KONICA MINOLTA PagePro 1200W User Guide

PagePro 1200W
User’s Guide
The following are registered trademarks of MINOLTA-QMS, Inc.: QMS and the MINOLTA-QMS logo . Minolta, Fin e-ART, and PagePro are trademarks of Minolt a Co., Ltd. Other produ ct names ment ioned in this guid e may also b e trademarks o r registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Proprietary Statement
The digitally encode d software inc luded with yo ur printer is C opyrighted © 2002 by MINOLTA-QMS , Inc . All Rig hts Re se rved . This sof tware m ay n ot b e rep roduc ed, modified, displaye d, transferr ed, or copi ed in any form or in any mann er or on any media, in whole or in par t, without the e xpress writt en permission of MINOLTA­QMS, Inc.
Copyright Notice
This manual is Copyrighted © 2002 by MINOLTA-QMS, Inc., One Magnum Pass, Mobile, AL 36618. All Rights Res erv ed. This docu ment may no t be co pie d, in whol e or part, nor transferre d to any other m edia or langua ge, without w ritten permis sion of MINOLTA-QMS, Inc.
Manual Notice
MINOLTA-QMS, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to this manual and to the equipment described h erein withou t notice. Cons iderable effort ha s been ma de to ensure that this ma nual is free of inaccuraci es and omissio ns. Howev er, MINOLTA­QMS, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merch anta bility and fitness for a particular purpose with regard to th is manual. MINOLTA-QMS, Inc. assum es no responsibility for, or liability for, errors contained in this ma nual or for in cidental, sp ecial, or cons equential d amages arising out of the furnishin g of this man ual, or the use of this manual in operating the equipment, or in conn ection with the performanc e of the equipme nt when so operated.


1 Introduction
1.1 Welcome........................................................................................1-1
1.2 Roadmap of this manual ..............................................................1-2
Brief explanation of special type styles and method of
2 Installing and setting up the printer
2.1 Overview of the printer.................................................................2-1
External features.............................................................................2-1
Inside the printer.............................................................................2-2
Optional accessories.......................................................................2-3
Printer control panel........................................................................2-4
2.2 Installing your laser printer..........................................................2-5
Place of installation .........................................................................2-5
Storage of consumables and accessories ......................................2-5
Ambient conditions..........................................................................2-5
Space requirements........................................................................2-6
2.3 Setting up your laser printer........................................................2-7
Turning the printer on and off............................................. ...........2-11
Connecting the printer to a computer............................................2-12
3 Installing the printer driver
3.1 Minimum system requirements...................................................3-1
3.2 Notes on installing the printer driver..........................................3-1
General information on the printer driver ........................................3-1
Information on installation using Add Printer ...............................3-2
3.3 Installing the USB device drive r and printer driver under
Windows XP...................................................................................3-2
3.4 Installing the USB device drive r and printer driver under
Windows Me................................................................................3-11
3.5 Installing the USB device drive r and printer driver under
Windows 2000.............................................................................3-15
3.6 Installing the USB device driver and printer driver under
Windows 98................................................................................. 3-21
3.7 Installing the printer driver under Windows 95.......................3-26
3.8 Installing the printer driver under Windows NT 4.0 ................3-29
3.9 Uninstalling the printer driver and USB device drive r............3-31
4 Working with the printer driver
4.1 Displaying printer driver settings...............................................4-1
4.2 Setup tab.......................................................................................4-4
4.3 Paper tab....................................................................................... 4-5
4.4 Quality tab.....................................................................................4-6
4.5 Device Options Setting tab.......................................................... 4-7
5 Working with the Status Display
5.1 Environment.................................................................................. 5-1
5.2 Opening the Status Display.........................................................5-2
5.3 Using the Status Display ............................................................. 5-4
5.4 Closing the Status Display ..........................................................5-5
6 Working with the printer
6.1 Please note the following points: ............................................... 6-1
What should I watch out for when loading paper?..........................6-1
What should I watch out for when loading envelopes?..................6-1
Which sizes of paper can I use?.....................................................6-2
What types of paper can I use?...................................................... 6-3
Printable area.................................................................................6-3
6.2 Using the panel button................................................................. 6-4
6.3 Loading media.............................................................................. 6-5
6.4 Determining the direction printed sheets ..................................6-7
7 Installing printer options
7.1 Installing the lower feeder unit (Tray 2) .....................................7-1
7.2 Installing the face-up tray ........................................................... 7-3
8 Maintaining the printer
8.1 Replacing the toner cartridge......................................................8-2
8.2 Replacing the drum cartridge .....................................................8-6
8.3 Cleaning the printer....................................................................8-10
9 Troubleshooting
9.1 Clearing media jams .....................................................................9-1
9.2 General printing problem s...........................................................9-8
9.3 Print quality problems ..................................................................9-8
9.4 Printer messages ........................................................................ 9-11
Indicator functions.........................................................................9-11
Status message............................................................................9-12
Error messages.............................................................................9-12
Service message...........................................................................9-13
10 Appendix
10.1 Safety specifications..................................................................10-1
10.2 Technical specifications.............................................................10-1
Lower feeder unit (option) .............................................................10-3
Parallel interface connecto rs and cable........................................10-3
USB interface connectors and cable.............................................10-3
10.3 Our concern for environmental protection...............................10-4
What is an ENERGY STAR product? ...........................................10-4
10.4 CE Marking (Declaration of Conformity)...................................10-4
For European users......................................................................10-4
10.5 CISPR 22 and local rules........................................... ...... ...........10-4
10.6 Acoustic Noise............................................................................10-4
10.7 Safety Information.......................................................................10-5
Warning and precaution symbols..................................................10-5
Meaning of symbols......................................................................10-5
10.8 Working safely with your laser printer......................................10-8
Notes on your safety and operating safety....................................10-8
Laser safety.................................................................................10-10
Internal laser radiation.................................................................10-10
Laser caution label......................................................................10-10
Laser safety label........................................................................ 10-11
For United States users..............................................................10-11
For users in all countries.............................................................10-12
For Denmark users.....................................................................10-12
For Norway users........................................................................10-12
For Finland, Sweden ssers.........................................................10-12
Ozone release.............................................................................10-13
Dégagement dozone..................................................................10-13
11 Index

