm in front, 30 cm to the right and 100 cm to the left of the docking station.

Tip: To ensure the docking station stays firmly in the selected spot, fasten it to the wall with screws or with two strips of double-sided tape.


When charging for the first time and when the rechargeable battery of the robot is empty, the charging time is four hours.

Your robot can be charged in two ways:

-On the docking station, either manually or automatically during use;

-By connecting the robot directly to the mains.

Note: When the rechargeable battery is fully charged, your robot can clean for up to 120 minutes

Charging on the docking station

1 Press the power switch to switch on the robot.

12 English

2 Place the robot on the plugged-in docking station.

3 The start/stop button starts flashing.

Note: Because this is the first time you charge the robot, the display of the robot shows the booting indicator.

4 When the rechargeable battery is fully charged, the start/stop button lights up continuously.

Charging automatically during use

1 When the robot has finished cleaning or when only 15% of the battery power remains, it automatically searches for the docking station to recharge. When the robot searches for the docking station, the light in the start/stop button turns orange.

2 When the rechargeable battery is fully charged, the start/stop button lights up continuously.

Note: The robot only searches for the docking station automatically when it started cleaning from the docking station.


Charging directly from the mains

1 Press the power switch to switch on the robot.

2 Insert the small plug of the adapter into the socket on the robot (1). Insert the adapter into a wall socket (2).


3 When the robot is connected to the mains correctly, the start/stop button


starts flashing slowly. This indicates that the robot is charging.

4When the rechargeable battery is fully charged, the start/stop button lights up continuously.

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Preparing the room for a cleaning run

Before you start the robot on its cleaning run, make sure that you remove all loose and fragile objects from the floor. Also remove all cables, wires and cords from the floor.

Using your robot

Starting and stopping

1Set the power switch on the side of the robot to the 'on' position.

2Press the start/stop button.

- You can press the start/stop button on the robot.

-You can also press the start/stop button on the remote control or the pointer (FC8820 only)

3 The start/stop button is continuously on and the robot starts cleaning.

4 The robot cleans in the auto-cleaning mode until its battery runs low. In the auto-cleaning mode, it follows repeated sequences of Z-pattern, random, wall-following and spiral patterns.

Note: To select an individual mode, press one of the mode buttons on the remote control. See section 'Cleaning mode selection' for more details.

14 English

5When the battery runs low, the start/stop button turns orange and the robot searches for the docking station to recharge.

6 You can also press the start/stop button to interrupt or stop the cleaning run. If you press the start/stop button again and there is still enough energy in the rechargeable battery, the robot continues cleaning in the auto-cleaning mode.

7 To make the robot return to the docking station before the rechargeable battery runs low, press the docking button on the remote control or on the pointer (FC8820 only). The docking indicator on the display of the robot comes on and the robot returns to the docking station.

Note: If you did not start the robot from the docking station, it does not search for the docking station automatically when the rechargeable battery runs low. If there is still enough energy in the rechargeable battery, you can press the docking button on the remote control or on the pointer (FC8820 only) to make the robot return to the docking station. If the rechargeable battery is completely empty, you have to place the robot on the docking station manually.

Cleaning mode selection

Next to the auto-cleaning mode, this robot has four individual cleaning modes that can each be activated by pressing the appropriate button on the remote control.

Note: The manually selected modes are only active for a couple of minutes.

After that, the robot switches back to auto-cleaning mode.

Z-pattern mode

In Z-pattern mode, the robot cleans by making Z-shaped loops through the room to clean large areas.

Random mode

In this mode, the robot cleans the room in a mixed pattern of straight and crisscross movements.

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Wall-following mode

In this mode, the robot follows the walls of the room to give the area alongside the walls an extra clean.

Spiral mode

In this mode, the robot moves in a spiral pattern to clean a small dirty area thoroughly. In spiral mode, the fan operates at turbo speed (FC8820 only).

Manual driving

1 Use the arrow buttons above and below and to the left and right of the start/stop button on the remote control to navigate the robot through the room.

Note: Be careful when you drive the robot manually close to height differences and staircases.

