OmniPage Pro
for Macintosh
100 Cooper Court
Los Gatos, California
European Offices:
Caere GmbH
81667 Munich
Please Note
In order to use this program, you should know how to work in the Macintosh environment. Please
refer to your Macintosh documentation if you have questions about how to use menus, dialog boxes,
scroll bars, and so on.
OmniPage Pro for Macintosh
Version 7
Copyright© 1996 Caere Corporation. All rights reserved. CAERE®, OmniPage®, OmniPage Pro®,
AnyPage, True Page®, Language Analyst®, and 3D OCR® are trademarks of Caere Corporation.
Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed
as trademarks. Such designations appearing in this manual have been printed in initial caps.
Welcome to OmniPage Pro, and thank you for buying our software!
The following documentation has been provided to help you learn
about OmniPage Pro.
Users Manual
This manual provides information on features and procedures. It
includes an introduction to OmniPage Pro, installation and setup
instructions, task-oriented instructions, ways to customize tools,
settings guidelines, and technical information.
OmniPage Pro Guide
These provide online information on features and procedures. They use
coach marks to help you find onscreen items quickly. See Getting
Online Help on page 14 for more information.
Release Notes
This contains last-minute information about OmniPage Pro. Please read
this before installing the application.
Scanner Setup Notes
This contains the latest information about supported scanners and
scanner setup.
OmniPage Pro Tutorial
Using This Manual
This manual is written with the assumption that you know how to work
in the Macintosh environment. Please refer to your Macintosh users
manual if you have questions about how to use dialog boxes, menus,
scroll bars, and so on.
The following conventions are used in this manual.
Convention Purpose
Italicized text
Command key symbol (a) Illustrates keyboard shortcuts
Note symbol Introduces a tip or an item of
Warning symbol Introduces cautionary text
 Emphasizes menu
commands, dialog box
options, labeled buttons, and
file names
For example:
 Emphasizes new terms the
first time they are used
 Emphasizes important words
in a sentence
for certain tasks
For example:
aj means press the Command
key and the letter j
in t he File
Chapter 1
Introduction to
OmniPage Pro
You probably do most of your business correspondence and other
written projects on your computer. However, certain sources of
information may not be immediately usable on a computer.
For example, if you want to incorporate information from a magazine
article into a document in your word processor, you somehow have to
get the text from the article into your computer. Painstakingly retyping
the article is not an appealing solution.
OmniPage Pro offers a smart solution to increase your work
productivity. OmniPage Pros
technology accurately and easily converts scanned paper documents
and image files into editable text for use in your favorite computer
applications. You do not have to retype anything  OmniPage Pro
automatically does it for you.
optical character recognition (OCR)
Please continue reading this chapter for information on these topics:
 What Is Optical Character Recognition (OCR)?
 The OmniPage Pro Interface
 Getting Online Help
 Product Support
Introduction to OmniPage Pro - 5

What Is Optical Character Recognition (OCR)?

What Is Optical Character Recognition (OCR)?
Optical character recognition (OCR
computer-editable text. An image is an electronic picture of text such as
a scanned paper document or an electronic fax file. Images do not have
editable text characters; they have many tiny dots (
form a picture of text.
During OCR, OmniPage Pro analyzes an image and defines characters
to produce editable text. This is also called
you can export the recognized text to a variety of word-processing, page
layout, and spreadsheet applications.

About OmniPage Pro OCR

In addition to text, OmniPage Pro can retain the following elements in a
document during OCR.
Photos, logos, and drawings are examples of graphics.
Text formatting
Font types, font sizes, and font styles (such as bold or
of text formatting.
Page formatting
Column structure, paragraph spacing, and placement of graphics are
examples of page formatting.
) is the process of turning an
) that together
text. After OCR,
) are examples
6 - Introduction to OmniPage Pro
OmniPage Pro recognizes printed text characters only. However, it can
retain handwritten text, such as a signature, as a graphic element.
The graphics, text formatting, and page formatting elements that
OmniPage Pro retains depend on the settings you select for your
document before OCR. See Chapter 4, OmniPage Pro Settings, for more
What Is Optical Character Recognition (OCR)?

