Leica CM3600 User Manual

Instruction manual
Leica CM3600 English V6.0 08/2006 Always keep this manual near the instrument. Read carefully prior to operating the instrument Order No.: 0708 35101
Leica CM3600
The information, numerical data, notes and value judgments contained in this manual represent the current state of scientific knowledge and state­of-the-art technology as we understand it follow­ing thorough investigation in this field. We are under no obligation to update the present manual periodically and on an ongoing basis according to the latest technical developments, nor to pro­vide our customers with additional copies, up­dates etc. of this manual. For erroneous statements, drawings, technical illustrations etc. contained in this manual we ex­clude liability as far as permissible according to the national legal system applicable in each indi­vidual case. In particular, no liability whatsoever is accepted for any financial loss or consequen­tial damage caused by or related to compliance with statements or other information in this manual.. Statements, drawings, illustrations and other in­formation as regards contents or technical de­tails of the present manual are not to be consid­ered as warranted characteristics of our products.
. These are determined only by the contract pro­visions agreed between ourselves and our cus­tomers. Leica reserves the right to change technical specifications as well as manufacturing pro­cesses without prior notice. Only in this way is it possible to continuously improve the technology and manufacturing techniques used in our prod­ucts. This document is protected under copyright laws. Any copyrights of this document are retained by Leica Microsystems Nussloch GmbH. ny reproduction of text and illustrations (or of any parts thereof) by means of print, photocopy, mi­crofiche, web cam or other methods – including any electronic systems and media – requires ex­press prior permission in writing by Leica Microsystems Nussloch GmbH. For the instrument serial number and year of manufacture, please refer to the name plate at the back of the instrument.
© Leica Microsystems Nussloch GmbH
Published by: Leica Microsystems Nussloch GmbH Heidelberger Str. 17 - 19 D-69226 Nussloch Germany
Telephone: +49 62 24 143-0 Facsimile: +49 62 24 143-200 E-mail: histo_info@leica-microsystems.com Internet : http://www.histo-solutions.com
Instruction manual V 6.0 - 08/2006
EC Declaration of conformity
We herewith declare in exclusive responsibility that the
Leica CM 3600 – Cryomacrotome
was developed, designed and manufactured to conform with:
Council Directive 89/392/EEC, Appendix II A (Machines), Council Directive 73/23/EEC (low voltage) and Council Directive 89/336/EEC, Appendix I (Electromagnetic compatibility),
including their amendments.
The following harmonized standards were applied:
DIN EN 292, DIN EN 378 Part 1, DIN EN 61010-1.
The following national standards, guidelines and specifications were applied: MedGV.
In addition, the following in-house standards were applied:
DIN EN 9001.
A complete set of technical documentation is available. An instruction manual for subject product is available.
Leica Microsystems Nussloch GmbH Postfach 1120 D-69222 Nussloch Germany
December 13, 1995
Leica CM3600 – Cryomacrotome
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dag Graupner
Managing Director
1. Important notes ................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Symbols in the text and their meaning ............................................................................................................................ 8
1.2 Qualification of personnel .................................................................................................................................................. 8
1.3 Instrument type .................................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 Designated use ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.5 Warranty .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
1.6 Service information ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.7 Decommissioning and disposal ...................................................................................................................................... 10
2. Characteristics of the Leica CM3600 ............................................................................ 12
2.1 Layout of the CM3600 ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
2.2 Technical Data ................................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.2.1 Microtome type...................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.2.2 Control unit ......................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.2.3 Dimensions and weight ........................................................................................................................................ 15
2.2.4 Electrical connections ......................................................................................................................................... 15
2.2.5 Refrigeration system - cooling chamber .......................................................................................................... 16
2.2.6 General parameters .............................................................................................................................................. 17
2.3 Instrument parts................................................................................................................................................................. 17
2.4 Function ............................................................................................................................................................................... 17
3. Safety................................................................................................................................... 20
3.1 Safety instructions............................................................................................................................................................. 20
3.2 Warnings ............................................................................................................................................................................. 20
3.3 Safety standards ................................................................................................................................................................ 21
3.4 Safety devices .................................................................................................................................................................... 21
3.4.1 Emergency stop switch ........................................................................................................................................ 21
3.4.2 Knee lever ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
3.4.3 Window ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
3.4.4 Cryochamber ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
3.5 Special safety instructions .............................................................................................................................................. 23
4. Site requirements .............................................................................................................26
4.1 Site requirements at place of installation .................................................................................................................... 26
4.2 Electrical connections ...................................................................................................................................................... 27
4.3 Other connections ............................................................................................................................................................. 27
5 Installation ......................................................................................................................... 28
5.1 Unpacking and installation .............................................................................................................................................. 28
5.2 Standard delivery ............................................................................................................................................................... 28