1 Introduction

1.1 Welcome

Thank you for purchasing a PagePro 1200W. So you can use your new laser printer effectively and achieve the best
possible results, this manual provides you with information on the follow­ing topics:
G Installing the printer driver G Wo rki ng w ith the printer driv er and Status Disp lay G Wo rki ng with the printer G Caring for and maintaining the printer G Troubleshooting
Read this manual carefull y before op erating your prin ter for the firs t time, and always keep the manual within easy reach.

1.2 Roadmap of this manual

The following tab le is des igned to he lp y ou fin d the inform ation you need. Alternatively, to find in formation on a spec ific problem quick ly and precise­ly, refer to the index at the end of this manual.
No. Title of chapter Content of chapter
1 Introduction Overview of this manual. 2 Setting up the printer Information on how to set up the printer as well as an
3 Installing a printer driver A step-by-step explanation of the procedure for
4 Working with the printer
5 Working with the Status
6 Working with the printer General information on how to use your printer,
7 Installing printer options Detailed instructions on installing printer options:
8 Maintaining the printer Information on how to replace consumables and
9 Troubleshooting Information on identifying and solving printer
10 Specifications Technical specifications, safety information, and
Index Index of the contents of this manual.
introduction to its features.
installing a printer driver. Overview of the Windows printer drivers.
Details of how to use the Status Display.
including supported media sizes and types, loading media, monitoring print jobs, and canceling print jobs.
lower feeder unit and face-up tray.
clean the printer.
regulatory information.

