Olivetti DP N17 Documentation Update

DP N17
Documentation Update
Aggiornamenti alla documentazione
Mise à jour de la documentation
Aktualisierung der Dokumentation
Actualización de la documentación
Olivetti Lexikon, S.p.A. 77, Via Jervis - 10015 Ivr ea (Italy)
Copyright © 1999, Olivetti All rights reserved
Publishing Department:
Olivetti Lexikon, S.p.A. P.B.U. Ink Jet Documentazione Utente 1, Via Romano - 10010 Scarmagno (Italy)
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Olivetti DP N17
Documentation Update
This document contains new information about your Olivetti DP N17 printer. Please read it carefully, then store it with your other printer documentation.
General Product Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Memory Slots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Send Once, RIP Once, Print Many. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
PDL Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Control Panel and Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Job Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Tray Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
PCL Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
P ostScript Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
System Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
P arallel Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Serial Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Ethernet Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Token Ring Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Novell Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Print Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Reset Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Driver Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Downloadi n g Fonts and Macros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
FSDOWNLOAD Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Creating Proof Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Control Panel Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Unique Printer Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
DP N17 Menu Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2 Documentation Update Olivetti DP N 17

General Product Information

General Product

Memory Slots

This informa tion s uppl ements and upd ates Chapte r 1 of t he
The printer come s with 16 MB of DRAM memory inst alled. Additional s lots are available for additional DRAM memory or Flash SIMMs. SIMM specifications are listed b el ow
System Administrator
SIMM Specifications
Option Specifications
8 MB DRAM SIMM No parity
70 nanosecond access time
2M x 32bits
72 pin
16 MB DRAM SIMM No parity
70 nanosecond access time
4M x 32bits
72 pin
32 MB DRAM SIMM No parity
70 nanosecond access time
8M x 32bits
72 pin
8 MB Flash SIMM 120 nanosecond ac cess time
2M x 32bits
72 pin
Olivetti DP N17 Documentation Update 3
General Product Information
Send Once, RIP
Once, Print Many
The base printer is configured with 8 MB flash memory and 16 MB of DRAM, which is sufficien t to print most jobs . The printer uses the available memory to store all of the compres s ed Rasterized Imag ed Pr ocessed (RIPped) jobs to support the “Sen d Once , RIP Once , Pr int Many” capabilities when printing collated sets. This productivity feature allows subsequent copies of a multiple set job to print at rate d sp eed.
Additional memory or the hard disk drive option may be needed to handle collated set s of large and/ or compl ex job s. When th e har d disk opt ion is in stal le d, even very large collated sets can be accommodated.
Using the hard disk drive, the printer utilizes the “Intelligent RI P Once” feature. First, the printer will determine if the job will fit into the available memory.
If the job will fit into memory, the printer will RIP the job and print the requested num ber of collated sets from the processed data in memory.
If the job does not fit into available memor y, the printe r will RIP the job a nd store it on the hard disk. Collated sets are ima g ed f rom the processed data on the disk.
When the hard disk is not in st alled, and there is insufficient memory for the printer to handle the entire job, th en the printer will process the job “chunk-by­chunk”. The syste m wil l print as much of the job as it can hand le at once. For example, if a job is 50 pages long, and av ailable memory ca n st ore the first 35 pages, the system will print the first 35 pages of every set. The system will then print the remaining 15 pages of every set.

PDL Support

The Print Description Languages tha t are standard on the printer are PCL5e, PCL6 (XL), and Adobe PostScript 3.
The PostScript 3 inte rpre ter is tr ue Adobe PostScri pt 3. The PCL in terpret er is an emulation.
4 Documentation Update Olivetti DP N 17

Control Panel and Menu

Control Panel
and Menu

Job Menu

DP N17 Menu Map
single page documen t is a v aila ble on the CD pack ed with your print er. It replaces the Menu Map contained in Chapter 3 of the been changed or updated is indicated in Bold Italics on the Menu Map.
This chapter updates menu options conta ined in Chapter 3 of the
Administrator Guide
followed by an asterisk “*”. For example:
Restart Printer has been added to the Jo b Menu. It is desc ribed in the table below.
is an overview of the printer menu a nd its options. T his
User Guide
on a menu-by-menu basis. Default values are printe d in
. Information that has
Job menu update
Menu item and function Values
Restart Printer
Re-boot the printer. This option bypasses the normal power on diagnostics.
Note: This func tion is also available from the P r int
Olivetti DP N17 Documentation Update 5
Control Panel and Menu

