Metrohm NIRS Analyzer PRO User Manual

NIRS Analyzer PRO
NIRS Analyzer PRO
8.928.8004EN 03.2013 fpe
Teachware Metrohm AG CH-9100 Herisau
This documentation is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Although all the information given in this documentation has been checked with great care, errors cannot be entirely excluded. Should you notice any mistakes please send us your comments using the address given above.
Change Control
Summary of Changes
Dec. 2, 2012
Document first release, initiated change control
Change control on this document is as follows:
Table of contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Information Disclaimer ................................................................................. 7
2 Hardware Familiarization .............................................................................................. 8
2.1 Lamp Housing .............................................................................................. 8
2.2 Optical Switch .............................................................................................. 8
2.3 Diode Array Spectrometer ............................................................................ 9
3 Specifications............................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Window Reflectance .................................................................................. 12
3.2 MicroBundle Fiber Optic Interface .............................................................. 12
3.3 Direct Light ................................................................................................ 13
4 Mounting Information ................................................................................................. 14
4.1 4.1 Mounting Frame, U-Bolts Secured to Mounting Flanges ...................... 14
4.2 Mounting by straps to blind plates ............................................................ 19
4.3 Weld Flange ............................................................................................... 20
5 Mounting Dimensions .................................................................................................. 22
6 Electrical Connection ................................................................................................... 23
7 Air Cooling Connection Kit........................................................................................... 30
8 Air Purge Connection (Used with “Spoon Probe”) ....................................................... 32
9 Fiber Optic Probe Mounting ........................................................................................ 34
10 Ethernet Connection .................................................................................. 35
11 Safety and Power-up .................................................................................. 37
12 Connection to Vision Software ................................................................... 38
13 Diagnostics ................................................................................................. 43
13.1 Window Reflection ..................................................................................... 43
13.1.1 Performance Test ................................................................................................. 43
13.1.2 Reference Standardization .................................................................................... 46
13.1.3 Wavelength Certification ...................................................................................... 50
13.2 MicroBundle Fiber Optic Sensing ............................................................... 52
13.2.1 Performance Test ................................................................................................. 52
13.2.2 Reference Standardization .................................................................................... 55
13.2.3 Wavelength Certification ...................................................................................... 59
13.3 Direct Light Sampling ................................................................................. 60
13.3.1 Performance Test ................................................................................................. 61
13.3.2 Reference Standardization (External Reference Correction) .................................... 64
14 Sampling .................................................................................................... 65
15 Standards and Approvals ........................................................................... 66

1 Introduction

Analyzer PRO is a rugged, compact Near-Infrared Process
Instrument, designed for the wavelength range from 1100-1650 nanometers. This is an excellent region for process analysis, containing many second and third overtones of molecular vibrations which can be measured.
The instrument is based upon high-resolution diode array technology. The InGaAs diode array, with spectral dispersion of
1.1 nm/pixel, is a stable, intrinsically accurate method of NIR absorbance measurement. It offers excellent peak shape resolution, and contains no moving parts. Therefore, no wavelength accuracy adjustment is needed, as there is no measurable drift.
Sampling systems are as follows:
Window Reflectance, where the sample passes in contact with the window on the side of the instrument
Reflectance Probe, using a 1” (25.4mm) diameter stainless steel probe
Direct Light Reflectance, where the sample passes at a distance of 4-10 inches
(approximately 100-250mm) from the window
The analyzer is housed in a robust cabinet, designed for easy, reliable mounting at the desired location in the production area. Mounting is simplified by use of industry-standard stainless steel clamps, which facilitate installation and removal, as well as good positioning of the analyzer to the sample.
The instrument may be mounted in any orientation, as long as the sample window is in the proper location. The sample interface is normally placed at a point of production where the product is pumped through a pipe, dryer, blender, or other feed mechanism. There should be no (or very few) gaps or voids in the product flow, as these will cause measurement instability.
The Analyzer PRO vides non-destructive analysis of
chemical and pharmaceutical products directly in the process line, without use of a bypass loop. Because most materials can be measured directly, with no need for sample dilution or preparation, the material can be measured as produced, with no loss of end product.
Operation of the Analyzer PRO is through Metrohm Vision™ software, which is robust, powerful, and easy to use. This validated software package meets all 21 CFR Part 11 requirements, and comes with a test script to prove compliance for internal regulatory personnel. Combined with normal customer procedures for network and user access, all 21 CFR Part 11 requirements are met.
Vision provides excellent tools by which to develop an analytical model for sample prediction. The NIR sample information is correlated with quantitative lab data from the primary analysis method, and a predictive model is used to report values for ongoing sample analysis.
Communication between instrument and computer is by Ethernet line, using standard connectors. Commands use a proprietary, encrypted language which is not susceptible to hacking, support of viruses, or other means of hacking. Only authorized operators may communicate with the Analyzer PRO instrument, and only by valid entry through Vision.
Measurements may be displayed in a control room area on the computer screen as they are reported in the Routine Analysis section of Vision. Provision is made for digital electronic transfer to most supported plant controller languages.
Use of the Analyzer PRO helps to optimize the use of raw materials by ongoing measurement in real time. This permits adjustment and correction of the process to target values, eliminating or minimizing waste product. The Analyzer PRO fits into Process Analytical Technology (PAT) planning, in support of recent FDA process initiatives.
Precise instrument matching enhances method development, minimizes implementation efforts, and ensures straightforward calibration model transferability between analyzers.

