Patent Pending
Model No. NTK1494.1
Seda! No.
Find the seriaUnumber in the Uocation
shown beUow,Write the seriaUnumber
in the space above for reference,
SeriaUNumber DecaU
As a manufacturer, we are corn-
mitted to providing complete
customer satisfaction, if you
have questions, or if parts are
damaged or missing, PLEASE
Mon.=Fri., 6 a.m.=6 p.m. MST
Read all precautions and instruc-
tions in this manual before using
this equipment. Save this manual
for future reference.
new products, prizes,
fitness tips, and much more!

iMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS ................................................................. 3
BEFORE YOU BEGIN ....................................................................... 5
ASSEMBLY ............................................................................... 6
OPERATION AND ADJUSTMENT ............................................................ 11
HOW TO FOLD AND MOVE THE iNCLiNE TRAINER ............................................. 28
TROUBLESHOOTING ...................................................................... 30
CONDiTiONiNG GUiDELiNES ............................................................... 33
PART LiST ............................................................................... 34
ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS .......................................................... 35
LiMiTED WARRANTY ............................................................... Back Cover
Note: An EXPLODED DRAWING is attached in the center of this manual,
NordicTrack is a registered trademark of iCON IP, Inc,

A_ WAR N ING:To reduce the riskofburns,fire,electricshock, or injuryto persons,read the
foJJowing important precautions and information before operating the Incline Trainer.
1. it is the responsibility of the owner to ensure 12. Failure to use a propedy functioning surge
that aJJusers of the Incline Trainer are ade-
quateJy informed of aH warnings and precauo
Use the IncJine Trainer onJyas described.
PJace the incline Trainer on a JeveJsurface,
with at Jeast eight feet ol cJearance behind it
and two feet on each side. Do not place the
Incline Trainer on any surface that bJocks air
openings. To protect the _:looror carpet from
damage, place a mat under the incline Trainer.
Keep the JncJine Trainer indoors,away from
moisture and dust. Do not put the JncJine
Trainer in a garage or covered patio, or near
5. Do not operate the IncJine Trainer where standing on the waJking beJt. AJways hoJd the
aerosol products are used or where oxygen is handrails while using the incline Trainer.
being administered.
6. Keep children under the age of 12 and pets Adjust the speed in smait increments to avoid
away from the JncJine Trainer at aHtimes, sudden jumps in speed.
suppressor could result in damage to the con=
trol system of the incline Trainer. if the controJ
system is damaged, the waJking belt may
change speed, acceJerate, or stop unexpect-
edJy, which may resuJt in a fall and serious in-
13. Keep the power cord and the surge suppres=
sot away from heated surfaces.
14. Never move the waJking belt while the power
is turned off. Do not operate the Incline
Trainer if the power cord or pJug is damaged,
or if the incline Trainer is not working prop-
eriy. (See BEFORE YOU BEGIN on page 5 if
the incline Trainer is not working property.)
15. Never start the incline Trainer while you are
18. The incline Trainer is capabJe of high speeds.
7. The IncJine Trainer shouJd not be used by per-
sons weighing more than 300 pounds.
8. Never alJow more than one person on the
Incline Trainer at a time.
Wear appropriate exercise cJothes when
using the incline Trainer. Do not wear loose
clothes that could become caught in the
@ncJineTrainer. AtHetic support clothes are
recommended for both men and women.
Always wear athletic shoes. Never use the
17. The puJse sensor is not a medicaJ device.
Various factors, incJuding the user's move-
ment, may affect the accuracy of heart rate
readings. The pulse sensor is intended onJy
as an exercise aid in determining heart rate
trends in general
18. Never leave the incline Trainer unattended
while it is running. AJways remove the key, un-
pJug the power cord, and switch the reset/off
circuit breaker to the off position when the
JncJine Trainer is not in use. (See the drawing
Incline Trainer with bare feet, wearing only on page 5 for the Jocation of the reset/off tit-
stockings, or in sandals.
cuit breaker.)
10. When connecting the power cord (see page 11), 19. Do not attempt to raise, lower, or move the
plug the power cord into a surge suppressor JncJine Trainer until it is properJy assembJed.
(not included) and p_ugthe surge suppressor
into a grounded circuit capable of carrying 15
or more stops. No other appliance shouJd be on
the same circuit. Do not use an extension cord.
11. Use on_ya singJe-outJet surge suppressor that
meets aH of the specifications described on
page 11. To purchase a surge suppressor, see
your _oca_NordicTrack deaJer or call 1-888°
(See ASSEMBLY on page 6, and HOW TO
FOLD AND MOVE THE JncJine Trainer on page
26.) You must be able to safe_y Hft 45 pounds
(20 kg) to raise, lower, or move the IncJine
20. Do not change the incline ofthe IncJine
Trainer by pJacing objects under the incline
825-2588 and order part number 146148.