5.3 Port and switch panel ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
5.3.1 Port and switch functions .................................................................................................................................... 30
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5.3.2 Fuses ......................................................................................................................................................... 31
5.4 PC .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
6. Software ............................................................................................................................. 34
6.1 Start and log-in procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 34
6.2 Description of the window elements ............................................................................................................................. 35
6.2.1 Title bar ......................................................................................................................................................... 35
6.2.2 Tool bar ......................................................................................................................................................... 35
6.2.3 Work space ......................................................................................................................................................... 37
6.2.4 Information bar ...................................................................................................................................................... 37
6.3 Initialization ......................................................................................................................................................................... 38
6.4 Main window ...................................................................................................................................................................... 40
6.4.1 Chamber temperature .......................................................................................................................................... 41
6.4.2 Time 41
6.4.3 Automatic defrost cycle ....................................................................................................................................... 41
6.4.4 Automatic dehydration ......................................................................................................................................... 42
6.4.5 Knife movement ..................................................................................................................................................... 42
6.4.6 Extraction system .................................................................................................................................................. 45
6.4.7 Sectioning program .............................................................................................................................................. 45
6.4.8 Sledge speed 46
6.4.9 Mode of operation ................................................................................................................................................. 47
6.4.10 Cutting window ....................................................................................................................................................... 48
6.5 Parameter settings ............................................................................................................................................................ 49
6.5.1 Parameter setting.................................................................................................................................................. 50
6.5.2 Password list ......................................................................................................................................................... 54
6.5.3 Configuration ......................................................................................................................................................... 57
6.5.4 Reference voltages ............................................................................................................................................... 64
6.5.5 Language selection............................................................................................................................................... 64
6.5.6 Initialization ......................................................................................................................................................... 64
6.6 Temperature curves .......................................................................................................................................................... 65
6.6.1 Work space ......................................................................................................................................................... 66
6.6.2 Diagram ......................................................................................................................................................... 68
6.7 Chronological event list .................................................................................................................................................... 69
6.7.1 Work space ......................................................................................................................................................... 70
6.7.2 Event table ...............................................................................................................
6.8 Alarm list .............................................................................................................................................................................. 73
6.8.1 Work space ......................................................................................................................................................... 74
6.8.2 Event table ......................................................................................................................................................... 75
6.8.3 Error codes: meaning and troubleshooting ..................................................................................................... 76
6.9 Chamber illumination ........................................................................................................................................................ 77
6.10 Section documentation .................................................................................................................................................... 77
6.10.1 Tree diagram ......................................................................................................................................................... 78
6.10.2 Studies protocol ..................................................................................................................................................... 79
6.10.3 Event table ......................................................................................................................................................... 82
6.11 Photo mode ......................................................................................................................................................................... 83
.......................................... 72
Leica CM3600 – Cryomacrotome
6.12 Screen printout................................................................................................................................................................... 83
6.13 Remote inquiry .................................................................................................................................................................... 84
6.14 Help ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 86
6.15 Saving ................................................................................................................................................................................... 86
6.16 Printing labels ..................................................................................................................................................................... 86
6.17 Foot switch .......................................................................................................................................................................... 86
