Intel 536EX User Manual

536EX Chipset
Developer’s Manual
January 2002
Order Number: 273584-002
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2 536EX Chipset Developer’s Manual
Intel Confidential
1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................7
1.1 Controllerless Modem Driver Overview................................................................................7
1.1.1 Windows* M ill ennium Edition (Windows Me), Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows NT* 47
1.1.2 Windows 95 and Windows 98..................................................................................8
1.2 V.90/V.92 and V.34 Data Modes... ................ .............................. ................. ........................9
1.3 Modem Connection Overvie w..................... ........................................... .............................10
1.4 AT Commands Overview....................................................................................................11
1.4.1 Se n din g Co mmands.. ... .............................. .............................. ................. ............12
1.4.2 AT Esca p e Sequen ce s..... .............................. ................ .............................. .........13
1.4.3 D i al Modifi e r.................. .... .............................. ................ .............................. .........13
2 AT Command Summary Tables....................................................................................................14
3 Data Mode AT COMMANDS.........................................................................................................26
3.1 Using AT Commands to Access the S-Registers [Sn?, Sn=x, ?]........................................26
3.2 Modem Responses and Comman d Echo [En , Vn, Xn, Wn, Qn]......... ... .............................26
3.3 Modem Reset and NVRAM Commands [DS=m, Zn, &F, &Vn, &Yn, &Wn, &Zn=x]...........28
3.4 Modem Identificatio n Commands [In, +F MI, +FMR, +F MM, +GMI, +GMM, +GMR, +GSN,
+FMFR?, +FMDL?, +FREV?].............................................................................................29
3.5 Establishing a Modem Connection [A, D, DS = n, S0]........................................................29
3.6 Online Command Mode [Escape Codes , On]........................ ................ .............................30
3.7 Hanging Up [Hn, S10, Zn, &D2]..........................................................................................30
3.8 Modem-to-Modem Connec ti o n Data Rates.............................. .............................. ............30
3.9 Diagnostic Testing [S18, &Tn]............................................................................................36
3.9.1 L oc al An alo g Loopb ac k [AT&T 1]... ... ................. .............................. ......................36
3.9.2 Local Analog Loopback With Self-Test [AT&T8]....................................................37
3.10 AT Escape Sequences .......................................................................................................38
3.10.1 Time-Independen t Esc ape Sequ en ce .......................................... ................ .........38
3.10.2 Hayes* Escape Sequence.............................. .............................. .........................40
4 Error Correctio n and Data Compre ssio n.. ........................................... .............................. ............56
5 Fax Class 1 AT Commands...........................................................................................................64
5.1 Fax Identity Commands......................................................................................................64
5.2 Fax Class 1 Commands .....................................................................................................64
6 IS-101 Voice Mode AT Commands...............................................................................................70
6.1 DTMF Detection Reporting.................................................................................................71
6.2 Relay Control......................................................................................................................71
7 S-Registers....................................................................................................................................85
8 Caller ID.........................................................................................................................................90
9 Parallel Host Interfa ce 16C45 0 /1 6C55 0A UART................ .... ........................................... ............92
9.1 UART Emulation in the Controllerless Modem...................................................................92
9.2 UART Register Definitions.................................................................................................. 95
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9.2.1 Scratch Register (SCR).........................................................................................95
9.2.2 Modem Status Register (MSR)..............................................................................95
9.2.3 Line Status Register (LSR).................................................................................... 9 6
9.2.4 Modem Control Register (MCR)............................................................................9 7
9.2.5 Line Control Register (LCR)..................................................................................97
9.2.6 FIFO Control Register (FCR)................................................................................. 9 8
9.2.7 Interrupt Identity Register (IIR)....................................... .............................. .........99
9.2.8 Interrupt Enable Register (IER) ...........................................................................100
9.2.9 Transmitter Holding Register (THR)....................................................................100
9.2.10 Receiver Buffer Register (RBR)...........................................................................101
9.2.11 Divisor Latch Registers (DLM and DLL)..............................................................101
9.3 16C550A UART FIFO Operation ......................................................................................102
9.3.1 FIFO Interrupt Mode Operati o n........ ... ................. .............................. .................102
9.3.2 FIFO Polled Mode Operation...............................................................................102
1 WDM Driver Block Diagram........ .............................. .............................. ......................................8
2 VxD Mini Port Driver Block Diagram.............................................................................................9
3 Example of a Remote Connection..............................................................................................27
4 Modem-on-Hold: Incoming Voice Call in Data Mode..................................................................32
5 Modem-on-Hold: Initiating a Voice Call in Data Mode................................................................33
6 Local Analog Loopback Test......................................................................................................3 7
7 Local Analog Loopback with Self-Test .......................................................................................3 7
8 T.30 HDLC Frame Format..........................................................................................................66
9 CLASS 1 DTE-Generated HDLC Frame Information (AT+FTH=<mod>)...................................6 6
10 CLASS 1 DTE Reception of HDLC Frame Information (AT+FRH=<mod>) ...............................66
11 UART Emulation in Intelsdb.VxD................................................................................................92
12 FIFO Buffers for Transmitter and Receiver ................................................................................93
13 Parallel Host Interface UART Register Bit Assignments............................................................94
14 Scratch Register (SCR)..............................................................................................................95
15 Modem Status Register (MSR)...................................................................................................95
16 Line Status Register (LSR).........................................................................................................9 6
17 Modem Control Register (MCR).................................................................................................97
18 Line Control Register (LCR).......................................................................................................9 7
19 FIFO Control Register (FCR)...................................................................................................... 9 8
20 Interrupt Identity Register (IIR)...................................................................................................9 9
21 Interrupt Enable Register (IER) ................................................................................................100
22 Transmitter Holding Register (THR).........................................................................................100
23 Receiver Buffer Register (RBR) ............................................................................................... 101
24 Divisor Latch Registers (DLM and DLL)...................................................................................101
4 536EX Chipset Developers Manual
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1 DTE-to-DCE Data Rates for Each Mode....................................................................................11
2 DCE-to-DCE Data Rates for Each Mode....................................................................................11
3 DCE-to-ISP Data Rates for V.90 Mode......................................................................................11
4 DTE-Modem Data Rate Response Codes... .............................. ............................................ .....12
5 Data Mode Command Summary................. .............................. ................. .............................. ..14
6 V.44/V.42/V.42 bis MNP Command Summary...........................................................................19
7 Fax Identity Command Summary...............................................................................................21
8 Fax Class 1 Command Summary...............................................................................................21
9 IS-101 Voice Command Summary.............................................................................................22
10 Voice DTEÆDCE Character Pairs..................... .............................. .............................. ............22
11 Voice DTE¨DCE Character Pair s........... ................ .............................. .............................. .........23
12 Dial Modifiers......................................... .............................. ................ .......................................24
13 S-Register Summary ..................................................................................................................24
14 Data Reporting Wn Mapping ......................................................................................................27
15 Product Identifica tion Inf ormat i on.................... ................ ................. .............................. ............29
16 Supported Modulation Types......................................................................................................35
17 Resulting Modem-to-Modem Connection Rates with Non-Default Values .................................36
18 Data Mode Command Description s............. ................. .............................. .............................. ..40
19 Operating Modes........................................................................................................................56
20 Resulting +ES Connection Types...............................................................................................57
21 V.44/V.42/V.42 bis and MNP Data Modem Command Descriptions ..........................................57
22 Fax Identity Command Descriptions...........................................................................................64
23 <mod> Selection Table ...............................................................................................................65
24 Fax Mode Command Descriptions ............................................................................................. 67
25 Voice Mode Command Descriptions ..........................................................................................71
26 S-Register Command Descriptions............................................................................................85
27 Caller ID Tags for Formatted Reporting......................................................................................90
28 Interrupt Control Functions.........................................................................................................99
29 Programmable Data Rates.......................................................................................................101
536EX Chipset Developers Manual 5
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Revision History
Date Revision Description
January 2002 002
August 2001 001 Initial release
Changed references to HaM Data Fax Voice to Intel 536EP V.92 Modem.
6 536EX Chipset Developers Manual
Intel Confidential