1.1 Information Disclaimer

This manual and the information herein are correct as of the time of publication, based upon the best information available at the time. Configuration, options, and software information may change over time, in keeping with the corporate philosophy of continuous improvement.
Metrohm NIRSystems and its distributors cannot be liable for changes to the customer process based upon information contained in this manual which is subject to revision and update. Additionally, the information and steps in this manual are not meant to serve as template standard operating procedures for use in regulation industries. Customers should supply their own procedures for internal users, based upon the specific samples, methods, and needs of the application.
Metrohm offers optional training and field support to assist in the technical aspects of calibration and library development. The final responsibility lies with the user, who has access to calibration samples, lab data, and other information required to build and maintain methods using this instrument.

2 Hardware Familiarization

Analyzer PRO is built into a rugged, sealed stainless steel housing which is designed to withstand the harsh production environment, including washdown.
Fiber optics are used with the Reflectance Probe design, and should always be protected from damage and abuse. In particular, fiber bend radius should never be less than 6” (150mm). It is strongly recommended that fibers be mounted in enclosed cable trays to minimize handling, movement, and possible accidents.
The inside view of the instrument is as shown.
Primary components are as follows:

2.1 Lamp Housing

This contains two halogen lamps. Only one lamp is active at a time. If a lamp fails, the other is automatically switched on, and a motor moves the Sample Illumination or “light-output” fiber to the operating lamp. The Sample Illumination Fiber carries the light energy to the sampling point. Note that the Lamp Housing also has a Reference Fiber for each lamp, which are routed to the optical switch. These fibers are used to measure the background (reference) energy for each lamp. The Optical Switch automatically moves to the correct position, based upon which lamp is in use.

2.2 Optical Switch

The Optical Switch receives the light reflected back from the sample, which has been modified by interaction with the sample material. The other inputs to the Optical Switch are the two Reference fibers from Lamps #1 and #2, along with a “Dark Signal” reference. The Optical Switch, under control of the on-board electronics, measures the energy returning from the sample, compares this with the energy level sent to the sample, and scales the signal to create an absorbance spectrum over the
wavelength range from 1100-1650 nm. (The optical switch may be heard moving when instrument
The diode-array spectrometer is composed of 512
scans are taken, if the ambient noise level is low enough.)

