Kodak 4C8894, DIGITAL SCIENCE, IMAGELINK Installation Instructions Manual

Part Number 4C8894
Installation Questionnaire Instructions
Mode Setup Instructions
1 Introduction
Installation Requirements
The KODAK DIGITAL SCIENCE™ Mode Setup Software 9000 has been developed to enable you to customize applications using the:
KODAK DIGITAL SCIENCE Document Scanner 9500
KODAK DIGITAL SCIENCE Scanner/Microimager 990
KODAK IMAGELINK Microimager 70
KODAK IMAGELINK Microimager 70 with Advanced Function Module
KODAK IMAGELINK Scanner 923, or
KODAK IMAGELINK Scanner/Microimager 990.
The Mode Setup Software offers a user-friendly interface which allows you to perform an initial installation or modification of an existing setup.
The following sections describe the installation requirements, installation procedure, logon procedure, general information regarding use of the Mode Setup Software, the Installation Instructions and the Installation Questionnaire, and the logout procedure.
The following system and cabling requirements should be verified prior to attempting to use the Mode Setup Software.
The minimum system requirements include:
IBM or IBM-compatible personal computer
640K RAM
1.2 MB hard disk space
720K 3 1/2" disk drive
monochrome or color display
The cabling requirements include:
9-pin serial port adapter* or a 25-pin serial port adapter**
A-61097 May 1997 1-1
*Available through Kodak Parts Services using tool number TL-4219. ** Available through Businessland using part number 984956.
Software Installation Procedure
Follow these steps to install the software:
1. Insert the Mode Setup Software diskette into the drive.
2. Type A:INSTALL next to the DOS prompt and press Return/Enter. If the disk drive on your unit is not designated as the A drive, substitute the correct drive designation in this command string.
Microimager IL70 * IL70 AFM
Scanner IL900 * IL923
Microimager/Scanner DS990 * Scanner DS9500
Mode Setup Software
Copyright (c) 1989-1997
Eastman Kodak Company
All Rights Reserved
Press Any Key to Install, ESCAPE to Exit
3. Press any key.
Mode Setup Software
Directory Information
Drive To Install From: A Drive To Install To: C Directory To Be Installed To:
ESCAPE to Abort
1-2 A-61097 May 1997
4. Enter the desired drive and directory designations and press Enter.
Directory Information
Drive To Install From: A Drive To Install To: C Directory To Be Installed To: \SETUP
ESCAPE to Abort
[Press ENTER to Accept, any other key to Edit]
5. Press Enter to continue the logon procedure. Press any other key to alter the drive and directory designations.
Mode Setup Software
Please Wait While Files Are Being Copied To Your
Destination Drive.
Use Existing Directory ([Y/N]?
Hit [N]o to Select New Directory
6. Enter an N to abort and designate a different directory. Enter a Y to continue, replacing the files within the designated directory.
A-61097 May 1997 1-3
During the installation procedure, the following window will appear if you don’t have the files and buffers set correctly in the config.sys file:
Mode Setup Software
Please Wait While Files
Are Being Copied ToYour
Destination Drive.
File Needs To
Be Checked To Make
Sure That
Next, the following windows will appear:
Mode Setup Software
Please Wait While Files
Are Being Copied To Your
Destination Drive.
Mode Setup Software
Please Wait
Copying File: setup.zip
1-4 A-61097 May 1997
Please enter the name of the registered user below:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Please Wait While Files
Are Being Copied To Your
Destination Drive.
7. Type in user name. Press Return/Enter.
Type “setup” in c:\setup directory to start Mode Setup
8. Press any key to return to DOS.
9. Eject the Mode Setup Software diskette.
10. Type: cd setup. The SETUP directory is displayed.
11. Type: setup. This starts the program.
A-61097 May 1997 1-5
Logon Procedure
Microimager Models 30 & 70
Microimager Model 70/AFM
Scanner 900 & 923
Microimager/Scanner DS990
Scanner DS9500
After the installation procedure has been performed, follow these steps to log on to the Mode Setup Software:
1. Access DOS.
2. Change the directory to correspond to the directory designated during the installation procedure.
3. Type setup and press Return/Enter.
* Model 70/AFM * Model 70 * * Model 900 * Model 923 * * Model DS990 * Model DS9500 *
This software is the property of
Eastman Kodak Company.