Introduction 1

This developer’s manual describes the software interface for Intel® 536EX (controllerless and controll e r) chipset solu tions. The controllerless-b a sed solutions include the 536EP for PCI and Mini-PCI. Re fer to the chipse t da tasheets for the detailed chipset descriptions (public order numbers 273503-001, 273xxx-001, 273 xxx-001, 273xxx-001, and 273xxx-001).
The controllerless-bas ed chi ps et, as the name implies, does not have a dedicated hardware controller . The control ler functi ons are execu ted by th e CPU. This deve loper’ s man ual inclu des the AT command sets for da ta, fax, and voice and the UAR T interface and emulation. Like the earlier solutions from Intel, the 536E X chipsets support a variety of applications without the need of additional firmware de velopment. Note, the supported AT commands are firmware or driver version dependent.

1.1 Controllerless Modem Driver Overview

1.1.1 Windows* Millennium Edition (Windows Me), Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows NT* 4

The controllerless modem chipsets are integrated into the Microsoft* Windows* Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows NT* 4 operating systems via proprieta ry Intel® Windows Driver Model (WDM) modem drivers. These driver s are fully plug and play capable and conform to all Microsoft WHQL certification requirements.
The funct i on a l blo c k di a g ra m in Figure 1 shows the common WDM architecture for the Microsof t’s operating systems supporting c ommon WDM drivers model.
User-mode applic ation, via special W indows API (FILE, T API, UNIMODEM), can access a virtual COM port prov ided by the Intel WDM driver. T he da ta flow is conver te d inside the driver in accordance with some compressio n and a channel level protocol and passed to the DSP. The control flow fo llows the common Micros oft WDM driver model. The Intel WDM driver is installed as a stack of filter dri ver s be low the system modem.sys driver.
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Figure 1. WDM Driver Block Dia g ram
User applications
virtual COM
Kernel - ring0
Modem drivers stack
WDM driver Intels51.sys
PCI bus

1.1.2 Windows 95 and Windows 98

When the controllerless modem chipsets are used with Microso ft Windows 95 and Windows 98 applications, the traditional UART and serial port emulations are replaced by the propri etary HaM Mini Port driver (see Figure 2). Instead of transferring commands to UART vir tual registers, then to a serial port, the HaM Port Driver sends commands directly to the Windows virtual machine driver VCOMM. VxD. This low-level communication driver supports the Win16 and Win32 Communication APIs. Like the WDM drivers, the Mini Port VxD drivers are fully plug and play and conform to Microsoft WHQL certification requirements.
8 536EX Chipset Developers Manual
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When the controllerle ss chipsets are used with MS-DOS* applications, however, a UART emulation is required. Intel provides an additional driver called Intelsdb.VxD, which includes a UAR T em ulation. Please refer to Section 9.1, “UAR T Em ulation in the Controllerless Modem” on
page 92 for an explanation of the 536EX UART emulation. The Intelsdb.VxD driver interacts
directly with the VCOMM.VxD dr iver using the Win16 and Win32 Communi c a tion APIs.
Figure 2. V xD Mini Port Driver B lock Dia gram
Unimodem COMM.DRV
HaM Port Driver
Interrupt Services
Chipset Hardware
Win 16

1.2 V.90/V.92 and V.34 Data Modes

The 536EX chipset defaults to the V.90 or V.92 mode depending on the driver version. The V.90/ V.92 mode allows receive data rates of up to 56,000 kbps over the PSTN (public switched telephon e network) only in connections with equipment-compatible ISPs (Internet Service Providers); howev e r, FCC regulations limit receive speeds to 53,333 kbps due to excessive power demands at higher speeds. In modem-to-modem connections, V.90/V.92 mode falls back to V.34 mode in both the transmit and receive directions. The chipsets implement all data rates and modulation schemes for ITU-T (International Telecommunications Union-Telecommunications) standards V.34, V.32 bis, V.32, V.22 bis, V.22, V.21, Bell 212A, and Bell 103.
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1.3 Modem Connection Overview