Note: The vacuuming function and the side brushes only work when the robot is driven forward. The left, right or back buttons are only for maneuvering the robot.

Using the cleaning time button

- Press the maximum cleaning time button to make the robot clean in auto cleaning mode until its rechargeable battery runs low. When the robot has finished cleaning, it returns to the docking station automatically if it started from the docking station. If the robot started from another point in the room, press the docking button to send it back to the docking station.

16 English

- The other cleaning time buttons allow you to let the robot operate for 60, 45 and 30 minutes respectively. When the cleaning time is finished, the robot automatically returns to the docking station when it started from the docking station. If the robot started from another point in the room, press the docking button to send it back to the docking station.

Operating the docking station

Setting clock time and day

If you want to use cleaning programs, you have to set the clock time and the day of the week on the display of the docking station first.

Note: For the pictures that belong to the steps below, see the pages at the back of this manual.

1Press the set button. The set mode indicator and the clock time indicator start flashing.

2Press the select button once. The hour indication starts flashing.

3Use the + and - buttons on the docking station to set the hour.The set hour appears on the display.

4Press the select button to confirm the hour set. The minutes indication starts flashing.

5Use the + and - buttons on the docking station to set the minutes. The set minutes appear on the display.

6Press the select button to confirm the minutes set. The indication 'Su’ for Sunday starts flashing.

7Use the + and - buttons on the docking station to set the current day of the week.

8Press the select button to confirm the day of the week.

9Press the set button to confirm the clock time and day of the week setting. Both the set mode indicator and the clock time indicator stop flashing and turn solid.

Programming cleaning times

If you have set the time and the day of the week on the display of the docking station, you can program cleaning times for your robot.

Note: For the pictures that belong to the steps below, see the pages at the back of this manual.

The programming options available are:


Indications on display



Cleaning every day

All day indications are on



Cleaning on weekdays

Mo to Fri indications are on



Cleaning on 2 consecutive days

Indications of 2 days are on, e.g. Fri and Sa




English 17


Indications on display



Cleaning 1 day a week

Indication of selected day is on




Press the set button. The set mode indicator and the cleaning program


indicator start flashing.


Press the select button once. The hour indication starts flashing.


Use the + and - buttons on the docking station to set the hour. The set


hour appears on the display.


Press the select button to confirm the hour set. The minutes indication


starts flashing.


Use the + and - buttons on the docking stationl to set the minutes. The


set minutes appear on the display.


Press the select button to confirm the minutes set. The indication ‘Su’ for


Sunday starts flashing.


Use the + and - buttons on the docking station to toggle between


cleaning programs (see the table above for the programming options




Press the select button to confirm the program selected.


Press the set button to confirm the programming. Both the set mode


indicator and the cleaning program indicator stop flashing and turn solid.


When you have set a cleaning program, the display shows the cleaning


program indicator and the day or days selected. If you leave the robot on


standby and its rechargeable battery is fully charged, it will start cleaning


at the programmed time on the programmed day or days.

Fan speed buttons


You can use the fan speed buttons to increase the fan speed to turbo or to switch off the fan. The default setting is normal fan speed.

2 1 Press this button to switch off the fan

2 Press this button to switch on the fan at normal speed.

3 The turbo fan button increases the fan speed (FC8820 only).


Clap response

The clap response is enabled when the robot enters sleep mode in the following situations:

-when it stops cleaning due to an error

-when it cannot find its docking station in 20 minutes

If you do not see the robot, you can locate it by clapping your hands once.

The robot will respond by beeping and by lighting up all icons on its display.

Using the dry wipe attachment

The dry wipe attachment is a feature that allows you to clean hard floors with dry wipes.

Note: If you use the dry wipe attachment, the robot may have trouble crossing thresholds or climbing onto rugs.

18 English

Preparing the dry wipe attachment for use

1 Turn the robot upside down and place it on the floor or on a table.

2 Place the dry wipe on a table and place the dry wipe attachment on the wipe with its fixation lugs pointing towards you.