It is not to be sold or leased
in any form. Use by any other
individual is illegal and subject
to penalties under the copyright
Eastman Kodak Company
laws of the United States.
Connect via RS-232 Connect via Modem
Release Date
4. Select Connect via RS-232 and press Return/Enter.
1) Attach RS-232 Cable
2) Turn Operator Power Switch ON
3) Press “ENTER/RETURN” Key
Continue Exit
1-6 A-61097 May 1997
5. Select Continue.
Using the Mode Setup Software
This section provides guidelines and conventions that will assist you in using the Mode Setup Software.
There are two levels of definitions: Machine definitions, which apply to
Mainframe Configuration
Display Machine Accessories Machine ID Number
Display Language Measurement System Programmable Function Keys Date Format Time Format
Alarm Tone Doc Printer/Film Writer Msg DP-12 Print Template Fixed Field Delimiter
Set System Clock Version Numbers User COIN Port Protocol Custom Check Digit
OI Hardware Character Set Save Configuration to PC Load Configuration from PC Mode Configuration
End Session
all modes; and Mode definitions, which apply to one mode.
Each defined option requires you to select a displayed option or enter a value.
If asked to select an option:
— Use the arrow keys to position the highlight cursor over the desired
— Press the Return/Enter key.
If asked to enter a value:
— Typically, the highlight cursor will appear over the input field, if it
does not, use the arrow keys to position the highlight cursor over the input field.
— Enter (type) the desired value, using the keyboard or numeric
— Press the Return/Enter key.
A-61097 May 1997 1-7
Each window should contain an option entitled Previous Menu. Typically, you are returned to the previous menu after completing a definition. If you are not returned to the previous menu after completing a definition, or you want to return without altering the default or previously defined value, select the Previous Menu option:
— Use the arrow keys to position the highlight cursor over the Previous
Menu option or press the PAGEDOWN key to automatically position the highlight cursor over the Previous Menu option.
— Press the Return/Enter key.
If you receive a message indicating that an accessory is not installed, press the Return/Enter key to continue. This message indicates that the option selected requires an accessory which is not physically installed and/or properly defined to the software. In either instance, contact your Kodak service representative to properly install and/or define the accessory.
If you receive a message that indicates a selection is not available, press the Return/Enter key to continue. This message indicates that the option selected is not available in the mode selected, or is not available for the machine configuration.
Using the Mode Setup Software Questionnaire and Instructions
There are two pieces of documentation designed for use with the Mode Setup Software: the Installation Instructions, which provide information on how to install, access and use the software to define the available options; and the Installation Questionnaire, which provides a convenient form on which to record all of the machine and mode definitions.
The Installation Instructions describe all of the available options which can be defined using the Mode Setup Software.
NOTE: Not all options are available using a given machine configuration.
Hence, each definition is accompanied by a configuration key which indicates whether or not the option is available for each machine configuration. If you attempt to define an option which is not valid under your machine configuration, you will receive a message which indicates that the option is not available. Simply press the Return/Enter key to continue.
Follow the Installation Instructions in order to define all of the available options, recording each definition on the Installation Questionnaire form, found in chapter 4. The Installation Questionnaire form requires that you write your selections in the space provided. Due to space limitations, Appendix C: Recommended Questionnaire Entries contains recommended shorthand entries for the various options you may enter. This is provided so that there is consistency among users, making it easier for other users to decipher your selections.
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Logout Procedure
Once you have completed the installation, the following sequence of steps may be used to log out of the system.
