Thank you for purchasing the Korg PitchCrow-G Clip- on Tuner.
2 semitones
3 semitones
Mode indicator
Battery indicator
Note name indicator
Meter indicator
when correctly tuned
5th guitar
4th bass
Merci d’avoir choisi l’accordeur PitchCrow-G Clip- on Tuner de Korg.
Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für das Clip-on Stimmgerät Pitch-
Crow-G von Korg entschieden haben.
Gracias por comprar el anador PitchCrow-G Clip-on de Korg.
このたびは、コルグ Clip-on Tuner PitchCrow-Gをお買い上
受付時間 月曜~金曜 10:00 ~ 17:00
●サービス・センター :
コルグ PitchCrow-G
お買い上げ日 年 月 日
This Perchlora te warning applie s only to pr imar y CR (Manganese
Dioxid e) Lithium coin c ells sold or dis tributed ON LY in Calif ornia USA.
“Perchlorate Material–special handling may apply, See www.dtsc.”
This devi ce com plies wi th Part 15 of t he FCC Rule s.
Operation is subject to t he follo wing tw o condit ions: (1) This device
may not ca use harmful in terferenc e, and (2) this devic e must accept
any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
〒168-0073 東京都杉並区下高井戸1-15-12
Using th e unit in the following locations c an resul t in a malfu nction.
• In direc t sunlight.
• Locations of extreme tem peratu re or humi dity.
• Exces sively du sty or dir ty lo catio ns.
• Locations of exce ssive vi bratio n.
• Close to m agnetic elds.
Power supply
Be sure to turn the po wer switc h to OFF whe n the unit i s not in use.
Remove the batter y in orde r to prevent i t from leaking wh en the unit is
not in use for extend ed peri ods.
Interference with other electrical devices
Radios and televisions placed nearby may experience reception
inter ferenc e. Operate this unit at a suita ble dist ance fr om radio s and
To avoid breaka ge, do not ap ply exces sive force to the sw itches o r
If the ext erior b ecome s dirt y, wipe it wit h a clean, dry cloth. Do not us e
liquid c leaner s such as b enzene or t hinner, or c leanin g compo unds or
ammable polishes.
Keep this manual
After reading this manual, please keep it for later reference.
Keeping foreign matter out of your equipment
Never set any c ontainer wi th liquid in it ne ar this equipm ent. If liquid g ets
into the equipment, it could cause a breakdown, re, or electri cal shock.
Be careful not to let metal objects get into the equipmen t.
NOTE: Thi s equipment has bee n tested an d found to c omply w ith
the limi ts for a Class B dig ital device, p ursuant to Par t 15 of the FCC
Rules. T hese limits are d esigned to provi de reasonabl e protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and,
if not inst alled and used in ac cordance wit h the inst ructions, may
cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,
there is n o guarantee tha t interferen ce will not occ ur in a partic ular
instal lation. If this equ ipment d oes caus e harmf ul inter ference to
radio or televisi on rece ption, w hich ca n be deter mined by turning
the equi pment of f and on, the user is encoura ged to tr y to cor rect
the inter ference by one or more of the followin g measur es:
• Reorient or relo cate th e receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equ ipment into an outl et on a circ uit dif ferent f rom
that to which the re ceiver i s conne cted.
• Consul t the dealer or a n experienc ed radio/ TV technic ian for help.
If items su ch as cables are i ncluded with t his equipment , you must
use those included items.
Unauth orized changes or mo dica tion to this sys tem can void th e
user’s au thority to operate this e quipme nt.
Notice regarding disposal (EU only)
If this symbol is sh own on the p roduct, manual , batter y, or
packag e, you must dispo se of it in the cor rect manner to av oid
harm to hu man health or da mage to the envir onment. Cont act
your loc al admin istrat ive body fo r detail s on the co rrect d is
posal me thod. If the bat tery contai ns heavy metal s in excess
the regu lated amo unt, a che mical sy mbol is di splayed
below th e symbol o n the battery or b atter y package.
This p roduct has been man ufac ture d acco rdin g to str ict sp eci ca tions an d voltag e requir ements t hat are app licab le in the c ountr y
in w
purcha sed this p roduct via the int ernet, t hrough mail order, and/or
via a tele phone sa le, you must verify that this p roduc t is intend ed
to be used i n the country in w hich you r eside.
WARNIN G: Use of this product in any country ot her than that for
which it is intended could b e danger ous and c ould inval idate the
manufacturer’s or distributor’s warranty.
