NO. TID-C700UZ-E005
DATE 2002/01/ 28
SUBJECT: Version up of Firmware
h Since the spare part information is added, we publish a " NO. C700UZ-E005" again.
Product name: C-700 ULTRA ZOOM
The latest firmware:
Firmware for the OLD LPF Firmware for the NEW LPF
NTSC V357-78 V357-a79
PAL V357p-74 V357p-a75
Please upgrade the firmware all the return cameras from the customers.
h There were no minor bugs to correct. Olympus supplies only the firmware for new LPF.
h From now on, there are two kinds of firmware: firmware for the old LPF and firmware for the new LPF.
C-700 UZ (J)
C-700 UZ (U)
C-700 UZ (E) (184712001 ~ ) ]
V357-a79 V357-a75
185783205 ~
185554637 ~
183760001 ~
183580313 ~
Serial numbers
C-700 UZ (G) NTSC 187703501 ~
C-700 UZ (G) PAL (186709601 ~ ) ]
] Serial numbers of “C-700UZ (E)” and “C-700UZ (G) PAL” are plans.
Main countermeasure contents (reason):
Reduction of purple outline on the Edge of the subjects in digital photos.
Change classification:
Running change.
Spare part:
Running change. (Old LPF is discontinued as soon as stock is used up.)
NEW LPF: VC884300
OLD LPF: VC874800
Version up procedure:
1. Rename the binary data of the latest firmware with “firmware.bin”.
Create a folder “Firmware” in the smart media which was formatted on C-700 Ultra Zoom, and save the binary
data “firmware.bin” into the folder “Firmware”.
2. Insert the F/W card for C-700 Ultra Zoom and turn the camera on at play mode.
3. TFT-LCD shows F/W version and inquiry of F/W rewriting.
Then select “YES” (Character is changed green) and after pressing “OK”, rewriting of F/W is started
4. During the rewriting of F/W, SELF-RED is turned on and showed “EXCHANING” on TFT-LCD.
It will take about 2 minutes but please do not operate any key and turn off power.
It might have damaged camera body and F/W.
5. After the rewriting of F/W, TFT-LCD was showed as same as procedure 3.
Then confirm new version of F/W (example: V357-a79=NTSC (GUI: JAPANESE)) and turn off power after
selecting “NO”.
(The discrimination of countermeasure is not showed due to confirm easily.)