From the Mode Configuration window:
1. Select Save & End Session if you wish to save all of the definitions or Don’t Save & End Session if you do not wish to save all of the definitions.
You will be returned to the Configuration window.
2. Select End Session from the Configuration window.
Mainframe Configuration
Display Machine Accessories Machine ID Number
Display Language Measurement System Programmable Function Keys
Date Format Time Format Alarm Tone Doc Printer/Film Writer Msg
DP-12 Print Template Fixed Field Delimiter Set System Clock Version Numbers
User COIN Port Protocol Custom Check Digit OI Hardware Character Set
Save Configuration to PC Load Configuration from PC Mode Configuration
End Session
Please confirm ending session
Continue Session End Session
3. Select End Session to exit to DOS or Continue Session if you do not want to exit at this time.
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2 Machine Definitions
The following section lists the items on the Mainframe Configuration Menu that may be selected for definition.
Mainframe Configuration
Display Machine Accessories Machine ID Number Display Language
Measurement System Programmable Function Keys Date Format Time Format Alarm Tone
Doc Printer/Film Writer Msg DP-12 Print Template Fixed Field Delimiter Set System Clock Version Numbers User COIN Port Protocol
Custom Check Digit OI Hardware Character Set Save Configuration to PC Load Configuration from PC Mode Configuration
End Session
The following list appears for each option. A black square indicates that the option is available on that machine. A white square indicates that the option is not available on that machine. An example is illustrated below:
Microimager 70 Microimager 70/AFM Scanner 900
Scanner 923 Scanner/Microimager 990 Scanner 9500
A-61097 May 1997 2-1
Display Machine Accessories
This option displays the status of the various machine accessories and is for viewing only; no selections or entries are made.
Microimager 70 Microimager 70/AFM Scanner 900
Scanner 923 Scanner/Microimager 990 Scanner 9500
1. Select Display Machine Accessories.
2. Press Return/Enter to close the Accessory Status window.
Mainframe Configuration
Display Machine Accessories Machine ID Number
Display Language Measurement System
Programmable Function Keys Date Format Time Format
Alarm Tone Doc Printer/Film Writer Msg DP-12 Print Template Fixed Field Delimiter
Set System Clock Version Numbers User COIN Port Protocol
Custom Check Digit OI Hardware Character Set Save Configuration to PC
Load Configuration from PC Mode Configuration
End Session
Endorser Check Stacker Image Marker
Film Writing Adv Doc Control Patch Head #1 Patch Head #2
Front BC Board Front DSA Rear BC Board
Rear DSA Print Controller Primary DP-1
Secondary DP-1 Doc Printer 12 OCR
Document Sorter
Not Present Not Present Present
Present Present
Present Not Present
Not Present Present Not Present
Not Present
NOTE: On scanners 900, 923, and 9500, Image Marker and Film Writing
are not available. On a machine with DSA:
Patch Head #2 = N/A Front DSA = 990/923/IL70 Rear DSA = 990 D Only
2-2 A-61097 May 1997
Machine ID Number
This option establishes a unique identification number for each unit in a multiple-unit installation. The default is 00.
Microimager 70 Microimager 70/AFM Scanner 900
Scanner 923 Scanner/Microimager 990 Scanner 9500
1. Select Machine ID Number.
2. Enter a number from 00-99.
Mainframe Configuration
Display Machine Accessories Machine ID Number Display Language
Measurement System Programmable Function Keys Date Format
Time Format Alarm Tone Doc Printer/Film Writer Msg 5
DP-12 Print Template Fixed Field Delimiter Set System Clock
Version Numbers User COIN Port Protocol Custom Check Digit
OI Hardware Character Set Save Configuration to PC Load Configuration from PC
Mode Configuration End Session
Enter machine id below 00 To Change: Enter Value
To Retain: Press Enter
A-61097 May 1997 2-3
Display Language
This option defines the primary display language. The default is English.
