Thank you f or purchasing an
Olymp us Digital Voice Re corder.
Please re ad these instruc tions
for info rmation about u sing the
produc t correctly a nd safely. Keep
the instr uctions hand y for future
refere nce. To ensure successf ul
recordi ngs, we recommen d that you
test the re cord functio n and volume
before u se.
• The conte nts of this docume nt
may be chan ged in the future
withou t advanced notic e. Contact
our Custom er Support Ce nter for
the lates t information re lating
to produc t names and mod el
number s.
• The illus tration of the sc reen
and the re corder shown in thi s
manual may d iffer from the ac tual
produc t. The utmost c are has
been ta ken to ensure the inte grity
of this doc ument but if you fin d
a questi onable item, er ror or
omissio n, please conta ct our
Customer S upport Cente r.
• Any liabil ity for passiv e damages or
damage o f any kind occurre d due
to data los s incurred by a defe ct of
the prod uct, repair pe rformed by
the third p arty other th an Olympus
or an Oly mpus authorize d service
statio n, or any other reaso n is
exclude d.
Safety precautions
Before using your new recorder,
read this manual carefully to ensure
that you know how to operate
it safely and correctly. Keep this
manual in an easily accessible
location for future reference.
• The warning symbols indicate
important safety related
information. To protect yourself
and others from personal injury or
damage to property, it is essential
that you always read the warnings
and information provided.
f Dange r
If the pro duct is used wit hout
obser ving the inform ation given
under th is symbol, ser ious injury
or death may r esult.
f Warni ng
If the pro duct is used wit hout
obser ving the inform ation given
under th is symbol, inju ry or
death may re sult.
f Cauti on
If the pro duct is used wit hout
obser ving the inform ation
given und er this symbol , minor
perso nal injury, damag e to the
equipm ent, or loss of val uable
data may res ult.
Caution for usage environment
• To protect the high-precision
technology contained in this
product, never leave the recorder
in the places listed below, no
matter if in use or storage:
• Places where temperatures
and/or humidity are high or go
through extreme changes. Direct
sunlight, beaches, locked cars, or
near other heat sources (stove,
radiator, etc.) or humidifiers.
• In sandy or dusty environments.
• Near flammable items or
• In wet places, such as bathrooms
or in the rain. When using
products with weatherproof
designs, read their manuals as
• In places prone to strong
Never drop the recorder or
subject it to severe shocks or
The recorder may malfunction
if it is used in a location where
it is subject to a magnetic/
electromagnetic field, radio
waves, or high voltage, such
as near a TV set, microwave,
video game, loud speakers,
large monitor unit, TV/radio
tower, or transmission towers.
In such cases, turn the recorder
off and on again before further
• Avoid recording or playing back
near cellular phones or other
wireless equipment, as they may
cause interference and noise.
If you experience noise, move
to another place, or move the
recorder further away from such
Do not use organic solvents such
as alcohol and lacquer thinner to
clean the unit.
Warning regarding data loss:
• Recorded content in memory may
be destroyed or erased by operating
mistakes, unit malfunction, or
during repair work.
• For important recorded content, we
recommend you to make a note of it
before formatting the recorder.
• Any liability for passive damages or
damage of any kind occurred due
to data loss incurred by a defect of
the product, repair performed by
the third party other than Olympus
or an Olympus authorized service
station, or any other reasons is
excluded from the Olympus’ liability.
Handling the recorder
f Warning:
Do not use the recorder near
flammable or explosive gases.
Keep young children and infants
away from the recorder.
Always use and store the recorder
out of the reach of young children
and infants to prevent the following
dangerous situations, which could
cause serious injury:
1 Becoming entangled in
the recorder strap, causing
2 Accidentally swallowing the
battery, cards or other small
3 Accidentally being injured by the
moving parts of the recorder.
Do not use or store the recorder in
dusty or humid places.
Do not disassemble, repair or
modify the unit yourself.
Do not operate the unit while
operating a vehicle (such as a
bicycle, motorcycle, or car).

f Caution:
Stop using the recorder
immediately if you notice any
unusual odors, noise, or smoke
around it.
Never remove the batteries with
bare hands, which may cause a fire
or burn your hands.
Be careful with the strap.
Be careful with the strap when you
carry the recorder. It could easily
catch on stray objects and cause
serious damage.
Handle the recorder with care to
avoid getting a low-temperature
• When the recorder contains metal
parts, overheating can result
in a low-temperature burn. Pay
attention to the following:
• When used for a long period, the
recorder will get hot. If you hold
on to the recorder in this state,
a low-temperature burn may be
• In places subject to extremely
cold temperatures, the
temperature of the recorder’s
body may be lower than the
environmental temperature.
If possible, wear gloves when
handling the recorder in cold
Battery handling precautions
Follow these important guidelines
to prevent batteries from leaking,
overheating, burning, exploding, or
causing electrical shocks or burns.
f Danger:
Batteries should never be
exposed to flame, heated, shortcircuited or disassembled.
Never heat or incinerate batteries.
Take precautions when carrying
or storing batteries to prevent
them from coming into contact
with any metal objects such as
jewelry, pins, fasteners, etc.
Never store batteries where
they will be exposed to direct
sunlight, or subjected to high
temperatures in a hot vehicle,
near a heat source, etc.
To prevent causing battery leaks
or damaging their terminals,
carefully follow all instructions
regarding the use of batteries.
Never attempt to disassemble a
battery or modify it in any way,
solder, etc.
If a battery fluid gets into your
eyes, flush your eyes immediately
with clear, cold running water
and seek medical attention
f Warning:
Keep batteries dry at all times.
Do not use a battery if it is
cracked or broken.
Never subject batteries to strong
shocks or continuous vibration.
If a battery leaks, becomes
discolored or deformed, or
becomes abnormal in any other
way during operation, stop using
the recorder.
If a battery leaks fluid onto your
clothing or skin, remove the
clothing and flush the affected
area with clean, running cold
water immediately. If the fluid
burns your skin, seek medical
attention immediately.
Keep battery out of the reach of
If you notice anything unusual
when using this product such as
abnormal noise, heat, smoke, or a
burning odor:
1 remove the battery immediately
while being careful not to burn
yourself, and;
2 call your dealer or local Olympus
representative for service.
f Caution:
Please recycle batteries to help
save our planet’s resources. When
you throw away dead batteries,
be sure to cover their terminals
and always observe local laws and
Getting started
Remove the screen protector on the
Identification of parts
1 Built-i n micropho ne
(Microp hone) jack
4 Record ing indica tor light (LED)
7 0 butto n
8 `OK butto n
! Displa y (LCD panel)
# + butto n
$ 9 butto n
^ – butto n
& Built-i n speaker
(4) bu tton
butto n
(Earph one) jack
(s ) (Recor d) button
butto n
butto n