To achieve long trouble-free life in an amplifier it is
essential to have cool operation. As little as one degree (centigrade) rise in temperature can reduce
the operating life of the amplifier 10%. Mclntosh
has extended the life of its amplifiers by engineering for cool operation. Long life of a Mclntosh is not
just a claim.
fiers produced since 1949 are still in service today.
80% of the
Mclntosh ampli-
Mclntosh cool operation requires a combination of
careful design of the output circuit, containing the
output circuit in a mechanical housing that permits the use of generous sized heat sinks to provide
great heat dissipation capability along with chassis
construction that permits adequate ventilation,
then correctly matching the cool operating output
circuit to the loudspeakers with a Mclntosh de-
signed and manufactured auto-transformer.
The Mclntosh output circuit uses bipolar epitaxial
output transistors in a cleverly inventive design
that keeps the circuit components cool, extending
the long trouble-free life of the components. The
circuit has the ability to recognize the power demands of the program material and then to activate only as much of the output circuit as is needed
to satisfy that demand. AH this occurs without the
crossover distortion found in conventional solid
state output circuits. (The amplifier circuit is a patented Mclntosh design U.S. patent #3526847.)
The Mclntosh output stages are mounted on heat
sinks that have maximum surface area of cooling
capability, the largest for equivalent power in the
industry. The super sized heat sinks are placed in
an air tunnel chassis design that occupies the entire space from the bottom of the amplifier to the
top. Cooling air, flowing through the air tunnel,
easily dissipates any life limiting heat generated.