Microimager 70 Microimager 70/AFM Scanner 900
Scanner 923 Scanner/Microimager 990 Scanner 9500
1. Select Display Language.
2. Select the desired language option.
Mainframe Configuration
Display Machine Accessories Machine ID Number Display Language
Measurement System Programmable Function Keys Date Format
Time Format Alarm Tone Doc Printer/Film Writer Msg
DP-12 Print Template Fixed Field Delimiter Set System Clock
Version Numbers User COIN Port Protocol Custom Check Digit
OI Hardware Character Set Save Configuration to PC Load Configuration from PC
Mode Configuration End Session
English Other Language
Previous Menu
NOTE: Other Language should be selected only if a foreign language
prom has been installed. If selected, indicate which foreign language prom has been installed when filling in the Installation Questionnaire.
2-4 A-61097 May 1997
Measurement System
This option defines the primary measurement system. English uses inches as the primary unit of measure. Metric uses millimetres as the primary unit of measure. The default is English.
Microimager 70 Microimager 70/AFM Scanner 900
Scanner 923 Scanner/Microimager 990 Scanner 9500
1. Select Measurement System.
2. Select the desired unit of measurement.
Mainframe Configuration
Display Machine Accessories Machine ID Number Display Language
Measurement System Programmable Function Keys Date Format
Time Format Alarm Tone Doc Printer/Film Writer Msg
DP-12 Print Template Fixed Field Delimiter Set System Clock
Version Numbers User COIN Port Protocol Custom Check Digit
OI Hardware Character Set Save Configuration to PC Load Configuration from PC
Mode Configuration End Session
English Metric
Previous Menu
A-61097 May 1997 2-5
Programmable Function Keys (P-Keys)
This option defines the functions performed by the programmable keys. Refer to Appendix B: Function Codes to determine which function codes and formats to use when programming the P-Keys.
Microimager 70 Microimager 70/AFM Scanner 900
Scanner 923 Scanner/Microimager 990 Scanner 9500
1. Select Programmable Function Keys.
Mainframe Configuration
Display Machine Accessories Machine ID Number
Display Language Measurement System
Programmable Function Keys Date Format Time Format
Alarm Tone Doc Printer/Film Writer Msg DP-12 Print Template Fixed Field Delimiter
Set System Clock Version Numbers User COIN Port Protocol
Custom Check Digit OI Hardware Character Set Save Configuration to PC
Load Configuration from PC Mode Configuration
End Session
P1 P2
P3 P4
P5 P6 P7
P8 P9
2-6 A-61097 May 1997
Prev Previous Menu
The default values are displayed in the Key Definition table. The following values apply only to the Scanner 9500.
Stop, End of Job
Change to Mode 1
Change to Mode 2
Change to Mode 3
Change to Mode 4
Change to Mode 5
Change to Mode 6
Change to Mode 7
Change to Mode 8
Previous Menu
The following values apply only to the Microimager 70 and Microimager 70/ AFM:
Count only, toggle
Print test
Total document count
Last Image Address
Roll number
Amount of film remaining
Omit printing on next document only
Print position
Level 0
Cassette ID number
A-61097 May 1997 2-7
The following default values apply only to the Scanner 900/923.
Stop, End of Job
Change to Mode 1
Change to Mode 2
Change to Mode 3
Change to Mode 4
Change to Mode 5
Change to Mode 6
Change to Mode 7
Change to Mode 8
The following default values apply only to the Scanner/Microimager 990:
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8
P9 P10
Count only, toggle
Print test
Total document count
Last Image Address
Amount of film remaining
Omit printing on next document only
Print position
Level 0
Stop, End-of-Job
To enter a function code, type an f (lower case) followed by a two-digit code (i.e., f04). Any additional information, such as a zero (0) to disable a function, a one (1) to enable a function, or a two (2) to toggle a function, is entered by typing a comma (,) followed by the additional information (i.e., f04,1 enables counting only).
Multiple function codes are entered as a string of individual function codes with no spaces or delimiters in between (i.e., f98f38 stops the machine and then issues an end-of-job indicator).
