Nidek Mark 5 Nuvo User manual

Mark 5 Nuvo
[Original language is English ]
FederalLaw(US)restricts thisdevicetosale by, or on the order of, a licensed physician. This oxygen concentrator should be used only under the supervision of a licensed physician.
Danger: Donot smoke when using oxygen or when near this device
GLOSSARYOF SYMBOLS..........................................1
GENERALSAFETY GUIDELINES ............................2
I. DESCRIPTION ...........................................................2
ront panel (Fig. I. 1).............................................3
I.2.Rear panel (Fig. I. 2)....................................................3
II. STARTING-UP / INSTALLATION.........................3
II.1.Use in direct oxygen therapy......................................3
Everyday disinfection....................................................4
: ON (power switched on) : Off (power switched off).
: Type B device
IV. USEFULINFORMATION...................................4
IV.1. Accessories and spare parts.....................................4
IV.2. Materials in direct or indirect contact with
patient .....................................................................4
IV.3. Operating principles................................................4
IV.4. Alarms - Safety devices...........................................5
IV.5. Indicator light function ..........................................5
IV.6. Technical characteristics..........................................5
IV.7. Standards.................................................................6
IV.8. Method for disposing of waste................................6
IV.9. Method for disposing of device...............................6
: Do not use oil or grease.
: Technical information.
: Consult the accompanying documents.
: Class II protection
: Do not expose to open  ames.
: Keep in the vertical position.
: Fragile - handle with care.
May 20112010-2224F Rev C 1
Only persons who have read and understood this entire manual
should be allowed to operate the MARK 5 Nuvo [M5C5].
Oxygen is not a  ammable gas, but it accelerates the combustion of materials. To avoid all risks of  re, the
MARK 5 Nuvo [M5C5] should be kept away from
all  ames, incandescent sources and sources of heat
(cigarettes),as wellasanycombustibleproductssuch as oil, grease, solvents, aerosols, etc.
Do not use in an explosive atmosphere.
Avoid letting oxygen accumulate on an upholstered seat or other fabrics. If the concentrator is operating whilenot supplyingoxygento apatient, positionit so
that the gas  ow is diluted in the ambient air.
Place the device in a ventilatedarea free from smoke
and atmospheric pollution (rear  lter unobstructed).
The MARK 5 Nuvo [M5C5] must only be used for oxygentherapyandonlyonmedicalprescription.The
indicated daily duration and  ow must be followed,
otherwise it may present a risk to the health of the patient.
Do not use in a speci cally magnetic environment
such as (MRI, X-ray, etc.)
CONFORMITYWITH IEC60601-1 (§ 6.8.2 B):
"The manufacturer, assembler, installer or distributor are not consideredtobe responsiblethemselvesfor theconsequences onthe safety,reliability andcharacteristics of a device unless:
• The assembly,  tting, extensions, adjustments, modi cations
or repairs have been performed by persons authorized by the party in question,
• The electrical installation of the corresponding premises complies with local electrical codes. ( e.g. IEC / NEC ).
•Thedeviceisusedinaccordancewiththeinstructionsforuse." If the replacement parts used for the periodic servicing by an
approved technician do not comply with the manufacturer’s
speci cations, the manufacturer is not responsible in the event
of an accident. This device complies with the requirements of the FDAQua-
lity System Regulation but its operation may be affected by other devices being used near by, such as diathermy and high
frequency electro-surgical equipment, de brillators, short
wave therapy equipment, mobile telephones, CB and other portabledevices, microwaveovens, television,induction pla­tes or even remote control toys or any other electromagnetic
interferences which exceed the levels speci ed by the EN
60601-1-2 standard.
Do not open the device while in operation: risk of electrical shock.
Use the power cord provided, and check that the electrical characteristics of the power socket used match those indicated on the manufacturer’s plate on the rear panel of the machine.
We recommend against the use of extension cords or adapters, as they are potential sources of sparks
and  re.
The MARK 5 Nuvo [M5C5] has an audible alarm to warn the user of problems. In order that the alarm may be heard, the maximum distance that the user can move away from it must be determined to suit the surrounding noise level.
oxygen to persons requiring low  ow oxygen therapy. It is not
intended to be life supporting or life sustaining. It produces oxygenenrichedproductby concentratingtheoxygen contai­nedinroomair.It canbeusedeithertoadministeroxygenwith nasal cannulas or another probe or mask type of device.
The MARK 5 Nuvo [M5C5] is easy to use.
The single  ow adjustment knob allows:
• the device to be easily adjusted to the prescribed  ow rate,
• the equipment supplier or medical staff to limit  ows to a speci c  ow rate with a built-in locking device.
It has a power failure alarm and an operating fault alarm.
Note:the performancesdescribed pertainto the useof the MARK5 Nuvo [M5C5] with the accessoriesrecommended by Nidek Medical Products, Inc.
May 2011
2010-2224F Rev C
II. 1. Use in direct oxygen therapy
a - Ensure that the switch (1) is in the 0/(OFF) position.
b - If used with a humidi er:
Unscrew the  ask and  ll it with water up to the line (see the humidi er instructions). Then screw the humidi er  ask onto its lid
until there are no leaks.
I. 1. Front panel (Fig. I. 1)
1 - I/0 (ON/OFF) Switch 2 - Humidi er (space reserved) 3 - Oxygen product outlet 4 - Flow adjustment knob (l/min.) 5 - Circuit Breaker 6 - Indicator Lights
c - Connect the oxygen tube to the humidi er outlet nozzle or to the concentrator outlet if a humidi er has not been
prescribed. The tube between the cannula and the MARK 5 Nuvo [M5C5] should be limited to 60 feet (20 meters)
long, in order to ensure that the oxygen  ow rate remains
within speci cation values.
d - Ensure that all of the parts are connected correctly so as to avoid leaks.
e - Plug the power cable into a power outlet of the correct
voltage and frequency as de ned on the
manufacturer's technical label(8).
f - Press the power switch (I/0) to the ON position (I). The red indicator will light and the audible alarm willsound for a few seconds until system pressure rises to the accepted level.
g - Turn the  ow adjustment knob (4) to the prescribed value.
This knob may have already been locked in the medically prescribed position. In this case, do not force it. Only the technician or medical personnel are authorized to release it.
Note: View the  owmeter in the horizontal plane for accurate
I. 2. Rear panel (Fig. I. 2 ) 7 - Cabinet Dust Filter
8 - Technical Label 9 - Power Cord
h - Check that the oxygen  ows out of the administration device (nasal cannulas or other) by placing the ori ce(s) on
the surface of a glass of water. The  ow should disturb the
surface of the water. i - Adjust the nasal cannula to suit your face. Note:therequiredoxygenconcentrationisnormallyobtained
within  ve minutes after the unit is started.
At the end of the treatment, press the (I/0) switch to place it in the (0) [OFF] position to stop the device. The oxygen
enriched air  ow continues for approximately 1 minute after
the device is stopped.
For the equipment supplier or medical staff:
The  ow adjustment knob may be locked to limit it to a speci c predetermined value.
May 20112010-2224F Rev C 3
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