KROHNE G-MFM4085EEx User Manual

Enclosure to Operating Manual for Ex Instruments
MFM 4085 K/F
These instruct i ons should be used in conjunc tion with the Standard Installation and Operating Instructions for the MFM 4085 K/F. If you have not received a copy or require a copy, please contact your nearest Krohne Office or representative or Product Management in Duisburg, Germany.
Product liability and warranty
The CORIMASS mass flowmeter MFM 4085 is desig ned for the direct measurem ent of mass flow rate, product density and product temperature, and also indirectly enables measurement of parameters such as total mass, concentration of dissolved substances and the volume flow.
use in hazardous areas
, special codes and regulations are applicable which are specified in the special ”Ex installation and operating instructions” (supplied only with hazardous-duty equipment).
as to suitability and intended use of our instruments rests solely with the
purchaser. Improper installation and operation of the flowmeters may lead to
loss of warranty
In addition, the ”general conditions of sale” forming the basis of the purchase agreement are applicable.
If you need to return CORIMASS flowmeters to KROHNE, please com ple te the for m on the
page of the Installation and Operating manual and return it with the meter to be repaired. Krohne regrets that it cannot repai r or check your flowmeter un less accom pani ed by this completed form
1. Description 4
1.1 Description of th e Transducer 5
1.2 Description of the Converter 5
1.3 Installation of th e MFM 4085 K E
Ex 6
2. Electrical Installation 7
2.1 Location and connecting cables 7
2.2 Connection on c onverters without in trinsically sa f e outputs 7
2.3 Connection on c onverters with intrinsically safe outputs 9
2.3.1 Technical information Intrinsically Safe Outputs 10
2.4 Overview PTB and FM Approvals 11
3. Certification (without images) xxxx12
4. Data Plates 61
4.1 Ex PTB 61
4.2 Ex PTB with Custody Transfer 61
4.3 Ex PTB with intrinsically safe output s 62
4.3 FM Class I Div 1 63
4.4 FM Class I Div 2 63
1. Description
The mass flowmeter MFM 4085 K E
Ex and MFM 4085 F EEx consists of two main components:
The Signal Converter, whic h calculates and displays the m easured values an d the transduce r which supplies the converter with the analog sign al s.
A Cable Seal, which is s crewed into the converter housing, lead s the electric s i gnals from the transducer to the converter. The signal cable between the transducer and converter are intrinsically safe.
The converter hous i ng is permanen t ly screwed onto the transducer and mu st not be removed at any time.
Cenelec Approvals
PTB approves the conformity of the mass flow meter acc. to the harmonized European Standards:
(Pressure tight housing ‘d’) for the electr onics housing and the term i n al com partment
(Increased safety ‘e’) for the standa rd termination compartment
(Intrinsically Safe ‘ib’” for the Zener bar ri ers and all el ectrical circuits inside the transducer
The approval number PTB Ex-94.C. 2054 X, PTB Ex-97.D.2194 X, Ex-97.D.2195 X and the Addendums covers the meter sizes 10 G, 100 G, 300 G, 800 G, 1500 G and 3000 G. The meters are identified with the code E E or with intrinsic. safe outputs E E
Ex de [ib] II C T6...T3 or Ex de [ib] II C T6...T3 Ex de [ia/ib] II C T6...T3 or Ex de [ia/ib] II C T6...T3
Factory Mutual approvals
The G-Series is also approved for use in Div 1 and Div 2 hazardous locations. The equipment is suitable for us e i n the following area s:
Class I Div 2 Groups A, B, C and D Class II Div 2 Groups F and G Class III Div 2 Class I, II, III Div 1 Groups A, B, C, D, E, F and G
The approvals and the various addend ums is applic able to the meter si zes: 10 G, 100 G, 300 G, 800 G,1500 G and 3000 G.
1.1 Description of the Transducer
The transducer MFS 4000-Ex is an intrinsically safe unit and contains three separated safe circuits. These ar e:
Driver Circuit
Sensor Circuit
PT500 / Strain Gauge Circuit
The cables of these circuits are fed through the transducer housing via a special seal. There are various transducer sizes available with different end connection options. Although standard
x transducers appear the same, in fact the EEx version has a longer converter mount
and E (neck) and also contains specific clamping diodes fitted across the driver coil. Therefore, it is essential to
using a standard converter with E
Ex transducer and vice versa.
In order to fulfil the Ex certification requirements, it is absolutely necessary to comply with the technical data which is enclosed in this document. Under no circumstances should the process fluid exceed 130°C, optional 150°C ( for instruments with zirconium tubes the max. temp. is 100°C) .
1.2 Description of th e Converter
The Ex converter is available in two different versions: a) The ‘de’ versi on The electronics are placed in a pressure tight section of the converter housing, while the
termination compartment is not pressure tight. The converter housing may be fitted with different cable glands such as NPT, PG16 or NPF gl ands for the mains supply and the input/output cables. The protection class of the termination compartment in ‘e’.
b) The ‘d’ version The electronics as well as the termination compartment are placed in a pressure tight housing.
The termination c ompartment is not fitted with any glan d f or the mains supply or the input/output c ables. The customer is responsib l e for fitting an Ex approved cable gland into the PG16 thread of the housing. There a re various suppl i ers for such cable glands on the market. The protection class of the termination compartment is ‘d’.
For both cases the required waiting time between switching off the electronics and opening the housing has to be con si d ered. The waiting time is mentioned on the data plate of the system and amounts to 25 minutes for T6 and 10 minutes for T5. The Ex protection of the system is not valid if the electronics housing is not closed securely. Make sure after opening the converter housing, to cl ose it fully with the enclosed wrench .
The programming of the converter may also be performed with a closed lid by using the enclosed magnet. Three magnet sensors are ass embled on the display board, which allow the user to operate t he converter without touching the display itself.
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