When using a Microimager 70 without the Advanced Function Module installed, only two of the P-Keys are programmable: P5 and P10.
When using a Microimager 70 with the Advanced Function Module installed, Scanner 900, Scanner 923, Scanner/Microimager 990, or Scanner 9500, all P-Keys are programmable.
P-Keys are programmed using the following sequence of steps:
1. Select a P-Key (P1 – P10).
2. Press Return/Enter.
3. Enter the desired function. Repeat this sequence for each P-Key you wish to (re)program.
2-8 A-61097 May 1997
Date Format
This option defines the date display format, both the date format and delimiter. Refer to Description 1: Date Format Samples for a description of the available formats. The default is mmddyy. The default delimiter is a slash (/).
Microimager 70 Microimager 70/AFM Scanner 900
Scanner 923 Scanner/Microimager 990 Scanner 9500
1. Select Date Format.
2. Select a date format.
3. Select a date delimiter.
Mainframe Configuration
Display Machine Accessories Machine ID Number Display Language
Measurement System Programmable Function Keys Date Format
Time Format Alarm Tone Doc Printer/Film Writer Msg
DP-12 Print Template Fixed Field Delimiter Set System Clock
Version Numbers User COIN Port Protocol Custom Check Digit
OI Hardware Character Set Save Configuration to PC Load Configuration from PC
Mode Configuration End Session
Date Format
mmddyy mmdd
ddmmmyy ddmmm
mmyy yddd yyddd
yymmdd ddmmyy mmmddyyyy
Date Delimiter
(" ")
No Delimiter Previous Menu
12/25/92 12/25
25-DEC-92 25-DEC
12/92 2-359 92-359
92.12.25 25 12 92 DEC-25-1992
= [01-12]
= [01-31]
= [001-366]
= [0-9]
= [00-99]
= 1990-2000
A-61097 May 1997 2-9
Description 1: Date Format Samples
Sample Date March 1, 1991 Slash Dash Period Space None
mmddyy 03/01/91 03/01/91 03.01.91 03 01 91 030191 mmdd 03/01 03-01 03.01 03 01 0301 ddmmmyy 01/MAR/91 01-MAR-91 01.MAR.91 01 MAR 91 01MAR91 ddmmm 01/MAR 01-MAR 01.MAR 01 MAR 01MAR mmyy 03/91 03-91 03.91 03 91 0391 yddd 1/060 1-060 1.060 1 060 1060 yyddd 91/060 91-060 91.060 91 060 91060 yymmdd 91/03/01 91-03-91 91.03.01 91 03 01 910301 ddmmyy 01/03/91 01-03-91 01.03.91 01 03 91 010391 mmmddyyyy MAR/01/1991 MAR-01-1991 MAR.01.1991 MAR 01 1991 MAR011991
2-10 A-61097 May 1997
Time Format
This option defines the time display format. Refer to Description 2: Time Format Samples for a description of the available formats. The default is 12 hour with AM/PM.
Microimager 70 Microimager 70/AFM Scanner 900
Scanner 923 Scanner/Microimager 990 Scanner 9500
1. Select Time Format.
2. Select a specific time format.
Mainframe Configuration
Display Machine Accessories Machine ID Number Display Language
Measurement System Programmable Function Keys Date Format
Time Format Alarm Tone Doc Printer/Film Writer Msg
DP-12 Print Template Fixed Field Delimiter Set System Clock
Version Numbers User COIN Port Protocol Custom Check Digit
OI Hardware Character Set Save Configuration to PC Load Configuration from PC
Mode Configuration End Session
12 Hour with AM/PM 12 Hour without AM/PM
24 Hour Previous Menu
Description 2: Time Format Samples
Time Format What Is Printed
12 hour with AM/PM 5:00 PM 12 hour without AM/PM 5:00
Set Time Format
A-61097 May 1997 2-11
24 hour 17:00
Alarm Tone
This option defines tone or pitch of the audible alarm. The default is High.