Please a lso retain your r eceipt as proo f of purchase oth erwise you r
produc t may be disqu alied f rom the manu factur er’s or distribu
tor’s warranty.
hich it is i ntended that this p roduc t should b e used. If yo u have
Parts of the PitchCrow- G
Reference pitch indicator
CAPO indicator
1st string
warning indicator
Battery holder
CAL button
Installing the battery
Make sure to turn the power o before you install or replace the baery.
When the baery begins to run low, the baery indicator
) will light up.
When the baery indicator lights up,the PitchCrow-G
will become less accurate. Replace the baery as soon as
possible to ensure accurate tuning.
1. Unlock part “A” of t he battery holder, and then
slightly pul l out the holder.
2. Tilt the baery holder, and then pull it up to remove
3. Insert the baery into the baery holder, making
sure to observe the cor rect polar ity.
4. Retur n the baery holder to its or iginal position.
The backlight will illuminate brightly when sound is detected or when
a buon is pres sed. Whe n there has bee n no sou nd detected for app roximately three seconds, the backlight will dim slightly in order to prevent
e baery from being depleted.
1. Press the power buon. The power will tu rn on/o each time you
press t his buon.
If the power is left on for approximately 3 minutes without any user
input, it will turn o automatically.
2. If necessary, change the tuner mode, c alibration (reference pitch),
ne tu ning and at /capo seings.
The proc edu re wit h the tu ner mod e set to chrom ati c (f act ory de fa ult ;
no mode indicator) is descr ibed below.
3. Play a sing le note on your instrument.
The display will show the name of the note
that’s closest to the pitch detected. Tune your
instrument to the correct pitch so that the
desired note name appears.
On ce aga in pl ay a sing le not e on you r ins tru ment, and adjus t the tun-
ing so that the center segment of t he meter (indicated by
An indicator toward the right will light up if the pitch is too high,
and an indicator toward the left will light up if the pitch is too low.
Even if the pitch is within the range of detection, it may not be possible to detect
the pitch of an instrumental sound that contains large numbers of ove rtone s
or a sound that has a rapid decay.
Th e meter may res pond to vib rat ions it pic ks up fr om the envi ronme nt; how -
ever, this will not aect tuning of the instrument.
Setting the tuner mode (*M)
Each time you press the M buon, the tuner mode changes,
with the current mode shown by the mode indicator.
Chromatic (no indicator) → Guitar (
→ Chromatic...
Additionally, when in the guitar and bass modes, the string
number closest to the detected pitch appears to the left of
the note name indicator.
) → Bass ( )
Note name indicators for guit ar mode: 7B, 6E, 5A, 4D, 3G, 2B, 1E
In guitar mode, the 1st string overtightening warning indicator ( ) will light
to help prevent the 1st string from breaking as a result of overtightening.
Note name indicators for bass mode: LB, 4E, 3A, 2D, 1G, HC
(LB stands for low B, and HC stands for high C.)
) is lit up.
Calibration (reference pitch) settings (*M)
Each time you press the CAL buon, the calibration value (reference pitch) increases in 1 Hz steps. Hold down the buon for at
ast one second to reset the calibration to 440 Hz.
Setting ne tuning (*M)
With the PitchCrow-G in chromatic mode, press the FCN buon. The
FINE indicator (
indicator, allowing the instrument to be tuned more accurately. When
the pitch is high, the strobe indicators in the meter will light up, running from left to right. When the pitch is low, the indicators in the meter
ll light up, running from right to left. Tune the instrument until the
in dic ators stop running. To ca nce l ne tu ning , pre ss th e FCN buon . The
FINE indicator will turn o.
Specifying at/capo settings (*M)
Each time you hold down the FCN buon, the seing changes between at
and capo, with the current seing shown by the FLAT/CAPO indicator.
) → Capo ( ) → Flat ( )...
Flat (
To change the at se ing , press the FCN buon while
the FLAT indicator is lit up.
To ch ange th e cap o se ing, pr ess th e FC N bu on wh i le
the CAPO indicator is lit.
When the at or capo seing is set to 0, the FLAT/CAPO
indicator turns o after a few seconds, and the default
seing (no at or capo tuning) is applied.
Both at and capo tuning can be set in guitar mode, but only at tuning can be
se t in bas s mode, and neithe r at nor cap o tuni ng can be se t in chroma ti c mode.
