The 732 IC Detector is a conductivity detector especially designed for
ion chromatography with an extensive operating range and high sensitivity for the recording of chromatograms with and without chemical
suppression. The associated thermostattable detector block is normally
installed in the 733 IC Separation Center, but can also be used as a
separate detector. The two following versions are available:
• 2.732.0010 IC Detector with standard detector block
• 2.732.0110 IC Detector with metal-free detector block
The 732 IC Detector is operated using the keypad with operator guidance via the two-line LCD. In addition to setting of the measurement
parameters, time programs can be generated which can be used to initiate a large number of instrument functions for each of the maximum
20 program steps. Further, the same functions can be executed at a
specific time with 4 programmable "events".
1.1 Instrument description
The 732 IC Detector is equipped with various interfaces for communication purposes. Recorders, integrators or the «IC Metrodata for
Win95» chromatography data system can be connected to the analog
output (1 V or 10 mV) for the plotting and evaluation of chromatograms.
The two RS232 interfaces are used for the connection of a 709 IC
Pump, a printer or a PC for remote control of the IC system. Finally,
programmable signals at a "remote" interface can be employed to control any external devices which, in turn, can start functions at the IC
The 733 IC Separation Center is a thermally and electronically isolated wet part which accommodates injectors, columns, detectors,
suppressor module and pulsation dampener and is controlled by the
732 IC Detector. The following versions are available:
• 2.733.0010 IC wet part with 1 injector for a one-channel system
with electronic suppression
• 2.733.0020 IC wet part with 2 injectors for a two-channel system
with electronic suppression
• 2.733.0120 IC wet part with 2 injectors for a two-channel system
with electronic suppression, metal-free
• 2.733.0030 IC wet part with 1 injector and 1 Metrohm
Suppressor Module MSM for a one-channel system
with chemical suppression
• 2.733.0130 IC wet part with 1 injector and 1 Metrohm
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
Suppressor Module MSM for a one-channel system
with chemical suppression, metal-free
1 Introduction
The 732 IC Detector and 733 IC Separation Center are the main components of a modular ion chromatography system that can be expanded to meet the wishes of the individual user (see Fig. 1). The
minimum configuration of the one-channel system also includes a 709
IC Pump, a separating column and a recorder. The two-channel system
requires at least a second 732 IC Detector and a second 709 IC Pump.
Printers, integrators, data recording devices, PC and autosamplers can
be attached to both systems. Further, practically all HPLC peripherals
and parts available on the market such as precolumns, additional
separating columns, additional detectors and other injection systems
can be seamlessly integrated in the system.
However, the individual IC units can also be freely combined with
common HPLC instruments. This offers the possibility of expanding
your system to a standalone ion chromatograph.
Two-channel systemOne-channel system
Fig. 1: Block diagram of the ion chromatography system
DDetectorPCPC733 IC Separation Center
EEluentPLRecorder750 Autosampler
IInjectorPRPrinter752 Pump Unit
IF InterfaceSSample754 Dialysis Unit
IN IntegratorWWaste766 IC Sample Processor
Suppressor module
(one-channel system only)
IC Pump
IC Detector
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
1.2 Parts and controls
1.2.1 732 IC Detector
IC Detector732
+0.023 µS/cm 15.2 min
Full Scale 5.00 µS/cm
1.2 Parts and controls
Fig. 2: Front of the 732 IC Detector
11Display (LCD)
comprising 2 lines each of 24
22Main function keys
Auto-zero, Parameters, Full Scale,
Program start/stop
33Numeric keys
Edit mode: Numeric keys
Basic mode: Function keys
44Auxiliary function keys
Select, Clear, Quit, Enter
55Program status display (LED)
LED dark:Program inactive
LED lit up:Program ready
LED flashes: Program running
66Auto-zero display (LED)
LED dark:Auto-zero switched off
LED lit up:Auto-zero switched on
77Thermostat display (LED)
LED dark:Heating switched off
LED lit up:Heating switched on
88Overload display (LED)
LED lit up:Meas. signal >150%
of full-scale range
LED flashes: Meas. signal >180%
of full-scale range
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
1 Introduction
WARNING - Fire Hazard -
For continued protection replace only
with the same type and rating of fuse
Type 1.732.0010 Nr.
f=50-60 Hz
S=70 VA
RS 232
Made by Metrohm Herisau Switzerland
Detector Block
733 IC Separation Center
709 IC Pump
1818171716161515 1414
Fig. 3: Rear of the 732 IC Detector
99Mains switch
switch to switch instrument on and off:
I = ON0 = OFF
1515Connection for 709 IC Pump
RS232 interface, can also be used for
connection of a printer
1010Serial number1616RS232 interface
connection of a printer, PC, etc.