Microimager 70 Microimager 70/AFM Scanner 900
Scanner 923 Scanner/Microimager 990 Scanner 9500
1. Select Alarm Tone.
2. Select the desired alarm tone pitch.
Mainframe Configuration
Display Machine Accessories Machine ID Number Display Language
Measurement System Programmable Function Keys Date Format
Time Format Alarm Tone Doc Printer/Film Writer Msg
DP-12 Print Template Fixed Field Delimiter Set System Clock
Version Numbers User COIN Port Protocol Custom Check Digit
OI Hardware Character Set Save Configuration to PC Load Configuration from PC
Mode Configuration End Session
Alarm Tone
Low Tone High Tone
Previous Menu
2-12 A-61097 May 1997
Document Printer/Film Writer Messages
This option defines messages that may be printed by a document printer or film writer.
Microimager 70 Microimager 70/AFM Scanner 900
Scanner 923 Scanner/Microimager 990 Scanner 9500
1. Select Doc Printer/Film Writer Msg. Messages are limited to thirty-eight (38) characters for Document
Printer 1 and 2, and Film Writer, and 12 characters for the DP12, and can include any character that can be input from a standard keyboard (alphabetic, numeric, and special characters).
NOTE: Alphabetic characters are automatically converted to upper case.
Mainframe Configuration
Display Machine Accessories Machine ID Number
Display Language Measurement System
Programmable Function Keys Date Format Time Format
Alarm Tone Doc Printer/Film Writer Msg DP-12 Print Template Fixed Field Delimiter
Set System Clock Version Numbers User COIN Port Protocol
Custom Check Digit OI Hardware Character Set Save Configuration to PC
Load Configuration from PC Mode Configuration
End Session
A-61097 May 1997 2-13
Message 0 is predefined and cannot be changed. Messages 1 through 9 are programmable using the following sequence of
1. Select a message number.
2. Press Return/Enter.
3. Enter the desired message text.
4. Press Return/Enter.
Diagnostic Message - No Entry Allowed.
1 2
3 4
5 6 7
8 9
Prev Previous Menu
2-14 A-61097 May 1997
Print Template Setup
This option defines as many as ten (10) unique print templates. The template definitions are used when programming Document Printer
12 print definitions. The default print template is Print Template 1, which prints Full IA w/No Delimiters on Line 1.
Microimager 70 Microimager 70/AFM Scanner 900
Scanner 923 Scanner/Microimager 990 Scanner 9500
1. Select DP-12 Print Template.
2. Select a print template (1–10).
Mainframe Configuration
Display Machine Accessories Machine ID Number
Display Language Measurement System Programmable Function Keys
Date Format Time Format Alarm Tone Doc Printer/Film Writer Msg
DP-12 Print Template Fixed Field Delimiter Set System Clock Version Numbers
User COIN Port Protocol Custom Check Digit OI Hardware Character Set
Save Configuration to PC Load Configuration from PC Mode Configuration
End Session
Print Templates Print Template 1 Print Template 2
Print Template 3 Print Template 4
Print Template 5 Print Template 6 Print Template 7 Print Template 8
Print Template 9 Print Template 10
Previous Menu
A-61097 May 1997 2-15
1. Follow these steps for each line/item to be printed (maximum twelve per template):
a. Select the next available item number (or Item 1 if this is the first
b. Enter a line number corresponding to the line number on the print
template master.
c. Select one or more of the print items listed (maximum three items
per line).
NOTE: Anything over 12 characters will be truncated.
Document Printer 12 Print Template #
Item Line Print Item
01 <IA-No Del>
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
11 12
Previous Menu
Print Items
Full IA w/ No Delimiter Full IA w/ FF Delimiter Fixed Field Only Indexed Fields Only
Current Field Level Number of Spaces to Indent Current Day Current Date Current Time
Roll Number Total Document Count Message 1 - 9 Check Digit
Nothing Printed Previous Menu
If Number Spaces to Indent is selected, you must select the desired number of spaces.