21. Use the upper body bandies only at walking
speeds. Using the handles and not holding
the handrails may compromise your ability to
maintain your balance. Exercises using the
handles should be attempted only by experi-
enced users.
25. Always remove iFIT.com CDs and videos from
your CD player or VCR when you are not
using them.
26. mnepect and properly tighten all parts of the
Incline Trainer regularly.
22. When folding or moving the mncJineTrainer,
make sure that the storage latch is fully
27. Never insert or drop any obiect into any
28.DANGER: A waye.np .gthepower
23. When using iFIT.com CDe and videos, an
electronic "chirping" sound will alert you
when the speed and/or incline of the Incline
Trainer is about to change. Always listen for
the "chirp" and be prepared for speed and/or
incline changes, mnsome instances, the speed
and/or incline may change before the per°
sonai trainer describes the change.
24. When using iFIT.eom CDe and videos, you
can manualJy override the speed and incline
settings by pressing the speed and incline
buttons. However, when the next "chirp" is
heard, the speed and/or incline will change to
the next settings of the CD or video program.
cord immediately after use, before cleaning
the Incline Trainer, and before performing the
maintenance and adjustment procedures de-
scribed in this manual Never remove the
motor hood unless instructed to do so by an
authorized service representative. Servicing
other than the procedures in this manual
ehouJd be performed by an authorized service
representative only.
29. The mncline Trainer is intended for in-home
use only. Do not use the mncHneTrainer in a
commerciaJ, rental, or inetitutionaJ setting.
WAF NING: Beforebeginningtheeoranyexe=ieeprogram,eoneultyourphyeieian.This
is especially important for persons over the age of 35 or persons with pre-existing health proMeme.
Read aH instructions before using, iCON assumes no responsibility for personal injury or property
damage sustained by or through the use of this product.
The decaJs shown here have been pJaced on the mncline Trainer. mfa decal is missing or
itJegibJe, pJease call the toll-free teJephone number on the front cover of this manuaJ and
order a free replacement decal Apply the decaJ in the tocation shown. Note: The decals
may not be shown at actual size.
Protect yourself and
others from _k of serio_
,s_a o_1,_nthe
_l_dr _il _' st°pP n9
•Change sge_d in
_mall _ cre_,_e_ts
,Hold ha5dra I_ o
al¢¢as we_ the
_fet el wi_le
eperat n9 trY, dn>i
,Sop ityou eel tai_
mill is r-oved r
,Reduc ndietoii_
fold n9 tr_ dr_lill into
st,_ a_e po_itioh
_'_>_ .Never allow
g _ awa k _n navig
,N_vO_ Iry r_ adj _
or f× the b*k whik,
t i_ movn_
•alwa _ear
at_,#e shoes w5 e
oper_t ng¢treadmill

Thank you for selecting the revolutionary NordicTrack _>
X5 Incline Trainer, The X5 Incline Trainer offers a se-
lection of features designed to make your workouts at
home more enjoyable and effective, And when you're
not exercising, the unique X5 Incline Trainer can be
folded up, requiring less floor space,
For your benefit, read this rnanuaJ carefully before
using the mncline Trainer, if you have questions after
reading this manual, see the front cover of this manual,
Upper Body Handles
Latch Knob
To help us assist you, please note the product model
number and serial number before calling, The model
number of the Incline Trainer is NTK1494,1, The serial
number can be found on a decal attached to the
Incline Trainer (see the front cover of this manual for
the location),
Before reading further, please familiarize yourself with
the parts that are labeled in the drawing below,
Handgrip Pulse Sensor
_/ater Bottle Holder*
Walking Belt
Foot Rail
Rear Roller
Adjustment Bolts
Circuit Breaker
Power Cord
Cushioned Walking Platform
*No water bottle is included

