McIntosh MC-2300 User Manual

Price $1.25
The Mclntosh MC 2300 is a high quality, ex­tremely high power, solid state stereo ampli­fier. Because of the high power available it is necessary to emphasize some prudent and safe operating conditions.
1. Never connect or disconnect inputs or outputs while the amplifier is turned on. Loudspeakers can be damaged or de­stroyed by the high power available from the instrument.
2. Never operate the amplifier with the power cord plugged into an auxiliary AC power
outlet on source equipment. The amplifier draws near 14 amperes at full power and damage to the source equipment can occur.
3. Do not operate the instrument plugged
into an ordinary extension cord. Heavy duty extension cords (14 ga. or heavier) have adequate wire size and will not over­heat.
4. Be cautious when lifting the instrument.
It weighs 128 pounds. Make certain that what it is placed on can support the weight.
Your MC 2300 Stereo Power Amplifier will give you many years of pleasant and satisfactory performance. If you have any questions concerning the operation or maintenance of this instrument, please contact:
Mclntosh Laboratory Inc. 2 Chambers Street Binghamton, New York 13903 Phone: 607-723-3512
Take Advantage of 3 years of FREE Factory Service . . .
Fill in the Application NOW.
Stereophonic.... 6
Monophonic.... 7
Mclntosh Laboratory Incorporated guarantees this Instrument to be capable of performance as adver­tised. We also guarantee the mechanical and elec­trical workmanship and components to be free of defects for a period of 90 days from date of pur­chase. If such defects occur, Mclntosh Laboratory
An application for a FREE THREE YEAR FACTORY SERVICE CONTRACT is included with this manual. The terms of the contract are:
For Three Years from date of purchase —
1. Mclntosh will provide all parts, materials and
labor needed to return the measured performance of the instrument to the original performance limits free of any charge. The SERVICE CON­TRACT does not cover any shipping costs to and from the authorized service agency or the factory.
2. Any Mclntosh authorized service agency will re-
pair all Mclntosh instruments at normal service rates. To receive the free service under the terms of the SERVICE CONTRACT, the SERVICE CON­TRACT CERTIFICATE must accompany the instru­ment when taken to the service agency.
3. Always have service done by a Mclntosh author-
ized service agency. If the instrument is modified or damaged, as a result of unauthorized repair the SERVICE CONTRACT will be cancelled. Damage by improper use or mishandling is not covered by the SERVICE CONTRACT.
Copyright © 1971 by Mclntosh Laboratory, Inc.
or one of its authorized agencies wilt repair the defect at no cost to the purchaser. This guarantee does not extend to components damaged by im­proper use nor does it extend to transportation to and from the factory or service agency.
4. The SERVICE CONTRACT is issued to you as the original purchaser. To protect you from misrepre­sentation this contract cannot be transferred to a second owner.
5. The SERVICE CONTRACT is given to purchasers who live In the 50 United States or Canada only.
6. For your protection Mclntosh selects Its dealers carefully. Only one dealer in ten qualifies for a Mclntosh franchise. To receive the SERVICE CONTRACT your purchase must be made from a Mclntosh franchised dealer.
7. Your completely filled In application for a SERV­ICE CONTRACT must be postmarked within 30 days of the date of purchase of the instrument.
8. To receive the SERVICE CONTRACT all informa­tion on the application must be filled in. The SERVICE CONTRACT will be issued when the completely filled in application is received at Mclntosh Laboratory Incorporated in Binghamton,
New York. If the application is not received at Mclntosh Laboratory, only the service offered under the 90-day guarantee will apply.
Installation of the MC 2300 requires careful thought about three important factors. They are the electrical power to operate the unit, the weight and the heat generated when the MC 2300 is operating.
The MC 2300 draws 1400 watts or about 14 am-
peres when operated at full power. Do not use ordi-
nary extension cords of any type. Heavy duty exten­sion cords (14 ga. or heavier) have adequate wire size and will not overheat. Plug the AC power cord directly into a wall outlet. Make certain that the AC power outlet has at least 15 amperes capacity with nothing else using the circuit. Do not plug the MC 2300 into an auxiliary AC power outlet on a pre­amplifier or other source equipment. If remote power operation is required, an external relay arrangement must be made.
Weight of the instrument is 128 pounds. Make certain that the shelf on which it is to be mounted can support that weight. If it is to be vertically mounted, be certain the structure is capable of sup­porting the MC 2300.
Adequate ventilation extends the trouble-free life of electronic instruments. It is generally found that each 10° centigrade (18° F) rise in temperature re­duces the life of electrical insulation by one half. Adequate ventilation is an inexpensive and effective means of preventing insulation breakdown that re­sults from unnecessarily high operating tempera­tures. The direct benefit of adequate ventilation is
longer, trouble-free life. Provide a source for input air and an outlet for the heated air. The heat gener­ated in the operation of the MC 2300 is exhausted from the unit by two low noise, long life fans.