1111Analog output 0……1 V
red socket:live
black socket:common
1212Analog output 0……10 mV
red socket:live
1717Remote interface
remote I/O lines for connection of
external devices
1818Mains connection plug
mains connection, see section 2.4
black socket:common
1313Connection for detector block1919Fuse holder
changing the fuses, see section 2.4
1414Connection for 733 IC Separation
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
1.2.2 733 IC Separation Center
IC Separation Center733
1.2 Parts and controls
21212020222224242525 2626272723232828
Fig. 4: Front of the 733 IC Separation Center
2020Door to interior2525"FILL" key for valve B or "STEP" for
suppressor module
2121Connection for 6.2816.020 Syringe2626"INJECT" key for valve B
2222Feedthrough for aspirating tubing2727733.0010: Feedthrough for capillary
733.0X20: Connection for
6.2816.020 Syringe
733.0X30: Feedthrough for
suppressor inlet cap.
2323"FILL" key for valve A2828733.0010: Feedthrough
733.0X20: Feedthrough for
aspirating tubing
733.0X30: Feedthrough for suppressor inlet capillary
2424"INJECT" key for valve A
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
1 Introduction
Type: 1.733.00X0
732 IC Detector
Waste AWaste B
Made by Metrohm Herisau Switzerland
732 IC Detector
Inlet AInlet B
Fig. 5: Rear of the 733 IC Separation Center
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
1.2 Parts and controls
2929Opening for detector cable B
opening for connecting cable
detector block B – 732
3030Opening for outlet capillary B
discharge of the eluent of column B to
3131Rear panel opening
(closed with plastic stopper) for
additional supply and discharge lines
to and from the inner compartment
3232Opening for outlet capillary A
discharge of the eluent of column A to
3333Opening for detector cable A
opening for connecting cable
detector block A – 732
3434Knurled screw
for fastening the rear panel 3535
3939Detachable rear panel
access to bottom part of inner
4040Opening for inlet capillary A
supply of the eluent for column A
4141Rear panel opening
(closed with plastic stopper) for
additional supply and discharge lines
to and from the inner compartment
4242Connection for drain tube
for discharge of spilled liquid from the
inner compartment
4343Rear panel opening
(closed with plastic stopper) for
additional supply and discharge lines
to and from the inner compartment
4444Opening for inlet capillary B
supply of the eluent for column B
3535Detachable rear panel
4545Connection for 732 IC Detector B
access to top part of the inner
3636Connection for 732 IC Detector A4646Terminal block for valve B
Ground, Fill, Inject:
inputs for control of the valve
output signal on switching of the
valve to position "FILL"
output signal on switching of the
valve to position "INJECT"
3737Knurled screw
for fastening rear panel 3939
3838Terminal block for valve A
Ground, Fill, Inject:
inputs for control of the valve
4747Model plate
with serial number
4848Connection for external supply
connection of power supply unit
(5 V, 0.5 A / 24 V, 2 A) in operation
without 732 IC Detector
output signal on switching of the
valve to position "FILL"
output signal on switching of the
valve to position "INJECT"
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
1 Introduction
1.3 Information on the Instructions for Use
Please read through these Instructions for Use carefully before you put
the 732 IC Detector and 733 IC Separation Center into operation. The
Instructions for Use contain information and warnings which must be
heeded the user to assure safe operation of the instruments.
