Olivetti Lexikon, S.p.A .
P.B.U. Ink Jet
Documentazione Utente
1, Via Romano - 10010 Scarmagno (Italy)
The mark affixed to the product certifies
that the product satisfies the basic quality
requirements .
Copyright protection claimed includes all forms of matters of copyrightable materials
and infor ma ti on now allowe d by sta tutory or ju dic ia l law or he reinafte r gra nte d,
including without limitation, material generated from the software programs which
are displayed on the screen such as styles, templates, icons, screen displays, look s, etc.
XEROX® is a trade m a r k of X er o x C or po ration or its subs idiaries.
Adobe® and PostScript® are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
PCL, HP, and Laser Jet are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. IBM is a
trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Microsoft, Microsoft
Windows, Microsoft Word, MS, and MS-DOS are trademarks of Microsoft
Corporat ion. Univers i s a trademark of Linotype AG or its subsidiaries. WordPerf ect
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Incorporated. OnPage is a trademark of COMPUTER:applications, Inc. All other
product n am es are trademarks/tradenames of their respective owners.
PCL, PCL 5e and PCL 6 are tradem arks of Hewlett Pack a rd Co m p a ny. This printer
contains an emulation of the Hewlett Packard PCL 5e and PCL 6 comm and
languag es, recognizes HP PCL 5e and PC L6 commands, and processes these
commands in a manner comparable with Hewlett Packard LaserJet printer products.
This product inc lud es an implem enta tio n of LZW licen sed under U.S. Pa tent
Specifications described in this publication are subject to change without notice. Us e
of some feat ures may be li mit ed b y you r hardw are or so ft ware co nf i gurat io n. Con tact
your dealer for details.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Table of Contents
Getting Started
User Documentati on Roadm ap............................. ......................1-2
Print ed D o cu m en t a ti o n. .. ...................... .. ... ............................. ..1-2
DP N17 Documentation CD .....................................................1-3
Using the CDs...........................................................................1-3
How Much of This Book Must I Read?..................................... .1-4
Printer C om p onents....................... ... .. ............................. ... .. .......1-5
Install ing Your Pr in t er ...... ... .. ............... .. .. ...................... ... .. .......1-6
Printing a Configuration Sheet...................................................1-7
Printer Managemen t Softwa re and Drive rs
Using CentreWare DP with the DP N17 ....................................2-2
Your DP N17 printer is packaged wit h docum entation in both
printed form and on CD. There are three CDs:
Product CD
Printer Management Software CD
client softwa re an d the documentation for it.
Documentation CD
This section serves as a roadmap for the printed and CD
Your DP N17 printer was packaged with the follo w ing pieces of
printed documentation:
Quick Install Guide
up and running.
User Guide
information needed to use your printer. (More detailed user
information is contained in the
your Product CD.)
Quick Netw ork Ins tal l Gu ide
connect your printer to a network in your specific environment.
(More detailed Network/Environment information is contained
in the
, which contains printer drivers.
, which contains various
, which contains user documentation.
, which sho ws you how to get your printer
(this book), which provides you with the basic
System Administrator Guide
, which brie fly sho ws you ho w to
Technical Information Guide
on your D ocumentation
1-2 ❖ DP N17 User Guide
User Documentation Roadmap
DP N17
Document ation CD
Your DP N17 printer w as als o packa ged with a CD that co ntains th e
following pieces of information:
User Guide
•Quick Network Install Guide
•System Administrator Guide
•Technical Inform a t io n G ui d e
•Documentation Update
The System Administrator Guide contains the following
information shoul d you require it:
•Printe r installation instructions, in Chapter 1.
•Installation instructions for all DP N17 options, in Appendix C.
•Installation instructions for the EP cartridge and BTR
replacement , in Appendix B.
The System Administrator Guide also contains a considerable
amount of more detailed user information.
DP N17 printer drivers are also contained on the Product CD. The
majority of driver documentation is provided via the Help file s
included with the drivers.
(electronic version of this book)
Using the CDs
Sinced both the Product CD and the Printer Management Software
CD contain so muc h im portant information, plea se ens ure that you
save them and keep them in a safe place.
The documenta tion on the Do cumenta tion CD is pr ovided as PDF file s,
which are opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader (provided on t he C D if you
do not already have it installed). These file s contain hypertext links that
enable you to jump from the Table of Contents or Index directly to the
page where you are looking for information, as well as from page to
page where information is cross-referenced. Simply move the cursor
over a hypertext link and it changes to a pointing finger. Then click on
the link to jump to the link’s destination.