Brief explanation of special type styles and method of presentation

Special type styles and methods of presentation are used in this manual to highlight various circumstances. The following examples will help you recognize and deal with the most im porta nt of thes e.
CAUTION OR WARNING This is a caution or warning!
A caution alerts you to damage that could result to the printer by treating it improperly while a warning alerts you to the potential for bodily harm.
The arrow refers you t o safety measures that must be taken to prevent
[MENU] button on the printer driver with the description “Menu”
Single action to be performed (there are no other steps)
1 Step 1 of a series of actions
the hazard.
If you’re using the Acrobat PDF version of this guide, click this icon
to play a QuickTime video clip of the procedure described in the text. Acrobat Reader and a download link to QuickTime are provided on the Utilities and Documentation CD-ROM.
Step 2 of a series of actions.
Help is available here.
The approach that is sugges ted
here is sure to get you to your desired result.
Here you can see what has to be done.
This is a helpful tip
Text passages that are identified in this manner provide you with tips and tricks that make it even easier to work with the printer.
Installing and setting up the printer

2 Installing and setting up the printer

2.1 Overview of the printer

External features

4 5
2 3
No. Description No. Description
1 Top cover release button 7 Paper guides for manual feed tray 2 Manual feed tray 8 Tray1 (multipurpose tray) 3 Power switch (ON/OFF) 9 USB interface connector 4 Face-down tray (printed si de down ) 10 Parallel interface connector 5 Control panel 11 Face-up/face-down selection switch
(printed side up/down)
6 Top cover 12 Power cord socket
Installing and setting up the printer

Inside the printer

No. Description No. Description
1 Fusing unit 3 Drum cartridge 2 Toner cartridge
Installing and setting up the printer

Optional accessories

No. Description No. Description
1 Face-up tray
(printed side up)
2 Lower feeder unit (Tray 2)
(500-sheet capacity)
Installing and setting up the printer

Printer control panel

The control panel has two indicators and one button.
No. Description
1 Error indicator (orange) 2 Ready indicator (green) 3 Panel button
For further information on the control panel, see chapter 6.
Installing and setting up the printer

2.2 Installing your laser printer

Place of installation

Set up the printer in a place that is
G dry and free from dust G on a stable surface G well ventilated G near an easily accessible power socket G away from objects which might obstruct the printers ventilation grille G away from highly flammable items (such as curtains) G away from splashing liquids G away from organic gases (such as ammonia) G away from direct sunlight G away from severe temperature fluctuations G away from exhaust-air from heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning

Storage of consumables and accessor ies

Printing consumables and accessories should be kept
G s eal ed in thei r origi nal pack agi ng G protected from direct sunlight or heat G protected from fluorescent light G in a cool, dry, and dust-free place G out of reach of children
WARNING Toner poses a health hazard!
Toner is harmful if swallowed.
If you swallow toner, consult a doctor immediately.If you get toner on your hands, wash them immediately with cold wate r
and soap.

Ambient conditions

The optimum ambient conditions for your printer are as follows:
G Te mp erature range: 50°F–95°F/10°C–35°C with maximum fluctua-
tions of 18°F/10°C per hour
G H umidi ty range: 15%–85% with maximum fluctuations of 20% per hour
Installing and setting up the printer

Space requirements

Be sure to provide enough space around the printer to ensure easy printer operation, paper and toner replacement, and maintenance.
3.9" (100 mm)
(150 mm) (300 mm)
3.9" (100 mm)
35.1 in. (891 mm)
11.2" (285 mm )
15.6" (395 mm)
23.2 in. (589 mm)
21.7" (550 mm)
16.1 in. (410 mm)
18.7 in. (475 mm)
Installing and setting up the printer