The DCE (modem) operates in one of two states: command or online. In each state, both data and commands (i nc luding DCE res ponses) are transferred through the UART THR (Transmit Holdi ng register) and the RBR (Receiver Buffer register).
The modem defaults to the command state. I n the command stat e, the DTE (host) communica tes to the modem through AT commands and S-registers. AT commands are character strings that help guide modem operation. S-r e gisters are internal modem registers that the DT E can access. The S­registers contain mode m st a t us and configuration information. Many of the AT commands indirectly affect the contents of the S-registers. The AT command set and S-registers are divided into the following modes: Group 3 fax, data, V.44/V.42 bis/V.42/MNP, and voice. Note that supported AT commands ar e fi rmwar e r evis io n-dep ende nt ( that is , not a ll comma nds are suppo rt ed by all modem models or all firm ware revisions).
All command lines sent to the modem , except for A/, must be preceded by an ‘AT’ (which stands for attention) and terminated by the contents of S-register S3 (typically a carriage return <CR>). The AT prompts the modem to receive a com man d line from the DTE. A <CR> informs the modem that the entire command string has been trans mitted and that the modem sho uld start processing all the commands wit hin the command line.
A command line may include one or more AT commands that may or may not be separate d by a space. AT commands may be either upper- or lower-case characters, but all characters for a given command must use the same cas e. If t here ar e mult iple co mmands in a li ne, a sem icolo n (;) must b e placed after each fax or voice command. The modem can be configured to send back (echo) to the DTE any data that the DTE sends to the mo dem (while in command state only). The last comm and may be repeated by typing A/ witho ut using a carriage return. Each command line may include up to 80 characters and spaces.
Examples of AT command strings:
ATS1?<CR> A/ AT &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=? <CR> AT &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=?; S0=1 <CR>
The modem provides status infor mat ion to the DTE in the form of response code s. These response codes can be expressed in text or numeric form. The support e d response codes are provided in
T a ble 4 on page 12.
Examples of mo de m responses:
+MCR: V90 +MRR: 28800 CONNECT 50666
In the online state, the DCE is off-hook and communicating with a remote modem. Any data sent from the DTE to the DCE is transmitted to the remote modem. Similarly, any data that the DCE receives from the remote modem is transmitted to the DTE.
Note: In the online state, the DCE does not ‘echo-back any of the data that the DTE sent to the DCE.
10 536EX Chipset Developers Manual
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The mode m rec ogn ize s AT comman ds f r om th e D TE at any val id data ra te f rom 30 0 bps t o 115,200 bps (that is, the modem autobau ds up to 115,200 bps); however, the DTE should use the data r a te specified for each mode according to the transmitting dir ectionDTE-to-modem (Table 1) or modem-to-modem (Table 2). The V.90 and V .92 data rates are effective only in DCE-to- IS P connections.

T able 1. DTE-to-DCE Data Rates for Each Mode

Mode Data Rate (bps) Affected Data
Data (V.34) 2400–115,200
Data (V.92) 28,800–115,200 Fax 19,200
Voice 19,200–115,200

Table 2. DCE-to-DCE Da ta Rates for Each M o d e

Mode Data Rate (bps) Affected Data
DTE-to-modem data rate Data (V.90) 28,800–115,200
AT commands, playback and record modes (varies according to compression type)
Data (V.34) (transmit and receive)
Fax 300–14,400 Voice 19,200–115,200

T able 3. DCE-to-ISP Data Rates for V.90 Mode

Mode Data Rate (bps) Affected Data
Data (V.90) transmit 4800–33,600 Data (V.90) receive 28,000–56,000 Data (V.92) transmit 24,000–48,000 Data (V.92) receive 28,000–56,000
Each comma nd ma y ha ve on e or mo re p aram et ers ass oci ated w ith it. If a pa ram eter is not se nt f or a command requiring a numeric parameter, then the mod em ass ume s a zero (‘0’) parameter (only if zero is a valid parameter for the command ). Fo r example, ATZ and ATZ0 commands perform identical functi ons (that is, the modem sees ‘ATZ and automatically uses the ‘0’ param e ter during processi ng the command). Other commands do not us e pa rameters.

1.4 AT Commands Overview

DTE-to-modem data rate
AT commands, playback and record modes (varies according to compression type)
ISP-to-modem data rate
The AT command set and S-registers are divided into fo ur categori es: data , Group 3 fax, voice, and V.42/MNP. Summaries of all commands are provided later on in this ch apter.
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1.4.1 Sending Commands

All command lines sent to the modem, except for A/, must be preceded by an ‘AT’ and terminated by the contents of S-register S3 (typically a carriage return <CR>). AT stands for ‘attention’ and prompts the modem to receive a command line from the DTE. A <CR> informs the modem that the entire command string has been transmitted and to begin processing all the commands in the command line. A command line can include one or more AT commands. The commands can be separated by a space, if desired, but no punctuation is needed except for extended commands. Extended commands begin with a ‘+’, such as fa x, voice, and V.250 commands. In a multiple­command line, extended AT commands must be separated from following commands by a semicolon(;).
ATS1?<CR> A/ AT &F &D2 +FCLASS=?<CR> AT +FCLASS=0; S0=1<CR>
The modem provides status information to the DTE in the form of response codes, as listed in
Table 4. Response codes take two (2) forms, text (ATV1) or numeric (ATV0), depending on how
the modem is confi gured.
Table 4 lists basic for mat response codes. These response codes have numeric equivalents that are
displayed depending on the value of ATV. In addition to th e ba sic format response codes, there are extended syntax result codes that in dicate connection status of the DCE-DCE connection that are not effected by numeric response rep orting. These result codes have no numeric equivalent and are always issued in text form. The res ult codes displ a y modem mode, transmit connection rate, error correction, compression, DTE rate, and receive rate. Note that the final connection message only indicates receive ra te i f ATXn is greater t han 0. The format for the re sult codes code de pends on the Wn command. The setting of the Wn command will determine which of the following connect results codes are disp layed ( +MCR, + MRR, +E R, + DR, +I LRR). Refe r to the Wn comm and for the detailed description of the command. Note that the supported carrier mo des for +MCR can be found in p arameter 1 of +MS. The last result code is the CONNECT <text>, where tex t is the DCE receive rate. Note, the CONNECT <text> is not displayed when ATX0 is indicated, just CONNECT is displayed and is reported by the rules in Table 4.
Table 4. DTE-Modem Da ta Rate Res po n s e Co d es
Numeric Text Numeric Text
After sending an AT command string to the modem, the DTE must wait for a response code from the modem befor e sending a new AT command strin g to the modem.
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1.4.2 AT Escape Sequences

