La Crosse Technology WS-9119U User Manual

Congratulations on purchasing this state-of-the-art weather station as an example of excellent design and innovative measuring technique. Featuring radio controlled time, date, calendar, weather forecast, moon phase, indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity, air pressure and various alarm settings for different weather conditions, this weather station will never keep you guessing on current and future weather conditions. Operation of this product is simple and straightforward. By reading this operating manual, the user will however receive a better understanding of the Intelligent Weather Station together with the optimum benefit of all its features.
FEATURES: The Intelligent Weather Station
LCD Display
Weather information text
Function Keys
WWVB Radio-controlled time with manual setting option
WWVB reception ON/OFF (user selectable)
12/24 hour time display
Time zone option ±12 hours
Calendar display (weekday, date, month, year)
Time alarm settings
12 Moon phases display throughout the year
Weather forecasting with 4 weather icons and weather tendency indicator
Temperature display in °F/ºC
Humidity display as RH%
Indoor temperature and humidity display with MIN/MAX and time/date of recording
Indoor comfort indicator
Low/High indoor temperature alarm
Low/High indoor humidity alarm
Outdoor temperature and humidity display with MIN/MAX and time/date of recording
Low/High outdoor temperature alarm
Low/High outdoor humidity alarm
Relative air pressure unit in hPa, inHg, or mmHg
Air pressure tendency indicator for last 36h (bar graph format)
Low pressure alarm
“Intelligent” weather information display
Can receive up to 3 transmitters
Instruction Manual
Hanging hole
Battery compartment
LCD contrast selectable
Low battery indicator
EL back-light
Display in 3 languages selectable: English, German and French
Wall mounting or table standing
The Remote Temperature/Humidity Sensor
Remote transmission of outdoor temperature and humidity to weather station by 433 MHz signal
Weather resistant casing
Wall mounting case
Mounting at a sheltered place. Avoid direct rain and sunshine
QUICK SET-UP GUIDE Hint: Use good quality Alkaline Batteries and avoid rechargeable batteries.
1. Have the intelligent weather station and remote temperature/humidity sensor 3 to 5 feet apart.
2. Batteries should be out of both the intelligent weather station and remote temperature/humidity sensor units for 10 minutes.
3. Place the batteries into the remote temperature/humidity sensor first then into the intelligent weather station.
In this time the intelligent weather station and remote temperature/humidity sensor will start to talk to each other and the display will show the intelligent temperature/humidity, outdoor temperature/humidity, heat index and dew point. If the intelligent weather station does not display all information after the 15 minutes please retry the set up as stated above. After all information has been displayed for 15 minutes you can place your sensors outdoors and set your time.
Important Notes on Set-up and Operation
The remote temperature/humidity sensor should be placed in a dry, shaded area.
Fog and mist will not harm your remote temperature/humidity sensor but direct rain must be
The remote temperature/humidity sensor has a range of 330 feet. Any walls that the signal will have to pass through will reduce distance. An outdoor wall or window can have up to 30 feet of resistance and an interior wall can have up to 20 feet of resistance. Your distance plus resistance should not exceed 330 ft. in a straight line.
The remote temperature/humidity sensor transmits a signal every minute. After the batteries have been installed, the intelligent weather station will search for the signal for a duration of 4 minutes. If there is no temperature or humidity reading in the OUTDOOR LCD after 4 minutes, make sure the units are within range of each other, or repeat the battery installation procedure.
If a button is pressed before the intelligent weather station receives the signal from the remote temperature/humidity sensor, you will need to follow the battery installation procedure again.
To complete the set up of your new wireless weather station after the 15 minutes have passed please follow the steps that follow in the Detailed Set-Up Guide.
The intelligent weather station uses 3 AA (alkaline recommended) batteries. When the batteries need to be replaced the low battery symbol will appear on the LCD.
To install and replace the batteries, please follow the steps below:
1. Insert finger or other solid object in the space at the bottom center of the battery compartment and lift up to remove the cover.
2. Insert batteries observing the correct polarity (see battery compartment marking).
3. Replace battery cover.
The remote temperature/humidity sensor uses 2 x AA IEC LR6, 1.5V batteries. To install and replace the batteries, please follow the steps below:
1. Remove the battery cover at the front side with a small screwdriver.
2. Insert the batteries, observing the correct polarity (see battery compartment marking).
3. Replace the battery cover on the unit.
When changing the batteries in any of the units, all units need to be reset by following the setting up procedures. This is because the transmitter at start-up assigns a random security code and this code must be received and stored by the intelligent weather station in the first 3 minutes of power being supplied to it.
