Leica M165 FC, M205 FA, M205 FCA User Manual

Leica M165 FC Leica M205 FA / M205 FCA User Manual
Leica M Series User Manual 2
General Instructions
Safety concept
Before using your microscope for the first time, please read the "Safety concept" book­let included with your instrument. It contains additional information about handling and care.
Use in clean rooms
The Leica M series can be used in clean rooms without any problems.
O Do not use any unsuitable cleaning agents,
chemicals or techniques for cleaning.
O Never use chemicals to clean colored
surfaces or accessories with rubberized parts. This could damage the surfaces, and specimens could be contaminated by abraded particles.
O In most cases, we can provide special solu-
tions on request. Some products can be modified, and we can offer other accesso­ries for use in clean rooms.
O Repairs may only be carried out by Leica
Microsystems-trained service technicians. Only original Leica Microsystems spare parts may be used.
Responsibilities of person in charge of instrument
O Ensure that the Leica stereo microscope
is operated, maintained and repaired by authorized and trained personnel only.
Leica M Series User Manual 3
Important Safety Notes
User manual
The individual modules of the Leica M stereo microscopy series include an interactive CD-ROM with all relevant user manuals in 20 other languages. Keep it in a safe place, and readily accessible to the user. User manu­als and updates are also available for you to download and print from our website at www.stereomicroscopy.com.
The "Safety concept" booklet contains addi­tional safety information regarding the service work, requirements and the handling of the stereo microscope, accessories and electrical accessories as well as general safety instruc­tions.
You can combine individual system articles with articles from external suppliers (e.g. cold light sources, etc.). Please read the user manual and the safety requirements of the supplier.
To maintain the unit in its original condition and to ensure safe operation, the user must follow the instructions and warnings contained in these user manuals.
Special manuals
Special manuals are provided for a number of accessories:
O User Manual M2-216-1 for lamp housing
with high-pressure mercury burner.
O User Manual for ebq 100 isolated supply
unit for 100 W high-pressure mercury burners.
O User Manual M2-267-1 for the motorized
focus system.
O User Manual M2-166-2 for FluoCombi III.
Leica M Series User Manual 4
Symbols Used
Warning of a danger
This symbol indicates especially impor­tant information that must be read and
complied with.
Failure to comply can cause the following:
O Hazards to personnel O Functional disturbances or damaged
Warning of hazardous electrical voltage
This symbol indicates especially impor­tant information that is mandatory to
read and observe.
Failure to comply can cause the following:
O Hazards to personnel O Functional disturbances or damaged
Danger due to hot surface
This symbol warns against touching accessible hot surfaces, e.g. those of
light bulbs.
Important information
This symbol indicates additional infor­mation or explanations that intend to
provide clarity.
Explanatory notes
O This symbol within the text stands for addi-
tional information and explanations.
(1) Numbers in parentheses within the
descriptions relate to the figures and the items within those figures.
Leica M Series User Manual 5
Safety Instructions
The individual modules fulfill the highest requirements for observation and documenta­tion of Leica stereo microscopes of the Mseries.
Intended use
O Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet
Non-intended use
O Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet
The instruments and accessories described in this operating manual have been tested for safety and potential hazards. The responsible Leica affiliate must be consulted whenever the instrument is altered, modified or used in conjunction with non-Leica components that are outside of the scope of this manual.
Unauthorized alterations to the instrument or noncompliant use shall void all rights to any warranty claims.
Place of use
O Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet
O Electrical components must be placed at
least 10 cm away from the wall and from flammable substances.
O Avoid large temperature fluctuations,
direct sunlight and vibrations. These condi­tions can distort measurements and micro­graphic images.
O In warm and warm-damp climatic zones,
the individual components require special care in order to prevent the build-up of fungus.
Responsibilities of person in charge of instrument
O Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet
Ensure that:
O The M series stereo microscopes and
accessories are operated, maintained and repaired by authorized and trained person­nel only.
