McIntosh MC-2155 Brochure

McIntosh MC 2155
150 Watt Per Channel
Power Amplifier Oplional Walnut Veneer Cabinet
The Word For
Handcrafted with pride in the United States by dedicated highly trained craftspeople.
The McIntosh reputation for QUALITY is acknowledged world wide: quality performance, quality appearance, quality manufacture, and quality protection. Each com­ponent selected for use in a McIntosh is quality tested not only for performance but for maintain­ing that performance over the long life expected of a McIntosh. At McIntosh, everyone and everything is dedicated to con­tinuation of proven-McIntosh
Since 1949, McIntosh has con­tinuously expanded the boun­daries of power amplifier technology and performance with the introduction of each new design. What is considered to be
"State of the Art" has been the starting line for McIntosh re­search, research that responds to the demands for quality perfor­mance improvements. The U.S. Patent Office has granted McIntosh 30 patents which
recognize these unique and pace setting electronic designs. Current McIntosh amplifiers use one or more of these U.S. Patents:
4,065,682; 4,048,573; 3,526,847;
and 3,526,846.
But, patents only verify the engineering superiority and design integrity. Quality is the desire that is expressed in performance pro­mised - and delivered-over a long trouble-free life. McIntosh superior quality has been long recognized world wide.
To achieve long trouble-free life in an amplifier it is essential to have cool operation. As little as one degree (centigrade) rise in temperature can reduce the operating life of the amplifier
10%. McIntosh has extended the life of its amplifiers by engineer­ing for cool operation. McIntosh cool operation requires a com­bination of careful design of the output circuit, containing the out­put circuit in a mechanical hous­ing that permits the use of gener­ous sized heat sinks to provide great heat dissipation capability along with chassis construction
that permits adequate ventilation, then correctly matching the cool operating output circuit to the loudspeakers with a McIntosh designed and manufactured auto­transformer.
The McIntosh output circuit uses bipolar epitaxial output tran­sistors in a cleverly inventive design that keeps the circuit com-
ponents cool, extending the long trouble-free life of the com­ponents. The circuit has the abili­ty to recognize the power demands of the program material and then to activate only as much of the output circuit as is needed to satisfy that demand. All this oc­curs without the crossover distor­tion found in conventional solid state output circuits. (The amplifier circuit is a patented McIntosh design U.S. patent #3526847.)
The McIntosh output stages are mounted on heat sinks that have 772 square inches of cooling cap­ability, the largest for equivalent
power in the industry. The super sized heat sinks are placed in an air tunnel chassis design that oc­cupies the entire space from the bottom of the amplifier to the top.
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