It is recommended to replace the batteries in all units on an annual basis to ensure optimum accuracy of these units.
Please participate in the preservation of the environment. Return used batteries to an authorized facility.
ABOUT WWVB (Radio Controlled Time)
The NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology—Time and Frequency Division) WWVB radio station is located in Ft. Collins, Colorado, and transmits the exact time and date signal continuously throughout the United States at 60 kHz. The signal can be received up to 2,000 miles away through the internal antenna in the Weather Station. However, due to the nature of the Earth’s Ionosphere, reception is very limited during daylight hours. The weather station will search for a signal every night when reception is best. The WWVB radio station derives its signal from the NIST Atomic clock in Boulder, Colorado. A team of atomic physicists is continually measuring every second, of every day, to an accuracy of ten billionths of a second per day. These physicists have created an international standard, measuring a second as 9,192,631,770 vibrations of a Cesium-133 atom in a vacuum. For more information on the atomic clock and WWVB please see the NIST website at
Intelligent Weather Station:
The intelligent weather station has 6 easy to use function keys on the bottom front and 1 key on the top front.
SET key
MAX/+ key
CH key
SET key
MIN/- key
Press and hold the key to enter manual setting modes: LCD contrast, 12/24 hour time display, time zone, manual time setting, calendar, WWVB ON/OFF, ºF/ºC temperature unit, pressure unit, relative pressure setting and language display
Alarm time set inside alarm time setting mode
Confirm key inside weather alarm setting mode
Reset individual MIN/MAX temperature/humidity record
Combine with the CH key to re-detect a new transmitter in displayed channel
Stop the alarm during the time alarm or weather alarm ringing
Back-light ON
CH key (Channel key)
Select channel 1, 2, or 3 (if more than 1 transmitter is used)
Exit setting mode
Re-detect new transmitters signal for all channels
Combined with the set key to re-detect a new transmitter in displayed channel
Stop the alarm during the time alarm or weather alarm ringing
Back-light on
MAX/+ key
Display MAX indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity records with time of recording
Activate/deactivate the time alarm
Increase the alarm time (hour and minutes)
Increase all values in manual setting modes
Activate/deactivate the weather alarm
Increase the weather alarm values
Stop the alarm during the time alarm or weather alarm ringing
Back-light on
Reset all MIN/MAX records
MIN/- key
Display MIN indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity records with time of recording
Activate/deactivate the time alarm
Decrease the alarm time (hour and minutes)
Decrease all values in manual setting modes
Activate/deactivate the weather alarm
Decrease the weather alarm values
Stop the alarm during the time alarm or weather alarm ringing
Back-light on
Reset all MIN/MAX records
Enter the alarm time setting mode
Stop the alarm during the time alarm or weather alarm ringing
Back-light on
ALM Data key
Enter the weather alarm time setting mode
Stop the alarm during the time alarm or weather alarm ringing
Set next weather alarm in weather alarm setting mode
Back-light on
Read out alarm data info on text display after weather alarm occurred
Stop the alarm during the time alarm or weather alarm ringing
Back-light on
Disable the weather alarm sound
The LCD screen is split into 8 sections displaying the information for time and date, moon phase, indoor data, weather forecast, air pressure, air pressure history, outdoor data, “intelligent” weather information display.
Time display
Indoor relative humidity in RH%
Indoor comfort indicator
ir pressure
tendency indicator
ir pressure history
bar graph
Outdoor relative humidity in RH%
Outdoor signal reception indicator
Seconds display
Outdoor transmitter identification number
Time alarm icon
WWVB reception icon (for WWVB time)
Calendar display
Moon icon/Moon phases icon/ Star icons
Indoor Temperature in °F or ºC
Indoor general alarm icon
Weather forecast icon
Weather tendency indicator
Relative air pressure display in hPa, inHg, or mmHg
Outdoor temperature in °F or ºC
Outdoor general alarm icon
Intelligent weather display information in English, German or French
The following manual settings can be changed when pressing and holding the SET key for approximately 4 seconds:
LCD contrast setting
12/24 hour time display
Time zone setting
Manual time setting
Calendar setting
WWVB time reception ON/OFF setting
°F/°C temperature unit setting
Air pressure unit setting
Relative pressure value setting
Language display setting
Last digit flashing
The LCD contrast can be set within 8 levels, from LCD 1 to LCD8 (default setting is LCD 5):
1. Press and hold the SET key for around 4 seconds until the digit start flashing.
2. Use the MAX/+ or MIN/- key to view all levels of contrast.
3. Select the desired LCD contrast. Confirm with the SET key and enter in the 12/24 Time Display setting.
Digit flashing
The time display can be set to view time as 12/24-hour format. The default time display mode is “12h”. To set to “24h” time display:
1. Use the MAX/+ or MIN/- key to toggle the value.
2. Confirm with the SET key and enter the Time Zone setting.
The time zone can be set ±12 hour. The default time zone is set to Eastern Time zone (“EST”). To set a different time zone:
1. The current time zone value starts flashing.
2. Use the MAX/+ or MIN/- key to set the time zone. The MAX/+ key increases the value and the MIN/- key decreases the value in consecutive 1-hour intervals.