Tray Menu

The default value for the Tray Sequence depends upon the installed ac ce ssories.
Tray menu update
Menu item and function Values
Tray Sequence
Set the sequence in which trays are used when more tha n o n e tr ay meets the siz e an d ty pe requirements for a page.
The def a u l t or d er in which the pr in ter uses tr a ys depends upon the options installed:
With Tra y 1, the printer follo ws this order: MBF-1
With Tray 1 and Tray 2, the prin ter follows this order: MBF-2-1
With Tray 1, Tray 2, and Tray 3, the prin ter follows this order: MBF-2-3-1.
Note: Only in stal led tr ay opti ons will appe a r . If the
value is set to Off, the printer will print from the requested tray only, even if other tra ys contain the correct stock.
MBF-2-3 MBF-3-1 MBF-3-2
MBF-3-2-1 MBF-1-2-3 1-MBF 2-1 2-3 3-1 3-2 2-3-1 3-2-1 1-2-3 Off
a. Defau lt when no accessories are installed. b. Default when Tray 2 is installed. c. Default when Tray 2 and Tray 3 are ins talled.
6 Documentation Update Olivetti DP N 17
Control Panel and Menu

PCL Menu

PostScript Menu

Orientation has been added to the PCL Menu. It is described in the table below.
PCL menu update
Menu item and function Values
Set the default orientation used in PCL.
Note: PostScript does not use this parameter. This
item was moved from the System Menu.
PostScript menu functions have been moved and no w appear in these menus:
System Menu
Paral le l Menu
Ethernet Menu
Token Ring Menu
Novell Menu
Olivetti DP N17 Documentation Update 7
Control Panel and Menu

System Menu

The System Menu has bee n updated. Revisions are described below.
System menu updates
Menu item and function Values
Specify language used on the Control Panel display, Configuration She et, PCL Font List, Demo Page s, etc.
Note: The Language setting is not changed by
resetting to factory defau lts. This item was moved from the Reset Menu.
Policy Timeout
Direct the printer how long to wait before taking the action defined by the setting of the Page Policy item.
Note: This item used to be called Page Timeout.
Print Quantity
Set multiple copies of the same page.
Note: This item used to be called Copies.
Español Français Italiano
300 Seconds 180 Seconds 120 Seconds 60 Seconds
30 Seconds*
Print PS E rro rs
PostScript setting that controls the use of the built in error handler or debugger.
Note: This item was moved from the PostScri pt
8 Documentation Update Olivetti DP N 17
(Page 1 of 3)
Control Panel and Menu
System menu updates (Continued)
Menu item and function Values
Output Timeout
Determine whether the pri n ter selects an al ternate output bin when the original selected bin is full. Output Timeout can be set to “ON” or “OFF” for switching bins.
Note: this ite m appear s on ly if the Offset Catch
Tray is installed. This item existed before. The values have changed from num erical values.
Controls default paper size sett ings in var ious menus.
When set to Millimeters, the default Paper Size value is set to A4; the default MBF Size is set to
A4; and the default Envelope Size is set to DL.
When set to Inches, the default P aper Size is set to
Letter; the default MBF Size is set to Letter; and
the default Envelope Size is set to Com10. The def au lt F orm L engt h v alue i n the P CL Men u is
adjusted to match the P aper Size.
Note: The Defaults setting is not c hanged by
resetting to factory defau lts.
(Page 2 of 3)
Olivetti DP N17 Documentation Update 9
Control Panel and Menu
System menu updates (Continued)
Menu item and function Values
Select the default image (resolution) enhancement mode used in PCL and PostScript.
Select the default resolution in PostScript and PCL6 (XL).
Note: PCL 5e is a lways set to 600 x 600 regardless
of the value of this item.
Select the mode of the audible alarm.
Note: This function appears only if the printer has
an alarm.
Power Saver
Specify a period of ina ctivity after which time the printer will enter a low power state.
600 x 600*
1200 x 600
Job Fau lt Job/Fault
Off 15 Minutes 30 Minutes 60 Minutes* 90 Minutes 120 Minutes 180 Minutes
(Page 3 of 3)
10 Documentation Update Olivetti DP N 17
Control Panel and Menu