1.3.1 Organization
These 8.732.1033Instructions for Use for the 732 IC Detector and
733 IC Separation Center provide a comprehensive overview of the installation, startup procedure, operation, fault rectification and technical
specifications of these instruments. The Instructions for Use are organized as follows:
Section 1Introduction
General description of instruments, parts and controls
and safety notes
Section 2Installation
Installation of 732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center, attachment of accessories and external devices
Section 3Operating tutorial
Introduction to the operation using an example
Section 4Operation
Detailed description of the operation and explanation of
functions of all keys
Section 5Notes – Maintenance – Faults
Notes on ion chromatography, maintenance, fault rectification, diagnostic tests, validation
Section 6Interfaces (green pages)
Description of RS232 interfaces, remote interfaces, valve
interface and analog output
Section 7Appendix
Technical data, standard equipment, options, warranty,
declarations of conformity, index
To find the required information on the instruments, you will find it an
advantage to use either the Table of contents or the Index at the
back. The 8.732.1043 Quick Reference Guide is suitable for use as a
reference work for daily use as it explains the most important parameters and key functions.
As a supplement to the Instructions for Use, the Metrohm Monograph
8.732.2003 "Ion chromatography" is also supplied. This provides an
introduction to the theoretical fundamentals and general information on
separating columns and sample pretreatment. You will find detailed information on the separating columns available from Metrohm and on
special IC applications in the relevant "Application Bulletins", which
are available on request free of charge from your Metrohm agency.
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
1.3.2 Notation and pictograms
The following notations and pictograms (symbols) are used in these Instructions for Use:
"Range"Parameter or entry value
3535Part or control of 732/733
2222Part or control of 709
1.3 Information on the Instructions for Use
range: 1.00 mS/cm
Text in display 11 of the 732 IC
This symbol draws attention to a
possible danger to life or of injury if
the associated directions are not
followed correctly.
This symbol draws attention to
possible damage to instruments or
instrument parts if the associated
directions are not followed correctly.
This symbol marks important information. First read the associated
directions before you continue.
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
This symbol marks additional information and tips.
1 Introduction
1.4 Safety notes
1.4.1 Electrical safety
While electrical safety in the handling of the 732 IC Detector and 733
Separation Center is assured in the context of the specifications IEC
1010-1 (protection class 1, degree of protection IP40), the following
points should be noted:
• Mains connection
Setting of the mains voltage, checking the mains fuse and the
mains connection must be effected in accordance with the instruc-
tions in section 2.4.
• Opening the 732 IC Detector
If the 732 IC Detector is connected to the power supply, the instrument must not be opened nor must parts be removed from it, otherwise there is a danger of coming into contact with components which
are live. Hence, always disconnect the instrument from all voltage
sources before you open it and ensure that the mains cable isdisconnected from mains connection 18 18 !
• Opening the 733 IC Separation Center
Disconnect connecting cable to the 732 IC Detector from connector 1414 before you remove the middle housing panel with con-
• Protection against static charges
Electronic components are sensitive to static charging and can be
destroyed by discharges. Before you touch any of the components
inside the 732 IC Detector or 733 IC Separation Center, you should
earth yourself and any tools you are using by touching an earthed
object (e.g. housing of the instrument or a radiator) to eliminate any
static charges which exist.
1.4.2 General precautionary rules
• Handling of solvents
Check all lines of the IC system periodically for possible leaks. Follow
the relevant instructions regarding the handling of flammable and/or
toxic solvents and their disposal.
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
2 Installation
2.1 Flow chart
The following flow chart provides an overview of all installation work. You
will find more detailed information in the relevant sections.
The 732 IC Detector and 733 IC Separation Center are supplied
together with the separately packed accessories in special packagings
containing shock-absorbing foam linings designed to provide excellent
protection. The actual instruments are packed in an evacuated
polyethylene bag to prevent the ingress of dust. Please store all these
special packagings as only they assure transport of the instruments
free from damage.
2.2.2 Check
After receipt, immediately check whether the shipment is complete and
has arrived without damage (compare with delivery note and list of accessories in section 7.2). In the case of transport damage, see instructions in section 7.4.1 "Warranty".
2.2.3 Location
Position the instruments in the laboratory at a location convenient for
operation, free from vibrations and protected against a corrosive atmosphere and contamination by chemicals. The same applies to all
other components of the IC system.
To avoid disturbing temperature influences on the insulated column
compartment, the entire system including pump and eluent reservoir
must be protected against direct sunlight.
2.2.4 Arrangement of the instruments
In one-channel operation, the 709 IC Pump, 733 IC Separation Center
and 732 IC Detector are best stacked on top of one another in this order.
In two-channel operation (2.733.0X20 IC Separation Center), the optimum arrangement (1, 2 or 3 towers) depends on the laboratory space
available. However, the 709 IC Pumps should be set up at the very
bottom and the 732 IC Detectors at the very top.