Basic Steps of OmniPage Pro OCR

These are the basic steps of OmniPage Pros OCR process:
1 Bring a document image into OmniPage Pro.
You can scan a paper document or load an image file. The
resulting image appears in the Image View.
See Bringing Document Images into OmniPage Pro on page
28 for more information.
2 Create
recognize as text or retain as graphics.
Zones are borders that enclose the parts of a document image
that will get processed. You can create zones manually,
automatically, or with a template. Any areas not enclosed by
zones are ignored during OCR.
See Creating Zones on a Page on page 31 for more
3 Perform OCR to convert text information into editable text
During OCR, OmniPage Pro defines text characters in an
image. After OCR, you can check for and edit any errors.
See Converting Images to Text on page 40 for more
4 Export the document to the desired location.
You can save your document to a specified file format or place
it on the Clipboard.
See Exporting Documents on page 60 for more information.
to identify the parts of the document you want to
Introduction to OmniPage Pro - 7

The OmniPage Pro Interface

The OmniPage Pro Interface
The main parts of OmniPage Pros user interface include:
 The AutoOCR Toolbar
 The Document Window
 The Thumbnail Window
 Zone Info and Tool Palettes
 The Settings Panel
AutoOCR toolbar
Tool Palette
Zone Info
8 - Introduction to OmniPage Pro
Image View Text View
Document Window

The AutoOCR Toolbar

The AutoOCR toolbar contains buttons that can activate each step of the
OCR process. Choose
AutoOCR toolbar if it is closed.
Show Toolbar
The OmniPage Pro Interface
in the Window menu to open the
The status line reports
the current operation or
the operation you can
do next. Click the small
arrow to show or hide
the status line.
 The
button allows you to activate automatic processing.
Settings Panel
 The next four buttons  Image, Zone, OCR, and Export  have
various commands that can be set for the operations you want to
perform. You can set commands in the pop-up menus beneath
each button.
 The last two buttons  Settings Panel and Check Recognition 
are shortcuts for opening the Settings Panel and checking for
errors in a recognized document.
See Basic Steps of OmniPage Pro OCR on page 26 for more
information on OCR procedures.
Introduction to OmniPage Pro - 9
The OmniPage Pro Interface

The Document Window

The Document window allows you to view and work with pages in the
current document. Original images are displayed in Image View and
recognized text is displayed in Text View.
documents Image View and make it active. Choose
Image View
in the Window menu (or am) to display a
Text View
in the
Window menu (or aj) to display a documents Text View and make it
Image View Text View
Drag this splitter to the left
or right to resize a view.
10 - Introduction to OmniPage Pro
You can select options in the
section of the Settings Panel to
specify how views in the Document window are displayed. See
Document Window Settings on page 81 for more information.

The Thumbnail Window

The Thumbnail window displays miniature pictures (thumbnails) of
page images in the current document. You can use thumbnails to change
pages, rearrange pages, and drag copies of images into other
The OmniPage Pro Interface
Show Thumbnails
in the Window menu to open the Thumbnail
window if it is closed.
The bars beneath each thumbnail
indicate what has been done to
the image. Three bars indicate the
The thumbnail of the
currently displayed
page has a shaded
image has been recognized. Two
bars indicate zones have been
creat ed. One bar indicates that
nothing has b een done.
See Working With Documents on page 52 for more information on
working with thumbnails.
Introduction to OmniPage Pro - 11
The OmniPage Pro Interface

Zone Info and Tool Palettes

The Zone Info and Tool palettes are displayed when the Image View of
a document is active.
Show Tool Palette
in the Window menu (or press the t key) if
the Tool palette does not appear when the Image View is active.
Use the Tool palette to
draw zones, modify
zones, reorder zones,
erase parts of the image,
zoom in or out, and
rotate the image.
Show Zone Info Palette
in the Window menu (or press the z key)
if the Zone Info palette does not appear when the Image View is active.
Use the Zone Info
palette to select
zone types, zone
contents, zone
styles, and style sets.
12 - Introduction to OmniPage Pro
You can move the palettes anywhere on your desktop as you work in the
Image View. The palettes are automatically hidden whenever the Text
View is active.
See Creating Zones on a Page on page 31 for more information on

The Settings Panel

Click each icon to
view and select
different settings.
The OmniPage Pro Interface
The Settings Panel is the central location of OmniPage Pro settings. You
can click the Settings Panel button or choose
Setti ngs Panel
in the Settings
menu to open it.
The Settings Panel has eight different sections of settings. Each section
can be displayed by clicking its icon on the left.
Scroll to see
more options.
See Chapter 4, OmniPage Pro Settings, for more information on settings.
Introduction to OmniPage Pro - 13

Getting Online Help

Getting Online Help
In addition to using this manual, you can use OmniPage Pros balloon
help, online tutorial, and online reference guide to learn about features
and procedures. These are available in the Guide menu after you install
and launch OmniPage Pro.
Choose OmniPage Pro
Guide to get reference
information about
features and procedures.
The Guide menu is located in the
upper-right corner of your screen.
Choose Show Balloons to
display balloon help for
items in the interface.
Choose OmniP age Pro Tutorial
to open an interactive tutorial
that has exercises for learning
about features and procedure s.