2.3 Diode Array Spectrometer

discrete InGAs detector diodes. It has no moving parts.
The wavelength accuracy is intrinsically stable, and requires no adjustment. Temperature is maintained internally to assure consistent and accurate response.
NOTE: There are no user-serviceable parts in the Diode Array Assembly. Do not attempt to open, disassemble, or service this unit. Any attempt at service or opening will immediately void the warranty.
Power Supply
This takes the incoming AC Mains voltage and steps it down to 24 VDC, as used by the instrument.
Cooling Fan
The fan circulates air internally to maintain consistent, controlled temperature to the spectrometer and all internal components. This assures repeatable optical response.
Sampling Point
This may be either a Window Reflectance system (as shown here), a Fiber Optic Probe, or Direct Light. The internal instrument interface is the same for all styles. A fiber optic bundle carries the light to the sample. A small bundle carries the returning energy from the sample to the Optical Switch.
AC Mains Block
This is explained in the section on electrical Connection. All connections should be made in compliance with local codes, by a qualified electrician. Always use safety lockout procedures when performing electrical wiring.
Ethernet RJ-45 Connector
The Ethernet cable is plugged in on the instrument motherboard.
Control PCB
Instrument functions are controlled from this PC board. There are no user-serviceable items or procedures in connection with this board.
The internal light paths of the Analyzer PRO are
Block Diagram
The sample is illuminated with white light. The resulting signal is sent back (through the optical switch) to the Diode Array Spectrometer for analysis.
Both dark and light reference signals are used to set the scale of absorbance. Vision uses the resulting information to produce sample spectra. The formula (shown only for information) is as follows:

3 Specifications

Overall Analyzer PRO instrument specifications are as follows:
Item Specification
Ambient Temperature
Ambient Humidity 10-90% Relative Humidity, non-condensing
Electrical Supply 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 2.0 A, 150 W
Protection IP69k according to IEC 60529 and DIN 40050 part 9, NT ELEC 023
Weight 33.0 pounds (15 Kg)
Pressurized Air Cooling (Ambient Temperature 45­65 Degrees C)
Pressurized Air – Spoon Probe
Network Connections Local Area Network (LAN) – Ethernet, RJ-45 connection
23 to 104° F (-5 to 40° C) With Air Cooling: 23 to 149° F (-5 to 65° C)
Width: 17.0” (42 cm) Height: 17.0” (42 cm) Depth: 5.0” (13 cm)
Cooling air flow rate minimum 5 Liters/min >99.9% water free >99.9% free of oil and fine particles down to 0.3 micrometers
Purge air: 3-5 bar
Sample Temperature, Reflectance Window
Sample Temperature, Spoon Probe
Computer Requirements See Vision computer requirements
Wavelength Range 1100-1650 nm
Analysis Time:
Wavelength Accuracy 0.5 nm
Wavelength Precision < 0.02 nm
Wavelength Stability < 0.01 nm/°C
Specifications for each type of sample interface follow:
302 degrees F (150° C)
248 degrees F (120° C)
5 – 50 ms / integration time; depends upon sample. Typical result time: 3-15 sec.

3.1 Window Reflectance

In-line analysis of paste, granulates, slurry, powdered products and similar materials in pipes or fluid transport systems can be performed without need for bypass streams. The sample material must pass over the sample interface window.
The window reflection interface may easily be installed into the production line using standard GEA Tuchenhagen flowcell mountings, or by welding an interface flange into the wall of the pipe/transport system. GEA Tuchenhagen is well known for innovative, hygienic components for operation in the process stream.
Temperature: 150°C (302°F)
Pressure: Vacuum > 1 Torr (approximately 1 mm Hg), Pressure < 3000 PSI
Lens: Sapphire; diameter 45 mm (1.8”), thickness 12 mm (0.5”), with
EPDM O-ring seal for reliable, temperature resistant sealing
Pipe flowcells: Fits directly into GEA Tuchenhagen Varinline Access units (DN40 to DN150 with 68 mm [2.7”] opening). This mounting method facilitates implementation of CIP (clean in place) and SIP (sterilize in place) methods.
Transport System: Stainless steel welding flange

3.2 MicroBundle Fiber Optic Interface

Direct in-line measurement with microbundle fiber optic probe interface, optimized for process streams of clear to opaque liquids, slurries, suspensions, and powders. The analyzer may be configured with a reflectance or immersion probe based upon sample type.
316 Stainless Steel or Hastalloy Probes (custom materials also available)
Micro Interactance Reflectance Probe
Micro Interactance Immersion Probe
Micro Interactance Reflectance with purge on collection tip
(requires clean air or nitrogen for purge)
Optimized Micro Reflectance (45-degree) Probe with 3 meters of fiber (Angled face for optimized sample collection)
Window: Sapphire
Temperature: 300°C (572°F)
Pressure: 5000 PSI (344 Bar)
Diameter: 1” (25.4 mm) Standard
Length: 12” (305 mm) Standard
Installation: 1” Swagelok® crimp fitting
Cleaning: Wash in water, hot or cold depending upon product
Fiber: Interactance Micro Fiber Optic Bundle (3m) with Metal or Nylon Cladding,
SMA connection to the Analyzer PRO