2.3 Setting up your laser printer

Loading paper in Tray 1
1 Lay Tray1 down flat. 2
Squeeze the right pap er guide and open the media guides.
Place a stack of paper in the tray.
How many sheets may I pl ace in
the tray?
Tray 1 has a capacity of 150
sheets of plain pap er. The stack of paper should not rise above the media limit mark.
4 Squeeze the right paper guide and
adjust the media gui des so that both the left and right sides of the paper stack are secure.
Open the face-down tray.
Installing and setting up the printer
If you installed an optional face-
up tray and you want the sheets to come out face up, then open the face-up tray instead of the face-down tray, and set the face-up/face-down selection switch as shown.
Loading media in the manual feed tray
Open the media guides.
Face-up output
Face-down output
2 Move each media guide to the mark
identifying the size of the media to be loaded. The illustration shows the media guide positions for letter­size media.
Installing and setting up the printer
Insert a sheet of media as far as possible into the manual feed tray with the side to be printed facin g up.
How many sheets may I pl ace in
the tray?
Load only one sheet of media at
a time.
Installing and setting up the printer
Connecting the power cord
WARNING Use only the power cord shipped with the printer. Using the wrong
power cord may lead to a short-circuit!
The use of a power cord of inadequate cross-section can lead to a short­circuit.
Only use an ex tension cable which has a higher rating t han the curr ent
consumption of the printer.
Only use grounded cords.Always observe the relevant local regulations r egarding the connec-
tion of electrical equipment to the main network.
The laser printer requires a non-fluctuating power supply. If necessary, ask an electrician for advice.
Voltage: 110V - 10%, 127V + 6%, or 220-240V ± 10%Frequency: 50-60Hz ± 3Hz
Make sure that the printers power switch is in the “O” (OFF) position.
Connect one end of the power cord to the power cord socket on the back of the printer, and plug the other end into a power outlet.
Installing and setting up the printer

Turning the printer on and off

Improper handling may damage the printer!
- Never turn off the pri nter while a print job is in progress, the printe r is receiving data f rom the c omputer (blin king green “Read y” indic ator on control panel), or the printer is being reset.
Set the power switch to the “I (ON)
position to turn on the printer. The printer is ready to use in ap-
proximately 20 sec onds. T he gre en Ready indicator should be on (bu t not blinking) and the orange “Error” indicator off.
Set the power switch to the
O(OFF) position to turn off the printer.
Saving energy is sensible!
When the printer has been inactive for 15 minutes, it automatically switches to the POWER SAVE mode . When the printer recei ves a new print job while i n POWER SAVE mode , it automa tically switc hes to the warmup phase and is ready to print within approximately 7 seconds.
Installing and setting up the printer

Connecting the printer to a computer

Parallel interface
Turn off both the printer and the PC.
Connect one end of the interface cable to the parallel port on the PC.
Connect the other end of the interface cable to the parallel interface connector on the back of the printer. Secure the interface cable using the two clips.
Turn on the printer and then, when its ready, turn on the PC.
Does the Windows operating
system detect the new device?
If you are using Windows XP/Me/2000/98, plug-and-play printer
driver installation should start automatically. Follow the instruc­tions on the screen. See chapter 3 for more information.
If you’re using Windows XP/Me /20 00/9 8 an d plu g-an d-play driver
installation doesn t start automatically, leave the printer on, unplug both ends of the interface cable , and the reconnect the cable. If this does not work, use the instructio ns in chapter 3 to install the pri nter driver manually.
If you’re using Windows 95/NT 4.0, use the instructions in chapter
3 to install the printer driver manually.
For technical specifications of the cable, see chapter 10.
Using the wrong type of cable can damage the socket on the printer.
- Use only an IEEE 1284 type B shielded interface cable.
Installing and setting up the printer
USB interface
Windows 95/NT4.0 do not support USB connections.
Turn off both the PC and the printer.
Turn on the PC.
Turn on the printer.
When Windows and the pr inter are both ready, c onnect one end of the interface cable to the PCs USB port .
Connect the other end of the interface cable to the USB int erface connector on the back of the printer.
Does the Windows operating
system detect the new device?
Plug-and-play driver installation
should start automatically. Fol­low the ins tructions on the screen. See chapter 3 for more information.
If plug-and-play driver in stallation doesn’t sta rt automatically, leav e
the printer on, unplug both end s of the inte rfac e ca ble , and th e re­connect the cable. If this does not work, use the instructions in chapter 3 to install the printer driver manually.
For technical specifications of the cable, see chapter 10.
Using the wrong type of cable can damage the socket on the printer.
- Use only a USB Revision 1.1 compliant cable for connecting the printer to your computer.
Installing the printer driver