) will light up. The meter will change to a strobe
Attaching to the instrument and range of motion
The PitchCrow-G tunes by picking up the vibrations of the instrument.
For the most accurate tuning, be sure to aach the PitchCrow-G to the
head stock of your instrument.
In addition, the joints marked A in the diagram below can be freely
moved so that the display is easy to read.
The PitchCrow-G may be damaged if you apply excessive force within its
range of motion, or attempt to move it beyond its intended range of motion.
Pl eas e ca ref ully a ach the Pit chCro w- G to you r
in st rum ent. Le avi ng the Pitc hCrow -G aac hed
fo r a long ti me ma y dam ag e or ma rk the in st rument's surface.
Depending on various factors such as age-
related change or the surface nish, there is a
possibility that your instrument may be damaged by aaching this product.
Scale: 12-note equal temperament
Range (sine wave): Chromatic A0 (27.50 Hz)–C8 (4186 Hz)
Guitar B1 at5 (46.25 Hz)–E4 capo7 (493.88 Hz)
Bass B0 at5 (23.12 Hz)–C3 (130.81 Hz)
Precision: +/-0.1 cent (ne tuning)
Reference pitch:436–445 Hz (1 Hz steps)
Flat tuning: 1–5 semitones (in semitone steps)
Capo tuning: 1–7 semitones (in semitone steps)
Dimensions: 63 mm(W) X 56 mm(D) X 25 mm(H)
2.48’’ (W) X 2.20’’ (D) X 0.98 ’’ (H)
Weig ht: 21 g/0.74 oz. (including baery)
Baery life: approximately 24 hours
(tuner continuously operating, A4 input)
Included items: CR2032 lithium baery (3V)
*M Seings are remembered even when the power is o. However,
seings will be initialized when you replace the baery (default,
Tuner mode: Chromatic, calibration: 440 Hz, Fine tuning: normal,
FLAT/CAPO: normal)
• Specications and appearance are subject to change without notice for
・ 次のような場合には、直ちに電池をぬく。
○異物が内部に入ったとき ○製品に異常や故障が生じたとき
・ 本製品を分解したり改造したりしない。
・ 修理/部品の交換などで、取扱説明書に書かれている以外のことは絶対
・ 本製品を医療機器へ近づけない。磁石が心臓ペースメーカーや医療用
・ 本製品に異物(燃えやすいもの、硬貨、針金など)を入れない。
・ 温度が極端に高い場所(直射日光の当たる場所、暖房機器の近く、発熱
・ 振動の多い場所で使用や保管はしない。
・ 風呂場、シャワー室で使用や保管はしない。
・ 雨天時の野外などのような湿気の多い場所で、使用や保管はしない。
・ 本製品の上に液体の入ったもの(水や薬品等)を置かない。
・ 本製品に液体をこぼさない。
・ 濡れた手で本製品を使用しない。
・ 正常な通気が妨げられない所に設置して使用する。
・ ラジオ、テレビ、電子機器などから十分に離して使用する。ラジオやテ
・ 外装のお手入れは、乾いた柔らかい布を使って軽く拭く。
・ 長時間使用しないときは、電池の液漏れを防ぐために電池を抜く。
・ 電池や本体は幼児の手の届かないところに保管する。
・ 電池を過度の熱源(日光、火など)にさらさない。
・ ボタンやツマミに必要以上の力を加えない。故障の原因になります。
・ 外装のお手入れに、ベンジンやシンナー系の液体、コンパウンド質、強
・ 不安定な場所に置かない。
1. 本保証書の有効期間はお買い上げ日より1ケ年です。
2. 次の修理等は保証期間内であっても有償修理となります。
・ 消耗部品(電池など)の交換。 ・お取扱い方法が不適当のために生じた故障。
・ 天災(火災、浸水等)によって生じた故障。
・ 故障の原因が本製品以外の他の機器にある場合。
・ 不当な改造、調整、部品交換などにより生じた故障または損傷。
・ 保証書にお買い上げ日、販売店名が未記入の場合、または字句が書き替えら
3. 本保証書は日本国内においてのみ有効です。
This warranty is valid only in Japan.
4. お客様が保証期間中に移転された場合でも、保証は引き続きお使いいただけ
5. 修理、運送費用が製品の価格より高くなることもありますので、あらかじめ
6. 修理中の代替品、商品の貸し出し等は、いかなる場合においても一切行って
L'utilisation d e cet instrument dans les endroits suivants peut
en entraîner le mauvais fonctionnement.
• En plein soleil.