3.3 Direct Light

In-line analysis of products where direct contact with the product is not technically feasible, such as product transported on a conveyor belt or similar means of movement.
Lens: Sapphire; diameter 45 mm (1.8”), thickness 12 mm (0.5”), with EPDM O-ring
seal for reliable, temperature resistant sealing
Distance: 100-250 mm to sample surface (4 to 10”)
Scanning Area: 20 - 85 mm (0.8 to 3.3”) diameter, depending upon distance to sample

4 Mounting Information

Analyzer PRO is provided with an innovative, rugged integral flange-mounting system that permits easy installation and service. There are two mounting flanges, top and bottom, to which are mounted “blind plates” using a rugged, industry-standard tri-clamping mechanism. This approach eliminates bolt holes or other entry points for contaminants.
The mounting flanges are sized to attach directly to 3” (76.2 mm) diameter stainless steel piping, which is widely used in sanitary installation areas. To mount using pipe, determine where the window or fiber will be positioned, and install pipes in the corresponding positions for supporting and mounting the enclosure. The pipes should have the proper flange ends to accept the clamps to lock the Analyzer PRO instrument in place.
Two alternative methods are shown. This first is preferred in most cases.

4.1 4.1 Mounting Frame, U-Bolts Secured to Mounting Flanges

Many installations will be performed using a fabricated mounting frame which can be bolted to a solid surface in the plant. This mounting method should be well-planned, so the sample window (or fiber optic probe) is in the right location upon final installation. In this case a Analyzer PRO Fiber Optic Probe system is being installed.
This sequence shows mounting the frame to the Analyzer PRO instrument first, then bolting the frame (with Analyzer PRO installed) to the mounting bolts.
We advise using a cart or frame to support the instrument during mounting, to avoid damage. Use lab jacks as shown, to make height adjustment easy. Protect the fiber optic cable, as well as the power and communications cables. Do not kink, bend, or otherwise stress the fiber optic cable in any way, as this may damage the internal fibers and cause loss of energy.
Safety NOTE: Please follow all site safety rules regarding lifting and physical exertion while mounting the Analyzer PRO.
In addition, use of a rolling cart provides an easy way to protect the fiber optic cable, power cable, and communications cable – they are carefully coiled on the lower shelf of the cart, to avoid damage.
1. Remove the locking clamps and blind mounting plate from each mounting flange. Remove the gasket as well.
Keep all these parts in a safe place, in case they are needed at some point in the future.
2. Fabricate the mounting frame as
shown. It may be larger if required. In
Note that the Analyzer PRO instrument is on a cart for positioning. We use lab jacks to
3. Use 3” (76.2 mm) inside-diameter
this installation we purchased pre-cut channel from McMaster Carr. We used four (4) lengths of Steel Strut Channel, Slotted, 1-5/8” x 1-5/8”, zinc-plated, 2 foot length, part number 3310T53.
The brackets each measure 24” (610 mm) in length. The upright brackets are bolted so the centerline of the slotted holes is 17.25” (about 439 mm) apart. Use 3/8” (or 10mm) bolts.
The brackets should be capable of supporting the full Analyzer PRO weight, plus an ample safety margin. We suggest a minimum capacity be 100 pounds, or roughly 45 kilograms.
raise it to the final mounting height, to avoid difficult lifting. The installer is shown checking the size and slot pattern for fit.
stainless U-Bolts with extended-length legs, like that shown.
(This is a McMaster-Carr Extended­Length Type 316 SS U-Bolt 3/8”-16 Thread, part number 29605T7 -- as of time of publication.)
Remove the nuts from the U-Bolt and gently place it over the flange as shown. Verify that the mounting height is correct, and that the U-Bolt will be in the correct position to bolt onto the brackets. Use additional wooden blocks to reach the proper mounting height. Check both sides.
4. Adjust height with the lab jacks, so the
5. When the height is correct, push the
U-Bolts align properly with the frame slots. Adjust each side equally, to keep the Analyzer PRO aligned with the bracket.
U-Bolt through the slots.
Do this on both sides of the Analyzer PRO instrument, in preparation for securing with washers and nuts.
6. Install large washers, lock washers, and nuts on the ends of the U-Bolts. Do not tighten until all four sets of washers and nuts are in place.
When all four sets of hardware are in place, gently tighten each nut, using care not to distort the U-Bolts or frame.
If preferred, nylon-insert locking nuts may be used in place of normal lock washers and hex nuts.
7. The Analyzer PRO instrument is now
securely mounted to the fabricated
8. Mounting studs should be placed in
9. Roll the cart so the mounting frame is
frame. It is ready to be mounted to the final process location.
Verify that all hardware is secure. Protect the fiber (if so equipped) as well as the power and communications cables.
Carefully move the Analyzer PRO instrument and mounting frame to the final location.
the correct positions to hold the frame in place.
We installed 3/8” studs in the mounting area as shown. These are
21.75” (552mm ) apart, which corresponds with the slot holes in our mounting frame. The lower studs are mounted 22” (560mm) below, at the same width.
These studs should be capable of supporting the weight of the Analyzer PRO instrument and frame, with a large margin of safety. Be sure to measure for the frame used, and
directly in front of the mounting studs.
Using the lab jacks, raise the Analyzer PRO instrument (on the mounting frame as shown) to the correct position. When the studs align with the mounting frame, gently ease the mounting frame over the studs as shown.
10. Install a large washer, a lock washer,
11. When all four sets of washers and nuts
12. When all hardware is tight, the lab
and a hex nut onto each stud.
Do not tighten until all four sets of hardware are in place.
Continue to protect the fiber optic cable, as shown here.
are threaded on, begin tightening each set. Do not damage or distort the mounting frame.
If nylon-insert nuts are preferred, those may be used in place of standard hex nuts.
jacks may be lowered and removed. This may be done gently, to verify that the mountings support the weight, and that all hardware is properly tightened.
This photo shows the final mounting, with all bolts installed and tightened.
As before, continue to protect the fiber optic cable, as well as the power and communications cables. The cart is still shown at the bottom of this photo, immediately after removing lab jacks. The cables are on the bottom shelf, ready for the next stages of installation.