Parallel Menu

The Parall el Me nu has a new option. It is desc ribed below.
Parallel menu updat es
Menu item and function Values
Binary PS
Enable or disable binary PostScript mode for print jobs arriving via the paralle l port.
On enables it, Off disable s it. Note: This item was moved from the PostScri pt
Olivetti DP N17 Documentation Update 11
Control Panel and Menu

Serial Menu

The Serial Menu has been upda ted. The changes are descri bed below.
Serial menu updates
Menu item and function Values
Binary PS
Enable or disable binary PostScript mode for print jobs arriving via the Serial port.
On enables it, Off disable s it.
Baud Rate
Set the baud rate for the Serial port.
Flow Control
Set flow control parameters for the serial port.
Note: This item used to be called Handshake.
57600 38400 28800 19200
4800 2400 1200 600
12 Documentation Update Olivetti DP N 17
Control Panel and Menu

Ethernet Menu

This menu does not dis play when the Token Ring option is installed in the printer.
The option “Novell Enable” is now in the Novell menu. New options are described in the table below.
Ethernet me nu updat e s
Menu item and function Values
LPR Binary PS
Enable or disable binary PostScript mode for print jobs arriving via the LPR protocol.
Enable or disable DLC/LLC binary PostScript mode for print jobs arriving via the DLC/LLC protocol.
Set the default emulation for the DLC/LLC protocol.
Note: This item used to be called DLC PDL.
Enable or disable NetBEUI bi nary PostScript mode for print jobs arriving via the NetBEUI protocol.
PCL PostScript
(Page 1 of 2)
Olivetti DP N17 Documentation Update 13
Control Panel and Menu
Ethernet me nu updat e s (Continued)
Menu item and function Values
APPSocket Bin PS
Enable or disable APPSocket binary PostScript mode for print jobs arriving via the APPSocket protocol.
IP Address Res.
Set the method used to assign the IP address, including subnet mask and default gateway.
Note: Values have changed for this option.
Select speed and half duplex or full duplex.
Note: This option appea r s only when the
10/100 Etherne t Network card is install ed.
10/Half 10/Full 100/Half 100/Full
(Page 2 of 2)
14 Documentation Update Olivetti DP N 17
Control Panel and Menu

Token Ring Menu

This menu displays only when the Token Ring option is inst alled in the printer. The option “No v ell Ena ble” i s no w in the Nov ell menu . New opt ion s and upda tes are described in the table below.
Token Ring menu updates
Menu item and function Values
LPR Binary PS
Enable or disable binary PostScript mode for print jobs arriving via the LPR protocol.
Enable or disable DLC/LLC binary PostScript mode for print jobs arriving via the DLC/LLC protocol.
Set the default emulation for the DLC/LLC protocol.
Note: This item used to be called DLC PDL.
Enable or disable NetBEUI bi nary PostScript mode for print jobs arriving vi a NetBEUI protocol.
PCL PostScript
(Page 1 of 2)
Olivetti DP N17 Documentation Update 15
Control Panel and Menu
Token Ring menu updates (Continued)
Menu item and function Values
APPSocket Bin PS
Enable or disable APPSocket binary PostScript mode for print jobs arriving via APPSocket protocol.
IP Address Res.
Set the method used to assign the IP address, including subnet mask and default gateway.
Note: Values have changed for this item.
Source Routing
Set the Source Routing option.
Note: Values have changed for this item.
Set default Token Ring speed for this interface.
All Single/All Single/Specific
(Page 2 of 2)
16 Documentation Update Olivetti DP N 17
Control Panel and Menu