The 536EX provides the industry-standard escape sequence, TIES (Time Independent Escape Sequence). TIE S is designed to work with existing communication software writt en for the Hayes Escape Sequence.
Upon special request, Ambient provides the Hayes* Escape Sequence; however, please note that licensing can be required.
TIES/Hayes * Escape Sequenc e s The 536EX modem c hipset is manufa c tured with TIES (Time Independent Escape Sequence) as
the default setti ng. It is Hayes position that you must have a valid license fr om Hayes Micro Computer of Norcross, Georgia, before producing modem systems that us e the Hayes Escape Sequence.
Intel accepts no responsibility and does not indemnify nor in any way pro vide protection for patent or possible patent violations to its customers or users of it products.

1.4.3 Dial Modifier

Command Function
0 to 9 Dialing digits A, B, C, D, *, # Tone dial characters P Pulse dial R Reverse Originate mode S=n Dial NVRAM telephone number T Tone dial W Wait for dial tone , Pause ! Flash hook @ Wait for quiet answer ; Return to command state
- ( ) Ignored by modem
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AT Command Summary Tables

AT Command Summary Tables 2

This section contains summary tables of all AT commands, S-regis ters, and bet ween AT commands and S-regis t e rs. These commands are fully described in the rel e va nt sections of the 536EX Developers Manual.
Table 5. Dat a Mode Comma nd Su mma ry
Note Command Function Default Range
** A/ Repeat last command none no
A Answer none no Cn Carrier control option 1 0, 1 no
C0 Transmit carrier always off C1 Normal transmit carrier
D Dial command none no
* En Command mode echo 1 0, 1 yes
E0 Disables echo E1 Enables echo
Hn Switch hook control 0 0, 1 no
H0 Hangs up the telephone line H1 Picks up the telephone line
In Identification/checksum option 0
I0 ROM Checksum I1 Modem Name I2 Manufacturer I3 Chipset I4 Firmware Version I5 Modem Chip Hardware Configuration I6 DSP Patch Level I12 Country Code I7–I11, I13,
I14, I20– I25
* Ln Speaker volume control 2 0–3yes
L0 Low speaker volume L1 Low speaker volume
L2 Medium speaker volume * Value saved in NVRAM. ** Command not preceded by an ‘AT.’
0–7, 10–11, 14, 20–23
by &Vn
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Table 5. Data Mode Command Summary (Continued)
AT Command Summary Tables
Note Command Function Default Range
L3 High speaker volume
* Mn Speaker control 1 0–3yes
M0 Speaker always off M1 Speaker on until carrier present M2 Speaker always on
On Go online 0 0, 1, 3 no
O0 Returns modem to Data mode O1
* P Select pulse dialing none yes * Qn Result code display control 0 0, 1 yes
Q0 Enables result codes Q1 Disables result codes
Sn Select an S-register none 0–33 no Sn=x Write to an S-register none
Sn? Read from an S-register none 0–33 no * T Select tone dialing none no * Vn Result code form 1 0, 1 yes
V0 Choose numeric form V1 Choose verbose (text) form
* Wn Response code data rate 0 0–4yes
W0, W1 DTE data rate W2 Modulation, DCE TX rate
* Value saved in NVRAM. ** Command not preceded by an ‘AT.’
Speaker off during dialing; speaker on until carrier present
Retrains equalizer and then returns to Data mode
Renegotiates rate and then returns to Data mode
n = 0–33 x = 0–255
Modulation, DCE TX rate, Error Correction, Compression and DTE data rate
Modulation, DCE TX rate, Error Correction, Compression
by &Vn
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AT Command Summary Tables
Table 5. Data Mode Command Summary (Continued)
Note Command Function Default Range
* Xn Result code type 4 0–4yes
* Yn Long space disconnect 0 0, 1 yes
Y0 Disables long space disconnect Y1 Enables long space disconnect
Zn Recall stored profile 0 0, 1 no
Z0 Resets modem and recalls user profile 0 Z1 Resets modem and recalls user profile 1
* &Cn DCD (data carrier detect) option 1 0, 1 yes
&C0 &C1 DCD set according to remote modem status
&Dn DTR (data terminal ready) option 2 0–3yes
&D0 In Async mode, modem ignores DTR
&F Load factory defaults none no
&G0 Disables guard tone &G1 Enables 550 Hz guard tone &G2 Enables 1800 Hz guard tone
&Kn Select serial flow control 3 0, 3, 4 yes * Value saved in NVRAM. ** Command not preceded by an ‘AT.’
Enables result c odes 0–4; disables detection of busy and dial tone
Enables result codes 0–5, 10, and above; disables busy and dial tone detection
Enables result codes 0–6 and 10 and above; disables busy detection and enables dial tone detection
Enables result codes 0–5, 7, and 10 and above; enables busy detection and disables dial tone detection
Enables result codes 0–7 and 10 and above; enables busy and dial tone detection
Ignores remote modem status; DCD always on
Modem switches from data mode to command mode when an on-to-off transiti on of DTR occurs
When DTR switches off, the modem goes on-hook and disables Auto-answer mode; when DTR switches on, auto-answer is enabled
Turning off DTR re- initializ es the modem and resets values except UART registers
Guard tone option (1200 bps and 2400 bps only)
by &Vn
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Table 5. Data Mode Command Summary (Continued)
AT Command Summary Tables
Note Command Function Default Range
&K0 Disables flow control &K3 Bidirectional hardware flow control &K4 XON/XOFF software flow control
* &Pn Dial pulse ratio 0 0, 1 yes
* &Sn DSR (data set ready) option 0 0, 1 yes
&S0 DSR is always active &S1
&Tn Self test commands 0 0–1, 8 no
&T0 Terminates test in progress &T1 Initiates local analog loopback
* &Un Disable Trellis coding 0 0, 1 no
&U0 Enables Trellis coding with QAM as fallback &U1 QAM modulation only
&Vn View active and stored profiles 0 0, 1, 3 no