3 Fold both ends of the dry wipe around the dry wipe attachment and fasten the dry wipe onto the attachment by pushing the fixation blocks into the recesses.

4 Insert the fixation lug of the dry wipe attachment into the opening just behind the wheel on one side of the robot and push until you hear it lock into place with a click. Then repeat these actions on the other side.

5 Turn the robot and place it on the floor on its wheels with the dry wipe attachment touching the floor.

Using the robot with the dry wipe attachment

When the dry wipe attachment is attached, you can use the robot in any mode and on all hard floors. Do not use the dry wipe attachment on carpet or rugs.


Removing the dry wipe attachment



Remove the dry wipe attachment as soon as you have finished wiping



the floor.



Turn the robot upside down and place it on the floor or on a table.



Push one end of the dry wipe attachment towards the wheel on the



other side of the robot to release it. Then pull the attachment off the




Using the pointer (FC8820)

Charging the pointer

The pointer has a rechargeable battery that can be charged with the USB cable supplied.

1 Insert the micro-USB plug into the socket in the bottom of the pointer.

English 19

2 Insert the USB plug into a USB charger or a USB port on your laptop.

3The charging light on the pointer lights up solid. Charging takes 30 minutes. When the charging light goes off, the rechargeable battery is fully charged.




5070 CM

Navigating the robot with the pointer

-When you press and hold the pointer button, the pointer emits a beam of infrared light. With this beam you can drag the robot in a particular direction. As long as you keep the button pressed and keep pointing in the direction you want the robot to move, it continues to move in that direction. When you release the pointer button, the robot starts cleaning in auto cleaning mode.

50-70 CM

-With the pointer you can send the robot to a specific area in the room to give this area an extra-thorough clean.

Using the virtual wall unit (FC8820)

Placing the batteries in the invisible wall

The invisible wall operates on four AA batteries.

1Push the two release tabs at the bottom of the back cover (1) and slide the back cover upwards and off the invisible wall (2).

20 English

1 Push the two release tabs at the bottom of the back cover (1) and slide


the back cover upwards and off the invisible wall (2).


2 Take four new AA batteries from the pack and insert them into the battery compartment of the invisible wall.

Note: Make sure the + and - poles of the batteries point in the right direction.

3 Slide the back cover onto the invisible wall again.

Positioning the invisible wall to stop the robot

You can use the invisible wall to prevent the robot from entering a room or area that you want to keep it out of.

1 Place the unit at a point you do not want the robot to cross, e.g at an open door to a room that is off-limits to the robot.

2Switch on the invisible wall with the on/off slide on top of the unit.

3Start the robot.

English 21

4 When the robot comes too close to the invisible wall, the light on the invisible wall starts flashing and the invisible wall emits a beam of infrared light. This beam of infrared light makes the robot change its course and move away from the invisible wall.

Note: If you use the invisible wall, regularly check if the batteries still contain sufficient power. You can check this by switching the virtual wall off and on again. If there is enough energy in the batteries, the LED on the invisible wall will light up briefly.

Cleaning and maintenance

Cleaning the robot



To maintain good cleaning performance, you have to clean the drop-off sensors, the wheels, the side brushes and the suction opening from time to time.

1Make sure that the power switch is in 'off' position.

2Place the robot upside down on a flat surface

3Use a brush with soft bristles (e.g. a toothbrush) to remove dust or fluff from the drop-off sensors and to clean the suction opening.

Note: It is important that you clean the drop-off sensors regularly. If the drop-off sensors are dirty, the robot may fail to detect height differences or staircases.



4 Use a brush with soft bristles (e.g. a toothbrush) to remove dust or fluff from the front wheel and side wheels.




5 To clean the side brushes, grab them by the bristles and pull them off their shafts.

22 English

6Remove fluff, hairs and threads from the shaft and from the side brush with a soft brush (e.g. a toothbrush) or a cloth.

7 Check the side brushes and the bottom of the robot for any sharp objects that could damage your floor.

Emptying and cleaning the dust container

Empty and clean the dust container when the dust container full indicator lights up continuously.

