possible reception of all broadcast formats
Preset and Favorite Station titles, and other information
broadcast by individual DAB and FM stations
traditional AM and FM broadcasting. The almost complete
absence of noise and linear distortion make DAB broadcasts
sound clear across a broad range of signal strengths. This
is great on spoken word programs, but the medium shows
its shortcomings with musical programs. Here, the data
to feed high end external D/A converters and other units
the moment you switch on the C445 and tune in your fi rst
the transmitter to the radio tuner’s antenna. The C445’s
the three types of radio included in the C445, NAD strikes
thoughtful features to make the operation of the C445 more
C 445 DAB Tuner
technical information about the broadcast itself.
the future of broadcasting, there are still many

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permission of NAD Electronics International. © 01/06 NAD Electronics International.