4.2 Mounting by straps to blind plates

The blind plates are 15mm stainless steel,
The mounting flange of the instrument is shown at
and are equipped with a special gasket to properly affix the blind plate to the flange on the instrument.
The blind plates may be welded or machined in any way to properly affix and support the instrument in the desired position.
Do not distort or weaken the blind plates, as they support the full weight of the Analyzer PRO. Weight is 33 pounds, or 15 Kg.
the top.
The “blind plate” and gasket are shown at right.
The clamp is a “Tri-Clover” style. It is an ISO Clamp,
76.1mm. This style of clamp is used in sanitary
installations, and is known for ruggedness as well as ease of installation and removal.
Do not attempt to drill mounting holes through the cabinet or cover, as this will compromise the protective sealing of the instrument enclosure. Any holes drilled in the cabinet will invalidate the instrument warranty.
Before mounting, determine the optimal desired position of the sampling window, and arrange for the blind plate positions to correspond to that desired sampling position. (With a fiber optic probe this position may be less critical.)
Before mounting the instrument, verify that the blind plates are in the correct locations, and that the fabricated mounting arrangement will support the full weight of the instrument. When mounted, the distance from the outside flat of the top blind plate, to the outside flat of the bottom blind plate is
19.25” (384mm). Leave some provision for movement of the mounting brackets (such as slotted
holes) to ease mounting and final positioning. At least ¼” (6mm) of movement is recommended. The gaskets have a molded ridge on each surface, and the mounting must accommodate this ridge during assembly.
The blind plate, gasket, and mounting flange should be securely clamped in place, top and bottom. There should be no play in the clamp or mounting mechanism. This method of mounting provides for easy mounting and dismounting, if required. The cover, secured by 32 bolts and sealed by a compressive gasket, has two handles which allow lifting. Please wear protective gloves when lifting.
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