SSoopphhiissttiiccaattiioonn SSiimmpplliiffiieedd
communications more efficient, profitable, and enjoyable.
Superior ergonomic styling offers a slim, sleek, compact design with a quality feel that is an attractive addition
to any work environment. All models feature the same thin, floating design, have a built-in speakerphone,
two-position angle adjustment for effortless viewing of the large LCD display, and built-in wall mounting.
Enhanced models also offer a backlit display and illuminated dial pad.
Innovations don’t stop with the DSX telephones. Right out of the box, the system has a built-in Automated
Attendant which can answer incoming calls, play a greeting, and allow callers to dial extensions and
departments directly without operator assistance or additional equipment.
DSX is sized right – starting with the economical DSX-40, progressing to the DSX-80, and reaching maximum
system capacity with the DSX-160. To maintain the value of your investment, all the circuitry of a DSX-80 can
be migrated to the DSX-160. Even when growing from the DSX-40, your investment in programming,
telephones, and other station equipment is retained.
install and
easy to use, the expenses of configuration, programming, and post-installation training are minimized.
features are mature,
assurance and state-of-the-art circuit design, you are assured that DSX will be your reliable business partner
for years to come.
NEC takes the
NEC designed the DSX with affordability and scalability in mind. Since DSX is simple to
Over a decade of intense feature development ensures that the core DSX call processing
efficient, and reliable – yet intuitive and easy to use. Combined with end-to-end quality
lead with state-of-the-art innovations sure to make your business
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IInnttrraaMMaaiill//IInnttrraaMMaaiill PPrroo
requires a compact flash card to activate. IntraMail is a full-featured Voice Mail Auto Attendant
system that will greet and transfer incoming callers and record voice mail messages.
Some of the advanced features of IntraMail include:
Message Center – Notify groups of extensions of important messages with
visual indication using a message center key.
Directory Dialing – Dial a name instead of a number to reach your party.
Message on Hold – Record your own informative company message.
Caller ID – Caller information is verbally provided with a voice mail message.
Message Notification – You can receive a call - anywhere - when a new message arrives.
Conversation Record – Save and record your conversation into a predetermined mailbox with the touch
of a button.
Live Call Screening – Listen as callers are leaving you a message and pick up only the calls you want to answer.
Park and Page – Allows a caller to page you without operator assistance. You can pick up the call from
any extension.
The IntraMail Pro supports all of the features of the IntraMail and also offers
Email Integration – Receive notification of a new voice mail message to your
inbox or Email device. In addition, the sent notification can optionally include the
recorded message as a .WAV file attachment. With this option, if you have the
ability to access your Email, you can also have the ability to listen to your voice
mail messages without having to call your office.
The ability to add voice mail is built into the system and only