Assemblyrequirestheincludedallenwrench_ andyourownphillipsscrewdriver_ and
wire cutters _: _._. For help identifying the assembly hardware, see the hardware drawings below.
c'- _. ....
3/4" Tek Screw (94)-10
3/4" Bolt (60)-4 1" Bolt (55)-6
1, To protect the floor during assembly, place a sheet
of cardboard under the pa[let as shown.
With the help of a second person, carefully raise the
Upright (110) to the position shown,
While the other person holds the Upright (110), firmly
tighten two 1" Bolts (55) into the lower end of the
Upright and the Upright Base (96),
insert the Power Cord (85) through the hob in the
Upright Cover (115), Press the Upright Cover onto the
Upright (110), Make sure that the Upright Cover is
secureiy held by the dips aiong the opening in the
Upright. Tighten a 3/#' Screw (66) into the lower end of
the Upright Cover,
3" Bolt (98)-2

insert a Handrail (67) into the Upper Handrail (68) as
shown, The Mowerend of the Handrail should sit on the
Base Hood (105) as shown, (Note: it may be necessary to
twist the Handrail as you insert it, it may aiso be neces-
sary to ioosen the two 1/2" Screws [63] severai turns,)
Next, tighten two 3/4" Screws (66) into the Handrail, if
you toosened the 1/2" Screws, retighten them.
Attach the other Handrail (not shown) to the Heftside of
the incline Trainer in the same way,
interiock the tabs on the Right Outer Cover (88) with the
tabs on the Right inner Cover (65), Attach the Right Outer
Cover with two 3/4" Boits (60) as shown
4, Remove the knob from the pin, Make sure that the collar
and the spring are on the pin. insert the threaded end of
the pin through the hob in the Left Outer Cover (61),
Tighten the knob back onto the pin,
insert the pin into the hob in the Left inner Cover (106),
Interlock the tabs on the Left Outer Cover (61) with the
tabs on the Left inner Cover, Attach the Left Outer Cover
with two 3/4" Bolts (60),

With the heUpof a second person, carefully tip the Upright
Base (96) to the position shown,
Remove the four indicated bouts and washers attaching
the pallet to the Upright Base (96), Discard the pallet,
bouts, and washers,,
Attach the Upright Base Pad (103) and the six Base Pads
(93) to the bottom of the Upright Base (96) with ten 3/4"
Tek Screws (94) as shown,
93 94

Base(96)soit isfiatonthefloor,Removethecardboard
8, Fold the Incline Trainer to the storage position (see HOW
page 28),
Slide the Right Wheel Bracket (59) into the slot in the
Right Rear Endcap (57), Align the hobs in the Bracket
with the hobs in the Frame (43), Attach the Bracket to the
Frame with two 1" Bolts (55),
Attach the Left Wheel Bracket (not shown) in the same
9, Make sure that aH parts are properly tightened before you use the Incline Trainer. Keep the included
allen wrench in a secure place, The allen wrench is used to adjust the walking belt (see page 31), To protect
the floor or carpet from damage, place a mat under the incline Trainer.

1, Makesurethatthepowercordisunplugged.
2, Connectthewireonthereceiver(A)totheindicatedwire
smallcylinderisorientedasshownandis facingthe
3, Seestep1onpage9,Makesurethatnowiresare

