OPEL Zafira User Manual [fr]

Owner’s Manual
Data specific to your vehicle
Please en t er you r veh icl e ’s da ta h e re to ke ep it ea sily accessible. This information is available under the section "Technical da ta" as well as on the identification plate .
Tyre inflation pressure
Ty re si ze wi th up to 3 persons wi th full lo ad
Sum mer tyres Front R ear Front R ear
Winter tyres Front R ear Front
Permissible gross vehicle weight
– EC kerbweight
Level control
Bumper Height
see page 1 44
R ea r
Your Zafira
Develope d to the la test findings of veh ic le research, it offers technical sophistication and e xceptional comfort.
Your vehicle represents an ideal synthesis of ad vanced technology, outstanding safety, environmental compatibility and e conomy in operation.
It now lie s with you to drive your vehicle safely and to see it performs perfectly.
This Owner's Manual provides you with all the necessary information to that end.
Th e Owner's Man u al s h ou ld a lways be ke pt in th e v ehicl e: ready t o h and in the g love co m par tmen t.
Make u se of the Owner's Manual :
z Its “I n brief” section will giv e you an initial ov erview. z Its inde x will help you find what you want.
z It will familiarize you with the sophisticated tech nology. z It will increase your pleasure in y our vehicle.
z It will help you to handle your vehicle ex pertly.
The Owner's Manual is de signed to be clearly laid-out and e asily understood.
This symbol:
6 signifies: continue reading on next page. 3 The asterisk signifies equipment options not in all ve hicles (model variants, engine options , models specific to one country, optional
equipment, Genuine Vauxhall Parts and Accessories).
Text highligh ted in yellow in p articular indicates possible risk of accident and injury. Disregard of these notes can lead to injuries which may be fatal. Vehicle
passengers must b e informed accordingly.
Yellow arrows in the illustrations serve as points of reference or indicate some action to be performed.
Black arrows in the illustrations indicate a reaction or a s econd ac tion to be pe rform ed.
We wish you many hours of pleasurable driving
Your Va uxhall team
Commitment to customer satisfaction:
Our ai m: to k eep you happy with your
vehicle. All Vauxhall Authorised Repairers offe r first class service at compe titive
prices. Experienced, factory-train ed technicians work according to factory
instructions.Your Authorised Repairer can supply yo u with GEN UINE VAU XHALL-
APPROVED PARTS, which have undergone stringent quality and precision chec ks, and
of course useful and attractive VAUXHALL-APPROVED ACCESSORIES.
Our name is your guarantee!
For d eta ils of the Vauxhall Au thoris ed Rep airer Netw ork
please ring this number; 01582 - 427200
In b rie f .. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ . 4
Instruments ... ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... ...... 32
K eys, doors, b onnet .. ..... .... ..... ......... .... .. 5 8
S eats, Interior ..... ........ ..... ......... .... ......... .. 71
S afety sys tem s ... .... ......... .... ......... ..... ...... 8 6
Ligh ting ..... .... ..... .... .... ......... ..... ......... .... 143
Win do ws, sun ro o f.. .... ......... ......... ......... 147
He ating an d v entilation ........ ......... .... 15 2
Air con ditioning system ..... ..... ......... .... 157
Elect ron ic air con ditioning s ys tem . .... 166
Au tomatic transm ission .... ..... ......... .... 17 6
Driving hin ts . ..... ........ ......... ......... ......... 182
S ave fue l, pro tec t the e nv ironme n t .... 184
Fuel consum pt ion, fuel, re fue lling ...... 186
C atalytic co n ve rte r, exhau st gases .... 188
Drive control system s ..... ......... ......... .... 192
Brake s ... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .... 19 6
Wheels, tyres . ..... ........ ......... ......... ......... 200
Roof racks,
caravan and tra ile r towing .... ......... 204
S elf-h elp .... .... ......... .... ......... ..... ......... .... 212
If y ou have a problem .... .... ..... ......... .... 24 2
Mainte nance , Inspec tion s ys tem ... .... 244
Vehicle care .. ..... ........ ..... ......... .... ......... 256
Te chnical data ..... ......... ......... ......... .... 26 0
Inde x . ......... ......... ........ ......... ......... ......... 276
In brief
Key numbers co d e num b e rs
Remove key number from ke y.