O All operators have read, understood and
observe this User Manual, and particularly the safety instructions.
Leica M Series User Manual 6
Safety Instructions (Continued)
Repairs, service work
O Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet
O Only original Leica Microsystems spare
parts may be used.
O Before opening the instruments, switch off
the power and unplug the power cable.
Touching the live circuit can cause injury.
O Use the original packaging for shipping or
transporting the individual modules of the Leica M stereo microscopy series and the accessory components.
O In order to prevent damage from vibrations,
disassemble all moving parts that (accord­ing to the user manual) can be assembled and disassembled by the customer and pack them separately.
Integration in third-party products
O Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet
O Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet
Legal requirements
O Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet
EC Declaration of Conformity
O Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet
Health risks
Workplaces with stereo microscopes
facilitate and improve the viewing task, but they also impose high demands on the eyes and holding muscles of the user. Depending on the duration of uninterrupted work, asthenopia and musculoskeletal problems may occur. For
this reason, appropriate measures for reduction of the workload must be taken:
O Optimal arrangement of workplace, work
assignments and work flow (changing tasks frequently).
O Thorough training of the personnel, giving
consideration to ergonomic and organiza­tional aspects.
O The ergonomic design and construction of
the Leica M stereo microscopy series are intended to reduce the exertion of the user to a minimum.
Leica M Series User Manual 7
Safety Instructions (Continued)
Direct contact with eyepieces is a potential transmission method for
bacterial and viral infections of the eye.
The risk can be kept to a minimum by using personal eyepieces for each individual or detachable eyecups.
Light sources: Safety regulations
Protective measures of the manufacturer:
O UV protection screen in front of the speci-
men plane prevents the user from looking directly into the UV rays.
O Dummy filter carriers in the free positions
of the rapid filter changer prevent direct UV radiation from reaching the eyes.
O UV filters are installed in the observation
beam paths to protect the eyes.
O The stray-light protection on the lamp
housing prevents irradiation of the hands.
UV radiation could damage the eyes. Therefore:
O Never look into the light spot on the speci-
men plane without a UV protection screen.
O Never look into the eyepieces if no excita-
tion filter is in the beam path.
O Fill empty filter positions with dummy filter
carriers (e.g. M165 FC).
O Do not select a white, strongly reflective
background for the specimen.
Leica M Series User Manual 8
Safety Instructions (Continued)
Supply unit
Always unplug the supply unit from the power supply:
O When installing and disassembling the
lamp housing
O Before opening the lamp housing
O When replacing the high-pressure mercury
lamp and other parts, such as the heat­absorbing filter or the collector
O During maintenance work on the supply
Lamp housing
Never open the lamp housing while the
lamp is switched on. Risk of explosion, UV exposure, blinding!
Before opening the lamp housing, allow
it to cool off for at least 15 minutes. Danger of explosion!
Never cover the air duct on the lamp
housing. Danger of fire!
Mercury lamp
O Follow the user manual and safety instruc-
tions provided by the lamp manufacturer, and, in particular, the section on how to proceed if a lamp breaks and releases mercury.
O For transport, remove the mercury lamp,
transport it in its original packaging and protect moving parts in the lamp housing using the transport anchors.
O When it has reached the end of its rated life
(follow the manufacturer's specifications and the minute meter on the supply unit).
O To minimize the risk of explosion, replace a
discolored mercury lamp promptly.
O Leica Microsystems assumes no liability
for damage caused by exploding, incor­rectly installed or improperly used mercury lamps.
