Ivoclar Vivadent Telio CAD A16 User Manual

Instructions for Use
Table of Contents
3 Telio System
Description Material Uses CAD/CAM partners
9 Fabricating a Telio CAD Hybrid Abutment Crown
Treatment / fabrication process Shade – tooth shade and abutment shade Preparation for the CAD/CAM process Layer thicknesses Block selection Finishing
12 Completing the Telio CAD Structure Polishing technique chairside Polishing technique labside
13 Cementation of Ti Base / Telio CAD Structure
19 Seating and Aftercare
Intraoral preparation Seating the hybrid abutment crown Care notes – Implant Care
21 Designing the Emergence Profile
Chairside Labside
25 General Information Frequently Asked Questions
Telio is a comprehensive system solution for temporary restorations which addresses dental technicians, CAD/CAM users and dentists alike.
All products are suitable for the fabrication of conventional and implant-supported temporaries. Their materials are compatible with each other and their shades are optimally coordinated.
Telio CS
Telio CAD
Laboratory Practice
Short treatment time Medium treatment time Long treatment time
Telio Lab
Telio CS
For dentists: Self-curing temporary crown and bridge material, supplemented by a desensitizer and cement
Telio CAD
For CAD/CAM users: Resin blocks and discs for the efficient fabrication of temporary crowns, hybrid abutment crowns and bridges using the CAD/CAM technique
Telio Lab
For dental technicians: Temporary crown and bridge resin for the cold technique
CAD Abutment Solutions
Product Information
Telio® CAD A16 are CAD/CAM-fabricated implant-supported hybrid restorations for individual, temporary single­tooth reconstructions. The material consists of a cross-linked polymer block (PMMA), enabling the fabrication of individual, monolithic hybrid abutment crowns which are directly cemented to a Ti base. Shape, esthetics and emergence profile can be easily designed and adjusted any time. Telio CAD A16 thus represents the basis for the subsequent permanent restorations with IPS e.max® CAD Abutment Solutions and IPS e.max Press Abutment Solutions.
Hybrid abutment crown
Hybrid abutment crowns are characterized by combining abutment and monolithic crown in one piece. This is an efficient two-in-one solution made of PMMA, which is directly cemented to a Ti base. Shape, esthetics and emergence profile can be easily designed and adjusted any time. For cases with immediate stress-bearing, a CAD/ CAM-milled instant temporary can be fabricated. For this purpose, Telio CAD convinces users with its usual esthetic properties and sufficient strength, durability and efficiency.
The monolithically milled hybrid abutment crown is extraorally cemented to the Ti base by means of Multilink Hybrid Abutment HO 0. Then, the restoration is screwed onto the implant – in one piece. Finally, the screw channel is sealed with a composite (e.g. Tetric EvoCeram
) or a light-curing temporary restorative material (e.g. Telio CS Inlay / Onlay).
Telio CAD
Ti base
Telio CAD
Hybrid abutment
Ideally coordinated – Multilink® Hybrid Abutment HO 0
The auto-curing Multilink Hybrid Abutment composite cement together with SR Connect and Monobond the cementation of Telio CAD on adhesive bases made of titanium / titanium alloys. This allows – reliable adhesion due to high adhesion values; – easy handling due to the convenient Automix syringe.
Plus are used for
Telio CAD
Telio CAD are cross-linked PMMA blocks for the fabrication of long-term temporaries by means of the CAD/CAM technique. As a result of the industrial polymerization process, the blocks feature a high material homogeneity. Polymerization shrinkage or inhibition layers no longer have to be taken into consideration. Given the CAD/CAM fabrication, the temporary can be easily reproduced at any time. Stains and/or layering materials can be used to apply final esthetic optimizations.
Physical properties
Test method Specifications Example values
Flexural strength MPa EN ISO 10477 100 128
Flexural modulus MPa EN ISO 10477 2800 3041
Water absorption µg/mm3EN ISO 10477 40 22
Solubility µg/mm3EN ISO 10477 7.5 0
Ball indentation hardness MPa Internal method
(358N, 30s)
Ti base
Ti bases are used for the fabrication of Telio CAD Abutment Solutions. The suitable Ti bases are selected in accordance with the CAD/CAM system used. Please observe the instructions for use and processing of the respective manufacturer.