&V0 View active profile and stored profile 0 &V1 View active profile and stored profile 1
&Wn Stored active profile 0 0, 1 no
&W0 Store in user profile 0 &W1 Store in user profile 1
* &Yn Select stored profile on power up 0 0, 1 yes
&Y0 Recall stored profile 0 on power-up &Y1 Recall stored profile 1 on power-up
* %En Auto-retrain control 1 0, 1 yes
%E0 Disables auto-retrain %E1 Enables auto-retrain
* %Gn Rate renegotiation 1 0, 1 yes
%G0 Disabled
%G1 Enabled * Value saved in NVRAM. ** Command not preceded by an ‘AT.’
Sets 10 pps pulse dial with 39%/61% make­break
Sets 10 pps pulse dial with 33%/67% make­break
DSR active only during handshaking and when carrier is lost
Store telephone number (up to 30 digits) to location ‘n’ (0–3)
n = 0–3 x = 0–9 A B C D # * T P R W @ , ! ;
by &Vn
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AT Command Summary Tables
Table 5. Data Mode Command Summary (Continued)
by &Vn
Note Command Function Default Range
* -Cn Generate data mode calling tone 0 0–2no
-C0 Calling tone disabled
-C1 1300 Hz calling tone enabled
-C2 V.8 calling tone and 1300 Hz calling tone +A8E=m V.8 and V.8 bis operation controls +EB Controls break handling 1, 0, 30 See note no
+ESA Synchronous access mode configuration +ESR Controls selective repeat option in V.42 1 0–2no
+ETBM Controls call termination buffer management 1, 1, 20 See note no +GCAP Request complete capabilities list none no +GCI Country of installation none no +GMI Identify modem manufacturer none no +GMM Identify product model none no +GMR Identify firmware version none no +GSN Identify product serial number ID none no +IFC Controls DTE-DCE flow control 2, 2 See note no +ILRR=m Controls local rate reporting 0 0, 1 no
m=0 Disabled
m=1 Enabled +MA Controls modulation automode See note no +MR=m Selects modulation 0 See note no
m=0 Disabled
m=1 Enabled +MS=m Modulation selections +PCW=m Call waiting enable 0 no
+PHSW=m Controls 2C relay none 0, 1 no +PIG=m PCM upstream ignore 1 no +PMH=m Modem on hold enable 0 no +PMHF V.92 modem on hold hook flash none no +PMHR Initiate modem on hold none no +PMHT=m Modem on hold timer 0 no +PQC=m V.92 phase 1 and phase 2 control 0 no +PSS=m Use short sequence 2 no
* Value saved in NVRAM. ** Command not preceded by an ‘AT.’
1, 1, C1, 0, 0
0, 0, 1, , 0, 0, 0,
V92, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0
See note no
See note
18 536EX Chipset Developers Manual
Intel Confidential
AT Command Summary Tables
a. For Data mode, the factory default setting is AT+MS=V92, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 to send at speeds of 33,600 bps or
below and receive at speeds of 53,333 bps and below.
Note: See the relevant sections in the 536EX Developers Manual for full command description and
parameter ranges.
T able 6. V.44/V.42/V.42 bis MNP Command Summary
Note Command Function Default Range
* %An Set auto-reliable fallback character 13 0–127 yes * %Cn MNP 5 data compression control 1 0, 1 yes
%C0 No compression %C1 Enables MNP5 data compression
* \An MNP block size 3 0–3yes
\A0 Maximum 64 characters \A1 Maximum 128 characters \A2 Maximum 192 characters \A3 Maximum 256 characters
\Bn Set transmit break 3 0–9
* \Cn Set auto-reliable buffer 0 0–2yes
\C0 No data buffering
Four-second buffer until 200 charact ers in the buffer or
detection of a SYN character No buffering. Connects non-V.42 modems to V.42
* \Gn Set modem port flow control 0 0, 1 yes
\G0 Disables port flow control \G1 Sets port flow control to XON/XOFF
* \Jn bps rate adjust control 0 0, 1 yes
\J0 Disables rate adjust \J1 Enables rate adjust
\Kn Set break control 5 0–5no
connect state, transmits
command state, transmits connect state, receives connect state, transmits
connect state, receives
* Value saved in NVRAM.
Enters command mode, no break sent
Destructive/expeditedcommand state, transmits
by &Vn
536EX Chipset Developers Manual 19
Intel Confidential
AT Command Summary Tables
Table 6. V.44/V.42/V.42 bis MNP Command Summary (Continued)
Note Command Function Default Range
connect state, transmits
command state, transmits connect state, receives connect state, transmits
connect state, receives
connect state, transmits
command state, transmits connect state, receives connect state, transmits
command state, transmits
connect state, receives * \T0 Disables inactivity timer 0 0–90 yes * \Xn Set XON/XOFF pass-through 0 0, 1 yes
\X0 Processes flow control characters
* -Jn Set V.42 detect phase 1 0, 1 yes
-J0 Disables the V.42 detect phase
-J1 Enables the V.42 detect phase
* Hn V.42 bis compression control 3 0–3yes
H0 Disables V.42 bis H1 Enables V.42 bis only when transmitting data H2 Enables V.42 bis only when receiving data
On V.42 bis string length 32 6250 no +DR=m Controls data compression reporting 0 0, 1 no
* +DS=m Controls V.42 bis data compression * Value saved in NVRAM.
Processes flow control characters and passes to local
or remote
Enables V.42 bis for both transmitting and receiving
m=0 Disabled m=1 Enabled
Enters command mode, no break sent
Nondestructive/expeditedcommand state, transmits
Enters command mode, no break sent
Nondestructive/ nonexpedited
Nondestructive/ nonexpedited
3, 0, 2048, 6
See note yes
by &Vn
20 536EX Chipset Developers Manual
Intel Confidential
AT Command Summary Tables
Table 6. V .44/V.42/V .42 bis MNP Command Summary (Continued)
Note Command Function Default Range
+DS44=m V.44 Data Compression
+EFCS +ER=m Controls error control reporting 0 0, 1 no
* +ES=m Error control selection 3, 0, 2 See note yes * Value saved in NVRAM.
Controls the 32-bit frame check sequence option in V.42
m=0 Disabled m=1 Enabled
Table 7. Fax Identity Command Summary
Command Function Default Range Reported by &Vn