Leica M Series User Manual 9
General Instructions 2 Important Safety Notes 3 Symbols Used 4 Safety Instructions 5
The Leica M Series for Fluorescence
Congratulations! 13 A Step Towards Infinity 14 The Electronics: Comfort, Convenience and Safety for Your Experiments 15 The Modular Design: Everything is Relative 16 Maximum Compatibility 17 On We Go 18
Assembling the Focusing Column for TL Bases 20 Assembling the Focusing Column With an Incident-light Base 21 Motorized Focus: Restricting the Travel Path 22 Optics Carrier 23 Tube 24 Eyepieces 25 Objective 26 UV Protection Screen: Assembly 27 Objective Nosepiece – Assembly 28 Objective Nosepiece – Adjusting Parfocality 29
Leica FluoCombi III – Preparations 30 Leica FluoCombi III – Assembly 31 Leica FluoCombi III – Adjusting the Parfocality 33 Leica FluoCombi III – Centering the Objectives 35 Leica FluoCombi III – Filter and UV Protection Screen 36 Transmitted-light Base Leica TL BFDF: Before First Use 37 Transmitted-light Base Leica TL BFDF 38 Leica TL RC / Leica TL RCI 39 Leica IsoPro Manual Mechanical Stage: Assembly 40 Leica IsoPro Motorized Mechanical Stage: Assembly 43 Cables: Connections 47 Cables: Cable Duct 48 Cables: Diagram 49 Leica LED5000 MCI 50 Leica LED5000 MCI: Alternative Assembly 51 Leica LED5000 RL: Assembly 52 Leica EL6000 – Safety Notes 54 Leica EL6000 – Preparations 57 Leica EL6000 – Connection to the Fluorescence Lamp Housing 60 Leica EL6000 – Replacing the Lamp 62 Leica EL6000 – Using the Internal Shutter 63
Leica M Series User Manual 10
Quick Start Guide
The Fastest Route to Success 65 Overview of an M Series Microscope 66 The Correct Interpupillary Distance 67 Using the Eyepieces 68 Focusing 69 Adjusting the Resistance of the Focus Drive 70 Changing Magnification (Zoom) 71 Ratchet Steps and Magnification Levels 72 Parfocality: More Comfort and Convenience for Your Work 73 Iris Diaphragm 74
Magnification Factors of the Eyepieces 76 Health Notes 77 Dioptric Correction 78 Dioptric Correction and Parfocality 79 Graticules 80
Photography & Video
Photography & Video 82 Photo Tubes and C-mounts 83 Trinocular Video/Phototube 50 % 84 Trinocular Video/Phototube 100 % 85 Trinocular Video/Phototube 100 %: ErgoTube 5°– 45° 86
Microscope Carrier
The Objective Nosepiece 88
Objectives and Optical Accessories
The Different Types of Objectives 90
Leica TL ST Transmitted-light Base: Controls 92 Leica TL ST Transmitted-light Base: Operation 93 Leica TL ST Transmitted-light Base: Changing Bulbs 94 Leica TL BFDF Transmitted-light Base: Controls 95 Leica TL BFDF Transmitted-light Base: Operation 96 Leica TL RC / Leica TL RCI: Controls 97 Leica TL RCI: The Deflection Mirror 98 Leica TL RCI: Color Intensity and Temperature 99 Leica TL RC / Leica TL RCI: Operation 100 Leica TL RCI: Methods in Transmitted Light 101 Leica TL RCI: Relief Images 102 Using Filters 104 Leica IsoPro (Non-motorized): Controls 105 Leica IsoPro (Motorized): Controls 106
Contents (Continued)
Leica M Series User Manual 11
System Illumination
Leica LED5000 MCI 108 Leica LED5000 RL 110 Leica EL6000 – About the Instrument 111 Leica EL6000 – Operation 113 Leica EL6000 – Troubleshooting 114 Cleaning and Maintenance 115
Filter Changer 117 FIM – Fluorescence Intensity Manager 118 About Fluorescence Microscopy (Only Applicable for Leica M205 FA) 119 Rapid Filter Changers and Filter Types 120 Simple Filter Holders 121 Equipping the Filter Changer 122 Observation Without Fluorescence 123 Double Iris Aperture 124 Commissioning the Fluorescence System 125
Leica Hand Wheel and Foot Switch 127 Leica SmartMove 128 Leica SmartTouch 129 Leica PSC Controller 130
Dimensional Drawings
Leica M165 FC 132 Leica M205 FA 135 Leica M205 FCA 138 Leica LED5000 MCI 141 Leica LED5000 RL 142 Leica MATS TL 143
Leica M165 FC / Leica M205 FA / Leica M205 FCA 145 Leica EL6000 – Specifications 149 Leica TL ST Transmitted-light Base 151 Leica TL BFDF Transmitted-light Base 152 Leica TL RC / Leica TL RCI 153 Leica TL5000 Ergo 154 Leica IsoPro Motorized XY Stage 155
