Leica DFC310 FX
High Sensitive Digital Color Fluorescence Camera

Fast Acquisition of F
The digital color camera Leica DFC310 FX is designed for demanding applications in cell biology, developmental biology, and
medicine. Stained histological sections as well as fl uorescence
labelled specimens can be documented with highest color fi delity. Active cooling of sensor elements using a Peltier element
creates noise-free images even at the lowest light intensities.
Moreover, various acquisition modes such as binning allow for the
precise monitoring of fast dynamic processes in living cells: the
new Leica DFC310 FX is ideally suited for GFP-expressing or vital
stained micro and macro specimens.
Cross section of Drosophila eye, triple fl uorescence
Tadpole endothelium, Differential Interference Contrast
Colorful documentation
Due to its 36 bit color depth and the option of automated white
balance, stained specimen or macro specimen can be documented with highest color fi delity. The 1392 x 1040 pixel of the Leica
DFC310 FX ensure that even the faintest detail is captured.
GFP-expressing embryos of zebrafi sh.
Courtesy of: Dr. Brant Weinstein, National Institutes
of Health, Bethesda, MD