+FMDL? Identifies product model none no +FMFR? Identifies modem manufacturer none no +FMI Identifies modem manufacturer none no +FMM Identifies product model none no +FMR Identifies product version number none no +FREV? Identifies product version number none no
by &Vn
3, 0, 0, 471, 942, 140, 140, 1884, 3768
Table 8. Fax Class 1 Command Summary
Command Function Default Range
+FCLASS=1 Mode selection 0 0, 1, 8 no +FRH=m Receive HDLC data none 3 no
+FRM=m Receive data none
+FRS=m Wait for silence none 1–255 no +FTH=m Transmit HDLC data none 3 no
+FTM=m Transmit data none +FTS=m Stop transmission and pause none 0–255 no
24, 48, 72, 73, 74, 96, 97, 98, 121, 122, 145, 146
24, 48, 72, 73, 74, 96, 97, 98, 121, 122, 145, 146
536EX Chipset Developers Manual 21
by &Vn
Intel Confidential
AT Command Summary Tables
Table 9. IS-101 Voice Command Summary
Command Function Default Range Reported by &Vn
+FCLASS=8 Voice mode selection 0 0, 1, 8 no +FLO=m Flow Control Select 1 0–2 no +VBT=m Buffer threshold setting 192, 320 192, 320 no +VCID=m Caller ID selection 0* 0 –2no
+VDR=m Distinctive Ring selection 0,0
+VEM=m Event reporting and masking
+VGM=m Speakerphone microphone gain 128 121–131 no +VGR=m Receive gain selection 128 121–131 no +VGS=m Speakerphone speaker gain 128 121–131 no +VGT=m Volume selection 128 121–131 no +VIP Initialize parameter ––no +VIT=m DTE/DCE inactivity timer 0 0–255 no +VLS=m Hardware type control 0 0–15 no +VNH=m Automatic hang-up control 0 0–2no +VRA=m Ringback-goes-away timer 50 0–50 no +VRN=m Ringback-never-appeared timer 10 0–255 no +VRX Record mode none no +VSD=m Silence detection (quiet and silence) 128, 50 See note no +VSM=m Compression method selection 140, 8000, 0, 0 See note no +VSP=m Speakerphone on/off control 0 0, 1 no #VSPS=m Speakerphone type selection 1 0, 1 no +VTD=m Beep tone duration timer 100 5–255 no +VTS=m DTMF and tone generation none See note no +VTX Play mode none no * The noted parameters, commands, and responses depend on the capability to receive.
C BB860980 BFE63883 BB863EE0
0–255, 0–255
Note: See the complete command descr iption in the 536EX Developers Manual for rang e inf o rma t i on .
Table 10. Voi ce DTEDCE Character Pairs
Response Hex Code Function
<NUL> 00 Do nothing <DLE> 10 Two contiguous <DLE><DLE> codes indicate a single <DLE> in the data stream <SUB> 1A <DLE><DLE> in data stream <ETX> 03 End transmit data state / 2F Start of DTMF tone shielding
22 536EX Chipset Developers Manual
Intel Confidential
Table 10 . Voice DTE DCE Character Pairs (Continued)
Response Hex Code Function
<DEL> 7F DTMF transition to off u 75 Bump up the volume d 64 Bump down the volume <ESC> 1B End receive data state ! 21 Receive data abort <CAN> 18 Clear transmit buffer of voice data ? 3F Transmit buffer space available query
Table 11 . Voice DTEDCE Character Pairs
Response Hex Code Function
<DLE> 10 Single <DLE> character in the data stream <SUB> 1A <DLE><DLE> in data stream <ETX> 3 End of Record mode data X 58 Packet header for ‘Complex Event Detection Report’ . 2E Packet terminator for the ‘Complex Event Detection Report’ / 2F Start of DTMF tone shielding <DEL> 7F DTMF transition to off 0–930–39 DTMF tones 0–9 A–D41–44 DTMF tones A–D * 2A DTMF tone * # 23 DTMF tone # o 6F Receive buffer overrun c 63 1100 Hz fax calling tone e 65 1300 Hz data calling tone h 68 Local phone goes on hook H 48 Local phone goes off hook s 73 Presumed hang-up silence time-out q 71 Presumed end-of-message quiet time-out I 6C Loop current interruption L 4C Loop current polarity reversal r 72 Ringback b 62 Busy/reorder/fast busy d 64 Dial tone detected u 75 Transmit buffer under-run p 70 Line voltage increase (extension phone goes on-hook) P 50 Line voltage decrease (extension phone goes off-hook) a 61 Fax or data answer tone (2100 Hz)
AT Command Summary Tables
536EX Chipset Developers Manual 23
Intel Confidential
AT Command Summary Tables
Table 11. Voice DTEDCE Character Pairs (Continued)
Response Hex Code Function
f 66 Data answer detected (2225 Hz) R 52 Incoming ring % (,) 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 Manufacturer-specified
Table 12. Dial Modifiers
Command Function
0 to 9 Dialing digits A, B, C, D, *, # Tone dial characters P Pulse dial R Reverse Originate mode S=n Dial NVRAM telephone number T Tone dial W Wait for dial tone , Pause ! Flash hook @ Wait for quiet answer ; Return to command state
- ( ) Ignored by modem
Table 13. S-Regist er S u m mary
Note Register Functio n Default Range Units Reported by &Vn
* S0 No. of rings to auto-answer on 0 0–255 ring yes
S1 Ring count 0 0–255 ring yes
* S2 Escape character 43 0–127 ASCII yes
S3 Carriage return character 13 0–127 ASCII yes S4 Line feed character 10 0–127 ASCII yes
S5 Backspace character 8 0–32, 127 ASCII yes * S6 Wait before dialing 2 2–255 second yes * S7 Wait for carrier 60 1–255 second yes * S8 Pause time for dial modifier 2 0–255 second yes * S9 Carrier recovery time 6 1–255 0.1 second yes * S10 Lost carrier hang up delay 14 1–255 0.1 second yes * S11 DTMF dialing speed 70 50–255 ms yes * S12 Guard Time 50 0–255 (0.02 second) yes * S14 Bit-mapped options 138 –– no * Value saved in NVRAM.
24 536EX Chipset Developers Manual
Intel Confidential
Table 13. S-Register Summary (Contin ued)
Note Register Function Default Range Units Reported by &Vn
S16 Modem test options 0 –– no * S18 Modem test timer 0 0–255 second yes * S21 Bit-mapped options 48 –– no * S22 Bit-mapped options 118 –– no * S25 Detect DTR change 5 0–255 0.01 second yes * S30 Disconnect inactivity timer 0 0–255 minute yes * S33 Sleep mode timer 10 0–90 second yes * Value saved in NVRAM.
AT Command Summary Tables
536EX Chipset Developers Manual 25
Intel Confidential