To ensure that the arrangement of pumps and detectors for the two
channels A and B is clearly apparent in two-channel operation, it is
advantageous to mark the instruments. The 6.2248.000 Magnetic
plate is enclosed with the 732 IC Detector for this purpose. It can be
cut to the desired size, labeled (e.g. with "A" or "B") and affixed to the
appropriate instrument.
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
2.3 Connection of 733 IC Separation Center
2.3 Connection of 733 IC Separation Center
2.3.1 2.733.0010/2.733.0X30 IC Separation Center
The instrument versions 2.733.0010 and 2.733.0030 of the IC Separation Center are operated with a 732 IC Detector whose standard
equipment also includes the 1.732.0100 Detector block. For the
metal-free 2.733.0130 instrument version the metal-free 1.732.0110Detector block must be used. It is best to proceed as follows when
connecting the two instruments and the detector block:
1Install detector block
• Unscrew the four knurled screws 3434 from the top rear panel
3535 of the 733 IC Separation Center and remove rear panel
(see Fig. 5).
• Position detector block from the back in the space provided
in the 733 IC Separation Center on the right and push fully to
the front (see Fig. 16).
• Insert the cable permanently attached to the detector block in
opening 3333 and the outlet capillary in opening 3232 "Waste A" of
the rear panel 3535.
• Replace rear panel 3535 and screw to the 733 IC Separation
Center using the four knurled screws 3434.
2Connect detector block
• Plug the gray connecting cable permanently attached to the
detector block into connection 1313 "Detector Block" of the 732
IC Detector and fasten to the instrument by tightening the
screws in the cable connector (see Fig. 6).
Cable from
detector block
Fig. 6: Connection 732 – 2.733.0010/2.733.0X30
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
2 Installation
3Connect waste container
• Lead the outlet capillary of the detector block to a sufficiently
large waste container and fix in place.
4Connect 732 to 733
• Plug one end of the 6.2125.090 Connecting cable into con-
nection 1414 "733 IC Separation Center” of the 732 IC Detector
and fasten to the instrument by tightening the screws in the
cable connector (see Fig. 6).
• Plug the other end of the 6.2125.090 Connecting cable into
connection 3636 "732 IC Detector" of the 733 IC Separation
Center and fasten to the instrument by tightening the screws
in the cable connector (see Fig. 6).
2.3.2 2.733.0X20 IC Separation Center
For operation of the 2.733.0020 or the metal-free 2.733.0120 instrument
version of the 733 Separation Center, two 1.732.0100 or metal-free
1.732.0110 IC Detectors are needed. It is best to proceed as follows
when connecting the instruments and the two detector blocks:
1Install detector blocks
• Unscrew the four knurled screws 3434 from the top rear panel
3535 of the 733 IC Separation Center and remove rear panel
(see Fig. 5).
• Position first detector block A from the back in the space
provided in the 733 IC Separation Center on the right and
push fully to the front (see Fig. 16).
• Position second detector block B from the back in the space
provided in the 733 IC Separation Center on the left and push
fully to the front (see Fig. 16).
• Insert the cable permanently attached to detector block A in
opening 3333 and the outlet capillary in opening 32 32 "Waste A"
of the rear panel 3535.
• Insert the cable permanently attached to detector block B in
opening 2929 and the outlet capillary in opening 3030 "Waste B"
of the rear panel 3535.
• Replace rear panel 3535 and fasten to 733 IC Separation Center
with the four knurled screws 3434.
2Connect detector blocks
• Plug the gray connecting cable permanently attached to
detector block A into connection 1313 "Detector block" of the
first 732 IC Detector and fasten to the instrument by tightening the screws in the cable connector (see Fig. 7).
• Plug the gray connecting cable permanently attached to
detector block B into connection 1313 "Detector Block" of the
second 732 IC Detector Block and fasten to the instrument by
tightening the screws in the cable connector.
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
2.3 Connection of 733 IC Separation Center
3Connect waste container
• Lead the outlet capillaries of the two detector blocks to a
sufficiently large waste container and fix in place.
4Connect 732 to 733
• Plug one end of the 6.2125.090 Connecting cable into con-
nection 1414 "733 IC Separation Center“ of the first 732 IC De-tector and fasten to the instrument by tightening the screws
in the cable connector (see Fig. 7).