Novell Menu

New optio ns and updates are described in the table below.
Novell menu updat es
Menu item and function Values
Novell En able
Enable or disable Novell protocol.
Note: This item was moved from the Ethernet and
Token Ring menus.
Novell Binary PS
Enable or disable Novell binary PostScript mode for print jobs arriving via LPR protocol.
Polling Interva l
Set rate (in seconds) at which PServer issues polling requests for assigned queues.
Enable or disable Novell error notification.
1–29 seconds
Olivetti DP N17 Documentation Update 17
Control Panel and Menu

Print Menu

Print Menu is the new name for what used to be called the Test Menu. All its options are included below.
Print menu updat es
Menu item and function Values
Config Sheet
Print a Configuration Sheet showing the printer’s current information.
PCL Demo
Print a sample page dem onstrating the printer’ s capabilities.
Note: This item used to be called Demo Page.
PCL Font List
Print a list of PCL fonts cur rently loaded.
PS Font List
Print a list of all PostScript language typefaces. The list includes printer resident fonts and fonts stored on the hard disk or flash SIMM.
Menu Map
Print a list showing the menu structure of the printer.
Use the initia te this function.
Use the initia te this function.
Use the initia te this function.
Use the initia te this function.
Use the initia te this function.
key to
key to
key to
key to
key to
(Page 1 of 2)
18 Documentation Update Olivetti DP N 17
Control Panel and Menu
Print menu updat es (C ont i nue d)
Menu item and function Values
Te st Print
Print a two-page “test pa ttern” for ana lysis of print quality over the entire page (intended for use by the service technician).
Note: When requesting a Test Print:
If Print Quantity is set to 3, for example, in Simplex mode, six piec es of pape r are printed.
If Print Quantity is set to 3, for example, in Duplex mode, three pieces of paper are printed.
Hex Mode
Set print output as hexadecimal codes instead of normal print data.
This mode may be enabled remot ely via a PJL command and stays in ef fect unti l turned of f b y the Control Panel.
Disk Directory
Print a copy of the dis k directory. One copy is printed regardless of the Copies value in the system menu.
This item is available only if the optional Hard Disk Drive is installed.
Use the
key to
initia te this function.
Use the
key to
initia te this function.
Restart Printer
Re-boot the printer. This option bypasses the
normal power on diagnostics.
(Page 2 of 2)
Olivetti DP N17 Documentation Update 19
Control Panel and Menu

Reset Menu

Language has been moved from this menu to the System Menu. A new option “Disk Format” is added.
Reset menu upd a tes
Menu item and function Values
Delete All Jobs
Delete all Secure jobs from the hard disk.
Note: This item use d to be called Delete Jobs. It
appears in this menu only if the hard disk option is installed.
Disk Initialize
Initialize the hard drive.
Note: This item used to be called Init Disk.
Disk Format
Request a complete format of the har d d i sk. Normally, this function is used only if the disk has not been formatted previously. Initiating this command on a formatted disk will write over any existing data on the disk.
Note: This item appears in this menu only if the
hard disk option is installed.
Use the initia te this function.
Use the initia te this function.
Use the initia te this function.
key to
key to
key to
20 Documentation Update Olivetti DP N 17

Driver Features

The table below updates the tables in Chapt er 2 in the in the
System Administrator Guide
User Guide
and Chapter 4
DP N17 driver features
PCL 5 e
Windows 3.x (Custom) Y Y Y N Y N Windows 95/98 (Custom) Y Y Y N Y N Windows NT 3.51 (Uni) N N N N N N Windows NT 4.0 (Uni) N N N N N N
Windows 3.x (Custom) Y Y Y Y Y N Windows 95/98 (Custom) Y Y Y Y Y N Windows NT 4.0 (Uni) Y Y Y Y Y N
Cover Sheets
Secure Printing
Water­Mark/ Overlay
Windows 3.x (Custom) Y Y Y Y Y Y Windows 95/98 (Custom) Y Y Y Y Y Y Windows NT 3.51 (Uni) N N N N N N Windows NT 4.0 (Custom) Y Y Y Y N Y
Sun Solaris 2.4, 2.5, 2.5.1, 2.6 N N N N N N Sun OS 4.14 N N N N N N IBM AIX 4.1.x, 4.2.x N N N N N N HP-UX 9.x, 10.x N N N N N N
a. Page Policy
Olivetti DP N17 Documentation Update 21