The key number is specified in the vehicle documents and in the Car Pass 3.
Alloy wh eels 3, towing equipment 3: Make a note of the key identifier codes.
Elec tronic imm obiliser, Radio 3 : The code n umbers are specified in the
Car Pass and Radio Pass 3 respectively.
Do not keep the Car Pass and Radio Pass in the vehicle.
6 Further information – see pages 58, 59, vehicle recomm issioning – s ee page 254.
Unlock vehicle: press button q or
tur n ke y in dr iv er’s do or, lock
6 Door lock s, child restraint system – see page 5 8,
electronic immobiliser – see page 59, radio frequency
remote control – see page 60, central locking – see pag e 62 ,
anti-theft locking system – see page 6 4, Vauxhall alarm system 3 – see page 6 7.
Unlock luggage compartment: Tu rn key cl ockwis e as far as it wi ll go
In order to av oid being locked out, the key cannot be removed.
Position of key slot in lock: – horizontal tailgate is
locked and unlocked
together with the central locking,
– vertical tailgate is always
6 Radio frequency remote control 3 – see page 6 0,
central lock ing 3 – see page 62, Vauxhall alarm system 3 – see page 64.
Adjust f ront se ats: Pull handl e,
slide seat , rel ea se ha ndl e
Never adjust the driver's seat whilst d riving. It could move in an uncontrolled manner
when the handle has been pulled. 6 Seating position – see page 71,
se a t s i n sec o nd an d th ird r o ws 3 – see page 25.
Im porta nt : Do not sit nearer than 10” (2 5cm ) fro m the st ee r ing whee l, to
permit safe airbag dep loyment..
Front seat backrest adjustment: Turn h andwh eel
Move seat backrest to suit seating position.
Do not lean on seat when adjusting. 6 Seating position – see pag e 71,
seats in second and third rows 3 – see page 2 5.
Adjusting height of front seats 3:
Lever on outboard side of seats
Lever pumping ac tion Upward = Seat higher
Downward = Seat lower 6 Seating p osition – see page 7 1.
Adjusting angle of front seats 3:
Pull lever, adjust angle,
rel ease lever
6 Seating position – see page 71.
Front seat lumbar s upport 3 adjustment:
Turn h andwh eel
Adjust lumbar sup port to suit personal requirements.
Do not lean on seat when adjusting. 6 Seating position – see pag e 71.
Thigh su pport 3 adjust position in relation to front seats:
Lift and slide front support padding
Do not adjust the thigh support w hilst driving.
6 Seating p osition – see page 7 1.
Adjust head r est rain t height of front seats and outboard seats
in sec ond r ow : Tilt forward to release,
hold and adjust height, rel ease
6 Head restraint position – see page 72, further information, removal – see page 72,
rear he ad restraints 3 – see pag e 72.
Adjusting interior mirror: Swivel mirr or hous ing
Swivel lever on underside of mirror housing to red uce daz zle a t night.
Adjusting automatic anti-dazzle interior mirror 3 :
swivel mirr or hou sing
Glare at night is automatically reduced.
The mirror does not reduc e dazzle when:
z T h e ig ni t io n i s sw it ch e d o ff , z Re verse gear is engaged or the selector
lever se t to R,
z The interior lights are on.
Adju sting ext erior mi rro rs: Fo ur-w a y s witch o n driver ’s d oo r
Toggle switc h to left or right: Fo ur-wa y switch m ov es app ropriate m irro r.
The mirror and rear window heaters are switched on together -
see page s 18 and 156. 6 Additional information,
aspherical exterior m irror 3 – see page 142, heated exterior m irror 3 – see pag e 156.
Fi ttin g seat belt : Draw seat belt smoothly from
iner tia ree l, guide o ver shoulder
and engage in belt buckle
The belt must not be twisted at any point. The lap be lt must lie snugly against the
body. The front seat backrests must not be tilted back too far (recomme nded tilting
angle approx. 25°).
To release belt, press re d button on belt buckle.