6.18 User log-in / log-out ........................................................................................................................................................... 87
6.19 Quitting the application .................................................................................................................................................... 87
7. Operating the Leica CM3600 ........................................................................................... 88
7.1 Check list ............................................................................................................................................................................. 88
7.2 Switching the instrument on ........................................................................................................................................... 89
7.3 Starting the software ........................................................................................................................................................ 89
7.4 Setting the chamber temperature .................................................................................................................................. 89
7.5 Specimen stages ................................................................................................................................................................ 90
7.5.1 Inserting the specimen stage, orientable, with ball-joint ............................................................................. 92
7.5.2 Inserting the specimen stage, non-orientable ............................................................................................... 94
7.6 Knife ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 96
7.6.1 Inserting standard knives .................................................................................................................................... 98
7.6.2 Inserting the disposable blade holder with disposable blade ................................................................... 100
7.6.3 Adjusting the knife angle ................................................................................................................................... 102
7.7 Setting the trimming parameters .................................................................................................................................. 103
7.8 Setting the sectioning parameters .............................................................................................................................. 104
7.8.1 Sectioning the specimen ................................................................................................................................... 104
7.8.2 Collecting the sections ....................................................................................................................................... 104
7.9 Dehydrating the sections ............................................................................................................................................... 106
8. Cleaning and maintenance ........................................................................................... 108
8.1 Cleaning ............................................................................................................................................................................. 108
8.1.2 Removing the microtome from the cryochamber ......................................................................................... 108
8.2 Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................................................... 110
8.2.1 Oiling ....................................................................................................................................................... 110
8.2.2 Defrosting ....................................................................................................................................................... 111
9. Optional accessories ..................................................................................................... 112
9.1 Extraction system ............................................................................................................................................................ 112
9.1.1 Design and function of the extraction system .............................................................................................. 112
9.1.2 Exchanging the disposable bag ....................................................................................................................... 114
9.2 Ordering information ....................................................................................................................................................... 115
Instruction manual V 6.0 - 08/2006
Leica CM3600 – Cryomacrotome
1. Important notes
1.1 Symbols in the text and their meaning
Warnings appear in a grey box and are marked with a warning triangle .
Notes, i.e. important user information appear in a grey box and are marked with an information symbol .
Buttons and function keys which need
to be pushed on the data entry screen, are printed in bold capitals.
Figures in brackets refer to item num­bers in drawings.
1.2 Qualification of personnel
1.3 Instrument type
All information contained in this instruction manual applies exclusively to the instrument type indicated on the title page. A name plate bearing the instrument serial num­ber is attached to the back of the instrument.
Only trained laboratory personnel may operate the Leica CM3600.
Prior to operating the instrument, the operator must thoroughly read and understand this instruc­tion manual and must familiarize him/herself with all technical details of the instrument.
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1.4 Designated use
1. Important notes
The Leica CM3600 is an SPS-controlled and motorized precision cryomacrotome for large-surface sections, equipped with a convection­cooled cryochamber for deep-freezing, sectioning, storing and freeze­drying large biological and industrial specimens. The instrument is designed for the above described applications only and must be operated according to the instructions in the present instruction manual.
Any other use of the instrument is considered improper.
If you wish to use the instrument for special applications or modes of operation not listed in this manual, it is absolutely necessary that you contact your local Leica representation prior to doing so. Otherwise, you will loose the Leica warranty on your instrument.
Only trained personnel, skilled in the use of the above-mentioned applica­tions, may operate the Leica CM3600. Prior to operating the instrument, the operator must thoroughly read and understand this instruction manual.
Leica CM3600 – Cryomacrotome
1. Important notes
1.5 Warranty
Leica Microsystems Nussloch GmbH guarantees that the contractual prod­uct delivered has been subjected to a comprehensive quality control proce­dure based on the Leica in-house testing standards, and that the product is faultless and complies with all technical specifications and/or agreed char­acteristics warranted.
The scope of the warranty is based on the content of the concluded agree­ment. The warranty terms of your Leica sales organization or the organiza­tion from which you have purchased the contractual product shall apply exclusively.
1.6 Service information
If you require technical service or replacement parts, please contact your Leica sales representative or Leica dealer who sold the product..
Please provide the following information:
Model name and serial number of the instrument
Location of the instrument and name of the person to contact
Reason for the service call
Date of delivery
1.7 Decommissioning and disposal
The instrument or parts of the instrument must be disposed of in compliance with the local laws.
Instruction manual V 6.0 - 08/2006
1. Important notes
Leica CM3600 – Cryomacrotome
2. Characteristics of the Leica CM3600
2.1 Layout of the CM3600
Port and switch panel
Window Chamber lidEmergency stop
Drain tap
Microtome (in chamber)
Knee lever
Socket panel
Refrigeration and control unit
Port and switch panel
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2. Characteristics of the Leica CM3600
Drain tap
Condensation water is drained through the drain tap.