Calculating the Total Magnification and Field of View Diameter 157 Care, Maintenance, Contact Persons 158
Contents (Continued)
Leica M Series User Manual The Leica M Series for Fluorescence 12
The Leica M Series for Fluorescence
Leica M Series User Manual The Leica M Series for Fluorescence 13
Congratulations on obtaining your new Leica M series stereo microscope. We are convinced it will exceed your expectations, as never before have we applied our decades of experience in the areas of optics, mechanical engineering and ergonomics in such an uncompromising manner.
The Leica M series embodies all the qualities you associate with the name Leica Microsystems: excellent objectives, high-quality engineering, and reliability. Furthermore, the modular design ensures that the M series adapts perfectly to your needs – no matter which accessories you require for your tasks.
The entire imaging system, including the zoom, objective and ErgoTube®, is apochromatically corrected with much technological effort. Contrast, sharpness, richness in detail, resolution, image and color fidelity are opti­mum. In addition, the patented illumination beam path guarantees at every zoom level that light utilization is at a maximum and that fluores­cence images are intensely luminous on a jet black background.
Though the reliability and robustness of Leica stereo microscopes is legendary, like any high-tech product, the Leica M series requires a certain degree of care and attention. Therefore, we recommend that you read this manual. It contains all the information you need regarding operation, safety and maintenance. Simply observing a few guidelines will ensure that even after years of intensive use, your stereo microscope will continue to work as smoothly and reliably as on the very first day.
We wish you the best of success in your work – after all, you are now equipped with the best tool!
Leica M Series User Manual The Leica M Series for Fluorescence 14
A Step Towards Infinity
Ever since their introduction by Horatio S. Greenough, stereo microscopes have worked according to the optical principles based primarily on Ernst Abbe's research. For over a century, ingenious optics designers and engi­neers have worked to push magnification, reso­lution and image fidelity to the limit permitted by optics.
In doing so, they have always been constrained by the interrelation between three factors: the higher a microscope's resolution, the lower the available working distance. If one increases the distance of the optical axes, the three-dimen­sional image seen by the observer becomes distorted – a sphere becomes an ellipse, a flat surface curves towards the observer.
Limits are made to be broken.
Of course, this increase in performance benefits your everyday work. Set up your specimens on the microscope table with comfortable freedom of movement and discover details in stereo microscopy that you could never see before.
* Leica M205 FA with 1.0× planapochromat and 10× eyepieces
Leica M Series User Manual The Leica M Series for Fluorescence 15
The Electronics: Comfort, Convenience and Safety for Your Experiments
Never before have electronics been used as extensively in a Leica series as in the new M series lineup. Optics carrier, stand, base and illuminator are all connected using electrical contacts – which provides a number of advan­tages.
Reliability for your experiments
Fewer cables
A large part of the cables have been routed in the interior of the column. Data are also trans­ferred via the interface between the column, the optics carrier and the carrier. The direct result is that you need fewer cables – this not only makes your workstation neater and more comfortable, it even makes it appear larger.
Contacts not only transmit data, but also supply the power.
Leica Application Suite (LAS) evaluates the trans­mitted data and can restore the test situation later.
Leica M Series User Manual The Leica M Series for Fluorescence 16
Have a special request? Let us know!