• Plug other end of the 6.2125.090 Connecting cable into
connection 3636 "732 IC Detector" of the 733 IC Separation
Center and fasten to the instrument by tightening the screws
in the cable connector.
• Plug one end of the 6.2125.090 Connecting cable into con-
nection 1414 "733 IC Separation Center" of the second 732 ICDetector and fasten to the instrument by tightening the
screws in the cable connector.
• Plug the other end of the 6.2125.090 Connecting cable into
connection 4545 "732 IC Detector" of the 733 IC Separation
Center and fasten to the instrument by tightening the screws
in the cable connector.
Cable from
detector block
Cable from
detector block
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
Fig. 7: Connection 732 – 2.733.0X20
2 Installation
2.3.3 Connection of syringe and aspirating tubing
For manual filling of the sample loops mounted on the injection valves,
the 6.2816.020 Syringe and the PTFE aspirating tubing already screwed
to the valve are needed. These accessories are mounted or adjusted as
1Connect syringe
• Push 6.2816.020 Syringe (without needle) as far as it will go
into connection socket 2121 (for valve A) or 2727 (for valve B)
(see Fig. 4).
2Adjust aspirating tubing
• Loosen the rotary nipple screwed onto the interior side of
connection 2222 or 2828.
• Pull PTFE aspirating tubing 8888 (see Fig. 16 and Fig. 17) by
hand out of connection 2222 or 2828 as far as desired.
• Retighten rotary nipple on the interior side of connection 2222
or 2828 to fix the aspirating tubing in place.
2.3.4 Connection of the drain tube
The 733 IC Separation Center has a connection at the rear to which a
drain tube for discharged liquids can be attached. Proceed as follows:
1Connect drain tube
• Mount 6.1816.00 Silicone tubing on connection nipple 4242
(see Fig. 5).
2Lead drain tube to collecting vessel
• Lead the other end of the drain tube to a suitable collecting
vessel and fix in place.
2.3.5 Connection of the 6.5324.000 Bottle rack (option)
The optional available 6.5324.000 Bottle rack for supply vessels can be
placed on top of the IC system tower. The accessories include the
supply vessels for eluent (2 L), regeneration solution (1 L) and rinsing
solution (1 L). For the connection of the supply capillaries leading to the
709 IC Pump and the suppressor module, see the instructions given on
the enclosed leaflet.
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
2.4 Mains connection
Follow the instructions below for connecting to the power supply. If
the instrument is operated with a mains voltage set wrongly and/or
wrong mains fuse, there is a danger of fire!
2.4.1 Setting the mains voltage
Before switching on the 732 IC Detector for the first time, check that the
mains voltage set on the instrument (see Fig. 8) matches the local
mains voltage. If this is not the case, you must reset the mains voltage
on the instrument as follows:
1Disconnect mains cable
Disconnect mains cable from mains connection plug 1818 of the
732 IC Detector.
2.4 Mains connection
2Remove fuse holder
Using a screwdriver, loosen fuse holder 1919 below the mains
connection plug 1818 and take out completely.
3Check and change fuse if necessary
Carefully take the fuse installed for the desired mains voltage out
of fuse holder 1919 and check its specifications (the position of the
fuse in the fuse holder is marked by the white arrow imprinted
next to the mains voltage range):
100……120 V 0.63 A (slow-blow) Metrohm No. U.600.0014
220……240 V 0.315 A (slow-blow) Metrohm No. U.600.0011
4Insert fuse
Change fuse if necessary and reinsert in fuse holder 1919.
5Install fuse holder
Depending on the desired mains voltage, insert fuse holder 1919 in
the 732 IC Detector so that the corresponding mains voltage
range can be read normally and the adjacent white arrow points
to the white bar imprinted below the fuse holder (see Fig. 8).
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
2 Installation
100 – 120 V220 – 240 V
2.4.2 Fuses
99 Mains switch
1818 Mains con-
nection plug
220 -- 240 V
100 -- 120 V
100 -- 120 V
220 -- 240 V
1919 Fuse holder
Fig. 8: Setting the mains voltage
One of the two fuses 0.63 A/slow-blow for 100…120 V or 0.315 A/slowblow for 220…240 V is installed in fuse holder 1919 of the 732 IC Detector
as standard.