Downloading Fonts and Macros

Fonts and
The followi ng discussion of the FSDOWNLOAD Command repl aces the discussion Chapt er 5 of your
System Administrator Guide
Parameters Pa rameter Functional Range Default
@PJL FSDOWNLOAD FORMAT:BINARY [SIZE=int] [NAME = “ [<CR>] <LF><binary data><ESC>%-12345X
The size indicate s the number of bytes immediately following the <LF> to the next UEL command.
named “fontname” to the print er or = 0:\pcl\macros\<macroname> to download a mac ro named “macroname” to the printer. < alphanumeric characters.
The FSDOWNLOAD command is used to download fonts or macros to the printer’s file syste m. I f a file with the same name exists , the downloaded file overw ri tes it.
binary data
Use of 1 rather than 0 in the “pathname” will download the font or macro to the Flash RAM rather than to the hard drive.
ASCII 01 thru 255 N/A
— The size variable indicates the number of bytes in the file to be downloaded.
— where “
> — This is the binary fil e data to be downloaded, such as font files and macro data.
0 to 231 - 1 N/A
” = 0:\pcl\ fonts\<fontname> to download a font
> can be any com bination of up to 512
22 Documentation Update Olivetti DP N 17
Downloading Fonts and Macros
The followi ng is a sequence of commands that can be s ent to the printer to download a macro to the disk. In this example, the macro is named “a_macro.”
<ESC>%-123 45X @PJL<CR><LF> @PJL FSDOWNLOAD FORMAT:BINARY NAME =”0:\pcl\mac ros \a_macro” SIZE=29<CR><LF> <ESC>*p900x1500YThis is the macro <ESC>%-12345 X
In this example:
<ESC>%-12345X is the PJL UEL command which star ts this sequence.
@PJL<CR><LF> is the mandatory PJL command following the UEL command.
@PJL FSDOWNLOAD... downloads a macro of 29 bytes named “a_macro.”
The phrase “Thi s is the macro” is positi oned at x=900 and y=1500 b y this macro.
<ESC>%-12345X is the UEL command which ends this se quence.
Executi ng this macro require s th e following PCL sequence:
<ESC>&n8W<HEX’04’>new_mac<CR,LF> Sets the current macro ID to the string ID
<ESC>&n8W<HEX’05’>a_macro<CR,LF> Associates the current macro ID with the supplied
string ID
<ESC>&f2x<CR,LF> Executes this macro
The macr o I D must be the sam e case as in the origina l d ownload command.
The byte count (after th e “n ” and before the “W”) must equal the ID byte count plus 1.
Olivetti DP N17 Documentation Update 23
Downloading Fonts and Macros
The followi ng is a sequence of commands that can be s ent to the printer to download a font to the disk.
<ESC>%-12345X @PJL<CR><LF> @PJL FSDOWNLOAD FORMAT:BIN ARY NAME =”0:\pcl\ f onts\font1” SIZE=XX<CR><LF> <binary data><ESC>%-12345X
In this example:
<ESC>%-12345X is the PJL UEL command which star ts this sequence.
@PJL<CR><LF> is the mandatory PJL command following the UEL command.
@PJL FSDOWNLOAD... downloads a font named “font1” that is “XX” bytes in size.
<ESC>%-12345X is the UEL command which ends this se quence.
Invoking this font requires the following PCL sequence:
<ESC>&n6W<HEX’00’>font2< CR,LF> Sets the current font ID to the given string ID
<ESC>&n6W<HEX’01’>font 1<C R,LF> Associa tes the current font ID with the string
ID “font1”
<ESC>&n6W<HEX’02’>font 1<C R,LF> Selects the font referred to as “font1 ” for the
primary fo nt
The case of the strin g ID must be the sa me as the case of the fontname in the FSDOWNLOAD command.
The byte count (“6” in the above example) must equa l the string ID byte count plus 1.
24 Documentation Update Olivetti DP N 17
Downloading Fonts and Macros
Creating Proof
The followi ng discussion of the Creating Proof Jobs replaces the discussion Chapter 5 of your
System Administr ator Guide
Proof printing lets you print a single copy of a m ultiple copy job. You assign a password and copy count at your workstation or computer before printing. The first set is printed immediately . You can then go to the printer and proofread (proof) the f irs t set. Depending on the outcome of the proofing, you ca n then decide eith er to continue printing the sets or to delet e the job after ente ring your password on the Pr inter Control Panel.
Proof jobs, if not sent by a driver with the proof job feature, may be invoked in both PCL and PostScript by preceding the job with the following PJL commands:
These com m an d s mu st b e immediat el y fol lowed by a stan d ar d P JL “JOB ” command that includes the “jobname”.
The printer continues processing a ll subsequent data as part of the proof job of name “jobname.” The pr oof job is stored with the name “jobn am e” and associated with the password defined in the PJL XJOBPASSWORD command. The proof job ends when the PJL End of Job command is received (i.e., @PJL EOJ). The “EOJ” command should be followed by a UEL.
Olivetti DP N17 Documentation Update 25
Downloading Fonts and Macros
The job name is limited to 16 alphanumeric characters in the range ASCII 30 through ASCII 255, <SP> and <HT>. The password must contain four numeric characters in the range ASCII 48 through AS CII 55. The printer assigns a default job name if no name or a name with a syntax error is called out. The job name is the name displayed on the Control Panel Password Menu when the associated password is entered. If no password is assigned or there is a password syntax error , the entire job is printed immediately and is not stored as a proof job.
The followi n g example creates a PCL proof job wit h t h e name “Sample” associated with password 7777 requesting five c ollated sets.
<ESC>%-12345X@PJL XPROOF JOB @PJL XJOBPASSWORD = 7777 @PJL JOB NA M E = "Sample" @PJL ENTER LANGUAGE = PCL @PJL SET QTY = 5 ...PCL fil e. .. <ESC>%-012345X@PJL EOJ <ESC>%-012345X.
26 Documentation Update Olivetti DP N 17