• Endroit s très chauds ou trè s humides.
• Endroits sales ou fort poussiéreux.
• Endroit s soumis à de forte s vibrations.
• A proximité de champs magnétiques.
Lorsqu e vous n’utilisez pas l ’appare il, n’oubliez pas de le m ettre
hors ten sion. Retirez le s piles pour évite r toute fuite lor sque l’appareil ne sera pas utilisé pendant de longues périodes de temps.
Interférences avec d'autres appareils électriques
Les poste s de radio et de télévision situés à proximité peuvent
par conséquent souffrir d'interférences à la réception. Veuillez
dès lors faire fonctionner cet appareil à une distance raiso nnable de postes de radio et de télévision.
Pour éviter de les endommager, manipulez les commandes et
les boutons de cet instrument avec soin.
Lorsqu e l'instrume nt se salit, nettoy ez-le avec un chif fon propre
et sec. Ne vous servez pas d'agents de net toyage liquides tels
qu e du ben z ène ou du di lua n t, vo i re de s pro dui t s in amm a ble s .
Conservez ce manuel
Après avo ir lu ce manuel, veu illez le conser ver soigneusement
pour toute référence ultérieure.
Evitez toute intrusion d'objets ou de liquide
Ne placez jamais de récipient contenant du liquide près de
l'instrument . Si le liquide se renverse ou coule, il risque de
provoqu er des dommage s, un court- circuit ou une é lectrocut ion.
Veillez à ne pas laisser tomber des objets m étalliques dans le
boîtier (trombones, par ex.).
Note concernant les dispositions (Seulement EU)
Si ce symbole apparait sur le produit, le manuel, les piles ou
les packs de piles, cela signi e que vous devez le recyc ler
d’une manière correcte an de prévenir les do mmages pour
la santé humaine et les dommage s potenti els pour l ’environ
nement. Contac tez votre administration locale pour de plus
les renseignements concernant la bonne méthode de
recyclage. Si la pile contient des mét aux lourds au-delà du
seuil réglementé, un symbole c himique est afché en dessous du
symbole de la poube lle barrée d’une cr oix sur la pile ou le pac k de
Ce produit a été fabriqué suivant des spéc ications sévères et des
besoins en tensio n applic ables dans le pays où c e produit doit être
utilisé. Si vous avez ac heté ce produit via l’internet, par vente par
correspondance ou/et vente par télé phone, vous devez vér ier que
ce produit est bie n utilisable dans l e pays où vous résidez.
ATTENTIO N: L’uti lisation de ce pr oduit dans un pays aut re que celui
pour leq uel il a été conçu pe ut être dangereuse et annule ra la garan
tie du fab ricant ou du dist ributeur. Conse rvez bien votre r écépissé qui
t la preuve d e votre achat, faute de quoi votr e produit ne risq ue de
ne plus êtr e couver t par la garantie du fabric ant ou du distributeur.
Vermeiden Sie das Aufstellen des Geräts an Or ten, an denen
• es direkter Sonneneinstrahlung ausgesetzt ist;
• hohe Feuchtigkeit oder Extremtemperaturen auftreten können;
• Staub oder Schmutz in großen Mengen vorha nden sind;
• das Gerät Erschütterungen ausgesetzt sein kann.
• in der Nähe eines Magnetfe ldes.
Stellen Sie den Net zschalter auf OFF, wenn das Gerät ni cht benutzt
wird. Wenn S ie das Gerät über einen längeren Zeit raum nicht benut zen,
nehmen Sie die Bat terien heraus, damit sie ni cht auslaufen.
Störeinüsse auf andere Elektrogeräte
Dieser kann bei in der Nähe aufgestellten Rund-funkempfänger n oder
Fernsehgeräten Empfangsstörungen hervorrufen. Betreiben Sie solche
Geräte nur in einem geeigneten Abstand von diesem Erzeugnis.
Vermeiden Sie bei der Bedienung von Schaltern und Reglern unangemessenen Kraftaufwand.
Bei auftretender Verschmutzung können Sie das Gehäuse mit einem
trockenen, sauberen Tuch abwischen. Verwenden Sie keinerlei Flüssigreiniger wie beispielsweise Reinigungsbenzin, Verdünnungs- oder
ülmittel. Verwenden Sie niemals brennbare Reiniger.
Bewahren Sie diese Bedienungsanleitung gut auf, falls S ie sie später
noch einmal benötigen.