1 Make sure that the power switch is in 'off' position. 2 Remove the cover.

3 Pull up the handle of the dust container lid and lift the dust container out of the dust container compartment.

Note: When you remove or reinsert the dust container, take care not to damage the blades of the motor fan.

4 Carefully lift the lid off the dust container (1) and take out the filter (2).

English 23

5 Shake the dust container over a dustbin to empty it. Clean the filter and the inside of the dust container with a cloth or a toothbrush with soft bristles. Also clean the suction opening in the bottom of the dust container.

Caution: Do not clean the dust container and the filter with water or in the dishwasher.

6 Put the filter back into the dust container (1). Then place the lid on the dust container(2).


7 Put the dust container back into the dust container compartment and put


the top cover back on the robot.


Caution: Always make sure the filter is present inside the dust


container. If you use the robot without the filter inside the dust


container, the motor will be damaged.


Ordering accessories

To buy accessories or spare parts, visit or go to your Philips dealer. You can also contact the Philips Consumer Care Center in your country (see the international warranty leaflet for contact details).

Replacing the filter

Replace the filter if it is very dirty or damaged. You can order a new filter kit under type number FC8066. See 'Emptying and cleaning the dust container' in chapter 'Cleaning and maintenance' for instructions on how to remove the filter from the dust container and how to place it in the dust container.

Replacing the side brushes

Replace the side brushes after some time to ensure proper cleaning results.

Always replace the side brushes when you notice signs of wear or damage. We also recommend that you replace both side brushes at the same time.

24 English

You can order spare side brushes as part of replacement kit FC8068. This kit also contains two filters and three dry wipes.

1Make sure that the power switch is in 'off' position.

2To replace the side brushes, grab the old side brushes by the bristles and

pull them off their shafts.

3 Push the new side brushes onto the shafts.

Replacing the rechargeable battery

Replace the rechargeable battery when you can no longer recharge it or when it runs out of power quickly. You can order a new rechargeable battery under order number CP0113 for FC8820 and CP0112 for FC8810.

1Make sure that the power switch of the robot is in 'off' position.

2Let the robot run until the rechargeable battery is empty to make sure that the rechargeable battery is completely discharged before you remove it and dispose of it.

3Push and slide the battery cavity cover off the robot.

4 Remove the old rechargeable battery from the battery cavity.


Hold the remote control upside down. Push the release button on the battery holder and at the same time slide the battery holder out of the remote control.








English 25

5Insert the new rechargeable battery into the battery cavity.

6Slide the battery cavity cover back onto the robot.

Replacing dry wipes

You can order new dry wipes. They are part of replacement kit FC8068. This replacement kit also contains two side brushes and two filters.

Replacing the battery of the remote control

The remote control works on a CR2025 coin-shaped battery. Replace the battery when the robot no longer responds when you press the buttons on the remote control.


2 Remove the empty battery from the battery holder and place a new

battery in the battery holder. Then slide the battery holder back into the

remote control.



-This symbol means that this product shall not be disposed of with normal household waste (2012/19/EU).

26 English

- This symbol means that this product contains disposable batteries which shall not be disposed of with normal household waste (2006/66/EC).

- Follow your country's rules for the separate collection of electrical and electronic products and batteries. Correct disposal helps prevent negative consequences for the environment and human health.

Removing disposable batteries

To remove disposable batteries, see the instructions for placing and/or removing batteries in the user manual.


This chapter summarizes the most common problems you could encounter with the machine. If you are unable to solve the problem with the information below, visit for a list of frequently asked questions or contact the Consumer Care Center in your country.


Possible cause





The robot does not start

The rechargeable battery is

Charge the rechargeable battery (see

cleaning when I press the


chapter 'Preparing for use').

start/stop button.



The small plug is still inserted

The robot does not work on mains power.



in the socket on the robot.

It only works on its rechargeable battery.



Therefore, always disconnect the adapter



from the robot and the mains before use.





The power switch is not set to

Press the power switch. Press the


'on' (I) position.

start/stop button on the robot or on the



remote control to start cleaning.




The warning indicator

One or both wheels are stuck.