Ensure that the instrument is never put into operation with fuses of
another type, otherwise there is danger of fire!
For checking or changing fuses, process as described in section 2.4.1.
2.4.3 Mains cable and mains connection
Mains cable
The instrument is supplied with one of three mains cables
• 6.2122.020 with plug SEV 12 (Switzerland, …)
• 6.2122.040 with plug CEE(7), VII (Germany, …)
• 6.2133.070 with plug NEMA 5-15 (USA, …)
which are three-cored and fitted with a plug with an earthing pin. If a
different plug has to be fitted, the yellow/green lead (IEC standard)
must be connected to protective earth (protection class 1).
Any break in the earthing inside or outside the instrument can make it
a hazard!
Mains connection
Plug the mains cable into mains connection plug 1818 of the 732 IC De-
tector (see Fig. 8).
2.4.4 On/off switching of the instruments
The 732 IC Detector is switched on and off using mains switch 99. When
the instrument is switched on, display 11 lights up.
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
2.5 Capillary connections
2.5.1 Capillaries
Some of the connections under high pressure between the feed pump
and the detector block must be set up by the user. For metal-free sys-tems, the 6.1831.010 PEEK capillary (i.d. = 0.25 mm, e.d. = 1/16",
length = 3 m) must be used.
For non metal-free systems, the 6.1831.010 PEEK capillary can also
be used in the pressure range of 0…25 MPa (0…250 bar); on the other
hand, in the pressure range of 25…50 MPa (250…500 bar), which is
permissible only together with the non metal-free 2.709.0010 version of
the 709 IC Pump, the 6.2620.020 Steel capillary (i.d. = 0.25 mm,
e.d. = 1/16", length = 3 m) must be used.
With PEEK capillaries the connection is made preferably with the
6.2744.010 PEEK connectors, with steel capillaries, the connection is
made preferably with 6.2620.000 and 6.2620.010 steel connectors (see
section 2.5.2 and section 2.5.3).
2.5 Capillary connections
Capillaries fitted with new connectors must have a perfectly flat cut
surface. For PEEK capillaries it is best to use the 6.2621.080 Capil-
lary tubing cutter, for steel capillaries the 6.2621.040 Capillary
tubing cutter (both available as an option).
2.5.2 Steel connectors
For the connection of steel capillaries, the steel connectors 6.2620.010
Ferrule and 6.2620.000 Pressure screw available as an option can
be used. Proceed as follows:
1Mount connectors
Slide a pressure screw 5050 (6.2620.000) and a ferrule 4949
(6.2620.010) over the end of the capillary 5151 to be fastened as
shown in Fig. 9.
2Insert capillary in connection
Push capillary end into the corresponding connection as far as it
will go (to avoid dead volume).
3Tighten compression fitting
Tighten pressure screw 5050 with the open-end spanner 1/4"
(6.2621.050) supplied.
For the connection of capillaries to the injection valves, use only the
special steel connections contained in a plastic bag affixed to the
valve (or as an alternative the 6.2744.010 PEEK compression fittings).
If other steel connectors are used (e.g. 6.2620.000 and 6.2620.010),
the valve connection may be damaged!
For the connection of 6.1822.010 PEEK capillaries (i.D. = 0.3 mm) or
6.1822.010 PTFE microcapillaries, the 6.2744.010PEEK compres-sion fittings are used. Proceed as follows:
1Mount compression fitting
Slide a compression fitting 5252 (6.2744.010) over the end of the
capillary 5151 to be fastened as shown in Fig. 9.
2Insert capillary in connection
Push capillary end in the corresponding connection as far as it
will go (to avoid dead volume).
5252Compression fitting
3Tighten compression fitting
Tighten compression fitting 5252 by hand (never use tools).
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
2.6 Connection of 709 IC Pump
2.6.1 Electrical connection
For operation of the 732 IC Detector and 733 IC Separation Center you
can use any commercial HPLC pump. However, as the attainable sensitivity depends to a large extent on the quality of the pump, Metrohm
advises use of the 709 IC Pump, which has been specially developed
for the demands of ion chromatography and has minimal pump pulsation and an outstanding flow constancy.