No # of Spaces (1..12)
2-16 A-61097 May 1997
TO CHANGE: Enter Value TO RETAIN: Press Enter
If Check Digit is selected, the following window is displayed:
Document Printer 12 Print Template #
Item Line Print Item
01 <IA-No Del> <Message 1>
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
Previous Menu
Check Digit
Mod 7A - IA Only Mod 11A - IA Only Mod 7B - IA Only Mod 7B - Full IA
Mod 10 - IA Only Mod 10 - Full IA Mod 11B - IA Only Mod 11B - Full IA
Custom - IA Only Custom - Full IA
Previous Menu
3. Select the desired check digit calculation. If an option that indicates IA Only is chosen, the level fields of the
Image Address will be printed; the Fixed Field will not be printed. If an option which indicates Full IA is chosen, the Fixed Field and Level fields of the Image Address will be printed.
NOTE: If Custom – IA Only or Custom – Full IA is chosen, the Check
Digit options must be defined.
If Message Number is selected, the following window is displayed:
Document Printer 12 Print Template #
Item Line Print Item
01 <IA-No Del> <Message 1> 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
10 11
Previous Menu
Message Number
Message Number 1 Message Number 2
Message Number 3
Message Number 4 Message Number 5 Message Number 6 Message Number 7
Message Number 8
Message Number 9 Previous Menu
4. Select the desired message number. The Document Printer 12 may print as many as twelve (12) lines per
document; each print line can be up to twelve (12) characters long and contain as many as three print items. The location of the twelve lines is defined in terms of a master template which is thirty-eight (38) lines high and twelve characters wide for the small font, and twenty-six (26) lines high and twelve (12) characters wide for the large font.
A-61097 May 1997 2-17
The master template is designed to assist you in the placement of information printed by the Document Printer 12.
Follow these steps to use the master templates:
1. Obtain a sample of the customer’s document(s).
2. Determine the starting print position (how far from the leading edge of the document printed information should appear).
3. Draw a line on the sample document which corresponds to the starting print position.
4. Copy the master template onto a transparency.
5. Align the top (dotted) line of the master template with the line drawn on the sample document to achieve proper vertical placement.
6. Position the master template so that the window is aligned with the position of the Document Printer 12 in the transport to achieve proper horizontal placement.
The area in which printed information may appear should now be highlighted.
7. Identify the line numbers which correspond to the area(s) of the customer document where you want the printed information to appear. Use these line numbers when defining the print template(s).
NOTE: The placement of printed information will vary slightly due to a
number of factors, including document transport speed. Expect a variation of 0.125 inch between the print template and starting print position definitions and the location of actual printed information.
2-18 A-61097 May 1997
Dotted line = Starting print position (distance from the leading edge of the document).
Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Line 6 Line 7 Line 8 Line 9 Line 10 Line 11 Line 12 Line 13 Line 14 Line 15 Line 16 Line 17 Line 18 Line 19 Line 20 Line 21 Line 22 Line 23 Line 24 Line 25 Line 26 Line 27 Line 28 Line 29 Line 30 Line 31 Line 32 Line 33 Line 34 Line 35 Line 36 Line 37 Line 38
A-61097 May 1997 2-19
(5.5 lines per inch)
Vertical placement on the document is dependent upon the position of the Document Printer 12 in the transport plate.
Dotted line = Starting print position (distance from the leading edge of the document).
Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Line 6 Line 7 Line 8 Line 9 Line 10 Line 11 Line 12 Line 13 Line 14 Line 15 Line 16 Line 17 Line 18 Line 19 Line 20 Line 21 Line 22 Line 23 Line 24 Line 25 Line 26
(4 lines per inch)
Vertical placement on the document is dependent upon the position of the Document Printer 12 in the transport plate.
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+ 141 hidden pages