6 Seat b elts – see page 87, ai r b ag sy st e ms 3 – see page 93,
seating position – see page 71.
Disen gagin g st eer ing c olumn loc k : To re lease the loc k ,
move the s teering wh eel slightly and turn the key to position I
Positions: o =Ignition off
I = St ee ring free , ign i tion off II = Ignition on
III = Start 6 Starting – see page 22,
electronic immobiliser – see pag e 59. re mo ve ke y a nd l oc k s te e rin g w he el
– see page 23.
Steering whee l adjust ment 3: Move lever down,
adjust height and distance, move lever up,
Adjust steering wheel only when vehicle is stationary and steering colum n loc k is
released. 6 A irbag sy ste m s 3 – see page 93.
1 Side air v ents ... ..... ......... ........ ......... 15 4
2 Front pa ssenger airbag 3 .... ..... .... . 93
3 Centre air v ents ........ ......... ......... ... 15 4
4 Left heated seat 3 ........ ........ ..... ... 156
Fan for
rear passengers 3 ......... ........ .1 6 3, 173
Haza rd warning f lashe r s .. .... ......... . 1 6
Cooling for
rear passengers 3 ......... ........ 163, 172
Right heated seat 3 ...... .... .... ..... ... 156
5 Radio 3,
Infotainment system 3 . .... ......... .... . 5 6
6 Display 3 for time, date,
outside temperature, radio 3,
Infotainment system 3, check control 3,
trip computer 3 .... ......... .... ......... .... . 40
7 Horn ..... ......... ......... ......... ........ ......... ..17
8 Turn signals, headlight fla sh,
dippe d be am a nd main be am ..... . 1 5
Cruise control 3 .... .... ......... .... ........ 194
9 Ins trume n ts ...... ..... ......... .... ........ 32, 37
Pa ge
10 Windscreen wiper and wash,
headlight wash 3 and
re ar wi n do w w ash 3 .... .... ......... ..... . 18
check control 3, trip computer 3 .. 48
11 Light switch ..... ......... ........ ........ 1 5 , 143
12 Instrument illumination ........ ......... 1 4 4
Fog tail lig ht .... ......... ........ ......... ..... 143
Fog lights 3 ..... .... ......... ......... ......... 1 4 3
Headlight range adjus tment 3 .... 1 4 4
13 Fusebox .. .... ..... .... ......... .... ......... .... 2 2 8
14 Bonnet rele ase lev er . .... ......... ......... . 7 0
15 Ignition s witch
with steering column lock
(not vis ible) ...... .... ..... ........ ..... ......... ... 9
16 Radi o / Infota i n m e nt sy ste m
re mo t e c o nt r o l 3 . ......... ......... ......... . 30
17 Stee r ing w h ee l adjustm ent 3 ... ..... ... 9
18 Acce lerat or pedal ....... ......... . 1 8 2, 183
19 Brake pe dal ........ ......... ......... . 1 8 2, 19 6
20 C lutch pe dal ....... ......... ......... ......... 183
21 Accessory socket or
cigarette lighte r . ..... ......... ......... ....... 81
22 A ir circu lation syste m . ..... ......... .... 153
Air conditioning 3 .. .... ..... .... ..... .... 159
He ated rear w indow ........ ....... 1 8, 15 6
23 As htray s ......... ......... .... ......... ..... ...... 82
24 He ating an d v entilation .. ......... .... 152
Electron ic air con ditioning
system 3 ..... .... ......... .... ......... ..... ..... 166
25 Glove compartment ... ......... ......... .. 84
Control indicators
? Automatic headlight range
adjustment 3, fault,
see pages 32, 144.
v Airbag systems 3,
belt tensioners,
see pages 88, 98.
X Seat belt 3,
see page 32.
R Brake system,
clutch system,
see pages 33, 196.
@ Electronic ally controlle d
engine cooli ng 3,
see page 33.
! Preheating system 3,
see page 33.
A Engine electronics,
Automatic transmission 3, Im mobil iser 3,
see page s 33, 59, 190.
p Alternator,
see page 3 4.
Z Exhaust emi ssion 3 ,
see page s 34, 190.