Set the power switch to 'off'. Remove the

flashes quickly.


fluff, hair, thread or wire that is caught



around the wheel suspension.





One or both side brushes are

Clean the side brushes (see chapter



'Cleaning and maintenance').





The top cover is not present

When the top cover is not present or is not


or is not closed properly.

closed properly, the robot does not work.



Place the top cover on the robot properly.





The bumper is stuck.

Press the start/stop button. Lift the robot



so that its bumper comes free. Place the



robot at some distance from the obstacle



and press the start/stop button to make it



resume cleaning.

The robot was lifted while it was cleaning.

Press the start/stop button. Place the robot on the floor. Then press the start/stop button to make the robot resume cleaning.

English 27


Possible cause


The robot does not clean properly.

The bristles of one or both

Soak the brush or brushes in warm water

side brushes are crooked or

for a while. If this does not restore the


bristles to their proper shape, replace the


side brushes (see chapter 'Replacement').



The filter in the dust container

Clean the filter in the dust container with a

is dirty.

cloth or a toothbrush with soft bristles.You


can also clean the filter and dust container


with a regular vacuum cleaner at a low


suction power setting.




If brushing or vacuuming does not help to


clean the filter, replace the filter with a


new one. We advise you to replace the


filter at least once a year.



The suction opening in the

Clean the suction opening (see chapter

bottom of the dust container

'Cleaning and maintenance').

is clogged.




The front wheel is jammed

Clean the front wheel (see chapter

with hair or other dirt.

'Cleaning and maintenance').



The robot is cleaning a very

Press the start/stop button and then move

dark or shiny surface, which

the robot to a lighter colored piece of the

triggers the drop-off

floor. If the problem continues to occur on

sensors.This causes the robot

lighter colored floors, please go to

to move in an unusual or contact the


Consumer Care Center in your country.



The robot is cleaning a floor

Close the curtains to block sunlight from

that reflects sunlight quite

entering the room. You can also start

strongly. This triggers the

cleaning when the sunlight is less bright.

drop-off sensors and causes


the robot to move in an


unusual pattern.


The rechargeable battery

The rechargeable battery has

Replace the rechargeable battery (see

can no longer be charged

reached the end of its life.

chapter 'Replacement').

or runs empty very fast.






The battery of the remote

Perhaps you did not insert

For the remote control, you need a

control runs empty too

the correct type of battery.

CR2025 coin-shaped battery. If the



problem persists, go to or contact the



Consumer Care Center in your country.




28 English


Possible cause


The robot is moving in circles.

The robot is in spot-cleaning mode.

This is normal behavior. The spiral mode can be activated when a lot of dirt is detected on the floor for a thorough clean. It is also part of the auto cleaning mode. After approximately one minute the robot resumes its normal cleaning pattern. You can also stop the spiral mode by selecting a different cleaning mode on the remote control.

The robot cannot find the

There is not enough room for

Try to find another place for the docking

docking station.

the robot to navigate towards

station. See 'Installing the docking station'


the docking station.

in chapter 'Preparing for use'.





The robot is still actively

Give the robot around 20 minutes to return



to the docking station.





The robot was not started

If you want the robot to return to the


from the docking station.

docking station after a cleaning run, start it



from the docking station.




The robot beeps when it

You try to charge the robot

Press the power switch to switch on the

is on the docking station.

with the power switch is in off








Error codes

Error code

Possible cause






Wheels stuck

Remove robot from the obstacle and press the



starts/stop button to resume cleaning.





Top cover or dust

Place the dust container in and the top cover


container not placed

on the robot properly. The error code



disappears from the display automatically.





Bumper stuck

Remove the robot from the obstacle. The error



code disappears from the display








Robot lifted from floor

Put the robot back on the floor to make the



error code disappear.





Color of floor too dark

Place robot on a lighter area of the floor. Clean



the drop-off sensors.





Battery not inserted

Read the instructions in ‘Inserting the



rechargeable battery into the robot’ in chapter



‘Before first use’.





Charging error

Check if the power switch is in ‘on’ position



when the robot is on the docking station




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