The Modular Design: Everything is Relative
Despite this, you will notice that the controls and individual components do not differ signif­icantly. Whichever configuration you choose, you will quickly feel right at home.
Leica M Series User Manual The Leica M Series for Fluorescence 17
Leica engineers were careful to ensure that the new Leica M series – like its predecessors – remains compatible with existing series. This means that objectives, bases, tubes and so on can be reused.
All new objectives of the Leica M series are parfocal, meaning that when used with the objective nosepiece, they can be replaced while keeping the specimen in perfect focus.
The interface between the optics carrier and the tube has remained the same, so existing tubes fit the new M series. The new tubes are designed for eyepieces with field number 23, while the predecessor models were only designed for field number 21, resulting in a smaller object field.
However, the new M series eyepieces have an audible and tangible click to provide immedi­ate feedback in case of accidental adjustment.
Maximum Compatibility
Leica M Series User Manual The Leica M Series for Fluorescence 18
On We Go
If your new Leica microscope has already been assembled and commissioned by your Leica consultant, click here to skip through the instal­lation instructions and go directly to the Quick Start Guide on page64.
If, on the other hand, you are assembling the microscope yourself, continue with the "Assembly" chapter, which begins on page19.
For everything you need to know about the correct use of fluorescence-related parts, refer to page116.
Leica M Series User Manual Assembly 19
Leica M Series User Manual Assembly 20
The first step is to connect the focusing column of the M series to the corresponding base.
Tools used
O Hex socket screwdriver, 3 mm
Assembling the column adapter
1. Securely install the column adapter on the
column using the four included screws.
Assembling the focusing column
2. Securely screw the focusing column to the base using the six included screws.
Assembling the Focusing Column for TL Bases
Leica M Series User Manual Assembly 21
Assembling the Focusing Column With an Incident-light Base
Tools used
O Hex socket screwdriver, 3 mm
1. Place the focusing column on the side.
2. Insert the four screws provided into the outer holes of the base.
3. Screw the base securely onto the focusing drive.
Leica M Series User Manual Assembly 22
Depending on the work situation, it is
useful to restrict the maximum travel path of the stereo microscope. This prevents injury during handling of the sample caused by fingers or hands becoming trapped or the specimen touching the objective or even being damaged by it.
Readjusting the motorized focus
The motorized focus is factory-adjusted and normally does not need to be readjusted – even if the maximum travel path is changed.
Exception: If the power fails while the
motorized focus is moving, the position data are lost. In this case, the calibration must be repeated using the Leica LAS software or the Leica SmartTouch. To do so, please consult the respective manual.
Restricting the bottom travel range
1. Move the motorized focus into the lowest position you want to reach.
2. Unscrew the screw of the limit stop on the side of the focusing column.
3. Push the limit stop to the height of the motorized focus.
4. Tighten the screw of the limit stop.
Motorized Focus: Restricting the Travel Path
Leica M Series User Manual Assembly 23
Tools used
O Hex socket screwdriver, 4 mm
Assembling the optics carrier
1. Place the optics carrier on the focus­ing column so that the screw fits into the thread provided and the lug fits into the groove.
2. Press the optics carrier backwards to the focusing column and screw it in place using your other hand.
Optics Carrier
Leica M Series User Manual Assembly 24
All intermediate tubes that fit between the optics carrier and the binocular tube are fitted in the same manner.
Tools used
O No tools required.
1. Unscrew the positioning screw and remove the protective cover.
Assembling the tube
2. Push the tube (for example, the inclined binocular tube) into the dovetail ring and rotate it slightly in both directions until the positioning screw meshes with the guide groove.
3. While holding the tube only slightly, care­fully tighten the positioning screw. It is automatically brought to the correct posi­tion.
Leica M Series User Manual Assembly 25
Tools used
O No tools required.