Balloon Help

14 - Introduction to OmniPage Pro
OmniPage Pro Tutorial
OmniPage Pro Guide
follow the
conventions of the standard Apple Guide. Please refer to your
Macintosh users manual for more information on using Apple Guide.
Balloon help consists of balloons that pop up on screen to explain the
function of icons, menus, commands, dialog box options, and other
items in an application interface.
To turn balloons on, choose
Show Balloons
in the Guide menu. Different
balloons appear as you move the mouse pointer over items in the
interface. Choose
Hide Balloon s
in the Guide menu when you want to
turn off balloon help.

OmniPage Pro Tutorial

tutorial for learning about OmniPage Pro features and procedures.
Click the tutorial you want to do and then follow the directions that
appear on screen. Red coach marks will help show you the steps to be
OmniPage Pro Tutorial

OmniPage Pro Guide

information for features and instructions for common tasks.
OmniPage Pro Guide
Getting Online Help
in the Guide menu to open an online
Click the tutorial
you want to do.
in the Guide menu to get online reference
Click this to
show a general
list of subjects.
Click this to show
an alphabetical
list of subjects.
Introduction to OmniPage Pro - 15
Click this to do
a search on a
particular word
or phrase.

Product Support

Product Support
For the fastest and easiest way to get help, please look for solutions in
this manual or in the
Product support and information are also available to registered users
through the services listed in this table.
OmniPage Pro Guide
Service How to Contact
World Wide Web home pag e
Download Service (BBS)
(patches, updates)
Automated Fax Response Service
(common Q&A)
Phone Support in North America
(fee-b ased troubleshooting)
Ordering dictionari es for other
For international phone numbers, please refer to the Caere Product Support insert in
your OmniPage Pro package.
(408) 395-1631
(8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit)
(408) 354-8471
(408) 395-8319
(408) 395-5733
Please have the following information ready for the most efficient
service when you call Caere Product Support:
 OmniPage Pro version and serial number
The serial number is printed on the label of the first installation
disk or the CD case. To get the version number, choose
OmniPage Pro...
in the Apple menu when OmniPage Pro is open.
Or, select the OmniPage Pro icon in the installation folder and
Get Info
in the File menu in the Finder.
 The make and model of your computer system and peripheral
devices (scanner, printer, monitor, and so on)
 The amount of memory in your system
To get information about your computer system and memory,
About This Macintosh...
in the Apple menu when the
Finder is active.
 The amount of free disk space
To check the amount of free disk space, open your hard disk
folder and check the number in the upper-right corner. You must
view the folder
by Icon
by Small Icon
to see the number.
16 - Introduction to OmniPage Pro
Chapter 2

Installation and Setup

This chapter provides information on installing OmniPage Pro and
selecting a scanner to use with it.
Please also read the
your OmniPage Pro package. These provide the most up-to-date
information concerning installation and setup issues.
Please continue reading this chapter for information on these topics:
 System Requirements
 Installing the Software
 Selecting Your Scanner
 Starting OmniPage Pro
 Registering OmniPage Pro
 Getting Started
Release Notes
and the
Scanner Setup Notes
included in
Installation and Setup - 17

System Requirements

System Requirements
To install and run OmniPage Pro, you need the following setup:
 Standard Macintosh (68020 or greater) or Power Macintosh
 System 7.0 or later (System 7.5 or later required for Drag and
Drop feature)
 For a 680x0 Macintosh, at least 5MB RAM of free memory
 For a Power Macintosh, at least 5MB RAM free memory if virtual
memory is on (8MB if virtual memory is off)
 640x400 resolution display or better
 At least 12MB available hard disk space for OmniPage Pro files
and temporary storage while OmniPage Pro is running
 A supported scanner if you plan to scan documents
See the supported scanner list in the
scanner and the driver supplied by its manufacturer, if any, must
be installed on your system according to the manufacturer's