Refrigeration and control unit
The refrigeration and control unit cools the cryochamber and controls the microtome and the entire electronics.
Knee lever
The knee lever is used for manual operation of the specimen sledge.
Socket panel
The PC and peripherals are connected via the socket panel.
Commercial PC, monitor, keyboard, mouse and internal modem.
Emergency stop switch
Press the emergency stop switch to stop the microtome immediately.
The cabinet contains the cryochamber which houses the microtome.
Chamber lid
The chamber lid can be opened completely for maintenance and cleaning work on microtome and/or cryochamber.
The window is heated and can be opened completely.
The microtome is used to section the specimens.
Port and switch panel
The port and switch panel contains the mains switch and several sockets and ports.
Leica CM3600 – Cryomacrotome
2. Characteristics of the Leica CM3600
2.2 Technical Data
2.2.1 Microtome type
450 C Sliding microtome Section thickness selection: 1 - 200 μm Sectioning range: 0 - 450 mm Max. sectioning speed: 80 mm/s Knife retraction after sectioning stroke: 50 - 250 μm Total vertical stroke of knife: 70 mm (standard) Total vertical stroke of knife: 100 mm (model with
Total horizontal stroke: 450 mm Specimen orientation via ball-joint: ca. 5° (x/y/z axis) Specimen orientation w/large spec. stage (450 x 150 mm): Rotation around
Maximum specimen size (L x W x H): 450 x 150 x 70 mm
Maximum specimen size (L x W x H): 450 x 150 x 200 mm
Knife holder for steel and Tungsten Carbide knives: 160 mm Knife holder for disposable blade holder: 160 mm Knife (160 mm) with facet angle of: 20°, 35°
extended vertical stroke)
longitudinal axis (x axis)
(model with extended stroke length)
2.2.2 Control unit
The Leica CM3600 is equipped with a commercial PC, monitor, keyboard, mouse and an internal modem. For further information, please refer to the manual of the PC. Operating system: XP. Software: CM3600 Version 3.0.0.
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2.2.3 Dimensions and weight
Inner (cryochamber L x H x W): 1650 x 720 x 600 mm Outer (L x H x W): 2800 x 1090 x 920 mm (Overall dimensions with connecting cables) Outer length (total): 2800 mm Outer length (chamber only): 1940 mm Outer length (control unit with connections only): 860 mm Outer height (total): 1090 mm Outer height (work surface height): 1050 mm Outer width: 920 mm Weight (total, incl. microtome): 660 kgs Weight (microtome only): 190 kgs
2.2.4 Electrical connections
380 V / 50 Hz, three-phase
Nominal voltage: 380 V AC ± 10 % Nominal frequency: 50 Hz Power draw: 2300 VA Automatic cutout/ 3 x 8A / 1 x 16A, mains safety switch according to DIN IEC 127-2
2. Characteristics of the Leica CM3600
208 V / 60 Hz, two-phase
Nominal voltage: 208 V AC ± 10 % Nominal frequency: 60 Hz Power draw: 2300 VA Automatic cutout/ 2 x 8A / 1 x 10A Mains safety switch UL-listed
Leica CM3600 – Cryomacrotome
2. Characteristics of the Leica CM3600
200 V / 50 Hz, two-phase
Nominal voltage: 200 V AC ± 10 % Nominal frequency: 50 Hz Power draw: 2300 VA Automatic cutout/ 2 x 8A / 1 x 10A Mains safety switch UL-listed
200 V / 60 Hz, two-phase
Nominal voltage: 200 V AC ± 10 % Nominal frequency: 60 Hz Power draw: 2300 VA Automatic cutout/ 2 x 8A / 1 x 10A Mains safety switch UL-listed
2.2.5 Refrigeration system - cooling chamber
Selectable temperature range: 0° C to -30° C at ambient temperature of 22° C, with window closed and relative humidity 60 %: -30° C ±10 % (selectable
Control accuracy: +1 to -3 K Electrical power draw: 1160 W Refrigerating output at -25°C: 1370 W Nominal pressure: 20 bar (maximum value) Cutoff pressure: 25 bar (via Pressostat) Safety factor: 2, as per UL 1262 Refrigerant: 1100 g, refrigerant R404A Compressor oil: 1220 ccm alpha 22, Kyodo
in 1 K steps)
Defrosting: automatic hot-gas defrosting, programmable,
2 x automatic hot-gas defrosting cycles / 24 hours. Duration: 1 - 15 minutes, manual defrosting as needed.