I O il pressur e,
see page 3 4.
> Fog ligh t s 3,
see page s 35, 143.
P Main beam,
see page s 15, 35.
r Fog tai l light,
see page s 35, 143.
O Turn signals,
see page s 16, 35.
1 Automat ic tra nsmission 3,
sporty driving programme ,
see page 177.
v Tra ctio n Co n t r o l sy st em ( TC ) 3,
Electronic Stabi lity Pro gra mme (E SP ) 3 ,
see pages 192, 19 3.
u Anti-lock Brake System,
see page 198.
Y Fue l le vel:
see pages 3 6, 39.
g Trailer turn signa ls 3,
see page 36.
y Seat occup ancy recognition 3,
see pages 9 9, 100.
Lig ht s witch , lever positions,
see pages 15, 143.
7 Lig hts off 8 Parking l ights 9 Di ppe d and main beam
0 Courtesy light,
se e p age 14 5.
> Fog l ights 3,
se e p age 14 3.
r Fog t ail lig ht,
se e p age 14 3.
k Instru me nt illum ination,
se e p age 14 4.
? Headlight range adjustm ent,
se e p age 14 4.
¨ Hazard warning flashe rs,
see page 16.
He atin g, ve ntilatio n, air conditioning system
electronic air conditioning system 3
x Air quantity ,
see page s 152, 158, 170.
Air distribut ion,
see page s 153, 158, 170,
V To windscreen and
front door wind ows
J To windscree n, front
door windows and footwell,
K To footwell L To head area and to footwell
M To head area
Ü Heated rear window,
see pages 156, 16 4, 1 69.
4 Air circulation s y stem ,
see pages 153, 15 9.
n Air conditioning system 3 ,
see page 159.
AUTO Automatic mode 3,
see page 167.
ECO Operation without cooling 3,
see page 169.
z Rear pas senger cooling 3 ,
see pages 163, 17 2.
ß Heated front seats 3,
see pages 156, 16 4, 1 69.
Tilt / slide sun roof 3, skyli ght ro of 3
l Fron t t ilt / slide sun roo f 3,
op ening / lowering, se e p age 15 0.
\ Front t ilt / slide s un roof 3,
closing / raising, se e p age 15 0.
\ Rear skylight roof 3 ,
ra is e , se e p age 15 1.
w Rear skylight roof 3 ,
lo w e r , se e p age 15 1.
Windscreen wiper
Stalk positions,
see page 17,
§ Off $ Timed interv al wipe
% Slow & Fa s t
Date, ti m e
Inform ation d isp lay 3,
see page 4 0,
Ö On bu tton for date
and time ,
; Set button for date and time
Radio, Infotainment system 3
St eeri n g w hee l m ou nt ed re mote control 3,
see page 3 0.
See enclosed operating instructions for description.
Misce llan eous
p Central l ocking system ,
loc king: see page 60.
q Central l ocking system,
unlocking: see page 60 .
) Cigarette lighter,
see page 81.
j Horn,
see page 17.
/ Bonnet,
see page 70.
T Wi nter pro gra m me ,
automa tic transm issio n 3,
see page 178.
+ First- aid kit 3,
see page 216.
¨ Warnin g tri angle 3,
see pages 216, 21 7.
Light switches:
7 =Off 8 = Parking lights
9 = Dipped or m ain beam
Pull 0 = Courtesy light Push r = Fog tail light
Push > = Tail fog light 3 6 Additional instructions – see page 143,
headlight switch-on monitoring – see page 2 3,
headlig ht ra nge adjustment – se e page 144,
daytime running lights – see page 143.
Main and dipped beam switch: Main beam = Push stalk forwards
Dipped beam = Pull stalk towards
steering w heel
By overcoming the stalk resistance the headlight flash is operated.
Headlight flash: Pull stalk to wards s teering wh eel
Operating turn signal lights: Stalk in rest position
Right turn = Upwards Left turn = Downwards
W h en the s tee rin g wh ee l is turne d back, t h e stalk automatically returns to its original
position. This will not happen when making a minor steering manoeuvre such as
changin g lane.