Installing the Software

Scanner Setup Notes
. Your
18 - Installation and Setup
Before you install OmniPage Pro:
 Make sure your scanner is working on your system by using the
scanning software supplied by the manufacturer.
 Remove the
you use System 7.0 or 7.1 and have Drag and Drop installed. This
file is not compatible with Apple Guide 2.0. OmniPage Pro
installs Apple Guide files that contain all the necessary
 Turn off any virus-protection software. This is often a Control
Panel device. Refer to your virus-protection software manual for
more information.
To make installation go faster and to avoid software conflicts, it is
recommended that you turn off system extensions before installing
OmniPage Pro. Restart your Macintosh while holding down the Shift
key to temporarily turn off all system extensions. After OmniPage Pro
installation, you can restart your Macintosh normally.
Dragging Enabler
file from your
folder if
Installing the Software
Some versions of OmniPage Pro are designed only for customers
upgrading from previous versions of Caere OCR software. To install
these special upgrade versions, you may be prompted to enter the serial
number of your previous product.
To install OmniPage Pro:
1 Insert the OmniPage Pro CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive. (Or,
insert disk #1 in the disk drive.)
This must be
selected to install
the application.
2 Double-click the installer icon and then click
3 Read the license agreement and then click
4 Select the items that you want to install in the Installer dialog
box. Command-click to select more than one item.
To select more than
one item, hold
down the
Command key (
as you click each
To install scanner support, select the name or manufacturer of
your scanner. (You might have to scroll through the list to find
it.) A driver for the selected scanner will be installed as a
Chooser extension. See the
Scanner Setup Notes
included in your
OmniPage Pro package for more information on scanner
5 Click
to proceed with installation.
A dialog box appears that gives you the choice of installing for
a 680x0 Macintosh, a PowerPC (Power Macintosh), or both
types of machine.
Installation and Setup - 19
Installing the Software
6 Click the appropriate processor option.
Click 680x0
if you have
a 680x0
Click PowerPC
if you hav e
a Power
Click Un iversal if your
computer can run as a
680x0 Macintosh or a
Power Macintosh and you
want to run OmniPage Pro
in either configuration.
7 Select the location where you want to install OmniPage Pro.
OmniPage Pro Folder
is the name of the default installation
8 Click
Enter the serial number, if you are prompted to do so, and click
9 Select your country and click OK.
10 Insert the other installation disks as instructed.
OmniPage Pro continues with installation and notifies you
when it is complete. Restart your Macintosh if you are
prompted to do so after installation. Remember to turn any
virus-protection software back on.
20 - Installation and Setup

Selecting Your Scanner

To use a supported scanner with OmniPage Pro, you must select a
driver for it during installation. This gets installed as a Chooser
extension which must be selected before scanning in OmniPage Pro. See
Scanner Setup Notes
more information on scanner support.
Use the OmniPage Pro installer program to install additional Chooser
extensions if you change scanners. You only need to select your scanner
in the list; you do not need to reinstall the
To select a scanner for OmniPage Pro:
Selecting Your Scanner
included in your OmniPage Pro package for
OmniPage Pro 7.0
The Chooser
displays icons for
installed scanner
extensions and
other devices.
in the Apple menu.
2 Click the icon for your scanner extension.
For a list of supported scanners and their extensions, see the
Scanner Setup Notes
 Some extensions, such as Apple Scan, support multiple
scanners. Select your scanner model in the list that appears.
 Depending on the make of your scanner, you may have to
select other scanner driver parameters such as the SCSI ID
number. The message No configuration found means that
you do not need to select any other scanner options.
3 Close the Chooser.
4 Start OmniPage Pro and choose
Verify Scanner
in the Settings
menu to make sure the scanner was selected correctly.
You must reselect your scanner in the Chooser if you install or
remove a scanners ADF support.
Installation and Setup - 21

Starting OmniPage Pro

Starting OmniPage Pro
To start OmniPage Pro:
1 Open the
you selected).
2 Double-click the OmniPage Pro 7.0 application icon.
The first time you launch OmniPage Pro after installation, you
are prompted to personalize your copy.
3 Type in the licensee and company name in the dialog box that
This information will appear in OmniPage Pros About box.
4 Click
If you are not a registered user, a registration dialog box appears the first
time you run OmniPage Pro. This dialog box will
already a registered user or if your version of OmniPage Pro does not
require registration.
OmniPage Pro Folder