The 536EX chipsets implement:
Standa rd Hayes*-comp a tible AT commands and S-regis ters in data mode
Stand a rd EIA/TIA-578 AT commands in Class 1 fax mode
Additional AT command sets for error correction, data compr es sion and voice mode
In data mode, the AT commands configure the DCE (modem) to establish a connecti on with a remote data modem. In data mode, the 536EX chipsets execute the AT commands for error correctio n (MNP 2-4, V.42) and data compression (MNP 5, V.42 bis) descr ibe d in Table 21 on
page 57, as well as the fax and voice mode commands AT+FCLASS=1 (fax) and AT+FCLASS=8

3.1 Using AT Commands to Access the S-Registers [Sn?, Sn=x, ?]

The DTE can access the S-registers through the ATSn?, ATSn=x, and ? commands. For example, to configure the modem to automatically answer a data modem call after two rings, type ATS0=2.
ATS0=2 Configures S-register S0 to ‘2’ ATS0? Reads the contents of S-register S0 ATS0= Configures S-register S0 to ‘0’ AT? Reads the contents of the last accessed (read or write) S-register

3.2 Modem Responses and Command Echo [En, Vn, Xn, Wn, Qn]

The ATEn command configures the DCE to send back to the DTE any data that the DTE sent to the DCE while in comm and mode. The ATVn command sets the DCE respons e codes to eit her tex t or numeric form. For example, upon successfull y processing an AT command string, the DCE sends an ‘OK’ (text) or a ‘0’ (numeric) to the DTE.
Modem Setup
Echo, Numeric (E1, V0) AT<CR> AT<CR>0<CR>
Echo, Text (E1, V1) AT<CR> AT<CR><CR><LF> OK<CR><LF>
ATS0?<CR> ATS0?<CR>000<CR><LF>0<CR>
ATS0?<CR> ATS0?<CR><CR><LF>000<CR><LF><CR>
Modem Response
26 536EX Chipset Developers Manual
Intel Confidential
Modem Setup
No Echo, Numeric (E0, V0) AT<CR> 0<CR>
No Echo, Text (E0, V1) AT<CR> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>
The DCE can be configures to use different response codes depending on th e V.250 command that is enabled (AT+MR, AT+ER, AT+DR, and AT+ILRR). Alternatively, the ATWn command can be used to set these V.250 commands. The mapping for the ATWn command to V.250 commands is shown in Table 14. The setting for the ATXn command (page 43) can affect which ATWn response codes are reported to the DCE. The ATXn command configures the modem c a ll progress detection and reporting requirement s during dialing (for example, dial tone and busy tone detection). The ATQn command selects whether the modem se nds result codes t o the DTE.

Table 14. Data Reporting Wn Mapping

W0 Disable Disable Disable Disable W2 Disable D isable Enable Enable W3 Enable Enable Enable Enable W4 Enable Enable Enable Disable
ATS0?<CR> 000<CR><LF>0<CR>
ATS0?<CR> <CR><LF>000<CR><LF><CR><LF>OK
Modem Response
For example, a connection is established with the remote modem as shown below (with LAPM error correction and V.42 bis da ta compression). The telephone line (or modem-to-modem connection) data rate is 33,600 bps and the local UART (DTE-to-modem) connection rate is 115,200 bps.

Figure 3. Example of a Remote Connection

Interfac e
(115,200 bps)
The modem then sends the CONNECT messages for the following four Wn commands:
ILRR: 115200 CONNECT 50666
+MCR: V90 +MRR: 28800 CONNECT 50666
(33,600 bps)
536EX Chipset Developers Manual 27
Intel Confidential
+MCR: V90 +MRR: 28800 +ER: LAPM +DR: V42B +ILRR: 115200 CONNECT 50666
+MCR: V90 +MRR: 28800 +ER: LAPM +DR: V42B CONNECT 50666