The PDF files also enable you to print the specific pages you need,
rather th an printin g an en ti r e ch apter o r ma nu a l.
Product CD, Documentation CD and the Printer Management CD
are provided with installation booklets in their respective jewel
cases. You can also refer to the ReadMe files on the CDs for more
Chapter 1: Gettin g Started ❖ 1-3
How Much of This Book Must I Read?
How Much of This
Book Must I
Use this book as a reference for:
•Getting Started (
•Informati on about CentreW are and installing printer driv ers
Chapter 2: Printer Management Software and Drive rs
•Instructions on using the Control Panel (
Control Pane l)
•Paper sp ecifications, loading paper, and duplex printing
Chapter 4: Paper Loading and Orientation
•Clearing Jams(
•Replacing Your Toner Cartridge and Fuser Cartridge/BT R
Chapter 6: Replacing Consumables
•Tro ubleshooting printing problems if they occur
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting
•Further References (
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 5: Clearing Jams and Jam Recovery
Chapt er 8: References
Chapter 3: Using the
1-4 ❖ DP N17 User Guide
Printer Components
Front View
Control Panel Display
Control Panel Keypad
Recessed Grip
Power Switc h
Standard Output Bin
Front Cover
Front Cover Release Button
MBF (Multi-bypass Tray)
MBF Release Point
Tra y 1
Rear View
Option In terface Cover
Rear Cover
Power Inlet
Ethernet Por ts
Parallel Port
Serial Port
Diagnostic LED
Ethernet LED
Port for Optional Network
The majo r printer compone nt s ar e in d i cated bel ow.
Figure 1.1Major printer components
Chapter 1: Gettin g Started ❖ 1-5
Install ing Y our Prin ter
Installing Your
There are other documents which will help you install your printer.
The purpose of this section is simply to guide you to those
documents (and sections of documents). The following
documentation is available for installation assistance:
•The DP N17 System Administrator Guide (on th e DP N17
Documentation CD)
— Chapter 1 shows how to initially install the DP N17.
— Appendi x B sho ws ho w tolre pla ce the DP N17 EP Cartridge
and BTR/Fuser.
— Appendix C shows how to install (an d remove) the 2,500
Sheet Feeder, Duplex Module, Envelope Feeder, Hard Disk
Drive, XNIC Network Interfaces, and memory SIMMs.
•The 2,500 Sheet Feeder and Envelope Feeder have installation
instructions in their boxe s, while the other N17 options have
wordless instruction s on their boxes.
•The DP N17 itself comes with a Quick Start Card which guides
you on your initial installation of the printer.
•The DP N17 Quick Network Install Guide provides guidance as
to how to connect to the network within your specific
•Chapter 2 of this guide provides some direction on how to
install your DP N17 drivers and CentreWare software. More
information is provided on the CD.
1-6 ❖ DP N17 User Guide
•More detaile d inform ation about installation can al so be found
in your CentreWare Users Manual, contained on the Printer
Management Software CD that comes with your DP N17.
Please remember to save and store all your packing materials in a
dry place so that you can retrieve these materials in the future
should you be required to transport your DP N17 or its options.
Printing a Configuration Sheet
Printing a
Conf ig ur atio n
A very convenient way of both testing basic printer operation and
determining how your printer is configured is to print a
Configuration Sheet.
The following operator sequence from the DP N17 Control Panel
will cause a Configuration Sheet to be printed:
1. Press
2. Press
3. Press
Menu Up
Test Menu
on the Di splay.
Item Up
Test Menu
Config Sheet
on the Di splay.
Menu Down
Item Down
. The Configuration Sheet will be printed.
until you see:
until you see:
Chapter 1: Gettin g Started ❖ 1-7
Printing a Configu ration Sh eet
1-8 ❖ DP N17 User Guide
Printer Management
Soft ware a nd Drivers
Using CentreWare DP with the DP N17
DP N17 PCL Pr inter Drivers
DP N17 PostScript Printe r Driv ers
Driver Features
Installing CentreWar e and Drivers
Chapte r 2: Printer Mana geme nt Soft ware a nd D rive rs ❖ 2-1
Using C entr eWare DP with the DP N1 7
Using CentreWare
DP with the DP
Table 2.1CentreWare DP key features and b enefits
Setup WizardProvi des a step-by-step guide to get your printer qu ickly up and running
Advanced SetupProvides a tool to servi ce m ultiple file se rvers and queues.