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2.2.6 General parameters
2.3 Instrument parts
2. Characteristics of the Leica CM3600
Protective class: I Pollution degree: 2 Overvoltage installation category: II
The Leica CM3600 consists of a sliding microtome in a large-volume cryochamber. The instrument is designed for cryosectioning large speci­mens or for processing specimens with the so-called cryo-planing technique. The large-scale heavy-duty microtome is made for sectioning large biomedical and industrial specimens such as whole animals or large tissue specimens by applying the sectioning techniques for large-surface sections. The sturdy construction of the instrument also permits section­ing very hard specimens such as undecalcified bones. The microtome is housed in a convection-cooled large-volume cryochamber. The large chamber in connection with the special cooling system enables dehydration of sections within a very short time. The low temperatures are achieved and maintained by cold air circulating inside the cryochamber. A fan controls the air circulation speed. The large specimens are frozen onto metal specimen stages which are subsequently clamped in the specimen sledge. Optionally the instrument can be operated with an extraction system which largely prevents the cryochamber being soiled with section waste.
2.4 Function
The motor-driven specimen sledge moves horizontally underneath the knife, either producing a section (cryosectioning) with each stroke or a high-quality specimen surface (cryo-planing technique).
Leica CM3600 – Cryomacrotome
2. Characteristics of the Leica CM3600
Prior to each sectioning stroke, a stepper motor feeds the microtome knife downwards towards the specimen by a selected amount of microns (section thickness). During each return stroke of the specimen sledge, the stepper motor automatically carries out a knife retraction movement, programmable between 50 and 250 μm. This protects both the knife edge and the speci­men surface from being damaged. Before starting the next sectioning stroke, the motor lowers the knife towards the specimen surface by the selected sectioning feed plus the set value for knife retraction. Trimming is programmable; the desired section thickness can be preselected. The number of sections to be preformed during trimming can be pro­grammed via the section counter. When the programmed number of sections has been carried out, the microtome will stop automatically. Once the desired specimen block height has been reached, those sec­tions that will actually be used for further examination are collected manually via the knee lever. The Leica CM3600 is operated via PC and/or manually via the knee lever. All data entries are made via the PC. The Leica CM3600 features two automatic defrost cycles. Defrost cycle duration is software-controlled. If the evaporator surface is already completely deiced before the programmed defrost time is up, the defrost cycle will be aborted. In addition, manual defrost cycles can be set as needed.
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2. Characteristics of the Leica CM3600
Leica CM3600 – Cryomacrotome
3. Safety
Be sure to comply with the safety instructions and warnings in this chapter. Read these instructions, even if you are already familiar with the operation and use of other Leica products.
3.1 Safety instructions
This instruction manual contains important in­structions and information regarding the opera­tional safety and maintenance of the instrument. The instruction manual is an important part of the product, which must be read carefully prior to setup and use and must always be kept near the instrument.
This Instruction manual must be ap­propriately supplemented as re­quired by the existing regulations on accident prevention and environ­mental safety in the operator‘s country.
The protective devices on both instrument and accessories must neither be removed nor modified. Only qualified service personnel authorized by Leica may repair the instrument and access its internal components.
The Leica CM3600 was built and tested in accor­dance with the safety regulations for electrical measuring, control, regulating and laboratory devices listed below:
DIN EN ISO 9001,
EN 61010-1, EN 61010-2-010,
EN 292-1, EN 292-2,
EN 614-1,
EN 954-1,
EN 1050,
EN 61326-1,
EN 61000-3-3
In order to maintain this condition and ensure safe operation, the operator must observe all the in­structions and warnings contained in this instruc­tion manual.
3.2 Warnings
The safety devices installed in this instrument by the manufacturer only constitute the basis for accident prevention. Primarily responsible for accident-free operation is above all the institution which owns the instrument and, in addition, the designated personnel who operates, services or repairs the instrument. To ensure trouble-free operation of the instrument, be sure to comply with the following instruc­tions and warnings.