Startup and operation of the 709 IC Pump are described in the 709
Instructions for Use. The eluent, which must be degassed and filtered
(cf. section 5.1.3), is selected on the basis of the separating column installed in the 733 IC Separation Center and the current separation
problem (see 8.732.2003 IC Monograph).
The connection of the 709 IC Pump at the connection 1515 of the 732
IC Detector is shown in Fig. 10. For this you can use the 6.2125.060
Cable available as an option or another RS cable specified as a "null
modem" cable. To ensure proper functioning of the communication
between the 732 IC Detector and 709 IC Pump, the sliding switch 3636 on
the IC pump must be set to "RS 232" and the external control switched
on with key 88 <EXT.> (see 709 Instructions for Use).
2.6 Connection of 709 IC Pump
Fig. 10: Connection of 709 IC Pump
2.6.2 Pulsation dampener
To protect the column material against pressure drops caused by the
injector, the use of a pulsation dampener connected between the pump
and the injection valve of the 733 IC Separation Center is recommended. The optional 6.2620.150Pulsation dampener MF (see sec-tion 7.3.1) is very well suited to this purpose.
The metal-free 6.2620.150 Pulsation Dampener is supplied fully assembled and has two connections for capillaries, for which either the
connectors supplied or two 6.2744.010 PEEK compression fittings can
be used. The flow direction is arbitrary. The pulsation dampener is positioned in the interior of the 733 IC Separation Center on the base below the injection valve (see Fig. 16 and Fig. 17).
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
2 Installation
2.6.3 Filter unit PEEK
The 6.2821.100 Filter unit PEEK (see Fig. 11) supplied with the 709
IC Pump is installed between the 709 IC Pump and the injection valve
at the 733 IC Separation Center. This filter unit serves to avoid contamination of the piston seals of the 709 IC Pump by abrasive particles and
can be used in the pressure range 0…25 MPa (0…250 bar).
The two filter units PEEK supplied with the 2.733.0X30 IC Separation
Center (with suppressor) are installed between the 752 Pump Unit and
the inlet capillaries for regeneration and rinsing solution. These filter
units serve to protect the suppressor module from foreign particles and
bacterial growth.
The 6.2821.100 Filter unit PEEK consists of the housing 5454 and the two
connectors 5353 (with filter) and 5555 (without filter) screwed into the hous-
ing 5454. For the connection of capillaries 5151 PEEK compression fittings5252 (6.2744.010) must be used. New connectors 5353 with filter are available as an option with the ordering number 6.2821.110 (set of 10).
For the connection of the filter unit, please note the flow direction
arrow printed on the housing.
Fig. 11: 6.2821.100 Filter unit PEEK
6.1831.010 PEEK capillary
5252Compression fitting (6.2744.010)5555Connector without filter
5353Connector with filter (6.2824.110)
Part of 6.2824.100 Filter unit
5454Housing for filter unit
Part of 6.2824.100 Filter unit
Part of 6.2824.100 Filter unit
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
2.6.4 Filter unit Manufit
The optional 6.2821.000 Filter unit Manufit (see section 7.3.1) is installed between the 709 IC Pump and the injection valve at the 733 IC
Separation Center. The filter unit serves to avoid contamination of the
piston seals by abrasive particles and can be used in the pressure
range 0…50 MPa (0…500 bar) for non metal-free systems together
with steel capillaries. It is installed as follows (see Fig. 12):
1Prepare Manufit housing
• Insert outlet capillary 6363 with steel mesh holding end 6161 into
Manufit housing 6262.
• Insert the 4 steel meshes 6060 provided into the steel mesh
holding end 6161.
• Press the PTFE gasket 5959 into the steel mesh holding end
2Prepare Manufit pressure screw
• Insert inlet capillary 5656 with counterpart end 5858 into Manufit
pressure screw 5757.
2.6 Connection of 709 IC Pump
• Fit the two capillary end pieces 5858 and 6161 together.
• Screw Manufit pressure screw 5757 and Manufit housing 6262
firmly together.
To replace contaminated steel meshes, proceed in the reverse order.
IC Pump
5656Inlet capillary
5757Manufit pressure screw
5858Counterpart end
5959PTFE Gasket (6.2821.010)
6060Steel meshes (6.2821.020)
6161Steel mesh holding end
IC Separation
Fig. 12: 6.2821.000 Filter unit Manufit
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
Center 733
6262Manufit housing
6363Outlet capillary
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