3 Installing the printer driver

3.1 Minimum system requirements

G IBM-compatible PC with a Pentium/Celeron series, AMD K6/Athron/
Duron family or compatible 200 MHz processor (300 MHz recommended)
G Windows XP/Me/2000/98/95/NT 4.0 G 16 MB RAM (Windows 98/95/NT 4.0), 32 MB RAM (Windows Me), 64
MB RAM (Windows 2000), or 128 MB RAM (Windows XP)
G 36 MB free hard disk space (20 MB for printer driver and status
display, 16 MB for image processing)
G IEEE 1284 Type B parallel port or USB Revision 1.1 port G CD-ROM drive

3.2 Notes on installing the printer driver

The installation prog ram is design ed so that even peo ple not accust omed to working with com puters can easil y install a printe r driver. You will be led step-by-step throug h th e in sta lla tion process. All you need to do is foll ow the installation program.
Before you begin the installation, you should know the following information:
G What operating system is running on your computer (for example,
Windows XP)?
G What is the letter of your CD-ROM drive (for example, D)? G Wh ich optiona l access ories are inst alled on your pri nter (for exampl e,
a lower feeder unit)?
G Is yo ur prin ter c onn ec ted dire ctl y to y ou r compu ter v ia a p aral lel inte r-
face cable or a USB cable?

General information on the printer driver

The printer driver is delivered on a CD-ROM along with the printer.
No CD-ROM drive?
You can download the p rinter driver fro m the Internet. You can find the latest version of the printer driver at http://www.minolta-qms.com (choose "Online Help & Drivers").

Information on installation using Add Printer

We strongly recommend that you install the printer driver using the Installer (“setup.exe” file). If you install the printer driver using the Add Printer wizard, note the following points:
G The dialog box for installing options is not displayed. Adjust the
additional options after you have completed the installation in the printer driver.
G The Status Display and printer uninstaller utility will not be installed. G A folder for storing the form overlay data is not created.
Installing the printer driver

3.3 Installing the USB device driver and printer driver under Windows XP

When connecting t he printe r to your PC with a USB cable, install the USB device driver according to the following instructions before installing the printer driver.
If you have conne cte d th e printer to your PC with a parallel c abl e, s k ip t o the following section, To install the printe r driver u sing the Installe r under Windows XP, on page 3-6.
To install the USB Device Driver under Windows XP
Turn on your PC.
2 Turn on the printer. 3
When Windows and the printer are both ready, insert the CD-ROM that came with your printer into your PCs CD-ROM drive.
Installing the printer driver
Connect the printer to the PC with the USB cable (see chapter 2) to display the Found New Hardware Wizard dialog box.
Choose [Can cel] to close the Found New Hardware Wizard dialog box.
Choose [start], and then choose My Computer.
Installing the printer driver
In the System Tasks list choose View system information.
Choose the “Hardware” tab of the System Properties dial og, and then choose the [Device Manager...] button.
Under Universal Serial Bus controllers double-click USB Printing Support. The USB Printing Support Properties dialog box displays.
Installing the printer driver
Choose the “Driver” tab of the USB Printing Support Prop erties dialog box, and then choose [Update Driver...].
Choose the Install from a list or specific location (Advanced) option button, and then choose [Next].
Installing the printer driver
When the next dialog box appears, check the “Don’t search. I will choose the driver to install box, and then choose [Next].
Choose [Have Disk...].
Choose [Browse...].
Browse the CD-ROM and naviga te to “\Drivers\language\Win98USB. Then, choose [Open].
Choose [OK], and then choose [Next].
17Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation. 18
When the following dialog box displays, choose [Finish] to finish the installation.
This completes the installation of the USB device driver for the PagePro 1200W printer. Now go on to the following section to install the printer driver.
To install the printer driver using the Installer under Windows XP
The CD-ROM that cam e wi th y our p r in ter s tart s au tom ati ca ll y after being loaded into the CD-ROM drive of your PC. You are guided step-by-step through the installation procedure.
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