3. Confirm with the SET key and enter the Manual Time setting.
Digit flashing
In case the intelligent weather station cannot detect the WWVB-signal (for example due to disturbances, transmitting distance, etc.), the time can be manually set. The clock will then work as a normal Quartz clock.
Hour flashing
Minutes flashing
1. The hour digit will start flashing.
2. Use the MAX/+ or MIN/- key to set the hour.
3. Press again the SET key to switch to the minutes. The minute digits start flashing.
4. Use the MAX/+ or MIN/- key to set the minutes.
5. Confirm with the SET key and enter the Calendar setting.
The unit will still try to receive the signal between 2:00 and 6:00 am every day despite it being manually set, if the WWVB reception function has been set ON. When it does receive the signal, it will change the manually set time into the received time. During reception attempts the WWVB tower icon will flash. If reception has been unsuccessful, then the WWVB tower icon will not appear but reception will still be attempted the following hour.
Date, Month, Year (for 24h display) Month, Date, Year (for 12h display)
The date default of the intelligent weather station is 1. 1. in the year 2004. Once the radio-controlled time signals are received, the date is automatically updated. However, if the signals are not received, the date can also be set manually.
1. The year starts flashing.
2. Use the MAX/+ or MIN/- key to set the year. The range runs from 2004 to 2030.
3. Press the SET key again to confirm and to enter the month setting. The month starts flashing.
4. Use the MAX/+ or MIN/- key to set the month.
5. Press the SET key again to confirm and to enter the date setting mode. The date starts flashing.
6. Use the MAX/+ or MIN/- key to set the date.
7. Confirm all calendar settings with the SET key and enter the WWVB Time Reception ON/OFF setting.
In area where reception of the WWVB time is not possible, the WWVB time reception function can be turned OFF. The clock will then work as a normal Quartz clock. (Default setting is ON).
1. The digit “ON” will start flashing on the LCD.
2. Use the MAX/+ or MIN/- key to turn OFF the time reception function.
3. Confirm with the SET key and enter the ºF/ºC Temperature Unit setting.
Note: If the WWVB time reception function is turned OFF manually, the clock will not perform any reception of the WWVB time as long as the WWVB OFF function is activated.
The WWVB reception icon will not be displayed on the LCD.
The temperature display can be selected to show temperature data in °F or °C. (default °F)
1. Use the MAX/+ or MIN/- key to toggle between “°F” or “°C”.
2. Confirm with the SET key and enter the Air Pressure Unit setting.
The relative air pressure unit can be set in inHg, hPa or mmHg unit. (default unit is inHg).
1. Use the MAX/+ or MIN/- key to toggle between “inHg”, “hPa” or “mmHg”
2. Confirm with the SET key and enter the Relative Pressure Value setting.
Note: The default reference pressure value of the barometer is 29.91 inHg (1013 hPa). For an exact measurement it is necessary to first adjust the barometer to your local relative air pressure (related to elevation above sea level). Ask for the present atmospheric pressure of your home area (Local weather service, calibrated instruments in public buildings, airport).
The default relative pressure value is 29.91 inHg (1013 hPa). This corresponds to the average air pressure. Pressure below this is referred to as low-pressure area (weather to become worse), pressure above as high-pressure area (weather to improve). The relative air pressure can be manually set to another value within the range of 28.35 to 30.72 inHg (960 – 1040 hPa or 720 – 781 mmHg) for a better reference.
Digit flashing
1. The current relative pressure value will start flashing
2. Use the MAX/+ or MIN/- key to increase or decrease the value. Keep holding the key allows the value to advance faster.
3. Confirm with the SET key and enter the Language display setting.
Note: This calibration facility is useful for those users living at various elevations above sea level, but wanting their air pressure display based on sea level elevation.
The language for the calendar and “Intelligent” weather information display can be set to view in English (E), German (D), or French (F). Default setting is English. To set another language:
1. Use the MAX/+ or MIN/- key to set the desired language.
2. Confirm with the SET key and exit the Manual settings.
To exit the manual setting anytime during the manual setting modes, press the CH key anytime or wait for automatic timeout. The mode will return to normal time display.
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