Magnification range
You can extend the overall magnification range using available 10×, 16×, 25× and 40× wide­field eyepieces for persons wearing glasses.
1. If you want to use an optional graticule, insert it now (page80).
2. Remove the plastic tube guard.
Inserting the eyepieces
3. Push the eyepieces into the tubes as far as they will go and check to ensure that they fit tightly and accurately.
4. Securely tighten the clamping screws.
Leica M Series User Manual Assembly 26
Tools used
O No tools required.
1. Remove the protective cap on the optics carrier by turning it.
Attaching the objective
Hold the objective firmly during assem-
bly and disassembly so that it does not fall onto the stage plate. This applies particu­larly to the 2× planapochromatic objective, which is very heavy. Remove all specimens from the stage plate first.
2. Screw the objective clockwise into the
optics carrier.
Alternative fastening options
O If using the objective nosepiece, read the
instructions on page28.
O If using the Leica FluoCombi III, read the
instructions on page30.
Leica M Series User Manual Assembly 27
UV Protection Screen: Assembly
Tools used
O Allen key
Intended use
Safety Notes
UV radiation can damage the eyes. Therefore, it is mandatory to install the
UV filter and adjust it correctly.
Always position the UV protection screen so that the operator can never
look directly at the light spot.
Use with one objective
1. Adjust the UV protection screen laterally
using the arm.
2. Unscrew the hexagon-head screw.
3. Adjust the UV protection screen using the
4. Tighten the hexagon-head screw.
5. Fasten the UV protection screen using a
hexagon-head screw to the left or right side of the microscope carrier.
Leica M Series User Manual Assembly 28
Hold the objectives firmly during assembly and disassembly so that they
do not fall onto the stage plate.
O Move the drive housing all the way upwards
and remove the optics carrier, if the carrier has already been installed.
1. Remove the transport anchor from the objective nosepiece.
2. Rotate the moving part by 90° and attach the objective nosepiece to the drive hous­ing from the front (!). Screw the objective nosepiece firmly into place.
3. Unscrew the three Phillips screws on the objective mount of the optics carrier and remove the intermediate ring.
4. Screw the optics carrier onto the objective nosepiece.
5. Screw both objectives onto the objective nosepiece. It makes no difference which position an objective occupies.
6. Unscrew the locking screws on both sides of the objective nosepiece.
Objective Nosepiece – Assembly
Leica M Series User Manual Assembly 29
Objective Nosepiece – Adjusting Parfocality
The following procedure only has to be carried out once. Afterwards, both objectives are parfo­cal, meaning that the specimen remains in focus when the objective nosepiece is rotated.
This procedure must be repeated if you replace either of the two objectives with another.
O Open the iris diaphragm.
O Set the dioptric correction of the eyepieces
to "0".
1. Rotate the 2× objective into the beam path and set it to the lowest magnification.
2. Focus on the specimen.
3. Rotate the 1× objective into the beam path.
4. Turn the objective on the thread in both directions until the specimen appears sharp.
5. Toggle to the 2× objective.
6. Select the strongest magnification and refocus until the specimen appears abso­lutely sharp.
7. Toggle to the 1× objective.
8. Turn the objective on the thread in both directions until the specimen appears absolutely sharp.
By means of zooming, check that the behavior of the objective is parfocal. Repeat the check with the other objective. If it is not parfocal, repeat the procedure.
9. Tighten the locking screws.
Leica M Series User Manual Assembly 30
Leica FluoCombi III – Preparations
Before assembling the FluoCombi, you
have to disconnect all instruments from the power supply. Failure to observe these instructions can result in damage to the micro­scope and the connected instruments.
1. Remove the two screws used as transport
2. Screw the two screws into the holes provided for storage.
In this way, you can secure the FluoCombi III for transport whenever necessary.
3. Screw the 5× planapochromat into the FluoCombi III.
4. Screw the other planapochromatic stereo objective into the FluoCombi III.
+ 130 hidden pages