3.3 Modem Reset and NVRAM Commands [DS=m, Zn, &F, &Vn, &Yn, &Wn, &Zn=x]

On powering-up, the DCE defaults to the configuration speci fied in NVRAM. The DCE may th en be configured as needed. The DTE stores the DCE configurat ion in the NVRAM by f irst settin g up the current configuration and then sending an AT&Wn command. The DCE configuration stored in the NVRAM is called a user profile . Two independent us e r profile configu rations and four telephone numbers can be stored. Either user profile configuration can be used for the power-up defaults (AT&Yn). While in command mode, the DCE can be re-initialized at any time and the user profile c hanged using the ATZn command. To configure the modem to fact ory defaults, t he AT&F command is used. A summary of the active user profile, two NVRAM user profiles, and previously-saved tele phone numbers can be read from the modem using the view command, AT&Vn. The AT&Zn=x command stor e s one of four telephone numbers in the NVRAM. To dial these telephone numbers, use the ATDS=m command.
If the active profile is not stored in one of the two user pr ofiles af ter set ting up the modem, then the current settings are lost when the commands ATZ or AT&F are issued or when the modem is powered down.
ATZ Resets and then configures the modem to NVRAM user profile 0. AT&F S0=1 &W1 &F configures the modem for facto ry defaults.
S0=1 configures the modem to answer after one ring. &W1 saves the active configuration to user profile 1. &Y1 configures the modem to use NVRAM user profile 1 as the
power-up defaults.
AT&Z2 = 9, Stores a telephone number into the NVRAM as phone number 2 , w hich (408)444-5555 can be re-dialed later using ATDS=2.
28 536EX Chipset Developers Manual
Intel Confidential
3.4 Modem Identification Commands [In, +FMI, +FMR, +FMM, +GMI, +GMM, +GMR, +GSN, +FMFR?, +FMDL?, +FREV?]
The modem provides product identification AT commands that help determine the modem’s manufac t urer, m ode l number, and product re vision. To provide flexibility with older software application programs, the modem supports several co mm a nds that can be us e d to request a single item of identification (such as a modem mode l num ber). Table 15 lists the commands used to obtain product information (all identification comma nds are usable in data, fax, or voice mode).
Table 15. Product Identification Information
AT Commands
Product Information ATIn Command Data Mode Class 1 Fax Mode Legacy Modems
ATI1 Causes the modem to send the modems name to the DTE. Intel 536EP Respon se to the m o de m na me reques t .
V.92 Modem

3.5 Establishing a Modem Connection [A, D, DS = n, S0]

Data mode provi des seve ral met hod s for es tab lishi ng a conn ec ti on with a remote m odem. For ea ch modem, a connection can be init iated manually or automatically in both answer and originate modes. A manual-to- manual connection is useful when both modems (that are on-hook) are connected to an off-hoo k telephone line. For example, if two people are talking on the telephone, they can man ua l ly establish a mo de m connection without first hanging up. When establishing a manual connection, one mo dem must b e des ignated as the originating modem and the oth er as the answering modem. Manual originate mode is initiated by sending a n ATD to the DCE. Manual answer mode is accomplished by sending an ATA to the DCE.
Automatic originate mode is initiated by sending an ATD <telephone number & dial modifiers> or ATDS=m to the DCE. Automatic-answer mode is accomplished by setting S-register S0 to a non-zero va lue. S1 keeps track of how many ring signals are detected. If the content of S0 is non- zero and the num ber of r ing signa l s (as define d by S0) ar e detected (that is, S1 = S0), then the DCE goes off- hook and attempts to conne ct to the remote modem (with the following exceptions):
The time period between th e ring signals is greater than 8 seconds, which causes the S1
counter to rese t and thus never re a ch the value for S0.
Caller ID is enabled and S0=1, the modem an swers on the second ring signal instead of the
first ring signal. This happens because Calle r ID puts a signal on t he telephone line between the first and second ring signal.
536EX Chipset Developers Manual 29
Intel Confidential
ATDT 9,444-5555 Automatical ly dials the telephone nu mber with DTMF tones. After
dialing a ‘9’, the comma (,) causes the modem to pa use two seconds before d i a l ing the rest of the te lephone numbe r.
modem 1: ATD; When establishing a manual-to- manual connection, the designated modem 2: ATA originating modem should receive the ATD command from its DTE
just before the designa ted answering modem receives the ATA command from its DTE. It is important that the time between the ATD and ATA commands is less than 2 seconds.
AT-C1DT 123 Causes the modem to dial the telephone number 123 and immediately
start sending a data calling tone. Calling tone can then be detected by the remote voice mail system. After detecting the calling tone, the remote system can change to data mode and start the data mo dem connection handshake.

3.6 Online Command Mode [Escape Codes, On]

After establishing a connection with a remote modem, the DTE sends the appropriate escape sequence to the DCE, which causes the DCE to enter the online command mode. The online command mode is used to send AT commands to the DCE while the DCE is still connected to the remote modem. The supported e scape sequences a re described in Section 3.10, AT Escape
Sequences on page 38. To re-enter the online data mode, use the ATOn command .
1 second +++ Hayes Escape Sequence. Guard times (in which the DTE does not send 1 second data to the DCE) of 1 second are needed before and after the three
escape characters ‘+’.
+++AT<CR> TIES (Time Independent Escape Sequence). ATO Causes the modem to re-e nter online data mode.

3.7 H anging Up [Hn, S10, Zn, &D2]

A modem connec tion termina te s when the modem hangs up or when the remote modem transmit carrier is off longer than the duration specified in S-register S10. To hang up, the DTE ty pically sends an escape code sequence that causes the DCE to enter online command mode. Upon receiving a n ‘OK’ message, the DTE sends either ATH or ATZn to the DCE. When the AT&D2 command is used, the modem goes on- hook (hangs up) afte r an on-to-of f transition of the DTR occurs.
Note: The ATZn command causes the DCE to hang up and re-in itia lize itse lf to the user profil e specif ied
by ‘n’.

3.8 Modem-to-Modem Connection Data Rates

The data rates differ for each data mode selected. The 536EX chipsets either default to V.90 or V.92 mode depending on the driver version. For non-ISP connections, the chipsets f a ll back to V.34 mode. The modem defaults to whatever mode is is su ed by the +MS=m command (see the supported modulation types on Table16 on page 35).
30 536EX Chipset Developers Manual
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+ 74 hidden pages