Cooling input air is drawn into the MC 2300
through the ventilation holes on the sides of the
MC 2300. The air passes over the tranformers, output
heat sinks and transistors; and, is blown out the back of the instrument by the two fans. It is recommended that at least 2 inches of clear space be provided on each side.
To permit the fans to operate best, provide at least 5 inches of space at the rear of the instrument. A source for input air and a means to exhaust the
heated air is necessary so that the heated air does not recirculate through the MC 2300.
To install the unit in a cabinet the aluminum side
rails with the feet attached must be removed. The
rails are attached to the front panel by 8 #10-32
machine screws and to each side by 4 small clips. Remove both the front panel screws and the four clips from each side for cabinet mounting. The open­ing to fit the unit is 17¼ by 10¼ inches.
The MC 2300 may be mounted in a standard 19" rack by removing the aluminum side rails. If a stand­ard rack is used, the screws that held the aluminum rails to the front panel are used to attach the MC 2300 to the rack. When rack mounted, the MC 2300 requires 10½ inches of panel space. Allow two inches in front of the panel for the knobs. A depth of 17 inches plus ventilation space is required.
The MC 2300 can be slide mounted in a rack. Tapped well nuts and internal structure bracing has been added to both sides of the MC 2300 for use with the Model CTS-116 side mounted slide assem­blies manufactured by Chassis-Trak Inc., Indian­apolis, Indiana.
How to Connect
Stereo or twin amplifier operation:
Use shielded cables to connect the signal from the preamplifier or signal source to the power amplifier. All connection are made on the back panel of the MC 2300.
For stereo operation the LEFT OUTPUT of the pre­amplifier should be connected to the LEFT INPUT of the power amplifier. The RIGHT OUTPUT of the pre-
amplifier should be connected to the RIGHT/MONO input of the power amplifier. In stereo or twin ampli­fier operation the MODE SWITCH must be in the stereo position.
For twin amplifier operation a separate signal
source can be connected to each input.
To minimize the possibility of hum the shielded
leads shall be run parallel or loosely twisted to-
gether. Locate the cables away from AC power cords.
Monophonic or Single Channel operation:
A shielded cable from the signal source is con-
nected to the RIGHT/MONO input of the MC 2300. The MODE SWITCH on the back panel of the ampli­fier must be placed in the MONO position. In the MONO position the output of the right channel input amplifier is fed to both left and right power amplifiers. The LEFT INPUT is disconnected. Only the signal fed
into the RIGHT/MONO input will be amplified. Should
the MODE SWITCH be left in the STEREO position
and the output transformers be strapped to a mono-
phonic load, one channel will attempt to drive the other and cause high circulating currents and over-
heating. Be certain that the MC 2300 is never oper-
ated in the stereo mode with the outputs connected for monophonic operation.
Stereo or twin amplifier operation:
To connect the left speaker first check the imped-
ance of the speaker which is usually identified on the speaker itself or in the owner's manual. Connect one lead from the common terminal of the speaker to the LEFT CHANNEL OUTPUT terminal strip screw
COMmon. Connect the other terminal of the speaker
to the screw with the number corresponding to the speaker impedance on the LEFT CHANNEL OUTPUT terminal strip. The right channel speaker is con-
nected in the same manner on the RIGHT CHANNEL
OUTPUT terminal strip. For stereo or twin channel
operation it is not necessary to use the same impe­dance loudspeaker on each output. Connect each channel for the impedance desired.
When multiple speakers are to be connected to either or both outputs, the combined load impedance must be calculated and the load connected to the
appropriate impedance tap. The following table will
aid in selecting the correct impedance match.
Load Load
impedance Connect impedance Connect
in ohms
0.4 to 0.9
0.9 to 1.8
1.8 to 3.6
If a load impedance is used that is lower than the
output impedance tap, then reduced power and pos­sible distortion will result. If a load impedance is used that is higher than the output impedance tap, then
neither the signal nor the amplifier will be harmed but the voltage available is limited to that stated at that
For constant voltage line operation:
25 volts Connect to 2 ohms 70 volts Connect to 16 ohms
Make all speaker connections at the amplifier only.
For multiple speaker operation, parallel the leads
from the speakers to the amplifier.
Because of the high power available from the MC
2300, be sure to use large diameter speaker leads. In
all cases, the leads to and from the speaker should be twin conductor or twisted together.
Use lamp cord, bell wire, or wire with similar type of insulation to connect the speakers to the ampli­fier. For the normally short distances of under 20 feet between the amplifier and speaker #18 wire or larger
can be used. For distances over 20 feet between the amplifier and speaker use larger diameter wire. Se-
lect the correct size wire for the wire distance from
the chart.
It is recommended that the DC resistance of the speaker leads not be over 5% of the load impedance. Up to 10% can be tolerated. Resistance of the leads should be computed for the length of wire both to and from the speaker or speakers.
0.5 1
in ohms
3.6 to 7.2
7.2 to
to 28
4 8
+ 14 hidden pages