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3.3 Safety standards
The Leica CM3600 was built and tested in accordance with the safety regulations for electrical measuring, control, regulating and laboratory devices listed below:
DIN EN 292,
DIN EN 55011,
DIN EN 61010-1,
IEC 1000-4,
IEC 50082-1,
In order to maintain this condition and ensure safe operation, the opera­tor must observe all the instructions and warnings contained in this instruction manual.
3.4 Safety devices
3.4.1 Emergency stop switch
3. Safety
The Leica CM3600 is equipped with an emergency stop switch (1) located on the chamber surface to the left of the window.
Activating the emergency stop switch
Press the Emergency stop switch (1) to stop the microtome immediately.
Resetting the emergency stop switch.
To reset the emergency stop switch (1) turn it in the direction of the arrow until it is released upwards back to its original position.
Leica CM3600 – Cryomacrotome
3. Safety
3.4.2 Knee lever
3.4.3 Window
3.4.4 Cryochamber
Never leave the instrument unattended when the knee lever is folded out (1) to prevent the microtome from being set in motion acciden­tally.
Always swing the knee lever upwards before leaving the instru­ment.
The window is heatable and equipped with a lock button (2). To open the window, lift lock button (2) slightly upwards and turn it by 180°.
Before opening the large chamber lid, first close the window and lock with the lock button (2).
When opening the chamber lid, make sure the lid retainer (3) engages to prevent the chamber lid from falling.
When opening the chamber lid, the lid retainer must engage.
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3.5 Special safety instructions
The safety devices installed in the Leica CM3600 by the manufacturer only constitute the basis for accident prevention. Primarily responsible for accident-free operation is above all the institu­tion which owns the instrument and, in addition, the designated personnel who operates, services or repairs the instrument.
To ensure trouble-free operation of the instrument, make sure to comply with the following instructions and warnings.
3. Safety
The protective devices on the instrument must neither be removed nor modified.
Connect the instrument only to a grounded mains power outlet.
Do not cancel the protective effect of the grounded power outlet by using extension cords without ground conductor.
Leica CM3600 – Cryomacrotome
Use extreme caution when handling microtome knives and disposable blades.
Handle knives / blades as per manufacturer‘s directions.
Do not operate the instrument in non explosion-proof rooms.
During instrument setup / installation do not switch the instru­ment on before being instructed to do so by this manual.
3. Safety
As you work through the instruction manual, familiarizing yourself with the instrument, do not yet install a knife or specimen.
Below you find a summary of all warnings contained in this instruction manual.
Any use of the instrument not described in this instruction manual is considered improper.
Always swing the knee lever upwards before leaving the instrument.
When opening the chamber lid, the lid retainer must engage.
Prior to exchanging the fuse in the socket panel, switch the instrument mains switch off and unplug the instrument from mains. Only use fuses of the same type and characteristics as originally supplied (see chapter 2.2 ‘Technical data’ for fuse specification).
The control PC as well as all peripherals connected to it (printer, monitor, etc.) are set to an input voltage of 230V/50Hz. For reasons of compatibility (CE Directives, UL Approval) they may only be connected to the socket panel of the instrument, using the connecting cables supplied.
Prior to any work involving the knife, microtome or inside the cryochamber, activate the emergency stop switch. For further information, refer to chapter 3.4.1.
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3. Safety
Prior to any work involving the knife, microtome or inside the cryochamber, swing the knee lever upwards.
For any work involving the knife, microtome or inside the cryochamber always wear special protective gloves.
For reasons of safety and accuracy, the maximum trimming thickness should not exceed 100 μm per section.
When trimming biological material (particularly bone), sec­tion thickness should not exceed 50 μm.
Never try to catch or grab a knife.
Never introduce your hands into the space between specimen and knife.
Leica CM3600 – Cryomacrotome
Radioactive specimen waste must be disposed of according to the local radiation safety regulations.
For removing the microtome (approx. 190 kgs) from the cryochamber, a ceiling crane capable of carrying that weight should be available.
For safety reasons, we strongly advise you against lifting the microtome (190 kgs) from the cryochamber without appropri­ate lifting gear. Do not attempt to lift the microtome from the chamber manually, even if several persons are there to help.
4. Site requirements
4.1 Site requirements at place of installation
If possible at all, the room should be air-conditioned. Relative humidity≤ 60 %. Room temperature should not exceed 22 °C.
If ambient conditions are not maintained as specified, instrument perfor­mance may be negatively affected (lowest specified temperature may not be reached, frost may accumulate).