Instant StatusAllows you to select a printer from the Printer List to see what that
Remote Configuration and Man agementAllo w s you to do most configuration and monitori ng tasks from your
CentreWare DP is easy-to-use printer management software for
Oliv etti printers. Through the ease of point-and-click navigation,
you can install, connect, and configure the DP N17 on a network,
quickly and easily.
CentreWare DP provides network administrators with simplified
setup procedures and effortle ss management of network ed Olivetti
DP N17 printers.
Table 2.1 lists CentreWare DP key features and benefi ts. For more
specific information about CentreWare DP use and operation, see
“The CentreWare DP User Guide.”
on the network.
printer is doing at any given time.
Printer U pgradesAllo w s you to upgrade your printer from your workstation.
CentreWare DP SunOS/Solaris Services are also available to allow
you to set up queues, and contain your DP N17 drivers for SunOS/
Solaris. All of the Cen treWare DP software and doc umentation are
on your Printer Management Software CD.
2-2 ❖ DP N17 User Guide
DP N1 7 PC L P rinte r D rivers
Printer Drivers
The DP N17 supports the PCL Emulation printer drivers listed in
Table 2.2. To take full advantage of all the printer's features when
printing PCL jobs , ins tall the appropriate DP N17 PCL Emulation
printer dri ve r(s).
Table 2.2DP N17 PCL printer drivers
Environmen tPrinter D river
WindowsWindows 3.1x/ Window s 95
Windows NT 3.5.1
Windows NT 4.0
Chapte r 2: Printer Mana geme nt Soft ware a nd D rive rs ❖ 2-3
DP N17 Pos tScr ipt P rinte r Dr iver s
DP N17 PostScript
Printer Drivers
The DP N17 supports the Post S cript drivers listed in Table 2.3. To
take full advantage of all the printer's features when printing
PostScript jobs, install the app ropriate DP N17 printer driver(s).
Table 2.3DP N17 PostScript printer drivers
EnvironmentPrinter Driver
WindowsWindows 3.1x/ Window s 95
Windows NT 3.5.1
Windows NT 4.0
IBM OS/2OS/2 Ve r. 2.1
Maci nt oshSystem 6.x
System 7.x
UNIXSun OS 4.14,
IBM AIX 4.1.x, 4.2.x,
HP-UX 9.x, 10. x
Sun Solaris 2.4, 2.5, 2.51, 2.6
2-4 ❖ DP N17 User Guide
Driver Features
Driver Features
DP N17 drive rs wil l s upport the following standard features:
•Input tray/Output bin selection
•Duplex s election
•Paper size , orientation and media
•Number of copies
T a ble 2.4 on page 2-6 lists a general overvi ew of fe atures s upported
by the DP N17 dri ve rs. Ac tual driver capabilitie s can be det ermin ed
by invoking specifi c drivers.
In the table, Uni drivers refers to universal drivers, while Cust om
drivers are Olivetti custom drivers.
Olivetti cust om drivers are recommended for use with the DP N17
since they will generally support the most DP N17 features.
Chapte r 2: Printer Mana geme nt Soft ware a nd D rive rs ❖ 2-5
Driver Features
Table 2.4DP N17 driver features
Windows 3.1x
Windows 95
Windows NT
3.5.1 (U n i)
Wind ows NT 4.0
Windows 3.1x
Windows 95
Windows NT
3.5.1 (U n i)
Wind ows NT 4.0
Sun Solaris 2.4,
2.5, 2.51, 2.6
4.1x, 4 . 2 x
HP-UX 9.x, 10.xNNNNNNN
Page Policy
2-6 ❖ DP N17 User Guide
Installing CentreWare and Drivers
CentreWare and
Configuring Your
Inside the cov er of the DP N17 CDs which come with your printer,
are booklets which give you instructions on how to load both your
DP N17 drivers and your DP N17 CentreWare software (depending
on your software environment).
In addition, your System Administrator also has the capability to
download drivers directly to your workstation.
When you initially use any of your drivers, make sure to properly
configure your driver by setting the correct DP N17 options
displayed under the “PRINTER CONFIGURATION” tab in the
drivers. Y ou can determine which DP N17 options you have by
printing a Con figuration Sheet.
Chapte r 2: Printer Mana geme nt Soft ware a nd D rive rs ❖ 2-7
2-8 ❖ DP N17 User Guide
Using the Control Panel
Control Pa nel Features
The Display ............................................................................. 3-3