Control Panel Messages

Control Panel
The followi ng Control Panel messages are additions to Table 6.2 in Chapter 6 of your
System Administ rator Gui de
Control pane l messages
Message Description/Corrective Action
Downloading Please Wait
Download Fail ed Please Reboot
Format Failed Disk Locked
PS Fatal Job
Processing... Envelope Feed er
Processing... MBF
The printer is being loaded with new operating code. ACTIO N: Ple ase wai t.
A problem occurred downloading printer operating code. Printing may continue, but use of the di sk is locked out.
ACTION: Try loading again. A problem occurred during disk formatting. Printing may co ntinue, but use of the
disk is locked out. ACTION: Try reformatting the disk again or replace it.
The PostSc ript job that handles start -up possible fatal erro rs is executing. ACTION: None required.
The Env elope Feeder is being used . ACTION: None required.
The MBF is being used. ACTION: None required.
Processing... Tray
Olivetti DP N17 Documentation Update 27
The Tray n is being used. ACTION: None required.

Ordering In formation

These tables update Table A.1 in Appendix A of your System Administrator Guide.
DP N17 Options and Accessories
Option Comments
EP Cartridge Fuser Cartridge /BTR 110V (60 Hz)
220V (50 Hz)
Paper Handling Options
Tray 1 Cassette (250-sheet Adjustable Tray)
500-sheet Paper Deck & Cassette Order this to add a 500-sheet input tray. 500-sheet Adjustable Tray Order this to replace the cassette in an existing 500-
sheet input tray. 2,000-shee t High Capacity Feeder Duplex Modu le Envelope Feeder
Hard Disk Drive Network Cards
Token Ring 10/1 00 E t hernet
28 Documentation Update Olivetti DP N 17
+ 124 hidden pages