Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
1About this documentation
This documentation contains information on how to parameterise & configure the digital
frequency extension module with the L-force »Engineer« and keypad.
This documentation completes the Mounting Instructions supplied with the
extension module. It is valid only in conjunction with the respective Operating
Instructions for the standard devices permitted for use.
The Mounting Instructions contain safety instructions which must be observed!
The information given in this documentation applies to:
About this documentation
Extension moduleType designationFrom hardware
Digital frequencyE94AYFLFVA-
This extension module can be used in conjunction with the following standard devices:
Product seriesType designationFrom hardware
9400 Servo DrivesE94AxxExxxxVA01.37
From software
From software
EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010L5
Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
About this documentation
Conventions used
1.1Conventions used
This documentation uses the following conventions to distinguish between different types
of information:
Type of informationWritingExamples/notes
Decimal separatorPointThe decimal point is always used.
Example: 1234.56
Program name» «The Lenze PC software »Engineer«...
Window paneItalicsThe Message window... / The Options dialog box...
Control elementBoldThe OK button... / The Copy command... / The
Sequence of menu
Keyboard command<Bold>Use <F1> to open the Online Help.
Program listingsCourier
KeywordCourier bold
Properties tab... / The Name input field...
If the execution of a function requires several
commands, the individual commands are separated
by an arrow: Select File
If a command requires a combination of keys, a "+" is
placed between the key symbols:
Use <Shift>+<ESC> to...
IF var1 < var2 THEN
a = a + 1
Open to...
Page reference ( 6)Optically highlighted reference to another page. It is
Step-by-step instructions
Optically highlighted reference to another topic. It is
activated with a mouse click in this online
activated with a mouse click in this online
Step-by-step instructions are indicated by a
6LEDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010
Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
1.2Terminology used
»Engineer«Lenze software which supports you throughout the whole machine life
Code"Container" for one or several parameters used for controller parameter
SubcodeIf a code contains several parameters, the individual parameters are
Function blockA function block (FB) can be compared with an integrated circuit that
System blockSystem blocks provide interfaces to basic functions and hardware of the
About this documentation
Terminology used
cycle - from planning to maintenance.
setting or monitoring.
stored under "subcodes".
This Manual uses a slash "/" as a separator between code and subcode
(e.g. "C00118/3").
contains a certain control logic and delivers one or several values when
being executed.
• An instance (reproduction, copy) of the function block is always
inserted in the circuit.
• It is also possible to insert several instances of a function block in a
• Each instance has a unique identifier (the instance name) and a
processing number which defines the position at which the function
block is calculated during the task cycle.
controller in the function block editor of the »Engineer« (e.g. to the
digital inputs).
• System blocks cannot be instanced in contrast to function blocks.
EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010L7
Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
About this documentation
Definition of notes used
1.3Definition of notes used
The following signal words and symbols are used in this documentation to indicate
dangers and important information:
Safety instructions
Layout of the safety instructions:
(characterises the type and severity of danger)
(describes the danger and gives information about how to prevent dangerous
PictographSignal wordMeaning
Danger!Danger of personal injury through dangerous electrical voltage
Danger!Danger of personal injury through a general source of danger
Application notes
PictographSignal wordMeaning
Stop!Danger of material damage
Note!Important note for trouble-free operation
Indicates an impending danger that may lead to death or severe personal injury
if the corresponding measures are not taken.
Indicates an impending danger that may lead to death or severe personal injury
if the corresponding measures are not taken.
Indicates a potential danger that may lead to material damage if the
corresponding measures are not taken.
Tip!Useful tip for easy handling
Reference to another document
8LEDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010
Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
2Digital frequency input
The optionally available digital frequency extension module serves to extend the L-force
9400 Servo Drive by a digital frequency input and a digital frequency output.
The digital frequency input X9 reads encoder signals with TTL level (0 ... 500 kHz) and
converts these to scaled speed and position values for the application.
2.1Terminal assignment X9
4+5 V encoder voltage (controlled)
8Sense / Lamp control / Enable
Digital frequency input
Terminal assignment X9
If an encoder is connected to X9 and supplied by the digital frequency extension
module "in a controlled way", the pin 8 of the digital frequency input X9 serves
to control and monitor the +5 V encoder voltage. Monitoring
In this case, no digital signal ("Lamp control" or "Enable") may be supplied to PIN
Please also observe the documentation for the encoder used.
EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010L9
Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency input
Parameter setting
2.2Parameter setting
Depending on the module receptacle the digital frequency extension module is
plugged in, different code ranges are assigned to the parameters!
• Module receptacle MXI1: Parameters are in the C130xx range
• Module receptacle MXI2: Parameters are in the C140xx range
Short overview of the parameters for the digital frequency input:
ParameterInfoLenze setting
C13010C14010Encoder type DFINDigital frequency output DFOUT
C13030C14030Speed at DFIN- Incr./ms
C13031C14031Frequency at DFIN- Hz
C13032C14032Position at DFIN- Increments
Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1
Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2
Greyed out = display parameter
C14011No. of increments DFIN2048
C14012Signal form DFIN4x evaluation (A, B)
C14013Initialisation time DFIN3000 ms
C14014Track monitoring DFINActive after initialisation time
C14021TP delay time DFIN0 μs
C14040Resp. to track monitoring DFINWarning
C14041No resp. to DFIN enable signalWarning
C14042Resp. to Vcc error DFINWarning
Value Unit
10LEDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010
Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
2.2.1Signal form configuration
In order that the input signals are interpreted correctly from the digital frequency
extension module, the setting in C13012
the input signals applied:
4x evaluation (A, B)
Setting C13012 / C14012 = "0"
Phase-displaced signal sequence (CW
Digital frequency input
Parameter setting
/ C14012 must correspond to the signal form of
CW rotationCCW rotation
Track A leads track B by 90°lags track B by 90°
Track B --
A:Increments B:Sign
Setting C13012 / C14012 = "1"
Control of the direction of rotation via track B
Increments A:pos. B:neg.
Setting C13012 / C14012 = "2"
Control of speed and direction of rotation via
track A or track B
CW rotationCCW rotation
Track A transmits the speedtransmits the speed
CW rotationCCW rotation
Track A transmits speed and
direction of rotation
Track B = FALSEtransmits speed and
direction of rotation
EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010L11
Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency input
Parameter setting
2.2.2Encoder signal detection
From the encoder signals applied to digital frequency input X9 and the number of
increments set in C13011
application via the output DFIN_nActualSpeed_s of the system block
At the same time the detected speed is integrated to a 32-bit absolute position and
provided to the application via the output DFIN_dnActualPos_p of the system blockLS_DigitalFrequencyInput.
See also:Problem description - speed variations ( 17)
2.2.3Position setting
The 32-bit absolute position output by the system block LS_DigitalFrequencyInput at the
output DFIN_dnActualPos_p can be set as follows to a certain position value:
1. Define the desired absolute position at the input DFIN_dnReferencePos_p in
/ C14011 the speed is created in [rpm] and provided to the
2. Set the input DFIN_bLoadReferencePos from FALSE to TRUE to accept the defined
position for the digital frequency input in the next cycle.
The speed is not affected by setting the position.
If the speed is integrated in the application, the integrator and the position
assume different values, i.e. they diverge. In case of further position changes, the
difference between the values remains the same.
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Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
2.2.4Use of machine parameters for scaling
This function extension is available from software version V3.0 onwards!
The input DFIN_AxisData can be used to transfer the machine parameters of the own
motor/drive or of a higher-level drive to the system block LS_DigitalFrequencyInput.
If valid machine parameters are applied to the input DFIN_AxisData, then the outputs
for the actual position and the actual speed are evaluated on the basis of the
transferred machine parameters (gearbox factors, encoder resolution).
– The position is scaled to the set measuring system/traversing range.
– The encoder mounting position can be parameterised under C13015
If the input DFIN_AxisData remains unused, the system block continues to operate as
before. In this case the units are scaled to revolutions.
Digital frequency input
Parameter setting
/ C14015.
With this function extension, the system block LS_DigitalFrequencyInput can be
coupled directly to a master value measuring system. The system block then uses
the units of this measuring system for processing.
Short overview of the parameters for this function extension:
ParameterInfoLenze setting
C13015C14015Encoder mounting position DFINClockwise rotation
C13035/1C14035/1Position unit DFIN-
C13035/2C14035/2Speed unit DFIN-
C13036C14036Actual position DFIN- Unit
C13037C14037Actual speed DFIN- Unit/t
Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI1
Digital frequency extension module in module receptacle MXI2
Greyed out = display parameter
Value Unit
EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010L13
Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency input
Parameter setting
2.2.5Voltage control - TTL encoder
If a TTL encoder is connected as the signal source and C13010
encoder, the encoder can be supplied with a controlled +5 V voltage via pin 4, which serves
to compensate the voltage drop on the encoder cable.