Further information about the authorized CAD/CAM systems is available on the Internet from
Fabrication of temporary restorations by means of CAD/CAM technology
– Use for permanent restorations – Bruxism – Failure to observe the requirements stipulated by the implant manufacturer for using the selected
implant type (diameter and length of the implant must be approved for the respective position in the
jaw by the implant manufacturer) – Failure to observe the permissible maximum and minimum Telio CAD layer thicknesses – Use of a luting composite other than Multilink Hybrid Abutment HO 0 for the cementation of Telio
CAD to the Ti base – Intraoral cementation of the Telio CAD structure to the Ti base – All uses not stated as indications are contraindicated.
Important processing restrictions
– Processing of the blocks with non-authorized CAD/CAM systems – Failure to observe the manufacturer's instructions regarding the processing of the Ti base
Side effects
If the patient is known to be allergic to any of the components, Telio CAD and the other materials necessary for the fabrication should not be used.
Telio CAD Components: Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), pigments
Multilink Hybrid Abutment HO 0 Components: Dimethacrylate, HEMA as well as fillers (barium glass, ytterbium trifluoride, spheroid
mixed oxide and titanium dioxide)
SR Connect Components: Methyl methacrylate, polymethyl methacrylate, dimethacrylates and initiators
– Do not inhale grinding dust. – SR Connect contains methyl methacrylate (MMA). MMA is highly flammable. Therefore, keep away
from sources of ignition and do not smoke. MMA is an irritant and is irritating to eyes, respiratory
organs and skin. Do not inhale vapours. – The safety notes on the individual primary packaging and labels have to be observed.
CAD/CAM partners
Telio CAD has to be processed with an authorized CAD/CAM system. For questions regarding the different CAD/CAM systems, please contact the respective cooperation partners. Further information is available on the Internet from www.ivoclarvivadent.com.
CAD Abutment Solutions
Fabricating a Telio CAD Hybrid Abutment Crown
Working Steps
healing phase
Shade determination,
CAD design
Hybrid abutment crown
Clinical try-in
Ivoclar Vivadent Products
Cervitec® Plus, Cervitec® Liquid
SR Nexco
, Virtual®
, Telio® Lab LC
CAD Abutment Solutions – Fabricating a Telio CAD Hybrid Abutment Crown
Cementation of
Ti base / Telio CAD A16
Screwing in the
hybrid abutment crown
the screw channel
Final check
Multilink® Hybrid Abutment HO 0
Tetric EvoCeram®, Tetric EvoFlow®,
Telio® CS Inlay, Heliomolar®,
Plus, SR Connect,
Telio Add-On Flow
Implant Care
Shade – tooth shade and abutment shade
For the Telio CAD hybrid abutment crown, the desired tooth shade results from the – shade of the Telio CAD A16 block; – the shade of Multilink Hybrid Abutment HO 0.
Preparation for the CAD/CAM process
For the fabrication of Telio CAD Abutment Solutions, the clinical situation is digitalized either by a direct intraoral scan or an indirect model scan, depending on the CAD/CAM system used. For notes regarding the scan, please observe the manufacturer's instructions of the CAD/CAM system.
Selecting a Ti base
The required Ti base is selected depending on the inserted implant and the CAD/CAM system used.
Layer thicknesses
Observing the geometry requirements of the Telio CAD structure is the key to success for a durable restoration. The more attention is given to the design, the better the final results and the clinical success will turn out to be.
The following basic guidelines have to be observed:
Hybrid abutment crown
> 1.5 mm
> 0.8 mm
CAD Abutment Solutions – Fabricating a Telio CAD Hybrid Abutment Crown
> 0.5 mm
Minimum thicknesses – occlusal: min. 1.5 mm – circular: min. 0.8 mm – Telio CAD A16 in the transition area to the Ti base rim: min. 0.5 mm
– The notes of the implant manufacturer regarding the maximum height of the hybrid abutment crown must be observed. – In the transition area to the Ti base rim, the minimum thickness is 0.5 mm, which has to be continuously increased to
0.8 mm.
Block selection
When using a Ti base from Sirona, the dimensions of the interface to the Ti Base (S or L) have to be observed.
Available tooth shades Telio CAD A16 block with S or L interface: LT A1, LT A2, LT A3, LT A3.5, LT B1, LT BL3
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