When lane changing , move stalk part way , to first stop. When release d, stalk will
spring back.
Cruise control operation: Press bu tton o n stal k
Switch on: Tap button I . Switch off: Tap button §.
Resume at stored speed: Tap button R . 6 Cruise control 3 – see page 194.
Hazard warning lights: On = Press ¨
Off = Press ¨ again
To aid location of the pushbutton, the red surfac e is illuminated w ith the ignition
switched on. When the button is pressed, its control indicator flashes in time with the
hazard warning flashers.
Horn operation: Press j
6 Ai r b ag sy ste ms 3 – see page 93, remote control for radio
and Infotainment system 3 – see page 30.
Windsc re en w iper : Move stalk up
§ = Off $ = Timed interval wipe
% = Slow & = Fast
Automatic wiper with rain sensor
3 :
Move stalk up
§ = Off $ = Automatic wiper
wi th ra i n sens or
% = Slow (constant) & = Fast (constant)
Automatic wiping $: The rain s ensor detects the amount of water on the
windscreen and automatically regulates th e w ind scr e en wipe r.
Pu sh s talk d ow n t o sw i t ch o f f . If necessary, the positions % or & can be
selected manually.
Operating windscreen and headlight w ash systems 3:
Pull stalk tow ards st eer ing wheel
The w iper will swipe for a few strokes. The headlight wash system 3 can be
operated when the lights are on. On vehicles fitted with rain sensors 3,
operate the windscreen wash system at regular intervals, to keep the sensor area
clean. 6 Further inform ation –
see page s 252, 257.
Operating rear window wipe r and wash systems 3:
Wiper on = Push stalk forward Wiper off = Pull stalk t o wards
steer ing whe el
Wash = Push stalk forward
and hold
The rear window wiper operates in tim ed interval mode. Continuous wiping takes
place during washing. 6 Further information –
see pages 2 52, 257.
Heated rear window, hea ted ext erior mi rr ors:
On = Press
Off = Press Ü again
The rear window and exterior mirror heating is s witched off automatically a fter
app rox. 15 minutes. 6 Further information –
see page s 156, 164, 169.
To dry misted or icy windows: Tu rn rot ary s w it ch for
heater and fan clockwise, air distribution to
Press air conditioning switch
Close centre air vents; open side air vents and direct the m towards th e door windo ws.
6 H eating, v entilation – see page 152, air conditioning system 3 – see page 1 57,
electronic air conditioning 3 – see page 166,
cooling for rear passengers 3 – see page s 163, 172.
n 3
Sett in g ele ctro nic clim ate co nt rol to automatic mode:
Press A UTO button, set temperature using rotary knob
Open all air ve nts. 6 Electronic air conditioning system 3
– see page 1 66.
Info display: Disp lays the follo win g in forma t ion;
–time, –outside temperature,
–radio 3 and date, – na vigation 3,
–telephone 3, – check control 3 ,
–trip computer 3 6 Info display – see page 40.
Manual transmi ssion:
o =Neutral
1 to 5 = 1st to 5th ge ar
When shifting up from 4th to 5th gear: Push the lever towards the right at the
beginning of the shift opera tion.
When shifting from 5th to 4th g ear: Do not exert any force towards the left.
Manual transmission: R = Re verse gear
Reverse gear: With vehicle s tationary, pull the ring up three seconds after declutching
and engag e gear.
If the gear does not engage: With lever in neutral, release clutch pedal and depress
again, then re pea t gear selection.
Automatic transmission 3: P = Park
(wit h sele ctor lev er lo ck)
R = Reverse N = Neutral
Engine may be started only in P or N .
To move out of P, switch on ignition, press foot brake and pus h button on se lector
To e ngage P or R, push button on selector lever.
P: Only with ve hicle s tation ary,
first apply handbrake
R: Only with ve hicle s t ationary 6 Automatic transmis sion – se e pa ge 176.
D = 1st to 4th gear 3 = 1st to 3rd gear
2 = 1st and 2nd gear 1 = 1st gear
Plus: S = Sporty driving programme
Select 3, 2 or 1 if certain gea rs are not desired, e.g. 4-3-4 . . . on winding roads, or
in order to utilize the engine braking effect when d riving downhill.