The incline Trainer features a waUking beUtcoated with
high-performance Uubrbant, IMPORTANT: Never
appty silicone spray or other substances to the
walking belt or the walking platform. Such sub-
stances wil! deteriorate the walking belt and cause
excessive wear.
of the equipment-grounding conductor can
result in an increased risk of electric shock.
Check with a qualified electrician or service-
man if you are In doubt as to whether the
product is properly grounded, Do not modify
the plug provided with the product--if it will
not fit the outlet, have a proper ouUet
installed by a qualified electrician.
The Incline Trainer, like any other type of sophisticated
electronic equipment, can be seriously damaged by
sudden voltage changes in your home's power,
Voltage surges, spikes, and noise interference can
result from weather conditions or from other appliances
being turned on or off, To decrease the possibility of
the lncJine Trainer being damaged, aJways use a
surge suppressor with the Incline Trainer (see
drawing 1 at the right}. To purchase a surge sup-
pressor, see your IocaJ NordicTrack dealer or call
1-888-825-2588 and order part number 148148.
an equipment-grounding conductor and a grounding
plug, Plug the power cord into a surge suppressor,
and pJug the surge suppressor into an appropriate
outlet that is property installed and grounded in
accordance with aH Jocal codes and ordinances.
Important: The Incline Trainer is not compatible
with GFCl-equipped outJets.
This product is for use on a nominal 120-volt circuit,
and has a grounding plug that looks like the plug illus-
trated in drawing 1 below, A temporary adapter that
looks like the adapter illustrated in drawing 2 may be
used to connect the surge suppressor to a 2-pole
receptacle as shown in drawing 2 if a properly
grounded outlet is not available,
-Grounded Outlet Box
_._ -- _urge Suppressor
_< --. Grounding Pin
Grounding Pin
_rounded Outlet G g Hug
_rounded Outlet Box
Surge Suppressor
Use onJy a singJe-outlet surge suppressor that is
UL 1449 tisted as a transient voltage surge sup-
pressor (TVSS). The surge suppressor must have a
UL suppressed voltage rating of 400 voJts or Jess
and a minimum surge dissipation of 450 joules. The
surge suppressor must be ebctdcaHy rated for !20
volts AC and 15 crops. There must be a monitoring
tight on the surge suppressor to indicate whether it
is functioning property. Failure to use a propedy
functioning surge suppressor coutd result in dam-
age to the controJ system of the Incline Trainer. If
the control system is damaged, the waJking beJt
may change speed, accelerate, or stop unexpect-
edly, which may result in a fall and serious injury.
This product must be grounded, if it should maifunc°
tion or break down, grounding provides a path of bast
resistance for electric current to reduce the risk of elec°
tric shock, This product is equipped with a cord having
The temporary adapter should be used only until a
properly grounded outlet (drawing 1) can be installed
by a qualified electrician,
The green°colored rigid ear, lug, or the like extending
from the adapter must be connected to a permanent
ground such as a properly grounded outlet box cover,
Whenever the adapter is used it must be held in place
by a metal screw, Some 2-poJe receptacle outlet box
covers are not grounded. Contact a qualified elec-
trician to determine if the outlet box cover is
grounded before using an adapter.

CONSOLE DmAGRAM Note: if there are sheets of
clear pUastb on the consob,
remove the pUastb,
Key CHp
The advanced console offers an umpressive array of
features designed to help you get the most from your
exercise, When the manual mode of the console is se-
lected, the speed and incline of the Incline Trainer can
be changed with the touch of a button, As you exer-
cise, the console will provide continuous exercise feed-
back, You can even measure your heart rate using the
handgrip pulse sensor or the optional chest pulse sen-
sor (see page 27),
The console also offers 5 speed programs and 10 in-
cline programs, Each program automatically controls
the speed and incline of the Incline Trainer as it guides
you though an effective workout, You can even create
your own custom workout programs and store them in
memory for future use,
in addition, the console offers four pulse programs that
automatically adjust the speed and incline of the
Incline Trainer to keep your heart rate near a target
level while you exercise, Note: The pulse programs re-
quire the use of the optional chest pulse sensor,
stereo, portable stereo, computer, or VCR and play
special iFIT,com CD and video programs (iFIT,com
CDs and videocassettes are available separately),
IFIT,com CD and video programs automatically control
the speed and incline of the Incline Trainer as a per-
sonal trainer coaches you through every step of your
workout, High-energy music provides added motivation,
To purchase iFIT,com CDs or videocassettes, call
the toll-free teJephone number on the front cover
of this manual
With the Incline Trainer connected to your computer,
you can also go to our Web site at www, iFIT,com and
access iFIT,com programs directly from the internet,
See wwwJFIT.com for more information.
To use the manual mode of the consoJe, follow the
steps beginning on page 13, To use a speed program
or an incline program, see page 16, To create and
use a custom program, see pages 18 and 19, To use
a puJse program, see page 20, To use an iFIT.com
CD or video program, see page 24, To use an
iFIT.com program directly from our Web site, see
page 26,
The console also features iFIT,com interactive technol-
ogy, Having iFIT,com technology is like having a per-
sonal trainer in your home, Using the included audio
cable, you can connect the Incline Trainer to your home
Note: During the first few minutes that the Incline
Trainer is used, observe the alignment of the walking
belt, and align it if necessary (see page 31),