Registering OmniPage Pro

Registering your copy of OmniPage Pro entitles you to technical
support, notification of special offers, and the lowest price offered on the
next OmniPage Pro upgrade.
(or whatever installation folder
appear if you are
22 - Installation and Setup
You can use OmniPage Pro for up to 25 sessions without registering it.
After that, the Registration dialog box appears when you launch
OmniPage Pro. The program exits if you do not register at that time.
If you have access to the World Wide Web, you can register your copy
of OmniPage Pro at Caere's Web site. To do so, go to
and click the
and then follow the onscreen instructions.
button. Click the text that says
Online Product
To register OmniPage Pro by phone:
Registering OmniPage Pro
Register OmniPage Pro
in the Apple menu to open the
Registration dialog box.
This dialog box appears automatically the very first time you
start OmniPage Pro and each time you start it after the first 20
unregistered sessions.
2 Select your country in the pop-up menu if it is not already
3 Call the phone number listed to the right of your country.
In the United States and Canada, you can call 24 hours a day. In
other countries, please call during normal business hours.
An operator will ask you to provide the serial number and key
number that appear at the bottom of the Registration dialog
box. The operator will then give you a registration number.
4 Enter the registration number in the
Registration Number
Please write down your registration number somewhere. You
will need to enter it again if you ever reinstall the software.
5 Click
You are now a registered user of OmniPage Pro.
Installation and Setup - 23

Getting Started

Getting Started
See Chapter 1, Introduction to OmniPage Pro, to get an overview of
OCR, an introduction to the OmniPage Pro interface, and ways to get
online help.
You can also do guided tutorial exercises to learn about OmniPage Pro
features. Choose
tutorial you want to do.
OmniPage Pro Tutorial
in the Guide menu and click the
Click the tutorial
you want to do.
24 - Installation and Setup
Chapter 3

Processing Documents

This chapter describes how to process documents in OmniPage Pro from
start to finish. It explains the basic steps of OCR and provides
instructions for other tasks you can do with your documents.
There are different ways to accomplish the same tasks in OmniPage Pro.
For example, you can use toolbar buttons or menu commands to start
certain procedures. You can also have OmniPage Pro do certain OCR
jobs automatically, or you can step through the jobs manually.
Please continue reading this chapter for information on these topics:
 Basic Steps of OmniPage Pro OCR
 Selecting Process Commands
 Bringing Document Images into OmniPage Pro
 Creating Zones on a Page
 Converting Images to Text
 Scheduling OCR
 Direct Input: Pasting Text into Other Applications
 Working With Documents
 Exporting Documents
Processing Documents - 25

Basic Steps of OmniPage Pro OCR

Basic Steps of OmniPage Pro OCR
These are the basic steps of OmniPage Pro OCR:
1 Bring a document image into OmniPage Pro.
See page 28 for more information.
2 Create zones to identify the parts of the document you want to
recognize as text or retain as graphics.
See page 31 for more information.
3 Perform OCR to convert text information into editable text
See page 40 for more information.
4 Export the document to the desired location.
See page 60 for more information.
OmniPage Pro can go through these steps automatically, or you can start
each step individually.

Selecting Process Commands

You can set different commands for the Image, Zone, OCR, and Export
operations you want OmniPage Pro to perform. For information on
specific commands, see AutoOCR Toolbar Settings on page 66.
26 - Processing Documents
You can set commands in two locations:
 Select commands in the pop-up menus beneath the Image, Zone,
OCR, and Export buttons.
 Choose
commands in the submenu.
Pictures in the AutoOCR toolbar buttons and menu commands in
the Process menu change as you set different commands. You can
activate a command by clicking the toolbar button or choosing
the command in the Process menu.
Process Settings
in the Process menu and then choose
Expo rt