Initialisation time
In C13013
system before the monitoring modes are switched active.
Thanks to this "delay" other system parts which serve as signal sources, can initialise
themselves first without monitoring being triggered due to missing signals.
In the "0" setting the initialisation time is set to infinity so that monitoring is
deactivated permanently.
/ C14010 is set to TTL
If an encoder is connected to X9 and supplied by the digital frequency extension
module "in a controlled way", the pin 8 of the digital frequency input X9 serves
to control and monitor the +5 V encoder voltage. Monitoring
In this case, no digital signal ("Lamp control" or "Enable") may be supplied to PIN
Please also observe the documentation for the encoder used.
/ C14013 an initialisation time can be set, which must elapse after starting the
If the setting is changed from "0" to another value, the initialisation time is restarted.
– A higher-level control can, for instance, switch monitoring active by a corresponding
parameter setting of C13013
long time.
Monitoring of the +5 V voltage for the encoder
If an encoder is connected to X9 and supplied by the digital frequency extension module
"in a controlled way", the pin 8 of the digital frequency input X9 serves to control and
monitor the +5 V encoder voltage.
If the voltage control is not able to compensate the voltage drop, a fault message is
created and the response set in C13042
– At the same time the output DFIN_bVccCtrlLimited of the system block
LS_DigitalFrequencyInput is set to TRUE.
/ C14013 even if the device has been switched on for a
/ C14042 is executed.
14LEDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010
Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency input
Parameter setting
Monitoring of the "Enable" or "Lamp control" signal
If the +5 V encoder voltage is not controlled by the digital frequency extension module, a
digital signal can be read in and monitored via pin 8 of the digital frequency input X9, e.g.
the "Lamp control" signal of an encoder or the "Enable" signal of an upstream digital
frequency module.
If pin 8 of the digital frequency input X9 is not set to HIGH level (+5V) after the
initialisation time has elapsed, a fault message is generated and the response set in
The binary status of pin 8 is also displayed at the output DFIN_bSense of the system
block LS_DigitalFrequencyInput .
Track monitoring (open circuit detection)
The signal tracks A, B, and Z are monitored with regard to their differential voltage value.
/ C14041 is executed.
For the activation of track monitoring, two modes are available in C13014
C13014 / C14014 = "1"C13014 / C14014 = "2"
The track monitoring modes are activated after the
initialisation time has elapsed.
• The initialisation time is set in C13013
/ C14013.
The track monitoring modes only become active if pin 8
of the digital frequency input X9 is set to HIGH level
(+5 V).
• They may be activated e.g. by an encoder (status
"Lamp control") or an upstream digital frequency
module (status "Enable").
• When this mode is selected, monitoring can be
switched active by a signal source if the levels on the
tracks have valid values.
/ C14014:
Monitoring is both done at standstill and while the encoder is rotating.
If track monitoring responds, a fault message is generated and the response set in
/ C14040 is executed.
– At the same time the corresponding output DFIN_bTrackAError, DFIN_bTrackBError
or DFIN_bTrackZError of the system block LS_DigitalFrequencyInput is set to TRUE.
EDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010L15
Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
Digital frequency input
Parameter setting
2.2.7Touch probe
When the zero pulse occurs on track Z - Z
The corresponding signals to execute touch probe processing are available via the
system block LS_TouchProbeDFIN.
In C13021
If a touch probe has been triggered, the output DFIN_bTouchProbeReceived is set to
TRUE for one cycle.
/ C14021 a delay time can be set for the touch probe.
, a touch probe is triggered.
Detailed information on touch probe processing can be found in the online
documentation for the controller in chapter "I/O terminalsTouch probe
16LEDS94AYFLF EN 3.2 - 10/2010
Digital frequency extension module | Parameter setting & configuration
2.3Problem description - speed variations
In the digital frequency extension module rectangular encoder signals are processed. The
speed is determined by counting the edges occurring within a defined time interval (1 ms).
Due to this defined time interval of 1 ms and a finite number of encoder increments per
revolution, the calculated speed signal can only assume discrete values. This gives the
impression that the signal is very unsteady and inexact. This effect increases with lower
numbers of increments.
An example for calculating the expected speed variation can be found in chapter "Digital
frequency output". Problem description - speed variations
Digital frequency input
Problem description - speed variations
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