All transportations paths for the Leica CM3600 must at least be 1.5 meters wide, especially doorways must have that width. 1.5 m is wide enough for the instrument to pass through the doorway at an angle (if the instrument can pass straight through the doorway, a width of 95 cm will be suffi­cient). The Leica CM3600 has a total length (refrigeration and control unit plus cryochamber) of 2.7 meters or 2.8 meters including the connecting cables on the left side of the refrigeration and control unit, i.e. a minimum wall length of 2.9 meters is required to install the instrument. Ideally the wall should measure 3.5 meters or more to provide easy access to the left side of the unit for technical service work. The required minimum distance between the back panel of the instrument and the wall is 30 cm, the recommended distance is 50 cm.
Installation wall, ideal dimensions (view from above)
ca. 3.5 m
Leica CM3600
ca. 0.8 m
ca. 2.7 m
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0.5 m
4.2 Electrical connections
4. Site requirements
For removing the microtome (approx. 190 kgs) from the cryochamber, a ceiling crane capable of carrying that weight should be available.
If no ceiling crane is installed yet, we recommend the special Leica crane „KR-CM3600“.
4.3 Other connections
Country: Europe USA Japan Installation cord cross section: 2.5 mm
2.5 mm
2.5 mm
Fuse/connection: 16 A/380 V 25 A/208V 25 A/200V
Telephone connection
For remote failure diagnosis, a telephone connection must be available to hook up the modem. The phone connection must be direct, i.e. must not be controlled by an additional computer (server).
Compressed air supply
If you want to use the optional extraction system: Compressed air supply for the extraction system (p = 5 - 8 bar) must be available.
Leica CM3600 – Cryomacrotome
5 Installation
5.1 Unpacking and installation
Only duly trained personnel may unpack and install the Leica CM3600. Please contact your local Leica sales organization for appropriate advice.
5.2 Standard delivery
The standard delivery includes:
1 Leica CM3600, consisting of:
Refrigeration and control unit
PC (computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse)
Microtome 450 C with integrated knife holder
1 Disposable blade holder 157 AR
1 Dispenser with 10 disposable blades, type H 45 L
1 Roll of section collecting tape, type 810
1 Roll of section collecting tape, type 4248
1 Bottle of low temperature oil PDP 40, 500 ml
1 Positioning tool for disposable blade holder
1 Tool set, consisting of:
Allen keys, set of 7, in different sizes: 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0
Fork wrenches, set of 2, sizes 15 and 17
1 Syringe 10 ml with hypodermic needle
1 Instruction manual
1 Set of manuals for PC
1 Pressure plate
1 Pair of protective gloves
Please compare the delivered parts carefully with the packing list, delivery note and with your order. If you notice any discrepancies, please contact your local Leica sales office or dealer immediately.
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5.3 Port and switch panel
5. Installation
Connecting block
Switch for
socket panel
RS 232
Connection for
foot switch
Connection for
compressed air
Ground fault circuit
Mains switch
External alarm signal switch
Connection for external alarm
Control lamps
Socket panel
Leica CM3600 – Cryomacrotome
Control lamp
5. Installation
5.3.1 Port and switch functions
Mains switch
Switch in position “0“ - instrument disconnected from mains except for the socket panel.
Socket panel switch
Control light is on (red), when the socket panel switch is ON.
Foot switch connection
Optionally, a foot switch can be connected for the purpose of section thickness documentation (GLP).
RS 232 interface
The RS 232 interface links the PC to the PLC.
Switch for external alarm signal
The external alarm (acoustic signal) is triggered, when the chamber temperature exceeds the selected value. When the temperature dips back down below the defined threshold, the external alarm is imme­diately switched off. Loss of mains power supply (instrument switched off or power failure) will also trigger the external alarm. On return of mains supply the alarm is automatically switched off. To activate the external alarm function, press the alarm signal switch. The green LED in the switch button lights up. To deactivate the external alarm function, press the alarm signal switch once again. The green LED in the switch button is extinguished.
Connection for external alarm
Forwarding an external alarm.
Compressed air supply
Connection of compressed air hose to extraction unit.
Control lamps
Indicate function of the refrigerating sets.
Instruction manual V 6.0 - 08/2006
+ 87 hidden pages