Press button on selector lever to engage 3 or 1.
6 Automatic transmission – see page 176
Lock t o prevent inadvertent selection of
positions P , R, 3 or 1:
Press button on selector lever.
Do not press the button on the selec tor lever when changing from 1 to N or
fr om R to D. 6 Automatic transmission – see page 176.
Exhaust gases are toxic
Exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide, which is extremely pois onous but has no
odour or colour.
Therefore never inhale exhaust gases, and never run the engine in an enclosed space.
Befo re st a rt ing of f, ch eck:
z For tyre pressure and condition -
see pages 200, 27 0.
z Engine oil level and fluid le vels in engine
compartme nt – see page s 244 to 252.
z All windows, mirrors, exterior lighting
and nu mber plates are free from dirt, snow and ice a nd are operational.
z Do not place any objects on the
instrument panel, in th e area in which the airbags inflate or on the lugga ge
compartment cover 3.
z Seats, seat belts and mirrors are
correctly a djusted .
z Br ake oper ati o n .
Sta r ting , petr ol en g in es: Manual transmi ssion: In neutral
with clutch depressed Automatic transmission: In P or N,
D o n ot a c celer a te Tu rn key to po sit ion III
The initially increased engine speed automatically falls as the engine
tem perature r ise s.
Before repeating the starting procedure, turn the key ba ck to o in th e ig ni t io n sw i tc h,
remove it and then reinsert it. 6 Electronic imm ob iliser – see page 59,
further information – see pages 1 82, 183.
Starting, di esel en gine: Manual transmission: In neutral
with clutch depressed Automatic transmission: In P or N,
Do not accelerate, Turn key to position II;
when indicator light turn key to position III
Before repea ting the starting proc edure, turn the key back to o in the ignitio n switch,
remove it and then reinsert it. 6 Electronic immobiliser – see p age 59,
further information – see pag es 182, 183, 212.
Preheating system only switches on at low outside temperatures.
! goes off
Release handbrake: Li ft le ver slightly,
push release button, drop lever down
6 Brakes – page 196.
Par king the vehicle: Apply handbrake firmly,
en g ine off, re move key,
loc k st eer in g w he el, loc k d oo rs
6 Furthe r informa tion – see pages 59, 183, radio frequency
remote control 3 – see page 60, central lock ing system 3 – see page 6 2,
Vauxhall alarm system 3 – se e page 67.
Advi ce whe n pa r king :
z Always ap ply handbrake firmly. On
slopes apply the handbrake as firmly as possible
z W ith manual transmission, engage first
gear or re verse gear and with automatic transmission 3, pla ce selector lever in
position P
z In vehicles with automatic transmission 3
the key can only be removed with selector lever in position P
z C lose windows, tilt / slide sun roof 3 and
skylight roof 3
z Re move key, otherwise an alarm will
sound w he n the d riv er’s d oor is o pene d
z Turn steering whe el until lock engages
(anti-theft protection)
z Sw itch off exte rior lights, otherwise the
headlight warning device 3 will sound when the driver’s door is opened
z Engine cooling fan may run on after the
engine has been switched off
6 Further informa tion – see page s 253, 254
Service work, Mainte nance
We recommend that you entrust all work to a Vauxhall Authorise d Rep airer, w ho can
provide you with reliable service and correctly perform all work according to
factory instructions. 6 If you have a proble m – see page 242.
Genu ine V auxh a ll Part s an d Accessories
We recommend that you use "Genuine Vauxhall Parts and Accessories" and
conversion parts released express ly for your vehicle type. These parts have
undergone special tests to establish their reliability, safe ty and specific suitability for
Vauxhall vehicles. Despite continuous market monitoring, we cannot assess or
guarantee these attribute s for oth er produ c ts, ev en if t h ey have b ee n g ran t ed
approva l by the relevant authorities or in som e other form.
"Genuine Vauxhall Parts and Accessories" and ap prov ed conversion p arts are
availab le from a Vaux hall Authorised Repairer, who can provide expert adv ice,
such as advice on permissible te chnical modifications, and install prod ucts
correctly .