Flüssigkeiten und Fremdkörper
Stelle n Sie niemals Behä ltnisse mit Flüs sigkeiten in der N ähe des Geräts
auf. Wenn Flüs sigkeit in das Gerät gelangt, können Beschädigung des
Geräts , Feuer oder ein ele k-trischer S chlag die Folge se in. Beachten Sie,
daß keinerlei Fremdkörper in das Gerät gelangen.
Hinweis zur Entsorgung (Nur EU)
Wenn Sie das Symbol mit der „dur chgekreuzten Mülltonne“ auf
Ihrem Produkt, der dazugehörigen Bedienungsanleitung, der
Batter ie oder der Verpackung sehen, müssen Sie das Produkt
in der vorg eschrieben en Art und Weise e ntsorgen um Sch äden
an der men schlichen Ge sundheit und der U mwelt zu vermeid en.
Batter ien oder Akkus, die Schadstoffe enthalten, sind auc h mit
dem Symbol einer durchgekreuzten Mülltonne gekennzeichnet. In der
Nähe zum Mülltonnensymbol bendet sich die chemische Bezeichnung
des Schadstoffes.
El uso de la unidad en las siguientes ubicaciones puede dar
como resultado un mal funcionamiento:
• Expuesto a la luz dir ecta del sol.
• Zonas de ex tremad a temperatura o humedad.
• Zonas con exceso de suciedad o polvo.
• Zonas con excesiva vibración.
• Cercano a campos magnéticos.
Fuente de alimentación
Apague la unidad cuando no la use la batería. Retire las baterías si no va a usar la unida d durante un tiempo largo.
Interferencias con otros aparatos
Las radios y televisores situados c erca pueden experiment ar
interferencias en la rec epción. Opere este dispositivo a una
distancia prudencial de radios y televiso res.
Para evitar una rotura, no apli que excesiva fuer za a los conmutadores o controles.
Si exter ior se ensucia, límp iese co n un trapo s eco. No us e líqui-
dos limpiadores como dis olvente, ni compue stos inamables.
Guarde este manual
Después de leer este manual, guárdelo para futuras consultas.
Mantenga los elementos externos alejados del
Nunca c oloque ningún recipiente con líquido cerc a de este
equipo, podría causar un cortocircuito, fuero o descarga
eléctrica. Cuide de que no caiga ningún objeto metálico dentro
del equipo.
Nota respecto a residuos y deshechos (solo UE)
Si apare ce el símbolo del c ubo de basura tach ado sobre
un producto, su manu al de usuar io, la bate ría, o el em-
balaje de cualquier a de éstos, signica que cuando tire
dichos a rtículos a la basura, ha de hacerlo en acuerdo
con la normativa v igente de la Unión Europea par a
prevenir daños a la salud pública y al medioambiente.
Le rogamos que se ponga en contacto con su ocina o
ministerio de medioambi ente para m ás detalles. Si la batería
contiene metales pesados por encima del límite permitido,
habrá un símbolo de un material químico, debajo del símbolo
del cubo de basura tachado.
Dieses Produkt wurde unter strenger Beacht ung von Spezikationen
und Spannungsanforderungen hergestellt, die im Bestimmungsland
gelten. Wenn Sie dieses Produkt über das Intern et, per Postversand
und/oder mit telefonischer Bestellung gekauft haben, müssen Sie
bestätigen, das s dieses Produkt für Ihr Wohngebiet ausgelegt ist.
WARNUNG: Verwendung dieses Produkts in einem anderen Land als
dem, für d as es bestimmt ist , verwendet wi rd, kann gefährl ich sein und
die Garantie des Herstellers ode r Impor teurs hinfällig lassen werden.
Bitte bewahren Sie diese Quittung als Kauf beleg auf, da ander nfalls
das Produkt von der G arantie des Hersteller s oder Imp orteurs aus
geschlossen werden kann.
Este producto ha sido fabricado de acuerdo a estrictas espe -
cicacione s y requeri mientos de voltaje aplicabl es en el país
para el cual está de stinado. Si ha comprado este producto
por inter net, a través de cor reo, y/o venta telefónica, debe
usted ver icar que el uso de este producto e stá destinado al
país en el cua l reside. AVISO: El uso de este producto en un
país distinto al cual está destinado podría resultar peli groso
y podría invalidar la garantía del fabricante o distribuidor. Por
favor guar de su recibo como prueba de compra ya que de
otro modo el produ cto puede verse pr ivado de la g arantía de l
fabricante o distribuidor.