Automatic Processing

Automatic Processing
You can use the
finish or finish processing an open document. The operations that occur
when you click
and Export commands.
For example, OmniPage Pro can automatically scan a stack of pages in a
scanners automatic document feeder (ADF), create zones on all pages,
recognize the pages, and then save them as a file. To do so, you would
Scan Image, Auto Zones, Perform OCR,
commands. After clicking
save options for the document. Then, each page would be automatically
scanned, zoned, recognized, and saved.
You can also click
document. OmniPage Pro processes each unfinished page in the
document according to the current commands. For example, if all pages
already have zones but have not been recognized, OmniPage Pro will
immediately begin OCR processing according to the selected OCR
To process a document automatically:
button to process a new document from start to
depend on the currently set Image, Zone, OCR,
Auto Save
, you would first be prompted to select
to finish processing pages in an open
as the
1 Set the desired Image, Zone, OCR, and Export commands in
the AutoOCR toolbar.
See Selecting Process Commands on page 26.
2 Choose
that settings are appropriate for your document.
See Chapter 4, OmniPage Pro Settings, for more information.
3 Click
 If no document is open, each page of a new document is
Settings Panel...
or choose
processed in order. OmniPage Pro pauses for you to create
zones if you set
drawing zones, click
in the Settings menu and make sure
in the Process menu.
Manual Zones
as the Zone command. After
to continue with the selected
Processing Documents - 27

Bringing Document Images into OmniPage Pro

 If a document is open, each unfinished page is finished in
order. OmniPage Pro creates zones on any unzoned pages
automatically or with a currently selected zone template. It
then continues with the selected OCR operation.
Auto Save
activated automatically. (
mode.) OmniPage Pro stops automatic processing after the OCR
operation if you have
In this case, click the Export button to activate the command.
Auto Paste
Save A s
are the only Export commands that can be
Auto Paste
is only available in Direct Input
To Clipboard
set as the Export command.
Bringing Document Images into OmniPage Pro
This section describes how to bring images into OmniPage Pro. It
includes instructions for:
 Scanning Pages
Loading Image Files
 Opening Documents

Scanning Pages

You can scan a paper document to convert it to an electronic image. To
scan in OmniPage Pro, you must have a supported scanner, install the
appropriate scanner Extension for it, and select it in the Chooser. See
Selecting Your Scanner on page 21 for more information.
To scan pages into OmniPage Pro:
1 Place your page in your scanner.
You can scan a stack of pages if you have an automatic
document feeder (ADF).
28 - Processing Documents
Scan Image
for your page.
Scan Until Empty
at once. Otherwise, you must click the Imag e button to scan
each subsequent page.
as the command in the Image buttons pop-up
Settings Panel...
icon to make sure the appropriate settings are selected
in the Settings menu and click the
if you want to scan all pages in an ADF
Bringing Document Images into OmniPage Pro
4 Click the Image button in the AutoOCR toolbar or choose
in the Process menu.
Pages are scanned in order and the resulting images appear in
the Image View. Scanned pages become your working
document if a document is not currently open. If a document is
currently open, the page images are added as new pages.

Loading Image Files

You can load TIFF and PICT image files into OmniPage Pro. An image
file is an electronic picture of text, such as a fax or scanned image, that is
saved in an image file format. After you load an image file into
OmniPage Pro, it appears in the Image View.
To load image files into OmniPage Pro:
2 Click the Image button or choose
Load Image
The Load Image dialog box appears.
as the command in the Image buttons pop-up
Load Image...
in the Process
This button
changes to
Load when a
file is added
to the
Files list.
3 Open the folder where your image files are located.
4 Select the file you want to load and then click
. Or, double-
click the file.
The file appears in the
 To add all image files from an open folder, click
 To remove an image file from the
file and then click
Selected Files
Selected Files
Add All
list, select the
Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add image files from other folders. You
can select up to 256 files.
Processing Documents - 29
Bringing Document Images into OmniPage Pro
5 Click
Image files are loaded in the order selected and combined into
one working document. If a document is currently open, the
image files are added as new pages.

Opening Documents

You can open image files and
command in the File menu.
An OmniPage Document is a file that is saved in OmniPage Pros
proprietary format. OmniPage Documents can be saved with original
page images, zones, and recognized text. You can continue to reopen an
OmniPage Document in OmniPage Pro, make edits to it, and save it in
ot her supporte d file form ats. If an OmniPage Document is sav ed with its
original page images, you can retain graphics, compare recognized text
with the original image, and rerecognize pages.
OmniPage Pro can only have one working document open at a time. If
you try to open another file while you have a document open, you are
prompted to close the current document. However, you can add pages
to your current document using the
in the Image button or Process menu.
after you have selected all the files you want to load.
OmniPage Documents
Load Image
using the
Scan Image
30 - Processing Documents
To open an OmniPage Document or image file:
1 Choose
The Open dialog box appears.
2 Open the folder where your OmniPage Document or image file
is located.
3 Double-click a file to open it immediately. Or, select the file and
in the File menu.
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