For your safety
Carry out regularly the checks recom mende d in the individual sections
of this Owner's Manual.
Ensu re th at y our v ehicle is serviced as specified in the Service Booklet. We
recommend that you consult a Vauxhall Authorised Repairer.
Have faults remedied without delay! Consult a workshop. We recommend a
Vauxhall Authorised Repairer. If necessary, interrupt your journey.
6 Maintenance – see pages 244 to 253.
That was the mo st important info rm ation on your
f irs t driv e in you r Zaf ira.
The other pages of this chapter
contain a summary of the interesting functions
in your vehicle.
The rest of the chapter s con ta i n impo rtan t info rmat io n
concerning operation, safety and maintenance
an d a fu ll index.
Seats in second row
Keep hands out of hinge area when folding sea t backre sts in second row up
or down, risk of injury.
Seat backrests must not be set to vertical position when transporting persons.
Moving seats
Push release handle on right or left hand side of seat be nch forward and move seat
row forwa rd or back. Release handle and allow seat row to lock into p osition.
Ad ju st ba c k re st s o f ou t board s e ats
Push release lever down at b ackrest, bac krest angle can be adjusted in two
places . Release handle and latch back rest into position.
Th e b ackr e st latch es in se ver al po sit io n s. N o-o n e mu st sit i n the sea t wh en th e
bac krest is in the vertical pos ition.
The outboard seat backrests can be tilted forward until they are flat in order to make
it easier to enter and exit the vehicle. Push releas e leve r down and tilt bac krest
To move the backrest upright or change the position, push release lever down a nd
latch ba ckrest in required position.
Arm rest i n tilted m iddle ba ckrest
Push middle head restraint down as far as it will go – see page 72.
Pull top handle at back of middle back rest, fold back rest onto seat cushion and latch
into position.
Pus h re ar han dle of tilted bac krest an d fold armrest out.
To move backrest upright, fold armrest back. Pull front handle a t backre st, move
backrest upright and latc h into position.
The backrest latches in two positions. No-one must sit in the seat with the
backrest in the vertical position.
Seats in third row
Keep hands out of hing e area when folding seat backrests in third row up or
down, risk of injury.
Move seats upright out of vehicle floor
Removing luggage compa rtment cover ­see page 7 7.
L if t cu sh io n s o f sec on d row of se a t s ­see page 76. Move the seat bench forward
by pushing the hand le on the right or left hand side of the seat bench forward until
the m arking on the seat be nch is level with the adjacent m arking.
As shown in the illustration, seat belts must be rout e d t h r oug h t he fi xt u r es an d l a t c h
plates inserted in the fixtures.
Front luggage compartment, lift seat with one hand using handle, swivel back and
move up right until it is heard to engage , supporting top of b ackrest with other ha nd
– see Fig. 14480 T.
Lift cover in floor between seats and swivel seat belt buck les upward – se e page 28,
Fig. 14477 T.
Remove latch plate and be lt from fixture.
For use by passengers, the belts must not be routed through the fixture.
Slide seat bench in second row to required position, pushing lever to right or left of
seat bench forward – see Fig. 14473 T, pag e 25.
Fold seats into floor of vehicle
Before folding in the seats, move the seat be nc h i n the seco n d ro w f or w a r d b y
pushing the handle on the right or left hand side of the seat bench forwa rd until the
marking on the sea t bench is leve l with the adjacen t marking – see page 26,
Fig. 14478 T.
Pu sh do wn h ead res train ts of se ats in third row, releasing spring catches by pressing –
see page 7 2.
Guide seat belt through fixture, as shown in illustration, and insert latch pla te into
From lugga ge com partment, press button at top of seat b ackrest and p ush back rest
forward. Raise se at by handle at rear and push backrest further forward until se at is
low ered into vehicle floor.
Hold seat by handle during the entire swivelling proced ure.
Push b elt buckles into re cess in floor a nd close cover.
Slide seat bench in second row to required position, pushing lever to right or left of
seat bench forward – see Fig. 14473 T, see pag e 25.
Installing luggage compartme nt cover, s ee pag e 77.
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